Posted by Wandering Star - [RP Thread] - NON CANNON

Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-04-15 14:13:14

The ram, the bull, the heavenly twins,
And next the crab, the lion shines,
The virgin and the scales,
The scorpion, archer, and the goat,
The man who holds the watering-pot,
And fish with glittering scales.

the_seventh_house_by_spi_ritual_ity-d4nuPicture Source
These are the signs of the zodiac by order of house and age,
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces

But what if there was another, One who had been cast away by their fellow Zodiac? Ophiuchus. The thirteenth house and ruler of Pluto, a planet that had been denied its place just as Ophiuchus was. he seeks revenge now. 2,500 years after his banishment he is returning to destroy those who have wronged him. The only question is, will it play out like this? Would he be welcomed back into the system, will a fellow Zodiac betray there own and join Ophiuchus's side? Or will Ophiuchus kill the 12 Zodiacs? Only time will tell....

1. Follow all Lioden rules!
2. No being rude. Hate the character, not the player.
3. You control only your character, remember that.
4. Don't force interactions.
5. Be as detailed as you can! This goes for the rp and for the cs.
6. As per Lioden rules, keep it PG-13. Fade to black or take it out of the rp forums if you want to do something inappropriate. Cursing is allowed, just limit yourself.
7. Can't stress this enough, don't be rude!!! I've had so many bad rp experiences its not even funny.
8. This is LGBTQ+ friendly, if you are not, I suggest you leave.
9. Posts in RP should be an average of one paragraph or more.
10. Start posts in rp with Name |Zodiac Symbol | Location | Interaction

This RP will take place in a small town in the mountains of Colorado surrounded by woods and lake.

Important Links
Sign Up Thread
Zodiac House
Nico X Dakota Art
Darius X Casey Art

Important Info

Aries rules Mars
Taurus & Libra rule Venus
Gemini & Virgo rule Mercury
Cancer rules The Moon
Leo rules The Sun
Scorpio rules Pluto
Sagittarius rules Jupiter
Capricorn rules Saturn
Aquarius rules Uranus
Pisces rules Neptune.

~House Order and Age~
Aries - 1st House - Eldest
Taurus - 2nd House - 2nd Eldest
Gemini - 3rd House - 3rd Eldest
Cancer - 4th House - 4th Eldest
Leo - 5th House - 5th Eldest
Virgo - 6th House - 6th Eldest
Libra - 7th house - 7th Eldest
Scorpio - 8th House - 8th Eldest
Sagittarius - 9th House - 9th Eldest
Capricorn - 10th House - 10th Eldest
Aquarius - 11th House - 11th Eldest
Pisces - 12th House - Youngest
Ophiuchus - 13th House - Age Unknown [Forgotten]

~Sign Elements~
Water Signs
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and Ophiuchus

Fire Signs
Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

Air Signs
Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini

Earth Signs
Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo

♈Aries - Lillian Grey - Lillian - (#99727)

♉ Taurus - Dakota Silver - Direwisp - (#98474)

♊Gemini - Kambana Ihany - Kitty - (#101096)

♋Cancer -Casey Cordel - KyaTessa - (#103028)

♌Leo - Darius Albescu - Nicholas [Hard Mode] - (#30151)

♍Virgo - Millicent Devon - MaskedCritters - (#99062)

♎Libra - Meline - Shadowcliff - (#109597)

♏Scorpio - Catherine O’Connell - Lynnea - (#103076)

♐Sagittarius - Alistair West - c o u r a g e - (#96417) )

♑Capricorn - Luka Marinus - HearMeRoar - (#27573)

♒Aquarius - Remmey - DeoxyHelix - (#103052)

♓Pisces - Nico O'Connor - ♓ Keeekeeey ♓ - (#64639)

⛎Ophiuchus - Jaxton Snake - The Joker Wolf - (#93618)

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 25/04/17 @ 15:14:59 by Direwisp (#98474)

