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ys.| (#121220)

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2017-10-17 19:45:32

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Edited on 04/01/18 @ 15:01:35 by Peachie 👌 [MottledPie] (#121220)

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-26 18:32:19

Echostep|Dawnclan Med.Cat|32 moon Bengal she-cat|Location- Camp|Mentions- [d] Wolfstar Open
"Show me where it hurts."

Echostep did not have to go far the find Wolfstar, the commotion had been enough. His rumble seemed to echo through the camp, and she shrank slightly, ears returning to her skull. Even if his anger was directed at the situation, it was a startling sight to behold, especially as his glare rounded onto her. Crouching, the medicine cat averted her gaze, tail lashing slowly along the earth as she took a step back, considering her words carefully.
"I'm, not exactly sure. " Her mew was quiet, especially compared to his deep rumble.
"Icepaw had a feeling, we went north, near the borde-" Echostep suddenly shifted her words, even if it was too late. "Near the river crossing. (the bridge)" She shook her head, the she-cat did not want to make any accusations but she also couldn't lie.
"He died with Icepaw while I was trying to find an herb to help his passing. I'm not sure what happened or if he said anything."
Her gaze shifted to Icepaw, kicking herself for not talking to the apprentice right away, hopeful he would be able to withstand Wolfstar's towering glare.


Silverpaw|Dawnclan Apprentice|Silver Bengal she-cat|location-camp|Mentions- [d] Wolfstar, Splashwing
Silverpaw had finally relaxed from her earlier adrenaline, sharp fangs gnawing roughly on a piece of prey, icy eyes scanning the camp. It was as if she could still smell the invaders, and it made her pelt ripple in distaste.
"Ugh." The she-cat pushed herself from the earth, shaking the dust from her pelt. The thought of the cats was putting her off her dinner. Eyes swiveling, she watched as Echostep and Icepaw returned, something in the small medicine cats jaws. Prey? Her head tilted, as the object was placed on the earth, and Splashwing's voice rang out. The she-cat's eyes widened, and forgetting the prey, had bolted over to the gathering group of cats with a yowl.
"What happened?" She looked wildly at the others, her fur bristling as she leaned over the fallen cat, face pressing into his fur. It was difficult to tell what exactly the young she-cat was expressing, since she had not often seemed to show much care for her den-mates. However at her quivering pelt, it looked as if grief had consumed the apprentice. However as she pulled back, rage filled the icy eyes, her form backing up a few steps, a growl growing in her chest.
"Those...invaders!" She hissed, shaking her head. The apprentice glared at her clan and even Wolfstar, an accusatory lash of her tail hitting the earth. Her vision turned to Splashwing, who mentioned Starclan.
"He should be running with us." She spat, looking venomously at the earth. Later, she knew she would feel a bit of regret hissing at the senior warrior, but right now she in a rage.

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Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2017-10-26 18:46:11
Splashwing | Warrior | 72 Moons | Camp | Silverpaw, Wolfstar, Echostep, Icepaw
Splashwing's cream and blue-grey pelt smoothed as the young apprentice snarled at her. She understood the young cat's venomous temper, that same emotional rage that came over in times of grief. She curled her lips back, her teeth showing slightly. "Tone, Silverpaw," she warned her firmly, her voice rough and hard, though not as angry as it normally would be, "all cats must run with the stars at some point."

She knew that the young apprentice was sick with grief and anger, but she was not someone who would be able to help with that. She settled to lean over and rest her tail on Silverpaw's shoulder for a moment before she turned to her massive leader and small medicine cat. "He smells of DuskClan," she rumbled, her piercing blue eyes staring unwaveringly from Wolfstar's golden orbs, "And Echostep says he was found near the border. None of that bodes well for our..." she nearly spat the final word, "Neighbors"

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-26 19:18:54
~SunFall | DawnClan Deputy | Warriors den | SilverPaw, EchoStep, IcePaw, WolfStar~

SunFall had followed his leader also wondering why all the cats were riled up, the tabby's fur bristled his eyes clouded with grief not BarkPaw! SunFall had been close to the young cat often going on hunting and fighting lessons with him, anger flashed in the deputy's eyes as EchoStep and SplashWing spoke. Even though he felt rage starting to build up inside of him the tabby knew he had to be reasonable. " Did you smell any trails leading from BarkPaw over into DuskClan's territory?" SunFall's eyes narrowed with sadness " Did any of you even check between his claws?" He spat knowing that he was being harsh. He wasn't sticking up for DuskClan in the slightest but he didn't want an unnecessary fight that could lead to more cats death. " I escorted them back I even hunted in that area for a vole! I should have seen something" SunFall's voice lowered to a whisper " I should have been there" He mewed barley audible he was to blame for this he should have been watching over BarkPaw and now he was dead. SunFall laid next to the apprentices body pressing close to the tom, Starclan why was this happening?!

