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ys.| (#121220)

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2017-10-17 19:45:32

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Edited on 04/01/18 @ 15:01:35 by Peachie 👌 [MottledPie] (#121220)

StarChildAri (#126911)

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Posted on
2017-10-28 07:05:18
| SkyGaze | Warrior | 12 Moons | Black She cat with grey speckles | HoneyRipple, WolfStar, HollyWhisker|

SkyGaze looked up at SunFall called her and a few other cats names she padded up her tail lashing with annoyance, she didn't think that DuskClan cats would kill BarkPaw. The she cat went up to HoneyRipple lowering her voice slightly, " I don't think they did it either" She mewed her eyes sparkled with excitement, when the DuskClan cats had come into their camp she was hoping that a certain tom would be with them, but sadly he wasn't. She sighed anger began to build in her belly. What if her friend was hurt because of WolfStar... what if he was killed!? the she cat wasn't in control of her body it just moved on its own as she raced in front of her massive leader. She was already an outcast and she hurt inside, her friend in DuskClan made her feel like a living creature again and SkyGaze wasn't going to let this hot headed cat take him away from her. She raced in front of the patrol stopping them in their tracks. " Stop being a mouse brain! You irrational fool! You don't even know it was them!" She hissed her black and grey freckled fur bristling.

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Edited on 28/10/17 @ 09:45:42 by MonstaXariX (#126911)

Bexdrey🗝️ [0/65
GB] (#97938)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-10-28 12:04:54

Slackjaw | Warrior | Camp | 52 Moons | Dawnclan | Mentions: All? | Tom |

War? Did Slackjaw hear correctly? "Hehe..perfect.. this could be my chance to get back at that brute who nearly killed me a couple moons ago..." He mumbled to himself, a grin of darkness spread over his face, but he quickly wiped it off as he approached Sunfall.

"I couldn't help but overhear...we are going to war with Duskclan?" He asked, smirking a small bit. "You wouldn't mind if I joined the patrol would you?" Slackjaw did his best to contain his evil excitement to get back at Longfang... that bastard had nearly killed him, he had to get revenge...

Little did he know, this wasn't going to be the first time he felt the need to kill...

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-29 13:00:09

Echostep|Dawnclan Med.Cat|32 moon Bengal she-cat|Location- Camp|Mentions- [d] All, Sunfall, Open
"Show me where it hurts."

Echostep shook her head as the camp grew into chaos. Cats arguing with each other, Wolfstars growls of war, no. It was not right. The small she-cat had stepped forward once again, but it was too late and Wolfstar had already made his choice, had already called his patrol and had went to take off. Narrowing her eyes, the medicine cat felt her shoulders slump slightly, tip of her tail twitching in anxiety. War, was that what the prophecy had been about? It seemed to simple, to quick. She had yet to meet these neighbors of theirs, but why had two cycles gone past without harm, and then suddenly death? Her head shook again, as if clearing water from her ears. It was too much to think about while standing in the middle of the camp, she needed to dwell on it under the stars, under her ancestors watchful gaze. However, there were still duties to perform. Padding towards Sunfall, Echostep brush her pelt against his, and lowered onto her haunches, pale eyes deep pools of thought, but gentle as they watched the frustrated tom.
"Remember, trust your clan, but don't forget your heart." Her voice was a quiet mutter, like a fall breeze, before she raised her head with the strength she drew when performing her duties.
"Barkpaw was a cat with the heart of a warrior. We will honor all he has done for the Clan, share tongues with him for the last time, and at sunfall lay him to rest. He runs among the stars now." Her eyes stared at the cloudy sky, as if she could see the nightly starscape beyond the blue depths. With that, the medicine cat rose, and with soft steps made her way to finally get some prey, and to dwell.

