Posted by Wandering Star - [RP Thread] - NON CANNON

Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-04-15 14:13:14

The ram, the bull, the heavenly twins,
And next the crab, the lion shines,
The virgin and the scales,
The scorpion, archer, and the goat,
The man who holds the watering-pot,
And fish with glittering scales.

the_seventh_house_by_spi_ritual_ity-d4nuPicture Source
These are the signs of the zodiac by order of house and age,
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces

But what if there was another, One who had been cast away by their fellow Zodiac? Ophiuchus. The thirteenth house and ruler of Pluto, a planet that had been denied its place just as Ophiuchus was. he seeks revenge now. 2,500 years after his banishment he is returning to destroy those who have wronged him. The only question is, will it play out like this? Would he be welcomed back into the system, will a fellow Zodiac betray there own and join Ophiuchus's side? Or will Ophiuchus kill the 12 Zodiacs? Only time will tell....

1. Follow all Lioden rules!
2. No being rude. Hate the character, not the player.
3. You control only your character, remember that.
4. Don't force interactions.
5. Be as detailed as you can! This goes for the rp and for the cs.
6. As per Lioden rules, keep it PG-13. Fade to black or take it out of the rp forums if you want to do something inappropriate. Cursing is allowed, just limit yourself.
7. Can't stress this enough, don't be rude!!! I've had so many bad rp experiences its not even funny.
8. This is LGBTQ+ friendly, if you are not, I suggest you leave.
9. Posts in RP should be an average of one paragraph or more.
10. Start posts in rp with Name |Zodiac Symbol | Location | Interaction

This RP will take place in a small town in the mountains of Colorado surrounded by woods and lake.

Important Links
Sign Up Thread
Zodiac House
Nico X Dakota Art
Darius X Casey Art

Important Info

Aries rules Mars
Taurus & Libra rule Venus
Gemini & Virgo rule Mercury
Cancer rules The Moon
Leo rules The Sun
Scorpio rules Pluto
Sagittarius rules Jupiter
Capricorn rules Saturn
Aquarius rules Uranus
Pisces rules Neptune.

~House Order and Age~
Aries - 1st House - Eldest
Taurus - 2nd House - 2nd Eldest
Gemini - 3rd House - 3rd Eldest
Cancer - 4th House - 4th Eldest
Leo - 5th House - 5th Eldest
Virgo - 6th House - 6th Eldest
Libra - 7th house - 7th Eldest
Scorpio - 8th House - 8th Eldest
Sagittarius - 9th House - 9th Eldest
Capricorn - 10th House - 10th Eldest
Aquarius - 11th House - 11th Eldest
Pisces - 12th House - Youngest
Ophiuchus - 13th House - Age Unknown [Forgotten]

~Sign Elements~
Water Signs
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and Ophiuchus

Fire Signs
Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

Air Signs
Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini

Earth Signs
Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo

♈Aries - Lillian Grey - Lillian - (#99727)

♉ Taurus - Dakota Silver - Direwisp - (#98474)

♊Gemini - Kambana Ihany - Kitty - (#101096)

♋Cancer -Casey Cordel - KyaTessa - (#103028)

♌Leo - Darius Albescu - Nicholas [Hard Mode] - (#30151)

♍Virgo - Millicent Devon - MaskedCritters - (#99062)

♎Libra - Meline - Shadowcliff - (#109597)

♏Scorpio - Catherine O’Connell - Lynnea - (#103076)

♐Sagittarius - Alistair West - c o u r a g e - (#96417) )

♑Capricorn - Luka Marinus - HearMeRoar - (#27573)

♒Aquarius - Remmey - DeoxyHelix - (#103052)

♓Pisces - Nico O'Connor - ♓ Keeekeeey ♓ - (#64639)

⛎Ophiuchus - Jaxton Snake - The Joker Wolf - (#93618)

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 25/04/17 @ 15:14:59 by Direwisp (#98474)

Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-04-16 03:53:08
Dakota | ♉ | House | Mentions: ♋Casey, ♌Darius,

Finishing up what was left to make Dakota pulled out three plates and set them on the table before speaking " Sorry for cutting in earlier but I'm starving, so go take whatever just dont make a mess when taking the food or whatever ok?" Dakota said as she grabbed some forks from a drawer and put them on the plates before spinning around to grab 2 mugs for Darius and Casey before grabbing her tea that had been seeping from the start and mixing some sugar into it before setting int next to her plate before grabbing some food (mostly just eggs and ham with some bacon.) She then sat down before suddenly springing up again with and exclamation of "Toast! That's what I forgot!" Before rushing to make some. A second latter Toast was sitting on a plate on the table and Dakota was eating her food like her life depended on it. Eventually she looked up and spoke " So you guys want to tell me what happened where you were during our unplanned visit here?"