♓ Keeekeeey ♓ (#64639)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-04-16 11:02:23
Nico| ♓ |Lake| mentions: ♒ Remy (directly), ♑Luka (indirectly)

"H-hey wait! Don't leave me here with these monsters!" Pieces cried, quickly swimming over to the shore where Remy now stood, hesitating as she came upon the ground. For a split second, the girl wanted to stay in the water, with these fish monsters Remy had spoken of.
It was more like home.
And unlike home, she was alone. Pieces planted her hands on the ground, and pushed upwards with a little bit more strength than she need to, or had. Ungracefully flopping on her stomach, the soaked girl peered up from behind her wet,almost sticky bangs. A shock of excitement coursed through her as she saw short black hair, and hear a familiar condescending tone. Capricorn ? Curious, the girl gathered her wits and stood, quickly parting the branches so she could see.
"... okay to see you again, Remy" The Pieces heard, before Capricorn turned and began to walk away.
"Oh. OK, bye then, Capricorn ?" She mumbled, giving the retreating man a small wave.
She turned to Aquarius, noting how she where she placed her hand on her arm. Trying to be reassuring, Pieces lightly touched the fellow constellations hand.
"Aquarius? You ok?"

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LittleAntler [BLM] (#30151)

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Posted on
2017-04-16 11:28:59
Darius | ♌ | Basement | ♉, ♊

Darius merely squinted in irritation at the light glare from Dakota, but he didn't say a word to speak up against her. He would, however, fum quietly to himself as he slipped out the door with the grace of a cat who had been royally ticked off. What, was he not allowed to say hi? Jeez.

The Leo sighed as he stepped onto the cobblestone path, the gentle roundness of the rocks and brick feeling nice on his bare feet. He shut the door softly behind him, surprisingly soft, considering his irritation and pent-up frustrations at the moment. He attempted to let the feeling of the earth beneath his feet warm him from within, but it just wasn't working. He let out a soft, irritated groan before he continued on, his feet hitting the grass. The soft, springy greenery felt nicer beneath his feet than the bumpy cobble, but it still wasn't enough to settle is nerves.

No, that would have to be reserved for the unfortunate punching bags and whatever else was in there that Darius could punch until the anger had melted out of him, pooling in his feet instead of his head and heart, freeing him and letting him breathe without feeling some sort of nagging frustration in the back of his head, some problem he'd let go unsolved.

His feet met with wood that creaked beneath his weight, and he took the broad steps two at a time. He rapidly undid the metal latch that would give him access to the gym, slid inside, and rapidly closed the thing behind him.

He was enveloped in darkness now. It was as freeing as it was suffocating.

Darius's hand groped the wall until he found the light, switching it on with his index finger. The hallway illuminated, leading down a cement staircase. Even down here, Dakota seemed to have kept it spick-and-span - He could've sworn that the steps glittered like marble, though he didn't really take the time to appreciate it. He blinked his golden eyes a few time to adjust them to the light before he set off down the stairs.

When he entered the gym, it seemed like a body builder's paradise. However, Darius wasn't here to get obscenely shredded, he was here to vent away the nagging feeling in his chest.

The boy made a beeline towards a bench against a wall, throwing his duffel down on the ground in front of him right before he sat down. He leaned against the wall, which was faintly padded like those of a high school weight room, possibly to avoid injury if someone decided to get into a brief boxing match for training. He lifted his hand and patted it gently, testing the give. Yeah, it was decent.

Opening his bag, Darius pulled out two rolls of black hand-wraps. He set them beside him on the dull brown bench before he began to undress into his work-out wear.

This work-out wear was namely a lack of shirt and a pair of baggy grey sweatpants, along with a pair of plain white socks and tennis shoes. He slung the black shirt off of him and tossed it on top of the duffel bag before he shed his skinny jeans, trading them in for the freeing sweats. He pulled on his socks, then his shoes. Then, he began to wrap his hands with an acquired skill, his free hand rapidly wrapping the wraps around the other with surprising dexterity. Had he put this much research into writing with both hands, he could have easily been ambidextrous if he'd wanted.