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 18:14:36

| Wolfstar |
Male | 34 moons | Maine Coon | Leader | Location: Camp | Mentions: [D] Echostep, Splashwing, Sunfall [ID] All


Anger swelled in his heart as he listened to the cats speak. Echo step said it was near the border. Even if she attempted to refrain from saying it, he knew that's what she was going to say. He snarled, assuming it was those rouges and loners who dared to kill his apprentice. As Icepaw was mentioned, his terrifying gaze fell upon him, though the leader didn't speak. Standing tall, Wolfstar looked at Splashwing as she spoke. She was a wise, senior warrior, way older than he, and he looked to her for advice, even more than his own deputy, who hadn't even reached thirty moons in age.

A growl rumbled in the massive leader's throat as he listened to his Clan as they spoke, all making accusatory statements against the 'DuskClan', except for Sunfall, of course. He gave a sharp, warning growl to the deputy as he spat rather disrespectfully to the medicine cat, though the leader chose not to say anything at the moment. Looking down at the apprentice's body, he felt both sadness and anger boiling inside of him, his fur bristling and teeth bared as he growled a single word. "DuskClan.". His snarl echoed, all quiet as the one-worded Clan name was spoken. His sharp claws dug into ground as he looked at Sunfall. "Gather some warriors." he commanded, his sharp, yellow glare meeting the eyes of his subordinate. He looked around, "We're gong to war." he growled, the snarl echoing across the camp.

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 18:21:52
~SunFall | DawnClan Deputy | Warriors den | SilverPaw, EchoStep, IcePaw, WolfStar~

SunFall's grief stricken eyes looked up at his leader he didn't think it was such a good idea to go to war, but at the moment he didn't care. it felt as if the grief he was feeling was constricting his heart painfully The blue tabby sighed laying his head down. His face looked down at BarkPaw, " We should mourn BarkFace first, then we can deal with them" He mewed looking up at WolfStar the deputy closed his eyes. What was Starclan planning.

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Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 19:04:49
Splashwing | Warrior | 72 Moons | Camp | Silverpaw, Wolfstar, Echostep, Icepaw
Blue and cream striped fur rose slightly at Wolfstar's declaration. Her piercing blue eyes lifted to meet the liquid gold of the leader's, and she rumbled through her conflicted emotions, "Who would you like me to gather?"

Part of her pulled towards a day of silence for the young apprentice that they had lost, but her blood had risen. The familiar pump of her heart that began to speed up at the thought of a battle ruffled her fur in a way that little else did. Her claws that were regularly slid out of their sheaths were kneading the ground eagerly, and her deep blue eyes seemed to sink into a color of near abysmal depth as she contemplated the fight to come.

This is what she lived for. Kitless and mostly without family now, the dilute calico mollie lived for the thrill of battle. She was appreciative of peacetime, but it took a true fight to make her feel young again. 6 years of life, Splashwing had had, littered with countless battles. She could remember many of them in vivid detail, and it was very rare that they were littered with the course of fear in her system. No, they were adrenaline memories. Thrill, blur, and claws were most of it.

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(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 19:13:01
Hollywhisker | 27 Moons | Warrior | Mentions: Everyone | Location: Camp

What was going on now...? Could she not get some rest? Good StarClan! She didn't have the energy to do much today, and the only thing she'd had to eat was a vole! The black and white warrior rose to her paws again and padded outside the den, the smell of death hitting her almost instantly. The smell was also mixed with... DuskClan? Those savages! They killed one of their Clanmates! Oh yeah sure, walk in here and request to be allies, then KILL one of our kind! Smart! We'll have your heads for this! She thought bitterly when she seen one of the young apprentices laying dead in the middle of camp. If she ever had kits, and this were her offspring laying here... She would be charging towards the killer, she would have her revenge.

Fury bubbled up inside the she-cat. "DuskClan did this! She meowed loudly, "I take this as a sign of hostility! They're trying to drive us out of our own territory!" Hollywhisker announced, hoping Wolfstar wouldn't have her neck for this. The neighboring Clan had killed an innocent apprentice barely into life, he was basically a kit! This had to be unacceptable, they were going to do something about this... Right? "What do you think, Sunfall?" The she-cat asked the deputy, feeling more hatred than she was grief.

She was cut off by Wolfstar yowling for someone to gather warriors, she smiled when Splashwing to gather some warriors, they were going to battle?! Yes... She'd rip those cats to shreds! "I'll go!" She volunteered.