Silverpaw|Dawnclan Apprentice|Silver Bengal she-cat|location-camp|Mentions- [d] Open

Silverpaw had wanted to retort, to hiss at the warrior but she knew Splashwing was feeling how she did as well. Claws would do the talking now. As the patrol went out, she began to follow, but her pawsteps slowed. No, Wolfstar would have brought more of them if he was looking for a fight. This was a warning, a scare tactic to show those cats what they were really facing. A wrinkle crossed her muzzle as she pivoted on her paws, stalking back into the camp.
Her angry stalking took her back and forth, the she-cat rolling her eyes as her sister spoke the dead cat words. Some good being in Starclan would do for them. Her tail lashed, and she continued her frustrated pacing, daring any cat to try and tell her to relax with her icy glower and extended claws.

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Spaghetti Enthusiast (#121187)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-29 14:10:32
Mistkit | 3-4 moons old | O.C.D. kit | Location - nursery | Mentions | Open

Mistkit bounded around the nursery in a small circle happily. She was soooooo bored! What was there to do! She wanted so badly to do something, but what was there to do? Nothing interesting ever happened. She just wanted to be an apprentice already! Though it seemed many cats didn't believe that she could, do to the fact she always seemed... weird. Mistkit doubted herself too, despite wanting to be an apprentice, she doubted her own capabilities. What if she accidentally unsheathed her claws while being angry during a practice fight, and cut someone's throat open? That would be awful! Without even realizing it, the she-cat slowed down and nervously began to chew her already deteriorating tail. What if when she was an apprentice she couldn't catch a single thing and the clan went hungry? Would she be able to become a warrior even, or fail her assessment? That would be terrible, not becoming a warrior, being stuck as an apprentice forever! What if she never even became one, what if the clan deemed her unfit and left her to die alone in the woods?

As Mistkit worried, she managed to draw a trace of blood from her tail. Tasting it in her mouth, she looked down at where fur had fallen off and pulled her head away for a second only to place her jaws on a different spot and begin chewing again. She couldn't stop or her anxiety would worsen. Mistkit wondered briefly why she did this and no other cats did. It was strange, even to her that she did it.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-10-29 14:24:06

| Wolfstar |
Male | 34 moons | Maine Coon | Leader | Location: Camp | Mentions: [D] Splashwing, Skygaze, Patrol [ID] All


Muscles flexed beneath the massive leader's dark fur as he walked, looking down at Splashwing. She was a cat he respected very much. He nodded to her, "Thank you for coming, Splashwing." he said, his respect shining through the anger he felt, clear in his striking eyes. He didn't want to go to war, but the DuskClan cats left him no choice. Barkpaw had been killed and, while a few cats claimed that it couldn't have been them, the evidence was too large to go off of their feelings and to not punish those who murdered a member of his Clan.

Wolfstar looked down at Skygaze as she stopped in front of him and he growled for her to move. Unbelievable. Anger boiled in his heart, his fur bristling. Teeth bared, the intimidating tom cat rose to his full height, a terrifying sight to see, muscles flexing and growls rumbling in his throat. "How dare you?!" he snarled with a thundering voice, looming over her with a haunting appearance, his unusually terrifying eyes glaring into hers. The temptation to just swipe at her right there and end the mutiny was strong, but he knew not to. Approaching her with a towering figure, Wolfstar glared down at her. "The proof is there, kit. You are barely a warrior, what would you know about war?" he growled, tail lashing and extraordinarily long and sharp teeth visible for all to see. Growls rumbled deep in his chest, a terrifying sound to behold. "I pledged a duty to protect my Clan no matter what! I will not let one of my apprentices go unavenged!" he yowled, his claws unsheathed and fur bristling. And with that, he moved his head for Skygaze to go back to camp. Although wordless, she would know that she was no longer allowed to come to confront Shadowstar and his Clan.

The tom turned around, his yellow gaze falling upon the patrol. "Let's move out!" he growled, loud enough for all to hear. With that, Wolfstar turned around again, beginning to move towards the border and, soon enough, crossing it.

