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ys.| (#121220)

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2017-10-17 19:45:32

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Edited on 04/01/18 @ 15:01:35 by Peachie 👌 [MottledPie] (#121220)

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-18 15:50:03

Echostep|Dawnclan Med.Cat|32 moon Bengal she-cat|Location- Camp|Mentions- [ID] Wolfstar, [D] Open
"Show me where it hurts."
Echostep woke with a start, back paws knocking over a pile of fresh moss, front scrabbling to the earth, Rollins the she-cat from her side to her belly, before she realized where she was. Blinking the haze from her pale amber gaze, she peered out of the crack in her den, listening to the faint bustle of cats going about their morning business. There was no darkness, no cats yowling in pain, no blood. It had been a dream. Echostep shook her head slowly to no one inparticular. No, for a medicine cat there was no such thing as just a dream. This had to be something more. Besides, there had also been the other, a cat within her dream who was not one of her clan-mates, nor one of Starclan that she had recognized. It had been quite the curious scenario. Yet the darkness was far more pressing on her mind than a mystery cat and it was on that she focused. However, the thought of approaching her leader with potential bad news was not something Echostep wanted first thing in the morning. Not with the new cats wandering their territory, and the cold of Leaf-fall beginning.

With a groan, petite legs pushed the lean frame from the earth, bits of grass and dirt clinging to the short fur.
"What a way to start the day." The voice emitting from the cat was half amused, half exasperated. However, she knew better than most that fate could not be avoided and so with a stretch of limber legs, she emerged from her sanctuary. It was already quite sunny, the stone around them radiating warmth that would too soon pass away as the days began to chill. From the view she had, Elders set sharing tongues, while warriors and apprentices passed by, possibly preparing for whatever patrol needed doing next. Half-halfheartedly, Echostep glanced around for Wolfstar's hulking form, but due to her den being in the tunneling gap between stones, and the main clan activity happening in the more open spaces, this did not surprise her. So, with a sigh she padded forward to the clearing, angling her paws towards the indented stone that held their fresh-kill. A full belly, then bad news. This was her compromise.

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-19 16:57:29
SunFall/DawnClan deputy/ Blue spotted Tabby male/Camp/

SunFall looked up to the sky it was splattered with gold green and brown they mixed lazily with each together slowly turning into a black smudge that oozed red. The blue tabby padded up to his eyes sparkled at the sight he reached the oozing substance and noticed that it had begun to take shape. Into what though? the only thought they crossed his mind was it appeared to take the form of a cat or fox it's eyes shone bright like the stars as it spoke to him in a strange language the tom could not even begin to fathom. " What is it your trying to tell me" SunFall asked his voice sounded wrong and buzzy. The strange shaped ooze shook its head globs of red hit SunFall like rocks against the ground. The creature melted away until it was only a puddle leaving SunFall alone covered in muck and feeling empty.
SunFall jumped up his fur bristling with alarm he looked around franticly looking for the puddle when he couldn't find it he sighed with relief, now he was starting to realize that it had been a dream. Giving his chest a few licks the deputy padded out from a small formation the warriors called their den, the tabby stretched giving his pelt a good shake before he headed towards the Fresh-kill pile saying hello to a few of his clanmates on the way. He noticed EchoStep already at the freshly stocked pile and walked up to her, his paws prickling with heat the closer he got. " Hello EchoStep, how are you" The deputy purred dipping his head respectfully at the medicine cat.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-19 17:29:12

Echostep|Dawnclan Med.Cat|32 moon Bengal she-cat|Location- Camp|Mentions- [ID] Wolfstar, [D] Open
"Show me where it hurts."
Echostep flinched slightly at Sunfall's sudden voice, the haze of thought drifting from her gaze like morning dew. Wide eyes drew his form into focus, and the she-cat gave a purr of greeting, per usual still looking a bit alarmed. Her narrow head shook rapidly as if clearing gnats, and she tilted her head ever so slightly peering upwards at the taller tom.
"Oh, sorry SunFall, I'm well enough. how about you?" her voice was soft and airy as she shifted through the fresh-kill, thorn-like claws snagging a squirrel from the pile. The expression she wore however, hinted that all was less than fine. try as she might, the she-cat had always had a difficult time hiding her emotions, wearing her thoughts subtly on her face as they passed. So, with a faintly wrinkled brow, she swished her tail at the prey, and then to a shady spot near some of the rocks.
"Care to join?" Her frame swayed gently from side to side as she turned and padded towards the spot, taking her ease on the mossy earth.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-10-19 17:49:56

| Wolfstar |
Male | 34 moons | Maine Coon | Leader | Location: Territory -> Camp | Mentions: Echostep, Sunfall


A massive dark yom padded in the hunting part of the Clan's territory, planning with determination to catch a more than decent meal for some cat in his pride. Usually, one would assume that the leader would stay in his den in the morning until it was time to go out and order patrols. But, knowing food was always needed, Wolfstar had decided to go hunting.