Darius sighed to himself, sitting on the bench for a moment and staring at his hands, flexing his fingers experimentally. The handwraps were tight enough to prevent the bones in his hands from getting injured by the force of his punches.

Satisfied, Darius rose, his slender, scarred body flexing gently as he stretched. His golden eyes focused on a punching dummy from across the room.

Since no one was there, Darius charged at it like a half-starved lion, something akin to a primal roar echoing from the depths of his chest. His feet landed heavily against the padded floor, making loud thudding sounds. His fist made contact with the 'belly' of the dummy with a satisfying 'fwump.' The first punch was merely the first of many.

His blood boiled like fire, his eyes containing an inexplicable rage as he battered the dummy with everything he had. His fingers seemed to ignore the sting that was brought by each furious throw, only seeming to clench tighter into a fist. His jaw was clenched, every single contact with the dummy making him grunt or growl in anger, the reason unknowable to any of the other Zodiac.

Darius knew why he was upset. Oh, he knew. None of his fellow Zodiac could possibly understand. They could never understand what had happened to him, what he'd been through. They'd say that it was his fault, getting involved with mortals. They'd likely spit the word so it felt like acid melting his skin, seeping into his flesh and transfiguring his form into that of some misshapen demon. They'd say it was his fault. He'd earn no sympathy from them.

So he didn't bother. He never so much as hinted as to what had happened. All they were left with was his strange, mysterious shift in personality, but even then they'd never questioned it. He figured that they may have thought he'd matured, grown a bit more realistic, less idealistic and optimistic.

They'd be right, though they would never know what had prompted such a jump in maturity.

The thought of their callousness forced his fist harder into the dummy, another angered shout escaping him. Sweat began to bead down his body, slicking down the hair that made contact with his forehead.

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DeoxyHelix (#103052)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-04-16 12:48:40
Remy ~ ♒ ~ Woods ~ Mentions: ♓ (Directly)

She didn't back off when he stepped closer, but she did flinch. Her mismatchedgaze fell on Luka as he walked off. She was startled at Pisces' approach, jumping once more. "Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm fine!" That signature smile poofed onto her pale face again. She stoped holding her arm and turned to face the other constellation. She was about to say something else, but her stomach rumbled, interrupting her rudely. "Well, I skipped breakfast for a swim. I might go back and grab something to eat, not to mention change." For a moment there, she forgot her clothes were sopping wet.

The air was just cold enough to give her goosebumps, and she shivered when a breeze blew past her. "Wanna come with?" She forgot how much she liked Pisces. The youngest tend to stick together, at least in her experience.

( i seriously forgot that she just got out of a frickin lake )

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♓ Keeekeeey ♓ (#64639)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-04-16 13:14:15
Nico| ♓ |woods| mentions: ♒ Remy (directly)

Pieces smiled, nodding her head tiredly. Yes, yes. Warmth. Food. Those were things she could get behind. Pieces did pause and notice her sister's slight shiver and tugged off her jacket, handing it to Remy.
"Don't worry about Capricorn, I'm sure he just wants to get to his home, " She sighed, running a hand through her wet hair, grumbling when her hand got stuck in it, "and honestly, I don't blame him. This planet sucks." She smiled again, yanking her hand free of it's hairy prison. To try and lighten the mood, the soaked girl stuck her tongue out momentarily. She than sighed, looking around.
"Alright, which way to the...." She paused, the word alluding her. "place." Yeah. That word works.

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HearMeRoar (#27573)

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Posted on
2017-04-16 13:28:12
Luka Marinus | ♑ | Zodiac Home | Mentions: Whoever is nearby the door

He walked forward until he reached the door, shoving it open and wincing at the slight squeak it made. He didn't want to talk, hated it so badly. All he wanted was some peace and quiet and his home. He wanted the feeling of yet another dangerous, toxic storm swirling around him. Luka wanted it to engulf him and leave him feeling thrilled and somehow even more content with where he was at. Yet, he didn't have his home and instead he was stuck with those who he didn't communicate with for a reason.

