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ys.| (#121220)

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2017-10-17 19:45:32

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Edited on 04/01/18 @ 15:01:35 by Peachie 👌 [MottledPie] (#121220)

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-25 16:22:04

Shadowstar|43 moon Heterochromia Black Tom|Duskclan Leader|Location- Camp|Mentions- [d]Wolfstar [id] his patrol
"Don't fear the night, for it's the only time you can see the stars."

Shadowstar took a step forward, head tilting upwards, and haunches sinking to the ground as the unfamiliar clan seemed to swell around them. However, the tom only had eyes for their leader. A quiver of excitement rippled through his pelt as he met the toms gaze, glaring, hostile yellow against his peculiar mismatched pair. Taking a breath, he hoped his lifetime of tact and words would keep these cats from clawing the Duskclan patrols ears off.
"We're not here looking for a fight." For a moment his voice seemed to shudder, but he could feel his clan next to him, and their strength gave him encouragement. As his words continued, a strength entered them, tone of confidence that he could not have achieved on his own.
"I am Shadowstar, of Duskclan. We come here today, to formally meet you, and your clan. It is, unconventional our clan, and to you must seem like nothing more than a half hearted attempt at what you have achieved in the forest. " He paused, chosing his words carefully as to not give away anything to specific about the Duskclan cats, but also wanting to make sure this leader knew they were more than serious.
"As you are more than aware, my clan came to be recently, formed on the eastern side of the river. While we may not be cats like you, our base natures are the same. We relinquished whatever past we came from, to embrace the way of the warrior. " He paused, feeling that despite this knowledge, the tom would be less than caring about their history.
"We acknowledge entering the forest, of which you're clan has claimed the entirety of. However, a territory of this size could hold a clan twice over, and still be enough to survive on. We have not neared your camp, and our boundaries have split the forest as evenly as possible. " His claws began to kneed the dirt, heart pounding in his chest as he rose slightly, holding his head proud.
"So we came here today, in a peaceful attempt to ask you to accept our clan as your neighbor." It was a long shot, but maybe, just maybe the tom would listen.

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Edited on 25/10/17 @ 16:23:08 by Peachie||Lights Off~ (#121220)

(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2017-10-25 16:30:19
Hollywhisker | 27 Moons | Female | DawnClan | Location: Camp | Mentions: DuskClan patrol, DawnClan

The warrior glanced back at the patrol of DuskClan cats and her fur rippled when she noticed she was being watched by a few of the cats, she shook it off and padded into camp. Hollywhisker lashed her tail when Sunfall padded away from the group to fetch the leader. Her stomached rumbled again and she groaned in frustration. When these rogue cats left she would definitely go and catch herself a tasty vole... But right now she had to remain in camp in case battle broke out. How did she know the cats hadn't organized a second patrol to attack them? "If you want to get out of here without bloodshed, I suggest you make it quick." The black and white she-cat hissed at a tom with black fur spotted with a few ginger patches.

Whisperpaw | 7 Moons | Female | Apprentice | DuskClan | Mentions: DuskClan, DawnClan |Location: DawnClan Camp

Whisperpaw's heart rate sped up when the scent of DawnClan cats floated into her nostrils, the many smells were giving her a headache... Her fur spiked up as they padded into camp and her hazel eyes floated around the camp, taking in the view. There were so many cats - and they all seemed ready to rip out their fur and put them in their grave. Jeez, remind her never to even let her tail swish across the DawnClan border... Would she even have a tail when she got out of here...? The calico released a silent whine and she stepped behind Emberpelt, hoping the slender tom would protect her.

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FlavourDelRosa (#127168)

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Posted on
2017-10-25 16:40:41
Birchflower~DuskClan warrior~RagDoll she cat~ Patrol DawnClan

BirchFlower looked around as they waited for SunFallnto bring back his leader, the DawnClan camp looked neat and organized but it would never be better than DuskClan, the rag doll thought a smirk on her muzzle. That smirk was quickly gone as she turned around and saw WolfStar, he was huge! He looked bigger than EagleFlight. ButchFlower’s paws prickled with excitement and fear, this could either end in a good way or in bloodshed

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Bexdrey🗝️ [0/65
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Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-10-25 18:09:05

Slackjaw | Warrior | Camp | 52 Moons | Dawnclan | Mentions: OPEN... ;-; /Duskclan patrol| Tom |

The Duskclan leader seemed... fair to say the least.. whilst he himself hated the thought of sharing the forest with strangers, he of course had no say in the matter. He simply had to accept the fact that Duskclan was there neighbors.