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Edited on 16/04/17 @ 11:10:23 by Direwisp (#98474)

KyaTessa (#103028)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-04-16 03:57:27
Casey | ♋ | House | ♉ Dakota, ♌ Darius

Casey stared off into the thin air as he listened to the clattering of pans and whirling of the coffee machine. The sound reminded him that he’d need to get some water or tea later, but not until he had something in his system to keep him moving. He watched Dakota move, his brownish-grey eyes watching her every step. It confused and amazed him how fast she could move. One minute, she was watching the bacon. The next minute, she was fiddling with the coffee. The minute after that, she was back to the pancakes. Was that just how fast she could move? It surely didn’t have to do with her zodiac, right?

Compared to her, Casey was slow moving, preferring to take his time to perfect things. Just like the ocean, he liked to move with the flow, taking a path of least resistance when it was offered. That wasn’t to say he did it all the time. He did have his stubborn streaks, but nowhere near as much as she did. And even with his docile and quiet nature, he was no pushover. He didn’t like to be angry, but when he was, he was a force to be reckoned with.

Turning his attention away from the cooking woman, Casey glanced over to Darius, who had joined him at the table. Right now, the man had his eyes closed, making him look like he had fallen asleep again. His hair was a mess; he’d need to brush it at some point if he wanted to look somewhat presentable. Was that a line of drool on his cheek? Casey had to stop himself from chuckling, instead choosing to let out a quiet sigh. He'd answer Dakota in a minute, after he addressed what was on his mind. Reaching over with his free hand, he tapped Darius’s shoulder. “Hey, you got some drool on your cheek.”

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LittleAntler [BLM] (#30151)

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Posted on
2017-04-16 04:05:18
Darius | ♌ | House | ♋, ♉

Darius's eyes peeled open as Dakota spoke, and he opened his mouth to answer her when Casey pointed out his messy face. A small blush rose to his cheeks as he quickly rubbed off the thin line with his forearm, coughing softly into it to hide his embarrassment. He didn't care so much about his outward appearance, but even he had standards. He wasn't about to look like a COMPLETE slob in front of the other Zodiac.

"I was watching over Africa," he replied to Dakota, giving one last rub at his cheek before carefully grasping the handle of the coffee mug that had been provided to him. "Because, y'know, lions. They're cool." His voice was soft, almost sad-sounding, although the expression on his face made it rather obvious that he was not sad, only slightly bored and tired.

"I saw a white lion, it was pretty," he added, shrugging his shoulders before taking a sip of his coffee, not seeming to mind taking his coffee black. "I took a picture of her. Thankfully it was still on me when we were sent here. I would've been pissed." The Leo reached into his pocket for a moment before remembering that he had left the photo on his dresser. He seemed to realize this and merely shrugged his shoulders, not excited enough to jump up and race to get it. "I'll show you later. It's too early."

He then proceeded to pile food onto his plate, although he was certainly careful to leave plenty for others. He was hungry, he couldn't help it.

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KyaTessa (#103028)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-04-16 04:14:58
Casey | ♋ | House | ♉ Dakota, ♌ Darius

Casey smiled slightly as Darius wiped his cheek and talked about what he had been doing. Africa sounded nice. He personally hadn't spent much time watching it, though. His preference was somewhere else. Nodding to show he was listening, he took another bite of his apple and swallowed before speaking.

"Sounds cool, Darius. I was watching the coastlines of Florida. And the ships. I wanted to see what they were doing in and to the oceans." He paused for a minute. "I spent a lot of time at the beach... watching the whales, sharks and dolphins migrate. And sketching them. I did a lot of that too. It's really calming, watching the waves go to and fro without a care in the world. Kind of like how we used to." He paused for a moment, staring down at his hands as if he were remembering something. He missed the sea breeze, the feel of the sand beneath his feet and the sun on his skin. After a moment he shrugged. "Doesn't really beat seeing a white lion though."

Following Darius's movements, he too grabbed a plate, but didn't pile it up with nearly as much food as the Leo did. In fact, all he grabbed was a pancake, two strips of bacon, and another piece of fruit. He never really did eat much unless the others insisted. "What about you, Dakota?"