His hand at his side twitched as the watch ticked and he reeled in his own emotions. Immediately, he seemed far more collected and eerily emotionless. He knew that if the others saw him they would have two different sets of reactions. However, the one reaction he hadn't had for awhile came from someone who was supposed to be his enemy. Of course, that didn't mean anything to Luka, who despised letting his guard down and trying to become someone's "friend". After all, did he have to admit to such a feeling? Surely they would understand when he treated them slightly better and more openly listened to their opinion before agreeing or shutting them down that he was trying? No, he doubted they did. Besides, the shift was so subtle that no one noticed and if they hit too many of his nerves all at once, he would push them out of the spot they had earned without a second glance. That was because he wasn't going to let emotions rule him. He was smart and he could handle things on his own.

If only they would allow him to handle things on his own, like finding a place to stay.

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DeoxyHelix (#103052)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-04-17 01:03:07
Remy ~ ♒ ~ Lake ~Mentions: ♓ (Direct), ♑ (Indirect, briefly)

She waved Pisces towards the house as she began to walk. It was a little ways away, but nothing extreme. A few minutes at most. The woods were starting to get a little chilly, so she started walking a bit faster. The front door squeaked and she guessed Mr. Spooky Luka had already made it inside. She made a mental note to avoid him for as long as possible. She didn't like feeling scared, especially not around people she wanted to have a decent relationship with, at least.

She got to the front steps and walked up them, her sandals slapped against the wood loudly. Little drops of water sprinkled down onto the ground, and then the floor, as she went inside. The door squeaked again, but she didn't mind. She walked briskly past Luka and up the stairs to her room.

The room was guarded by a white door with a silver doorknob. Inside the room, the walls were painted light blue and covered in posters. Most of them consisted of sea life, but there was a cork board next to her window with a collage of various other animals on it. If one were to look, they would see the animals of the Zodiac pinned up.

She quickly got changed into her seemingly endless supply of tank tops and shorts, this time the tank was dark blue instead of black, the shorts were dark grey. She walked back downstairs, into the kitchen, and started rummaging around the fridge for some fruit or something.

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♓ Keeekeeey ♓ (#64639)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-04-17 01:32:41
Nico| ♓ |woods than house| mentions: ♒ Remy & ♑ Luka (directly)

Pieces followed Remy to the house, letting her fingers run behind her on the wood plants. She didn't like the feel of them, but she figured it was better to get to know the feeling of this place more. If Remy knew what these 'fishes' were, than maybe Earth had something worth learning about? She wasn't sure, but she was bored. So why not?
Once inside the house, Pieces actually stopped to face Luka, eyeing him carefully. Cocking her head to the side, much like a dog, Pieces sighed, frowning slightly. It was colder in the house then it had been outside, maybe she should follow Remy up to a...contanment area for humans? Nah, more important to see how Luka was doing, right?
"So...How are you doing?" She sighed, testing the water with her elder brother. Pieces let her eyes wonder around the house,taking everything in.

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HearMeRoar (#27573)

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Posted on
2017-04-17 02:21:47
Luka Marinus | ♑ | Zodiac Home | Mentions: ♒ Remy (Indirectly), ♓ Nico (Directly)

He watched as Remy briskly walked past, knowing that he probably scared her. He didn't mind the fact and instead, focused on who followed her. The girl, so small in size that he had to bend his head down, was looking at him. Luka raised his eyebrows just watching her after she asked her question. "I hate it here and find that there is nothing that could possibly change my mind," he responded, his voice lacking much of anything and just the same monotone emptiness as he usually tried to achieve. His fingers tapped at his thigh, knowing that the other Zodiacs were always cautious with him. At least, the ones who weren't brain-dead were.