The sun hadn't risen yet, so he still had some time to hunt before he began to head back and start the day. The wind gently ruffling his short fur on his magnificent figure, Wolfstar padded across the grassy floor, in the part of the territory where the Clan most typically hunted. Sniffing and observing the ground all in front of him, he noticed a little area of grass that was dented, seeming to be where a large animal had laid down and he sniffed the area, identifying the animal as a badger. Ears now perked, he began moving forward, following the scent, though this time his steps weren't as loud or firm and he made sure he made no noise as he progressed. As soon as he heard shuffling, he immediately crouched to the ground, moving forward slowly with his tail hovering above the ground as to avoid making noise, soon spotting the animal. It was a female badger, a plump one too, which would make her a bit easier to hunt as she would be slower, and it meant she was tastier. Stalking the beast, he got as close as he could, stopping when he couldn't go farther as to avoid being seen. Then he charged and, pouncing, his claws dug into the hard, firm back of his prey to trap the beaver before his teeth latched onto its neck, biting incredibly hard with a bite force stronger than that of an average sabertooth tiger's. The beaver rolled and crushed Wolfstar under her, causing the brute to grunt before he moved away. He growled fiercely, watching the beaver's slower movements as it was losing a lot of blood from his bite. He snarled before charging, biting at it. During the fight, the large rodent managed to bite his left leg, its large saber-like teeth, causing the leader to yowl in pain. This just made him enraged, snarling loudly, and he noticed the weary movements of the beaver and took his chance. He charged forward, slightly pained, and dug his long and incredibly sharp sabers into the throat of the big beast. In a matter of moments, the massive feline had killed the weaker animal with his powerful bite.

Seeing the sun slowly creeping over the horizon, Wolfstar grabbed his kill before beginning to limp back to camp with the animal dragging behind him, knowing it would be wise to be there when the morning began. Considering what time it was, he would probably arrive back at camp before his Clan members awoke. Soon enough, the leader arrived back home and entered his Clan's camp, his walk showing a bit of pain as the beaver's teeth had sunk pretty deep into his leg, causing a large gash that was bleeding slightly heavily at that moment. The incredibly massive brute padded into the camp, dragging the large, female badger behind him with his powerful jaws and legs. Intimidating yellow orbs scanned the camp as the few that were awake shuffled that morning in the midst of the camp. The brute soon set the animal down on the ground before him, atop the prey pile, with a grunt as he panted slight, his massive jaws parting for him to yawn as he stood there, his terrifying sharp teeth revealed. He had an extraordinary figure. He was incredibly large with firm, rock-hard muscles under his long, soft fur, though his muscles were very much visible, and his legs thick yet supple. His saber-teeth were knife-sharp and very long. And his claws were slightly longer than normal but incrediby sharp. Wolfstar was mainly composed of dark colors, with a bit of white. He had many scars from all the battles he'd fought in his life, not taking away any of the attractiveness of the male, just adding to his already respectable and terrifying aura. His eyes were an intimidating, striking, and yet captivating yellow that could easily disturb and scare some animal as he stared into one's eyes as if staring into their soul.

Letting out a huff, the colossal tom cat snuck back into his den for a little while. Then, once his Clan woke up and started shuffling around camp, he would exit his den, padding down from the ledge it rested upon, making sure his walk was a sturdy as could be. He didn't want anyone to worry about him, especially not Echostep, the medicine cat. Being a rather stoic tom, Wolfstar was able to keep the pain from his eyes, expression, and voice, though maybe his walk betrayed the wound a little bit, as well as the bleeding gash. Seeing Echostep and Sunfall conversing, the massive leader approached them. "Good morning, Echostep. Sunfall." he greeted, his deep, masculine voice speaking to them from behind, his incredibly large paws kneading on the ground for a few moments, his intimidating, yet captivating, yellow gaze meeting theirs.