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Edited on 27/10/17 @ 19:49:43 by *Dreaming~Paradise* (Dixie) (#71738)

🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 19:46:15
~SunFall | DawnClan Deputy | Warriors den | SilverPaw, EchoStep, IcePaw, WolfStar, HollyWhisker~

SunFall shook his head clearing it of all the grief and cloudiness that he was feeling, he was deputy and needed to act like one. He got up walking towards HollyWhisker he pressed his flank up against hers comfortingly he would never forgive DuskClan if one of those cats had killed BarkPaw. His face turned stern as he spoke, " I'm going to" He said narrowing his yellow eyes. " If it was a DuskClan cat that did this" He stopped for a moment looking to SplashWing, " Than they need to be punished" He spat looking to HollyWhisker and although he still felt weak and dizzy he would be strong for her. The tabby wanted her right by his side when he went he looked to WolfStar " I'm taking HollyWhisker, SplashWing, SkyGaze, IcePaw and HoneyRipple" He said looking up at the sky " All of you go and eat we are leaving in a short while He hissed to the cats walking to the entrance he was hungry earlier but now he just felt sick.

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Edited on 27/10/17 @ 19:53:30 by CottonCaat (#127324)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 19:51:32

Icepaw|Dawnclan Med.Cat.App|9 Moon|Light Gray tom|Location- Camp|Mention- Wolfstar

Icepaw shrank back as his leader's eyes fell on him, he wanted to earth to swallow him whole and get him out of this situation. He could hear the outcries of rage and grief from all around him. He stepped back a bit not wanting to get into the middle of all of this commotion.
As he listened to the other cats around him he could tell that most of the cries of grief and pain vanished and instead they all turned to cries for war. Icepaw was far too young to have ever experienced anything bigger then maybe small skirmish that some of the loners once in awhile incited, but Icepaw was sure that if a war broke out between their two clans that many, many cats would be injured. Some might even die and join Barkpaw in Starclan.
The young medicine cat shook his head, this was insane, why would Duskclan first come into their camp without any hostile intentions and then, at the same time, the body of a Dawnclan apprentice would be found. It just didn't make any sense. Gathering up all of his courage the gray apprentice stepped forward.
Standing in front of Wolfstar he looked up, Icepaw had intended to look into his leaders eyes, but his gaze would always drift off to the sides. Icepaw dug his claws into the ground, more to stop himself from running away from his leaders gaze, then out of anger like the other Dawnclan cats around him.
"Wolfstar, I don't think that declaring war immediately is a wise idear. Should we not first send Barkpaw off to join Starclan then to declare war and send even more cats immediately after him?" Icepaw tried to sound confident all the way through his little speech, but at the end his shoulders started to sink in on themselves and his own confidence wande as well.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 20:08:38

| Wolfstar |
Male | 34 moons | Maine Coon | Leader | Location: Camp | Mentions: [D] Splashwing, Sunfall, Icepaw, Hollywhisker, Patrol [ID] All


Hearing the deputy's resist of his command, saying they should mourn, the colossal male rounded on the smaller tom. "I said gather warriors, so you gather warriors. We mourn later." he began, tail lashing fiercely behind him. He wouldn't tolerate disobedience. His terrifying eyes glared into Sunfall's, "That's an order." he snarled, tail rising in dominance. The sound of Splashwing's voice brought him relief. He looked at her, respect in his heart for the senior warrior. "Thank you." he said quietly, not wanting anyone else to hear. Pride, it was one of his problems. Towering over his Clan, his eyes met Splashwings, "Our best ones." he said, his voice a thundering tune. "We don't fight yet, but I want to be prepared." he added, only for the female to hear. He trusted her more than most, which was uncommon for the reserved tom. He looked at Hollywhisker, observing her. Wolfstar nodded his assent.

The quiet, innocent voice of their medicine cat apprentice was enough to make him stop, enough to make him feel bad. The massive tom turned to look at Icepaw, his terrifying yellow eyes meeting the young one's, shaking his head. "They declared war by killing Barkpaw." he said, calming his voice as much as possible for the apprentice, though a deep grumble couldn't be hidden. "I will give them a day to prepare, young one. In that time, we will mourn the loss of Barkpaw." he said, paws flexing, his claws digging into the earth.

Looking around, the muscular leader would wait for a patrol to be gathered before he prepared to head out. "Let's go." he said, his voice loud so everyone in the patrol could hear, flicking his tail for the rest to follow. Left ear flicking, Wolfstar turned to look back at Sunfall. "You stay here." he commanded, narrowing his eyes, almost daring the subordinate to challenge him. "Prepare for battle." he finished, the words reaching the deputy's ear, before flicking his tail, leaving the camp with his patrol behind him.