Luka walked closer to Pisces and clucked his tongue. "You'll get sick that way, you idiot," he muttered. He took off his suit jacket, and then slung it over her shoulders, knowing she was soaking and knowing that she needed to find her room to change into something. At least his jacket would keep her tiny body a little bit warm. The movement was efficient and lacked emotion as well and he stepped back in just his white button up. He rolled up his sleeves and motioned for her to go up the stairs. "Go on now," he told her.

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-04-17 04:59:44

Jaxton Snake | Male | 20 | ⛎| Location: Woods --> Abandon guest house | Mentions: Zodiacs in general (Indirectly)(open)

Jaxton sighed in boredom. I'm just wasting my time. It seems like almost all the zodiacs are inside. he thought. Giving the Zodics' home a second glance, he grabbed a hold of Ruby. Returning the she-snake to her rightful place amongst Jaxton's neck. With one small heave he launched himself off the branch, landing on the ground with a graceful step. " Let's go home Ruby. " he spoke to his snake. The man walked east of the Zodiacs home. You may be asking, " Jaxton has a home? ". Yes indeed he does. Jaxton made himself a home in a abandon guest home that is found on the east side of the Zodiacs home within the forest.

It seemed to have been abandon for many years, and Jaxton knew it was dormant since he hasn't seen one zodiac in the area of it. The zodiacs must have not known that there even was a guest house that was on the same property as their home, it must have been forgotten. It was a bit run down, but it still managed to run with a few or no problems. After a long walk, Jaxton had made it to his somewhat small home. The outside was littered with plants that were growing along the walls, the only thing that wasn't covered in leaves was the door, and that was because Jaxton ripped them off in order for him to enter the eerie building.

The door did have a lock, but Jaxton had managed to pick the lock a long time ago and now had been an expert in opening the door, as if Jaxton had made his own personal key to it. Once Jaxton got inside he was greeted by a dimly lit living room. The lights and water seem to work well, since it is on the same property as the zodiacs' home, it would still be connected to the same water and electricity source. The small guest home was furnished, but seemed to be in a moderate condition rather than excellent, but Jaxton was not bothered by it. He merely made himself home as he layed on the nearby couch but not before setting Ruby loose so she may roam. She was like his guard dog, alarming him if anything was intending to find out where he was.

((Ooc:@Dire, I'm hoping that the idea of there being an abandon guest home that Jaxton uses is ok. ))

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-04-17 05:07:00
Dakota | ♉ | House | Mentions: ♊ Joel, ♓ Nico, ♑Luka, ♒Remy

If one looked closely at Dakota they would see a bull with flaring nostrils, a bull with anger residing inside them that wouldn't attack but would damn well show it was displeased be it with heavy and loud footsteps, a piercing glare, or just a grunt that pushed air out her nose being her answer to anything. She wouldn't say anything, she would just quietly fume for a while. It takes a lot to anger Taurus to the point of snapping after all and if that point is close to being reached she is most likely to just go and beat on something, be it the punching bag in the gym or tree outside (which has happened, she sprained her wrist after repetitively hitting a tree in anger during her first 3 months back on earth before just breaking down in angry tears, she had always been the type of person who cries when they are angry, quite embarrassing if you asked her and didn't receive a punch to the gut) Nether the less she was annoyed. She had just cleaned the house before everyone had arrived and its already been ruined! First person to come had tracked mud into the house but at least they cleaned it up! She has a specific no shoes rule and then here come remy sopping wet, muddy shoes, and no head to the mess she was making, The path to the bedrooms and door was covered in mud and droplets of water. Luka left the door open so any warm air that was left in the house is gone he's gotten mud all over the front of the door (at least he didn't track it all over the place like remy did) but was it really they hard to wipe off your feet?? Or just take your damn shoes off?!? Dakota was in no way a clean freak, but she hated unnecessary work. and if having people take off there shoes and wipe off the mud on the door mat would prevent her from having to clean the entire house again (it wasn't exactly spic and span when she bought it and it wasn't like she could hire a cleaning company this far into the mountains) then she would be fine with that. She can understand if you dropped a pen or something but didn't notice but dont get dirt everywhere! She quickly turned to Joel and gave her directions to her room " Just go up the stairs to the left and you should see 12 doors lined up, 6 on each wall with Aries being the first on the right and Pisces first on the left. Should be easy to find your room since they all have our respective symbol etched into the doors in silver and the order follows our age order so your is third down on the right. I need to deal with something first, though i can take the bags real quick, because, and no offence, but i dont think you could get the up a flight of stairs very easily considering they were dragging before hand. Oh and we are also having a meeting in the living room when everyone is here to talk about him... " Dakota said before grabbing the bags that had been sitting on the ground only to run up the stairs, set them outside the door and run back down only to head towards Luka and Nico? When did she get here? Shaking her head she slowed her gait so she wasn't sprinting towards them and was only jogging before coming to a stop. "Hey nice to see you and all but one you need to close the door your letting the heat out. Two no shoes in the house so wipe them off so you dont make the same mistake Aquarius did, which she will pay for mind you and Three we are having a meeting as soon as everyone is here, the only people who i know wont come is Aries and Scorpio since they said before hand they would be late pretty sure you already know what about or rather who its going to be about. Foods already in the kitchen, pretty sure Cancer put it away in the fridge so you guys can grab some of that if you want just dont make a mess, took me a week to clean this place of all the dust and i'm not having another mess be in here okay?" Dakota said quickly throwing as much information as possible to the younger Zodiacs of whats been planed and the one rule of the house that she has: Don't make a mess.