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Edited on 21/10/17 @ 17:28:30 by Christicat15 (#54511)

🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-19 18:39:24
SunFall/DawnClan deputy/ Blue spotted Tabby male/Camp/WolfStar EchoStep

SunFall studied the medicine cat as she spoke to him, it was obvious that she was indeed not fine but the young deputy decided not to peruse her to talk to him. He looked to the pile and a juicy looking pigeon soon caught his yellow eyes " I'm doing okay, and it seems like it'll be a fine day today" He mewed flicking his striped tail towards the rising sun. Looking up he remembered his dream and how strange it was obviously it was just a dream but SunFall still felt mixed about it and debated on telling EchoStep about it. SunFall looked down at the pretty Bengal's face alarm had been plastered on her face along with a look of distraction at that moment the blue tabby decided against it. " Yes of course I'll join you." He mews giving her a small smile then bends sown and takes the pigeon in his mouth, SunFall jumped a little when his leader snuck up on him an EchoStep. Dropping his pigeon to the ground he gives WolfStar an amused look before dipping his head respectfully. " Hello WolfStar." The tabby paused before adding " You made a nice meal of this badger here" He noted WolfStar was the only cat strong enough to take down a badger like this and every cat knew it. SunFall scanned his leader immediately noticing a wound on his leg it looked quite large. The deputy couldn't help but worry he knew that his leader was able to care for himself but he shouldn't be hunting such large and fierce prey on his own, he might have nine lives but he isn't indestructible.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-20 08:27:10

Echostep|Dawnclan Med.Cat|32 moon Bengal she-cat|Location- Camp|Mentions- [D] Sunfall,

"Show me where it hurts."
Echostep's eyes narrowed ever so slightly at Sunfall. Something seemed to be on the deputy's mind. Apparently it was the morning for pensive thoughts. Her muzzle curled slightly in amusement. As close as Dawnclan cats were, even they had their secrets. As the tom mentioned the day, her narrow head twisted upwards, mouth parting as she let the faint breeze tickle her chin, senses catching the scents of a new season just beginning. Yet, the sun was warm and the prey still running so it was easy to let worries slip away, if only for a moment.
That moment however, was quickly snatched when she watched Wolfstars padding. He was favoring a paw, and smelled of badger. Echo step closed her eyes for a moment letting the air exhale slowly from her chest. As their leader padded closer, her eyes reopened, and she did a swift scan, pale gaze swiveling over the large tom. At his words, she tilted her head, with her usual quizzical stare.
"Wolfstar. I don't think you can call any morning you come padding over with an injury a good one." She sighed, shoulders shifting up and down with the gesture as she rose to her paws. Her squirrel left untouched. Regardless of the expression he wore, her moons of experience were no contest. Much smaller, she easily slipped around his frame, crouching to inspect the wound, before leaning back, head shaking slightly.
"Wolfstar. I need to take care of that." Her voice was still gentle, as she stepped a few paces back to meet the toms gaze. As strong as his was she held the stare, brow its usual worried furrow.

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Edited on 20/10/17 @ 12:55:05 by Peachie||Lights Off~ (#121220)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2017-10-20 12:13:42
Icepaw|Dawnclan Med.Cat.App|9 Moon Light Gray tom|Location- Camp|

Shortly after Echostep left the medicine cat den Icepaw woke up. He let out a big yawn, he'd barely slept, hefting his still sleepy body into a standing position, Icepaw shuck himself. A cloud of dust came out of his thick coat, he really should gather some new moss. Looking over at Echosteps nest he decided to grab some for her's as well. Taking a few paw steps to the herbs he gathered up some small moss bushes that were laying on the ground. Letting out a sigh Icepaw said,"I told Echostep that we should have stored the moss somewhere else", grabbing the pieces with his paw he placed it on the rest of the pile of moss. Already standing in front of the herb storage Icepaw decided to take a quick inventory of the herbs that they had, it was the end of Green-Leaf so it was far better to do it now then wait for the first cats to get sick.
Inspecting it Icepaw noticed that they barely had any Cobwebs, Chervil, or Willow Bark left. They also had no Catmint, Coltsfoot, Dandelion, Oak Leaf, or Goldenrod left, they really needed to stock up. A loud grumble suddenly broke into his thoughts, Icepaw just noticed how starved he was. After making sure they did not need anything else he turned and headed out of their cave. The bright light blinded Icepaw for a few seconds, when his eyes finely adjusted he noticed that there were several cats gathered around the fresh-kill pile. Drawing closer to the group he noticed that is was Sunfall, Wolfstar, and Echostep.