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-04-16 04:29:54
Dakota | ♉ | House | Mentions: ♋Casey, ♌Darius,

"Makes sense for you to be there. I spent my time in North America checking each of the city's whilst looking for a place for us to stay, obviously I chose here since most of our elements are around. You've got water for Cancer, Scorpio,
and Pisces"
Dakota started, a small blush creeping up her neck on Pisces before she continued, " Clean air for Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini, plenty of nature for Capricorn, Virgo and I which in turn helps Aries, Leo, Sagittarius since the clean air and nature around here would help with creating a fire. Like I said, all of our elements are provided and its remote enough to where if a full blow fight were to brake out the whole world wont know, only a few locals who seem crazy to be living this far into the mountains." Dakota said as she idly sipped her tea proudly showing how much thought she had put into picking a location.

((I forgot to mention that the signs are associated with elements until Deoxy reminded me with there post about Aquarius going to the lake. the signs elements are above but i'll put them here as well as up top:

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and Ophiuchus
Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
Air Signs: Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini
Earth Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo

Thats all of them ))

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LittleAntler [BLM] (#30151)

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Posted on
2017-04-16 04:46:36
Darius | ♌ | House | ♋, ♉

Darius listened politely as Casey spoke, though at the mention of beaches, he seemed to perk up a little. He loved beaches and coastline, just watching the sand roll out for miles and miles, like tendrils of the land reaching out for the sea. It was beautiful. That, and Darius had a soft spot for certain little sand-dwelling creatures. Such things embarrassed him greatly, given they weren't at all associated with his element, but he couldn't help himself.

"Did you see any hermit crabs?" he muttered, scarred left brow raising slightly in question. "I like those. Pretty neat how they scurry into those little shells."

He paused as something... Changed in Casey's tone. The way he stared down at his hands worried the Leo, his brow beginning to knit together. Hesitantly, he lifted his hand to gently pat the other on the shoulder, but seemed to decide against it as he simply turned the hand to grasp his fork. He began to eat breakfast, although a slightly concerned glance would move over to the Cancer occasionally.

As Dakota brought up mention of a fight, Darius looked at her in confusion, and a little bit of irritation. Being the middle child, he didn't know too much about the '13th Zodiac' that was talked about in whispered tones, nor did he quite understand it. He especially didn't like talking about fighting people he didn't even know - After all, who else could she possibly be talking about. The Leo opened his mouth to say something sharp to show his disapproval, but instead he just grumpily shoveled food into his mouth. No use arguing with his elders, after all.

"Thanks, Dakota," he said instead, his voice a mumble as he swallowed down a mouthful of hearty food. It was surprising how much the almost scrawny boy could shovel down. "I don't mind the nature, actually. I'd prefer it didn't go up in a blaze." His joke was delivered so deadpan that he wasn't sure if anyone would recognize it as a joke, so he decided to add onto it. "Uhh... Insert a lion pun or something here, I don't know."

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KyaTessa (#103028)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-04-16 04:56:34
Casey | ♋ | House | ♉ Dakota, ♌ Darius

Casey looked up to Dakota, nodding as she detailed the house and its surroundings. He was appreciative of the lake, more than he could possibly let her know. “It means a lot, thanks, Dakota. You really put a lot of thought into this for everyone’s enjoyment and safety.” He did frown at the mention of a fight. He didn’t like to think about it, nor the 13th Zodiac. Personally, he would have liked it if they could have all lived in peace, but with the fact that they were pulled from their planets so suddenly, that seemed to be nothing more than a washed-out dream.

Darius’s question made him turn back to him. Hermit crabs? He remembered seeing a lot of them on the beach and he couldn’t count how many hours he has spent watching them scurry or rest in their shells. He opened his mouth to answer, but the joke that the Leo spoke caught him off guard. For a moment, he had a surprised look on his face. Then he closed his eyes, snickered, and laughed softly. It was a rare moment for anyone to see. “Up in a blaze? That’s a good one. And yeah, I saw a lot of hermit crabs. People keep them as pets there, take good care of them too. I had one at one point.”