The day was rather lonely, the Duskclan patrol suddenly intruding wasn't helping it either. Where were his friends..? Perhaps they left him too, pheh.. it was only a matter of time really. "Damned fools.." Slackjaw muttered, but deep inside his cracked, stone heart, a loneliness resided. He sort of missed his brother. His missed his parents. His father was still missing, and his mother..well, he had no idea what happened to her..

Wait.. Didn't that Zero fella join Duskclan? Longfang right? Where was he in the mix? Surprisingly, he wasn't there. Thank the Stars.. He did not need to see that Longfang guy. Last encounter those two had, Slackjaw nearly died. He wouldn't risk his own life again. But..would it be better if he was gone? No he couldn't think like this.

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StarChildAri (#126911)

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Posted on
2017-10-25 18:55:08
SkyGaze / Warrior / Camp / DuskClan patrol

SkyGaze watched as her deputy and the patrol that had gone out earlier returned but they had brought extra cats with them, the beautiful she cat opened her mouth slightly to get a better scent of the strangers DuskClan cats... SkyGaze's pale blue eyes stared at the group intently. Her whiskers twitched with sadness these cats may have created their own clan but the black cat knew that the cats all came from different backgrounds they all had their own stories to tell and believes to follow, the she cat longed to be free with her beliefs like these cats were. DuskClan could be who they wanted without any judgment being passed upon them, SkyGaze sighed wishing she could leave as well. The warrior looked back up her eyes catching one of the DuskClan cats, there was nothing more that the black cat wanted more than to be happy and free. Maybe one of these cats can help she thought hopefully.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-10-25 21:17:01

| Wolfstar |
Male | 34 moons | Maine Coon | Leader | Location: Camp | Mentions: [D] Shadowstar [ID] Everyone


Towering above all, the leader stood there, tail lashing behind him as he looked down at the leader, listening to his words. He believed him, that they weren't looking for a fight. Their numbers were too small. Only a completely hare-brained (insane) cat would attempt to fight in a situation such as this one. Wolfstar stood tall, his incredibly claws kneading against the ground as he listened to the black leader introduce himself. He was no longer baring his teeth, though, as that had been an instinctual action. Hm... His ear twitched as he listened to the introduction. Shadowstar. The name fit.

The colossal tom's muscles flexed as he contemplated, continuing to listen to the much smaller leader. The tom's words seemed fair, as did what he proposed. Looking at the other DuskClan cats, Wolfstar could tell that they thought he was one of those cats who were all brawn and aggression, with no brain or mercy. He might be a violent tom, but he wasn't an irrational or cruel one. "My name is Wolfstar, leader of DawnClan." he began, his thundering voice echoing across the camp, all others silent as he spoke. "I expect that you will keep your Clan from mine, and refrain from crossing the border. As long as you do this, I will allow your Clan to live here, peacefully," he said, his voice masculine, intimidating, yet calm. "Shadowstar." he finished, dipping his head to the much smaller tom, as a way of peacefully agreeing, while also dismissing him.

"Sunfall." he said, calling the deputy over. "Escort them back to the border." he ordered, tail flicking idly and with command. Looking around, the massive wolf-like leader noticed Skygaze looking at the DuskClan cats with envy, and he narrowed his eyes. He hoped he could trust his Clan to be loyal. After all he had done for them, he assumed so. But, nevertheless, there was always at least one cat who couldn't be trusted and, for Skygaze's sake, he hoped it wasn't her. Left, notched ear flicking, Wolfstar looked at the cats before him with terrifying yellow eyes, his tail lashing idly behind him.

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Bexdrey🗝️ [0/65
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Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-10-25 23:46:20

Mossheart | Medicine Cat | Camp | 40 Moons | Duskclan | Mentions: Duskclan/Dawnclan/All | She-Cat |

Icy blue eyes of the Siamese remained calm through the entire speech, though deep down she felt need to speak. However she dare not speak a word while the two leaders spoke to one another. Her gaze flickered to Wolfstar.