~~ We move to the DuskClan thread now. I'd like to post first. ~~

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FlavourDelRosa (#127168)

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Posted on
2017-10-29 15:18:05
\ Batpaw \ Rank: Apprentice \ Age: 6 Moons \ breed: Orientated short \ Mentor: PepperWind \ Mentions: Open \ Location: Camp \

Batpaw had been watching everything with BarkPaw go down from a distance being a newly named apprentice she had not really known BarkPaw like SunFall or WolfStar had. Her whiskers twitched with annoyance, why hadn't she been called! The young cat pictured it in her head meeting those nasty DuskClan cats, ripping them to shreds, then taking over their territory and becoming the leader. Batpaw giggled to herself then got up and went to the fresh kill pile, oh well the apprentice thought to herself grabbing a mouse, she would just show WolfStar that she was worthy through her training! Batpaw laid down and started to eat her mouse, her giant ears flicked in all directions trying to pick up an conversations that would peek the she cats interest.

\ CloudPaw \ Rank: Apprentice \ Age: 6 Moons \ breed: Van Cat \ Mentor: HoneyRipple \ Mentions: SilverPaw \ Location: Camp \

A fluffy white tom's head popped out of the apprentices den he scanned his home trying to figure out what all the commotion had been about, his fur began to puff out as he saw BarkPaw laying dead in the middle of the clearing with a sigh of sadness CloudPaw emerged fully from his sleeping area. He spotted SilverPaw and went over to her she looked pretty mad so he made his presence known, so the she cat wouldn't tear his ear off. " SilverPaw what happened?" He mewed softly looking at BarkPaw.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-29 15:51:55

Silverpaw|Dawnclan Apprentice|Silver Bengal she-cat|location-camp|Mentions- [d] Open
Silverpaw slowed, paws coming to a halt on the clawed up foliage she had been walking. Icy glare looked at the cat before her. If the stare softened, it was a miniscule amount. Muzzle still curled, the she-cat drug her claws along the earth, tail lashing.
"Duskclan that's what." She hissed the name, then shook her head looking as if a foul taste was in her mouth.
"no, not a clan, those rogue invaders. Barkpaw was found near the border, clawed to bits." Silverpaw paused in her clawing, eyes shooting daggers towards the camp entrance, towards their unseen enemies.
"They came in asking for peace and to be left alone, while they killed one of ours." She didn't care if there was no proof, in the Dawnclan apprentices eyes the shifty cats were to blame. Dawnclan cats knew better than to face the predators of the territory alone, but another cat was far more crafty, and Duskclan obviously knew how to fake politeness. Glare swiveled back towards the new apprentice.
"Have you slept through it all?" She frowned, shaking her head slightly.

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FlavourDelRosa (#127168)

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Posted on
2017-10-29 16:03:42
CloudPaw \ Rank: Apprentice \ Age: 6 Moons \ breed: Van Cat \Mentor: HoneyRipple \ Mentions: SilverPaw Location: Camp \

CloudPaw was starting to regret coming over to SilverPaw she was acting like a crazy old elder! He wasn't one to jump to conclusions just based on what he's seen, the young apprentice knew that taking the time to look at all the facts and then make a rash decision was the best way to handle any situation involving a death. " Did any cat look between his claws for fur? I doubt that he would have been killed so easily and without a fight." He mewed thoughtfully narrowing his green and blue eyes, " Yeah so what sleep makes a cat rational and have a better judgment" He paused looking at SilverPaw " Its quite obvious that you haven't gotten much sleep lately based on your attitude" He mewed calmly CloudPaw has always been a patient cat but at the moment he felt it slipping.