((That's fine joker cant have him sleeping int he forest now can we? ))

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-04-17 07:29:10
((ooc: lol trueee ))

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Shadowcliff (#109597)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-04-17 08:39:35
Meline -Libra(♎) - Woods/lake - Mentions:All,♉ Dakota
Meline was walking before and it stung,which probably was why she was so late. Then, she stopped and thought for a while and thought running would be easier so, she started running with that thought, and thought about why she liked running she liked the feeling of running cause it always made her feel alive and active of course! As she was running the wind was blowing her blonde hair a little bit to the side, so it wasn't in the way of her turquoise eyes anymore and while she was running she was thinking about what the other's and what they were doing! Which,made her slow down a bit and then she was also thinking about how to explain to them that she was some late,she stopped running and looked around the woods were plain kinda with lots of tall trees and a nice lake view! She stopped to watch the lake move in and out and breathed for a little while,after all she thought she has came a long way,and she forgot how beautiful the earth was! After so many years, and was excited but also a little home sick for the planet venus she ruled with Dakota(aka Taurus). She missed the brightness and longer rotation period of there planet so longer days and longer nights and brightness cause she remembers how bright it was,and that which made it more beautiful. But, still she thought the earth was pretty nice as well then, she got a good idea or at least to her it was a good idea. That good idea was to text the group to find out where everybody was or doing. She sent the text right away, still at the lake waiting for any replies, she sat down while she was waiting, her hair went in her face in front of her lips and her turquoise eyes and she blew her hair out of the way,and almost dipped her feet in the water but, as see was about to she started, to remember what the water felt like sometimes cold and then warmer but, she knew why that was and then she dipped her feet in the water now sorta bored. She looked at her reflection,and after that she just focused on herself and the ring of her phone, for any replies.

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Edited on 17/04/17 @ 15:40:37 by Shadowcliff (#109597)

LittleAntler [BLM] (#30151)

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Posted on
2017-04-17 08:51:53
Darius | ♌ | Basement Gym | Open

By the time Darius had exhausted his meager energy, he noticed red liquid staining the dummy's body.

Darius heaved deep, shaky breaths, tears streaking down his face, as did sweat, his hands held clenched and bleeding at his hips. His elbows were slightly bowed, as if ready to strike forward with the anger of a viper, though after a few more moments of staring the bloody dummy, they fell limp, letting his hands hang, unclenched, by his thighs. His head hang with it.