The name was fitting. In her eyes, this leader nearly resembled a wolf. Heck it even looked like Wolfstar had a star shaped marking on his forehead, but she must be seeing things. Right? Her gaze ended up travelling around the camp,
eyes landing on a tall slim male, dusty coloured. This one seemed oddly familiar though Mossheart could not put her paw on it. It bugged her but she would simply have to get over it.

This male seemed..grumpy almost.. but she sensed a loneliness coming from him. It almost made her sad, she may be cold and distant at times, but she had a heart and did not like knowing someone else was feeling so low.

And that's when the two eyes met..

Slackjaw | Warrior | Camp | 52 Moons | Dawnclan | Mentions: Mossheart[ID] OPEN | Tom |

Icy blue eyes met his own. What in Starclan could she be staring at? Did he have something stuck in his fur? No, this she-cat looked.. well.. to be in deep thought. What could she be thinking of? Her gaze intimidated him. How was she so calm? Perhaps she was the medicine cat? It had to be it.
most Medicine cats tend to be the calm and collected type.

With a small huff, Slackjaw turned and flicked his tail, heading for a place where this She-cat couldn't see him. Already he was hating Duskclan, seemingly always staring at someone.. it bugged him.. It made his blood boil. He wanted nothing more than for them to leave...

Slackjaw could not handle this clan being here..

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-26 13:38:41

Shadowstar|43 moon Heterochromia Black Tom|Duskclan Leader|Location- Camp|Mentions- [d]Wolfstar [id] his patrol
"Don't fear the night, for it's the only time you can see the stars."
Shadowstar listened to the massive tom with his breath held in his chest. He had expected snarls and hisses of dissent, yet the Dawnclan leader had been at least open to their reception. It was more than Shadowstar could have hoped for, and he nodded back to the tom, blinking in slight amazement at Emberpelt, and their small patrol. As he shifted, the quiver became more noticable though his body. Perhaps it was a delayed fear, now that he knew they were not going to be attacked. At least the large warrior had not questioned them too deeply, especially his own right to claim leadership. Then, things may have gotten more complex.
"Thank you." His voice was quieter now as he flicked an ear, waiting for the deputy to return them to their border.
Silverpaw|Dawnclan Apprentice|Silver Bengal she-cat|location-camp|Mentions- (I'd) Whisper paw, Wolfstar, Skygaze, Slackjaw

The apprentice had bounded from a shadowy corner of the camp when the Duskclan cats arrived. It had been ages since anything exciting had happened, but this made up for any boredom she had been complaining of. Invaders! Instinctively thorn sharp claws dug into the earth, icy stare glaring at the offending cats as her hackles rose, a faint growl rumbling in her chest. Yet, as she looked at the small group of cats, the growl vanished.
"Well they're not much." It was mumbled under her breath, since the opposing 'leader' was speaking. Silverpaw gave a hiss of distrust. The cat was weaving a web of fantasy, Wolfstar had to see that. There was no way rogues and loners could become a clan, it wasn't that easy. Her glaze shifted up and down the cats, and fell onto the smallest, who seemed to be trying to hide herself behind a larger tom.
"Pfft. If thats one of theirs, we could run them off our land easily." She growled, not caring if the small Duskclan cat heard her. Instead, she bared sharp fangs, tail lashing. All she wanted to do was show these invaders what she really thought of them.
Hearing Skygaze's sigh, her cold eyes flashed towards the warrior with a wrinkled muzzle, distracted. She looked almost wistful as she stared at the invaders, and Silverpaw snorted in distaste.
"Seriously?" The words were muttered under her breath, as she scooted away, slightly repulsed, instead to shift closer towards Slackjaw, who had moved position. At least he seemed to be wearing a similar distasteful expression. She was glad when Wolfstar dismissed them, and glaring once more at the opossing small she-cat, gave another soft hiss unblinking in her stare as their tails vanished out of the camp.