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Edited on 29/10/17 @ 16:05:35 by _BlossomBear (#127168)

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-29 16:23:56

Silverpaw|Dawnclan Apprentice|Silver Bengal she-cat|location-camp|Mentions- [d] Open
Silverpaw paused, eyes growing to narrow slits. Cloudpaw was young, just an apprentice and she tried to remember that, but even still. Tail lashing she snorted, twitching her tail towards Barkpaws body.
"go ahead, look. You think the warriors, cats who have been around dead kin for moons longer than you've been born havn't thought of that?" Her narrowed eyes widened slightly, rolling as she half sat, half crouched.
"And It's not just about his death, Mouse-brain." She growled, "Do you really want strange cats living in our forest? Codeless rogues and two-leg pets and whatever else they scrounged up? What happens if they want more?" she shook her head, calming slightly in her resolve.
"No, things were fine the way they were, we don't need some code-less pets ruining the forest. Wolfstar has the right idea, stopping this before it gets to be to much." At his comment on hr sleep, she laughed slightly, a sharp, odd sound coming from the female.
"I sleep plenty. Just because some cats are to soft and let others walk all over them, doesn't mean I will." Her lashing tail hinting Cloudpaw was one such 'soft' cat.

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xX (#129420)

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Posted on
2017-10-29 16:26:01
_BirchPaw _ 6 moons_ apprentice _ Male _ CloudPaw, SilverPaw_

BirchPaw was near when BarkPaw had been dragged in and as the situation arouse he slowly inched his way forward he really wanted to know what was happening. When he heard WolfStar make those claims against those stupid fur ball cats, his fur bristled he wanted to follow his amazing leader out of the clan as he left with his lucky patrol. But decided against it instead he went and silently listened to the conversation that SilverPaw and CloudPaw were having, he jumped in quickly to defend his leader " CloudPaw WolfStar is our leader if he says that those trash cats are guilty then their guilty! Maybe you should go and join those rogues and kitty pets with the way your sounding" BirchPaw hissed his tail lashing back and forth angrily.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2017-10-29 17:07:42
Flamekit|Dawnclan Kit|3 Moon Old|Orange she-kit|Location- Camp|Mention- Mistkit

Flamekit let out a low growl of annoyance as Mistkit almost trampled on her TWICE, as the gray she-kit was making her round again. Grudgingly she got up off of her cozy nest and stretched out her long orange legs, as she did this several clumps of moss fell out of her long fur.
Sighing she went over to her sister. When she noticed that the gray kit was chewing her tail, again, she shook her head. Moving over to her sister she stood beside her, touching Mistkits shoulder lightly with her tail, for comfort, she asked," What are you worried about, Mistkit?". Pausing for a short second she continued," Does it have anything to do with us becoming apprentices soon?"
Looking up she peaked through the bramble leaves and noticed that there was more buste than usual in the camp." What's going on?" she muttered, more to herself then to her sister.

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FlavourDelRosa (#127168)

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Posted on
2017-10-29 17:31:34
CloudPaw \ Rank: Apprentice \ Age: 6 Moons \ breed: Van Cat \Mentor: HoneyRipple \ Mentions: SilverPaw, BirchPaw, EchoStep Location: Camp \

It was cloudPaws turn to roll his eyes now as SilverPaw spoke, "No but I'm just using common sense" He paused for a moment, " Mouse brain don't you realize we did the same thing we were the first ones to come and claim this territory we were strange cats too" He paused for a moment before continuing. "call me soft all you want guys. Your words don't phase me, " He mewed his tone cocky as he went over to inspect BarkPaws body His eyes widened at the apprentices claws. Hair! He looked closer carefully removing it from BarkPaws claws, he laid it on the ground and sniffed at it. Flowers? CloudPaw felt his mind grow light and dizzy as he continued to huff at the hair, CloudPaw didn't know the smell he couldn't place it but it was highly plausible that he couldn't place the smell because he was new. The silver hair tuffs were definitely longer than any cats, he needed help. "EchoStep" He called out loudly " Can you look at this please" He mewed his voice low.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-29 17:51:22