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♓ Keeekeeey ♓ (#64639)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-04-16 05:14:53
Nico| ♓ |Lake| mentions: ♒ Remy, Jaxton (indirectly)
Pieces floated, her eyes closed, her hair working it's way free of her it's braids. She loved it here, in the water. Not necessarily on Earth. She listened as the inky blackness covering her like a blanket, pulling her downwards and whispering lullaby's in her ears. Pieces' chest began to ache. She promptly ignored it, willing the darkness to transport her back home, back where the air didn't feel funny when she breathed and the wind would play songs for you. Earth had none of that. Earth was boring.
This was boring, Pieces decided.
Running around, trying to find the thirth sign...whatever their name was. Why were they the outcast again? Pieces rummaged around in her mind for a second, the pain in her chest deepening. Grunting, Pieces gave up. She couldn't remember why, she figured she'd ask Leo or someone when she found them. Or more accurately, whenever she would get out of the lake., thinking, of the lake, Pieces felt her smile falter for a second. What if the other's met up and couldn't find her because she was in here, and not on the...the...oh what was it called? Dirt? Worm? No, no, she was sure that was the fluffy creature human's allowed in their homes because it gave them food? Pieces still hadn't figured Earth out. Mainly because she didn't care. None of the stuff here is grounded in reality, the humans are truly stupid, but they are quite wonder-GROUND! That was the word! Pieces smiled to herself. She remembered a thing! In celebration, Pieces did her little happy dance, stretching her limbs as far as they could go and shaking them-this was something Pieces did when she first got here, she had to say, it felt funny due to the 'gravity' here-but as she reached out her left hand, a scaly creature shot by. Pieces froze. her leg twitched as another creature swam by.
Pieces screamed, or at lest, she would've if she had been on her beloved Neptune. Instead, H2O rushed in her open food-hole, and wormed it's way into her breathing-holes. Pieces chest, which before was at a dull burn, swelled untill Pieces felt as if her flesh-prison was on fire. Opening her lookstubs wasn't any better. Pieces saw hundreds, maybe thousands of..of...SCALY THINGS surrounding her. Pieces practically clawed at the water try to as she tried to escape the scaly creatures. The creatures didn't seem to like this, as most rushed away with a unusual grace, leaving Pieces alone in the darkness that had once seemed so welcoming.
Pieces kicked her limbs, trying desperately to move upwards. Her vision blurred, darkening on the edges. Pieces felt panic flood her like the water had. She closed her eyes, ignoring the beckoning darkness as she weakly clawed upwards.
Suddenly, her hand hit something cold, something that wasn't water. Pieces used her failing limbs to hurl herself towards it. Her head broke free of the water, Pieces' eyes leaking as she fought the overwhelming urge to cough. The young adult found herself hacking up water while she struggled to keep her head out of the water, and away from the creatures that had laid claim to her precious darkness.
Pieces opened an eye, wincing at the sting that was born as she did so. She spotted a person not to far away from her. Pieces grunted, not trusting this air to not flood her mouth as the water had, and started pushing her body to where the person was, hoping the vaguely familiar person would help. Or at the very least, scare off the scaly beasts.

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DeoxyHelix (#103052)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-04-16 06:03:14
Remy ~ ♒ ~ Lake ~Mentions: ♓

She was lying on her back, basking in the sun. It was peaceful, and she was liable to fall asleep. Well, she was before she heard splashing. It spunded close to her, so she scanned the area. A sideways smile planted itself onto her face as she saw a very familiar constellation.

She swam over to Pisces and held her by the shoulders. It looked like she was having trouble, which struck Remy as odd for obvious reasons. Her smile stayed present as she ask what was wrong. "Are you okay?" Just as she said that, she caught a glimpse of silver scales in the water. The fish were bigger than she thought.

(Rushed. Family is coming over for Easter)

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♓ Keeekeeey ♓ (#64639)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-04-16 06:30:32
Nico| ♓ |Lake| mentions: ♒ Remy

Pieces felt like crying. Both when she was lifted by a person, and when she realized the 'person' was actually a constellation, and a familiar one at that.
" 'quarius!" Pieces cheered, lifting her arms as if she were to embrace the elder sign in a hug. "Oh thank goodness! I was afraid the creatures were gonna get me!"
Pieces lowered her arms, as they began to ache more and more. "This planet is so weird! I don't like it at all!" she pouted, kicking her legs in protest even though there wasn't a thing either constellation could do about their predicament.

((No worries! Have fun!))