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-26 14:17:06
SunFall | Deputy | DawnClan | DuskClan patrol, HollyWhisker

SunFall nodded to WolfStar happy that everything had gone smoothly he padded towards the group relief on his face. " Come on" He mewed flicking his tail as he walked by them, the tom wanted to get this over with as fast as he could so that he could hunt down that vole for HollyWhisker. SunFall lead them back to the river watching as they crossed, he gave them one last glance, " May Starclan guide you on your path" He mewed dipping his head respectfully at ShadowStar.
The blue tabby walked through the camp entrance a fat vole dangling from his jaws, the tom went up to HollyWhisker dropping the fat rodent at her paws. " Today's been crazy" He mewed a smile on his muzzle " I got this for you since I know you haven't eaten yet" SunFall's whiskers twitched with embarrassment as he spoke.

(( Sorry its so bad and short! I'm on my lunch break at work Xo)))

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(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2017-10-26 14:54:12
Hollywhisker | 27 Moons | Female | DawnClan | Location: Camp | Mentions: DuskClan patrol, DawnClan

The she-cat lifted her head from her nest and stared at the juicy vole that had been dropped in front of her. Well, he'd been in a hurry to catch something, she could tell by the position the rodent lay in. Hollywhisker purred her reply and lashed her tail, standing to her feet and taking the prey into her jaws. "Thank you!" She replied to the deputy as she lowered to haunches to begin eating the vole, she twitched her ears at Sunfall's words and nodded. Today had been chaotic... Those nasty DuskClan cats entering their camp and Wolfstar agreeing to become allies - wait, is that what he agreed to?

"You don't think Wolfstar will actually ally our Clans, right?" The she-cat asked, licking her jowls free of the blood after she'd ripped a chunk of meat from the vole. Their leader would be insane if he considered 'helping them in battle', it was good no blood was shed today, but she didn't agree with the leader's choice. It wasn't her place to say so, though.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-26 17:30:19

Echostep|Dawnclan Med.Cat|32 moon Bengal she-cat|Location- Camp|Mentions- [d] Icepaw, Wolfstar Open
"Show me where it hurts."
It was slow traveling, carrying the apprentice through their terrain. Echostep took her time to make sure the young cat was carried with as much care as if he were still living, a difficult task due to the fact he was almost as big as her. Had the apprentice not been in her jaws, perhaps she would have scented the other clan more clearly, but as it were she merely caught a wiff of strange cat scent, before sidling her way back into the camp. Her ears lay flat against her head as she brought the apprentice to the center, laying him down gently. Her expression was slightly distant as she gave the young cat a few licks, mumbling something into the brown cats fur before straightening, turning her attention to Icepaw.
"I'll take the leaves, you can share your last tongues, and have the rest of this day to yourself. We will gather herbs tomorrow." She murmured, giving the apprentice a quick lick on the head. Now that her senses were freed, the smell of Duskclan cats hit her nose, and caused her to pause in confusion. Had strange cats been here? Looking at the murmuring cats, not yet aware of what had happened, she made a guess that her and Icepaw had missed something important. Her body beginning to quicken, she scanned for Wolfstar. It was time to tell him far more than she wanted, but it couldn't be avoided, not anymore.

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Edited on 26/10/17 @ 17:31:16 by Peachie||Lights Off~ (#121220)

🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-26 17:56:56
~SunFall | DawnClan Deputy | Warriors den | HollyWhisker, WolfStar~

SunFall went over and kneaded his nest making a note that he should change the bedding soon, he purred in response to HollyWhiskers thanks as he laid down. He was exhausted but talking to the she cat always gave him energy, he thought about her question taking a moment to think. " I don't think so" he mewed starting to groom himself. " I think he just said that to give these cats a false comfort. Knowing WolfStar he isn't to pleased with our new neighbors" It was true SunFall had seen the look he gave the DuskClan cats and knew his leader had spoken false words, the blue spotted tabby yawned he had just laid down but knew he had to go and talk to WolfStar about what had happened. Getting to his paws he gave HollyWhisker a quick lick to her ear, " I'll be back I should go discuss what has happened with WolfStar. Enjoy her vole" the tom mewed playfully leaving the warriors den.
It didn't take long before SunFall found WolfStar he dipped his head respectfully to the massive tom before speaking. " WolfStar I think we should discuss what has taken place today with DawnClan." he mewed his eyes meeting his leaders, " Shall we go back to your den?" SunFall flicked his striped tail towards WolfStar's den the deputy's face was calm and respectful as he gave the suggestion.