Silverpaw|Dawnclan Apprentice|Silver Bengal she-cat|location-camp|Mentions- [d] Birchpaw, cloudpaw
Silverpaw chuckled as he tried to act tough, feeling her claws in the dirt. With their age difference, and her own muscle and training the she-cat knew she could claw his ears off almost too easily, and for a moment it looked as if she would. Then, the dark glaze passed her eyes and she turned, still wanting to lash her claws out and teach the 'kit' a lesson. It seemed Dawnclan cats needed to learn about their superiors. At Birchpaws words, Silverpaw nodded, glad some cat had sense.
"You guys are the same age, but its easy to see who's more loyal to their clan." With a twitch she dismissed Cloudpaw, even as the 'kit' seemed to find something. Obviously, it would be cat fur and dirt. Instead, her attention turned back to Birchpaw. She had never given the younger cats, especially as kits, much interest, but now that Birchpaw was an apprentice, and seemed to share her mindset, he was far more interesting.
"I'd love to show those rogues what a real clan cat is like." She grumbled, glaring at the entrance again, this time thinking of Wolfstar, and longing to have joined the patrol.

Echostep|Dawnclan Med.Cat|32 moon Bengal she-cat|Location- Camp|Mentions- [d] Cloudpaw
"Show me where it hurts."
Echostep twitched her ears, looking up from the prey she had finally gotten the chance to eat. No rest for the wicked. The though made her smile slightly, and the small she-cat rose to slender paws. At least this time, she was full. It was a wonder how much a full belly raised ones spirits, even if there was little to be raised about. The strength of the prey.
Thoughts still on woodland creatures, she padded forward, smile turning into a frown as she peered, pale eyes flickering swiftly over the area Cloudpaw noticed.
"Looks like fur, which isn't surprising." Her eyes grew sad, but she did not investigate closer, instead leaning away from the apprentice, a sympathetic look in her eyes.

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xX (#129420)

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Posted on
2017-10-29 18:08:35
_BirchPaw _ 6 moons_ apprentice _ Male _ SilverPaw_

BirchPaw watched angrily as CloudPaw left what a waste of a cat he thought bitterly, he looked over to SilverPaw his fur grew hot at her compliment. " Hes a waste of a clan cat" He mewed shaking his head turning to look at the white tom. BirchPaw turned to the older cat as she spoke nodding his head, " Just like any great leader WolfStar declared war on those disgraces" He mewed coolly unsheathing his claws he started to knead them into the ground. " Those mutts need to be taught that the forest is for clan cats." He paused then looked to SilverPaw a smirk on his muzzle "If you ask me we should be ripping their off until they crawl back to the two Legs, and eat pellets that look like rabbit dropping" BirchPaw stuck out his tongue like he was gaging." Kitty Pets and rogues don't deserve to be clan cats and neither does CloudPaw" He huffed sitting down to give his ear a scratch.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-29 18:17:39

Silverpaw|Dawnclan Apprentice|Silver Bengal she-cat|location-camp|Mentions- [d] Birchpaw, Sunfall

Silverpaw sudden narrowed her gaze, icy eyes staring at the tom. It was one thing to want to teach a cat a lesson, it was another to cal them a waste. At least out loud.
"No pair of claws is a waste, as long as they use them for something useful." She reprimanded, not wanting to admit it. Yet, even if she didn't want to, and didn't have to like every cat in her path, it took all sorts to build a clan. Although, she wondered what they could conquer if every cat felt with the same passion for growth, protection, strength.
"Speaking of which, our claws are idle and not doing much sitting around. Barkpaws not going to come back, so might as well be useful." Beckoning with her tail, she padded towards Sunfall, since the deputy was still in camp. With peculiar boldness, but retaining respect, she bobbed her head, making eye contact with the tom.

"SunFall, if cats are going to fight they're going to be hungry. Can me and Birchpaw go hunting? Unless you want us to patrol, and maybe rip some invader fur." Her voice changed ever so slightly when she spoke to the older cat, lighter, almost fake. Or, perhaps it was more real, and her anger was the facade.

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Edited on 29/10/17 @ 18:19:05 by Peachie||Lights Off~ (#121220)

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