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Edited on 16/04/17 @ 13:30:47 by ♓ Keeekeeey ♓ (#64639)

Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2017-04-16 06:33:25
Rean Namin | ♐Sagittarius | House | Mentions: ♉ Dakota, ♌ Darius, and ♋Casey

Rean walked in the house more or less dripping wet, his hair was dripping water and his shirt was sticking to his skinny frame. The silver haired male went to the nearest bathroom and shook himself out not really bothering with anything else, he tugged his shirt off and tossed it into the shower walking back out to the others rubbing his head with a towel to get out the water "Hey guys" he said barely looking up from the ground as he rubbed the back of his head

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Edited on 16/04/17 @ 13:35:55 by 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)

The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-04-16 06:35:57

Jaxton Snake | Male | 20 | ⛎| Location: Outside of Zodiac's home | Mentions: Remy & Nico (indirectly)

He blinked, suprised at what was happening. He had inched closer as he saw one of the zodiacs nearly drowned in the nearby lake. He had to admit, he would have helped, but since he was the outcast everyone was against him. So he had no other choice but to be against them too. Maybe I can make an appearence? I don't recognize those that means they shouldn't recognize me...maybe they are newer zodiacs? the thoughts swirled in his mind as he kept a close eye on both zodiacs that were in the lake.

He felt the snake move around his neck slightly as it turned it's head towards Jax and flickered it's tongue. Maybe it was concerned about Jaxton's thoughts, Jaxton faced the snake whispering softly to the snake so he wouldn't be heard. " Everything is fine. Don't worry about me Ruby. " Turning his head and his attention back to the girls he finally decided he would just make his way over there but not be seen by them. He jumped from the branch that held him. He made his way slowly towards the Lake, still hidden by the thick shrubs that invade the forest.

When he was at a fair distance his raised his head from the bush, noticing that the first girl was assisting the one that nearly drowned. He turned his head back to Ruby, " If they see me I want you to distract them so I can get away ok?" he spoke in a soft voice to the snake. The she-snake responded with a tongue flicker on Jax's cheek. Jaxton nodded in appreciation. He continued to observe the girls from a far, not really looking for anything special but had been curious and suspicious at the same time.

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LittleAntler [BLM] (#30151)

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Posted on
2017-04-16 07:22:53
Darius | ♌ | House | ♋, ♉, ♉

Darius couldn't help but crack a small smile at how Casey laughed at his, admittedly shitty, joke. The smile was ever-so-tiny, but they way his scar wrinkled in it betrayed everything. He let out a quick breath through his nose, somewhere between a sigh and a laugh, before Casey replied to his comment about the hermit crabs. Darius lazily cut into his pancakes with a butter knife as he looked at the Cancer through the corner of his eye, the small smile remaining as Casey spoke of hermit crabs. "Maybe Dakota will get you another one. She's pretty much the team mom," he snorted, though he didn't mean it maliciously. Considering she had set everything up here, well... She kinda was.

Darius shoved a bite of pancakes into his mouth, but nearly choked on it when he saw Rean walk in without a shirt. That was... Unexpected, to say the least. He said nothing, but gave a grunt of greeting to the Sagittarius before returning to his food. Anyway. "After breakfast, I think I'm gonna go work out," he sighed, leaning his elbow onto the table once more. Looking at Rean's scrawny frame reminded him that he needed to stay in something that resembled shape. "That punching bag in my room is calling to me."

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HearMeRoar (#27573)

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Posted on
2017-04-16 07:27:12
Luka Marinus | ♑ | Trees | Mentions Directly: ⛎ Jaxton | Mentions Indirectly: ♓ Nico and ♒ Remy

He was watching everything going on, just leaning back and relaxing with his watch ticking every so often. The more he watched the Zodiacs interact, the less he wanted to go to the house. He found his interests brushing over the lake where one of them nearly drowned. His attention was caught by the man who jumped from the trees, gaining his attention immediately. His eyes narrowed and he let out a gruff sound as he realized just who is was. "Took you long enough," he muttered with a shake of his head. Luka pressed himself off of the tree and began to walk along the edge of the woods towards where the man was lurking behind the shrubs.

Luka continued walking until he was nearby the man who was just watching the girls. "If you wanted to watch girls in a lake then you've come to the wrong place," he said calmly. His hand moved up and he looked at his watch again. "You are very late, you know that? Six damn months I've been trapped on this pathetic planet and you've only decided to show up now?" His voice was void of most emotion other than a bit of irritation for being on Earth. He couldn't handle having to stifle himself into a human lifestyle just to get by.

He pushed his hands into his pockets once more, knowing he was probably going to scare Ophiuchus.

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Edited on 16/04/17 @ 14:28:06 by HearMeRoar (#27573)

Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2017-04-16 07:39:14
Rean Namin | ♐Sagittarius | House | Mentions: ♉ Dakota, ♌ Darius, and ♋Casey

Rean looked at Darius unamused "Should I be offended?" he pouted dropping down into one of the chairs "I'm quite happy with not having abs thank you very much, some of us can look attractive without them" he rolled his eyes looking at Dakota and Casey "Whats everyone's plan's today? and were is everyone else?"

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