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-20 12:51:13
SunFall/DawnClan deputy/ Blue spotted Tabby male/Camp/WolfStar EchoStep, IcePaw

SunFall watched silently as the two cats interacted it was sometimes hard getting used to being deputy of DawnClan he had never really even excepted that WolfStar considered him deputy material. the tabby was an excellent leader and was good at organizing patrols but what else were deputy's good for besides taking over as leader? he thought to himself. SunFall had been use to being a warrior for many moons but this new responsibly left him exhausted, but as the days passed he started to imagine some other cat besides the powerful WolfStar and the only cat that came to his mind was him. the blue tabby's ear flicked at the sound of an approaching cat ah it was IcePaw. The deputy had always wondered what life might be like as a medicine cat but always quickly dismissed the thoughts the tom knew he was destined to be a warrior and now a deputy. " Hi IcePaw" SunFall mewed flicking his tail in greeting to the apprentice.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2017-10-20 21:53:29
Icepaw|Dawnclan Med.Cat.App|9 Moon Light Gray tom|Location- Camp|

Icepaw bowed his head in response to the deputy's greeting,"Hello, Sunfall". Moving past the three older cats Icepaw went to the fresh-kill pile. After contemplating what he should take, he decided on grabbing a juicy squirrel. Gabing it in his jaws Icepaw dragged it over to the small group of cats. Looking up at his mentor he let her know,"Echostep, we've run out of several herb. We should probably go out and gather some more". Without waiting for an answer Icepaw bent down to dig into his squirrel. But before he could the slight scent of blood hit his nose, it was fresh blood. Peaking up he looked at Wolstar, Icepaw reprimanded himself for not noticing it sooner. Here was his leader bleeding from a wound and the only thing he cared about was food.
Icepaw sat down and waited for what Echostep would do next. He guessed by the atmosphere that she had already reprimanded him a bit,

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Edited on 21/10/17 @ 15:56:49 by {~LightQueen~} [Lights/OFF] (#59203)

littleclod |
lilclout (#92938)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2017-10-21 06:52:08
Honeyripple|DawnClan Warrior|28 Moons|She-Cat|Location- Camp|Mentions- [ID] Wolfstar, Icepaw, Sunfall, Echostep [D] Open

Blinking away sleep, deep brown eyes finally opened as Honeyripple stretched out in her nest. Tail swaying, the she-cat stood and quickly groomed her sides, lapping down the ragged spikes of fur that had arisen during the night. When she finished, the golden-furred cat stepped from the den, her eyes quickly swivelling to the gaggle around Wolfstar. She twitched her ears for a brief moment, questioning whether she should join the throng, but then dismissed the idea. She headed instead to the fresh-kill pile, nosing out a thrush.

Settling herself onto a patch of moss underneath a rock formation, Honeyripple bit into the thrush. Savouring the flavour, the petite female closed her eyes for a brief moment before reluctantly opening them again. Curiousity panged in her heart as she looked over at Wolfstar and the others. The sharp scent of blood dashed past her nose, and her eyes were drawn to Wolfstar’s paw. Feeling slightly guilty, Honeyripple downed the rest of her prey, then cautiously made her way towards the group.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-10-21 17:27:19

| Wolfstar |
Male | 34 moons | Maine Coon | Leader | Location: Camp | Mentions: Echostep, Sunfall, Honeyripple


The colossal leader sighed as the medicine cat noticed the wound on his leg. He shook his head, "I am perfectly fine." he said, his tail flicking idly as he stood up tall, towering over the two, and the rest of the Clan. He looked at Sunfall, his deep, yellow eyes observing the deputy before looking back at Echostep. "Trust me, Echostep. I've dealt with a lot of wounds in my life, I can manage with this little scratch." he said, his left ear flicking. Pride. It was one of his worse qualities. It wasn't necessarily that he thought himself to be better than everyone. It was more because he desired not to show any weakness.

Wolfstar's intimidating yellow eyes met Echostep's, distributing his weight on all of his legs, regardless of the pain in his left leg, his muscles rippling and firm beneath his dark pelt. He was the leader, a powerful one at that. No one dared keep his gaze for too long. But, Echostep was the medicine cat and, while he was a tough and sometimes merciless leader, who was raised under the influence of one that killed those who opposed him, he cared about those in his Clan, including her. His tail flicked as he looked at her, his tongue swiping against his still blood-tented maw. He looked at Sunfall, "Take a border patrol. Make sure those DuskClan cats aren't pushing their boundaries." he said, his masculine voice reaching the male with winged words. Looking around, Wolfstar's yellow gaze fell upon Honeyripple. She was a good warrior. "Honeyripple!" he said, his thundering voice calling her over. As soon as she would come over, the massive leader would nod in greeting. "I want you to take a hunting patrol. Stay away from the borders and take whomever you please." he said, nodding to her before turning to look back at Echostep, a brow raising before he padded away, towards the fresh-kill pile.