The Leo slowly looked to his knuckles, which had become bloody from his relentless punches. His expression was not surprised, although it was annoyed, almost saddened by the sight. This seemed to be routine, as he slowly strode over to his duffel and sat on the bench, beginning to unfurl his handwraps and replace them with bandages. His golden eyes seemed dull as he stared at the off-white fabric. Just as hand-wrapping looking like it had become practice, this had, too. It wasn't something he ever did with realizing. He didn't mean to wail on something until his knuckles bled, but it... It just happened. He got lost in his anger, got lost in all of his pent-up aggression and sadness... He just had to let loose. Sometimes, that meant some bloody knuckles.

They'd heal shortly. He'd disinfect them later.

"This shit again," he mumbled, lifting his wrist to wipe at his eyes.

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KyaTessa (#103028)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-04-17 08:56:49
Casey | ♋ | House | ♐ Rean (indirectly), open

With the food placed in containers and put away safely in the fridge, Casey turned and headed into the living room. This was where he and Rean were going to sit, right? And it'd be a good place to wait for the others to gather. Sitting down in one of the recliners, he leaned back and propped his knee up, giving him something to prop his sketchbook on. Pulling it out of his bag, he flipped through the book.

Many of the beginning pages were filled with sketches. Some were half-completed, things that he had been in the middle of working on when something else caught his attention or interrupted him. Some were completed, landscapes, most in the greys and blacks of pencil. There were a few, though, that were done in color, displaying beautiful sunsets of the beach or a crowded water filled with people going about their business. At the bottom of each page was a date, noting what day the Cancer constellation had started the pictures.

Flipping back to an unfinished page of a tide pool, Casey pulled out his pencil from his bag and propped his sketchbook against his leg. Zoning out, he let the noise of the house, of the distant conversations and outside world wash over him as he put pencil to paper and began to sketch.

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-04-17 09:19:07
Dakota | ♉ | Lake | Mentions: ♓ Nico, ♑Luka, ♎Meline

After her brief conversation with Nico and Luka (though it was more of her just spewing words whilst they listened) Dakota pulled on her shoes (since she was already by the door) and ran outside to see if she could find the missing Zodiacs. So far she had seen and talked to everyone but Virgo, Libra, Aries, and Scorpio. She knows she wont see Aries or Scorpio for a while but Libra and Virgo should be somewhere around the area. Maybe they were lost? Dakota shook her head and headed down past the boulder that marked the path that lead to the house. Not a second latter her phone rung with a text from Libra saying that she was by the lake. Dakota picked up the pace, eager to see her fellow ruler. Not a second later a mop of blonde hair came into view. "Long time no see, Mrs.Balance " Dakota said as she plopped down next to her long time friend. Meline might have been a lot younger then her, with 4 Zodiacs separating them but she was petty close to the girl. Since she didn't annoy her as much as some of the other signs did namely Capricorn or rather Luka. He acted a bit to high and mighty for her taste's. In his defense he was in that whole teenager stage in Zodiac age where he thinks he knows everything and shouldn't have to deal with "The Family Drama" even though there's not much drama to begin with. Most time's people stick to there own planets and rarely meet on earth save for special events such as one of them having added another 100 years of existence to there belt or if a new one joined them (the last one being Pisces). She could understand wanting solitude but being rude and trying to intimidate those younger then you didn't do any good for anyone. Shaking her head to ride herself of her thoughts of Luka Dakota started to fill meline in on what was happening and how she was going to explain why the zodiacs were on earth in the meeting later on. She then gave her directions to the house and showed her the bolder with er symbol etched in it before saying goodbye and trotting away. She needed to cool down some more before she ended up breaking down a tree because whilst her conversation with Meline had calmed her somewhat she was still annoyed. Unlike the other Zodiacs she didn't go tramping around being pissed because of something that was in no way there fault. she understood that tensions where high but that doesn't mean you have to be unreasonable.

((I feel like Libra and Taurus would be really good friends ))

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Edited on 17/04/17 @ 18:26:44 by Direwisp (#98474)

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