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Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2017-10-26 17:58:05
Splashwing | Warrior | 72 Moons | Camp | Mourning Barkpaw
Splashwing's pelt began to bristle when the scent of death flooded the camp. Her sensitive nose balked at the scent, and she found that it hung thick in her mouth and nostrils. Barkpaw's body laid still in the center of camp, his tiny body brutally ripped in places. The smell of his blood hung heavy, mixing with the bitter smell that belonged to DuskClan and the now sickeningly sweet smell of flowers. Below that there was something else, something that was so faint she was half certain she was imagining it.

She rose onto her paws in horror, letting them bring her over to the young tom's broken body. She crouched down beside him, bending her head to give his little ears a few rough licks. Her final goodbye completed, she stepped back, rumbling deeply, "He runs with StarClan now." Her voice was rough with sadness. She had not known the young tom too well, but she would always mourn the loss of a clanmate, especially one so young.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2017-10-26 18:17:10

Icepaw|Dawnclan Med.Cat.App|9 Moon|Light Gray tom|Location- Camp|Mention- Echostep

Icepaw felt as if he was in a trance. Barkpaw was dead, it was the first time he had ever seen a dead cat, with a start he realized that, considering he was a medicine cat, this would probably not be the last time that he saw a dead clan mate. Icepaw fur also felt itchy, as if a whole heard of fleas had decided to take up residence in his coat. He needed to go north, before he went crazy.
As they drew closer to camp he could make out the scent of Duskclan, and it was heading right to camp. His fluffy tail started to twitch back and forth in agitation.
Once he and Echostep made it into the center of camp, Echostep let Barkpaws limp body sink to the ground. He looked so peaceful, almost as if he was asleep. Icepaw set down his borage leaf as Echostep shared last tongues with the brown apprentice.
Icepaws eyes started to fill with mist and could only dip his head in response to Echosteps offer to take the herbs herself.
Stepping forward Icepaw bent down and pressed his nose into Barkpaws side. He breathed in the apprentices scent, he was going to miss this careless idiot. Before he could start making a big fuss he quickly drew his tongue a few times over the brown apprentice. He then murdered a last farewell into Barkpaws fur and stepped back, looking around he could see a few cats coming to see what had happened.

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Edited on 26/10/17 @ 18:18:41 by {~LightQueen~} [Lights/OFF] (#59203)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-10-26 18:17:25

| Wolfstar |
Male | 34 moons | Maine Coon | Leader | Location: Camp | Mentions: [D] Sunfall, Echostep [ID] Barkpaw


The massive wolf-like tom sighed as he watched Shadowstar and his group walked away. How come things had to change? Grunting, Wolfstar headed towards the fresh-kill pile, grabbing a small mouse and sitting a little bit away to eat it. Although a cat his size needed more than a mere mouse to keep him healthy, the leader preferred to eat small morsels. That way, the cats in his Clan could get more. He always thought of them first.

Ears perked up as he heard Sunfall, surprised he had returned so soon. Looking down at the deputy, he sighed. Of course. With a flick of his left notched ear, he nodded. "I suppose so." he said with the usual deep and intimidating tone. Tail waving behind him, he had begun heading towards his den when he heard murmurs and gasps, followed by sobs. What in StarClan? Turning around, Wolfstar's ears flattened and eyes widened at the sight before him. It was Barkpaw... No... He growled and rushed forward, leaning over the tiny apprentice's body. He was dead. Overcome by rage, the leader snarled loudly, like thunder ringing across the camp, and he began pacing in a circle with his claws unsheathed, leaving claw marks on the dusty ground. The colossal tom looked at Echostep. "How did this happen?!" he asked, his voice a loud and terrifying snarl. It was hard to control, his anger. Growing up in a stressed environment, with his cruel and strict father as leader and the beatings and training, he had developed a little bit of an anger issue. Though he had mostly changed himself to not get as angry, sometimes the rage was unleashed when it mattered most. Such as a death of a loved one, or of a Clan member. Wolfstar's unbelievably yellow eyes glared into hers, not of anger at her, but at the death of the apprentice, his tail lashed behind him. Whoever had done this was going to suffer the consequences.

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Edited on 26/10/17 @ 18:19:29 by Christicat15 (#54511)

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