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 20:19:24
~SunFall | DawnClan Deputy | Warriors den | [ID]WolfStar, [ID]HollyWhisker~

SunFall looked back as WolfStar led the patrol he had picked out of camp his ears flattened against his head, his face twisted in a snarl. The blue spotted tabby's tail lashed he prayed to Starclan that HollyWhisker would be okay, the deputy went over to BarkPaw's body laying down next to it, he was going to share tongues with the apprentice for the last time. He would make preperations later.

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Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 20:43:14
Splashwing | Warrior | 72 Moons | Camp | Honeyripple, Wolfstar, Skygaze, Hollywhisker
Splashwing heard Sunfall's patrol and deemed it safest to just go with the warriors he had named. They were strong cats, even if one was nearly as traitor as the DuskClan cats in her mind. She nodded at Wolfstar's command, flicking an ear to show that she had heard his secondary words, and then she turned to face the rest of the clan. "Honeyripple, Skygaze, Hollywhisker, come with us," she commanded firmly, her deep blue eyes turning to face Icepaw. "You stay," she told him firmly, her voice rumbling in her chest, "We do not need to loose another apprentice today, and a medicine cat one would do little for our cause."

She turned back to Wolfstar as the named cats gathered, and nodded to him once again. "Lead the way," she rumbled, pausing to let him inform Sunfall of his place before she followed him out. Already her blood was pumping, her pupils contracted to slits and her tail lashing as she walked, her old creaky bones forgotten as she moved near their massive leader.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 20:48:01

Icepaw|Dawnclan Med.Cat.App|9 Moon|Light Gray tom|Location- Camp|Mention- Wolfstar, Echostep

Icepaw breathed a sigh of relief, although he had not managed to change Wolfstars mind about starting a war, the leader had not scolded him too much for his insolence. Taking one last glance over his shoulder at the fallen apprentice, Icepaw headed towards the medicine cat den. Far to much had happened today, he needed to process everything. Passing by the fresh kill pile he remembered that he had only the squirrel to eat earlier that day, but even the smell of fresh kill made Icepaws stomach turn. He quickly moved on, leaving his clan mates behinde to bustle around the now filled camp center and organise their war.
As he entered the medicine cat den he took a shaky breath and thinking rationally he made a mental note that he and Echostep would probably have to gather even more herbs now, to prepare for the injured cats to come.
But for now Icepaw just needed to rest. Falling, very ungracefully, onto his nest the young apprentice curled into a tight ball.
Icepaws eyes had just started to close when that stupid nagging feeling pulling him north started again. Letting out a low growl he shut his eyes tightly, he did not care about some stupid thing that wanted him to go north immediately, just as little that he cared about everyone else in his clan wanting to start a war. Right now Icepaw just wanted to sleep.

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Bexdrey🗝️ [0/65
GB] (#97938)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-10-28 00:15:52

Slackjaw | Warrior | Camp | 52 Moons | Dawnclan | Mentions: | Tom |

Paws stepped from the warriors den, he slept in, a mistake but he hadn't slept well the night before. As Slackjaw stood and looked around, he noticed an odd chilling sadness to the clan. What could be wrong?

Nothing was making sense anymore to him. But the sadness in the camp confused him...did someone die? Probably..hmph...but question is...who..if someone DID die that is.. His mind went nuts, who could've possibly died? He took a whiff of the air.. death.. oh yea, someone died.

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littleclod |
lilclout (#92938)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2017-10-28 05:45:01
Honeyripple|DawnClan Warrior|28 Moons|She-Cat|Location- Camp|Mentions- [ID] All [D] Splashwing, Skygaze, Hollywhisker

Honeyripple jolted with surprise as her name was called, but the slender she-cat followed after anyways. Personally, this whole thing about assuming DuskClan had done it was annoying her, but she would say nothing to anyone. The DuskClan cats, from what she had seen of them, wouldn’t kill Barkpaw. They wouldn’t have the strength. Suddenly forgetting her previous promise not to speak, she opened her mouth. ”So you really think those DuskClan cats killed Barkpaw? I mean, did you look at how small they were? Their own leader was miniscule! It just doesn’t seem feasible. Barkpw was strong and resourceful, and those cats. . .not so much.”

Her tone was light, conversational— but the graceful she-cat knew what she was doing. Her warm brown eyes were staring furiously at Wolfstar, who was leading them into this. No, Honeyripple was not a coward. Yes, she did enjoy fighting. But fighting needlessly? Not so much. Starting wars over things you were yet unsure of was a sign of fear, of cowardice, and Honeyripple wasn’t going to stand for it. In her haste to join them, she had forgotten all about the strange scents along the border; still she did not remember, and anyways, it seemed as if that information would probably be lost in the cutrrent chaos.

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Edited on 28/10/17 @ 05:45:54 by littleclod|mosaic|lights off (#92938)

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