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Edited on 22/10/17 @ 11:20:17 by Christicat15 (#54511)

🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-21 18:24:28
SunFall/DawnClan deputy/ Blue spotted Tabby male/Camp/WolfStar

SunFall nodded then dipped his head at WolfStar he had no idea what those DuskClan cats were doing or if it was StarClan's will or not to have a clan made up of rogues and kitty pets, he had met one before and SunFall had not been impressed with the easily scared cat it was obvious that these cats had no idea what they were doing when it came to the warrior code or how clan cats work. " Do you think we should do something about them WolfStar" The blue tabby asked following WolfStar " From what I've gathered they seem to be comprised of mostly rogues and kitty pets" SunFall paused for a moment then continued, " There clan might just be strays and soft house cats but their still cats who can be dangerous and unpredictable." He stated thinking for a moment, they cant be too experienced in fighting it would be easy to drive them out of their home but then again maybe this was the will of Starclan the deputy thought looking expectantly at WolfStar for some input.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-22 01:43:46

Echostep|Dawnclan Med.Cat|32 moon Bengal she-cat|Location- Camp|Mentions- [D] Wolfstar, Icepaw.

"Show me where it hurts."
Echostep narrowed her eyes, body becoming tense. It was the most difficult part of her rank, and her leader never made it easier. As he tried to prove his strength, her gaze only grew harder, weight on all four paws as she lashed her tail. Her gaze flickered to Icepaw, as her apprentice padded close.
"This, is a prime example of a cat who is to stubborn for his own good." She mewed to the younger cat, her eyes gentle when on the apprentice, and snapping to a glare when they shifted towards Wolfstar. As he gave orders, and began to pad away she bounded forward, cutting the tom off and planting her small form in front of him once again.
"Wolfstar." Her tone was level, but had taken on a sharp edge. "Badgers have dirty mouths and claws. dirty wounds lead to infection. Infection leads to losing limbs, or lives." She took a step towards the leader. Perhaps one of the few cats bold enough to glare back into his yellow gaze. The tom would know better than to hurt a clan mate, and a healer at that.
"If you don't let me clean it, I will put herb your prey." The threat was half jest, half serious as the she-cat made sure to continue her blocking of the leader, even if the confrontation made her pelt prickle.
"Besides, Icepaw needs the experience. You wouldn't deny vital experience to a young cat." Her voice had lost some of its edge, and her expression softened until it had melted almost back to its normal wide eyed stare, only the faintest wrinkle in her brow.

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Spaghetti Enthusiast (#121187)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-22 05:57:39
Nettleleap | Rank - warrior | 20 moons | Location - camp | mentions - All, Wolfstar, Honeyripple, Echostep

Nettleleap padded around the camp, his stride long and confident. He looked around at all the cats bustling around. He himself better find something to do! His eyes slid towards the direction of the forest, a nice hunt would do. He heard Wolfstar speaking to Honeyripple about a hunting patrol and wondered if he could join in. The young tom bonded over on quick black paws to the she-cat, swiveling his head in the direction of Wolfstar as Echostep blocked his path and spoke to him. The black tom had to stop himself from purring in amusement. How funny it was when Echostep got mad. She hardly did, and every cat knew to take the medicine cat seriously. He turned his face back to Honeyripple, "Mind if I join you?" He asked the she-cat. He was very bored, but when was he not? The tom had always been bored easily, and needed to be doing something at all times. He twitched his thin black tail anxiously as he imagined chasing some juicy fat prey through the forest. Who knew, maybe they'd even encounter one of those wretched DuskClan cats that were moving into there forest!

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2017-10-22 06:46:05
Icepaw|Dawnclan Med.Cat.App|9 Moon Light Gray tom|Location- Camp|Mentions- Wolfstar, Echostep

Swallowing the hard lump that had formed in his throat, Icepaw stepped forward to stand next to his mentor. He was nowhere near as experienced or confident as Echostap to look Wolfstar strait in the eyes, so instead his eyes focused on the leaders wound. Without waiting for Wolfstar to make up excuses as to why they should not treat him, Icepaw turned to Echostep and said, "I'll head back to our den and start preparing all the necessary herbs". Quickly grabbing his squirrel he raced off to the medicine cat's den. Once inside he finished his meal in a few gulps, then started looking around for which herbs they would need.
Icepaw decided to take some Horsetail, to treat the infection that had probably already started, he then also grabbed the last bit of cobweb that they had left, to stop the bleeding, as an extra measure he also grabbed some poppy seeds, to lessen the pain the wound was definitely causing Wolfstar. Icepaw then spread all of the gathered herbs on some Ivy leaves, that were always growing on the back wall of the den and that the medicine cats had discovered where perfect for gathering herbs together, and, lying down, started to chew on the Horsetail.

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