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ys.| (#121220)

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2017-10-17 19:45:32

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Edited on 04/01/18 @ 15:01:35 by Peachie 👌 [MottledPie] (#121220)

StarChildAri (#126911)

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Posted on
2017-10-23 19:33:43
SkyGaze^ DawnClan^ Warrior^ black she cat with grey specks^ Camp^ PepperWind

SkyGaze smiles at the tom looking away as her fur heated with embarrassment, she used to be so confident and outgoing. She never wanted to give that part of herself up, the she cat let her white flecked eyes lay upon the warrior. “I heard DuskClan cats have been getting rather close to our border.” The she cat paused gauging his reaction as she spoke, “Lets go and be useful I bet a good border mark will keep em away” SkyGaze could feel excitement building up inside of her. She knew she was pushing her luck but she still wanted to try.
((Sorry for any gramher I’m in my phone))

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-23 19:35:07

Echostep|Dawnclan Med.Cat|32 moon Bengal she-cat|Location- Camp|Mentions- [d] Icepaw, NPC (Also Open.)
"Show me where it hurts."
Echostep shook her head, padding forward. the apprentice stirred slightly, as if he wanted to speak. Echostep turned to Icepaw, moving without rush, an unreadable expression across her face.
"Icepaw, come here." She beckoned the apprentice to sit beside the fallen cat, rising from the crouch she had taken to do a quick exploration of the apprentices wounds.
"Stay with him. I'll be back in a moment." Without hesitation, the she-cat bounded off, following the curve of the lake. She knew that it was too late for the apprentice, however that didn't mean she couldn't ease his journey. Trained paws took her where she needed to go, until she saw it, jaws closing around the stem, and tugging the flower. It wold be easier to transport this way. she never stopped moving, knowing that the moment she slowed, grief would manage to creep in.
Barkpaw's glazed eyes turned towards Icepaw, his jaw moving slightly, a quiet mutter escaping his lips. for a moment, he was still, then with a burst of energy, the young cat reached out, trying to grab the other apprentice and drawn him close, claws aiming for his scruff.
"They're not...It's not....Not what they seem!" He hissed, eyes flickering between the apprentices face, and the river before he fell backwards, quivering and inaudible, seemingly blind to the apprentice now.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2017-10-23 20:20:26
Icepaw|Dawnclan Med.Cat.App|9 Moon|Light Gray tom|Location- Beside lake|Mention- Echostep, Barkpaw

Icepaw hardly understood how he had not noticed the apprentice beside him, before Echostep had alerted Icepaw to his presence. He was shocked to see all of that blood spilling out of his small body. The blood and the pungent scent of the flowers, that grew everywhere in this are, mingled together to form a sick, pungent smell. That, and the fact that he was still being pulled further north, was the only way that Icepaw could explain that he had not noticed the injured cat so close to him before. Icepaw watched with despeleaf at what he was seeing, as Echostep checked on the young cat.
"How could this have happened? What could have done this?" Icepaw muttered under his breath. The first thought that came to the young cats minde was, DUSKCLAN! They must have been involved somehow.
As he moved closer to the injured apprentice, as Echostep had ordered, his heart started to sink. He was still young himself and not yet well trained in being a medicine cat, but it was obvious that the young apprentice was beyond all saving.
When Icepaw saw the young injured cats paw reaching for him, he leaned in so his ear was right beside Barkpaws mouth.
Icepaw listened hard to what the other apprentice was whispering. Pulling away slightly he asked," Who? Who do you mean Barkpaw? Was it Duskclan? Barkpaw was it a Duskclan cat that attacked you?"
As Icepaw watched the Only answer he received to his multiple questions was Barkpaw head lulling to the side, away from him. Getting more and more frantic Icepaw carefully turned Barkpaws head over to face him. The young apprentices eyes were still open, but unseeing.
Icepaws breath caught in his throat, Barkpaw was dead.Pulling his right paw down over Barkpaws face he closed the apprentices eyes. A few sobs escaped him, he'd not known Barkpaw very well, but he was still a clan mate.
Closing his eyes Icepaw remembered the first time he had seen Barkpaw. It was two moons ago, just after Icepaw had become medicine cat apprentice, the young reckless tom had somehow managed to get a thorn stuck in his paw pad, but not wanting to get scolded by either his mentor or Echostep he had come to Icepaw for help. It had been easy for Icepaw to pull the thorn out and treat the apprentices small injury, so it would not get infected. As thanks , for about half a moon, Barkpaw had been, as he called himself 'Icepaws personal hunter', every third catch Barkpaw made he would bring to the medicine cat apprentice, and then they would eat together.
Icepaw laid down, his back paw slipping into the water and blood filled puddle, and just stayed there, his side lightly pressing into Barkpaws, waiting for Echostep to return.

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(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2017-10-23 21:56:23
Hollywhisker | 27 Moons | Female | DawnClan | Location: Camp (Warrior's Den) | Mentions: Everyone [ID], OPEN

The black and white she-cat lay on her nest, curled up in a ball as she writhed to get comfortable. She hadn't cleaned out her nest in days, there brambles and a few thorns from her patrols mixed in with the moss that formed her nest. A few times she abandoned her nest to sleep on the ground; it was quite comfy though... Hollywhisker reluctantly opened her green eyes and rose to her paws; stretching and yawning as her muscles popped and a nauseating feeling flooded her stomach after a nearly silent rumble. Hmm... What was on the menu today? Hollywhisker blinked her eyes to clear her vision and headed towards the entrance of the den, her blurry sight glancing around the camp before she yawned for a second time. Everyone was going about their regular day, and she was quite sure something had happened while she was napping... It always does. She'd catch up later.

{{ Horrible post be horrible. }}

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-24 09:05:32
SunFall| Deputy| Male| 28 Moons| Camp|HollyWhisker

SunFall walked through the camp entrance with a flick of his tail he dismissed the cats he took with him on patrol, the blue spotted tabby had nothing special to report to WolfStar at the moment although he had smelled something strange he decided that it wasn't anything special, they had just moved into this territory so there were probably unfamiliar animals they hadn't scented before. If SunFall smelt it again then he would investigate it but until then there was no need to worry any cat, giving his sleek pelt a good shake the tom headed over to the fresh-kill pile grabbing a mouse he headed into the warriors den so he could eat peacefully. The tom spotted HollyWhisker and his fur began to heat instantly he went over to his nest laying down he began munching on his mouse, " Hello HollyWhisker" SunFall stumbled over his words he didn't look at the she cat as he spoke instead he just looked at his mouse.

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Bexdrey🗝️ [0/65
GB] (#97938)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-10-24 12:40:50

Slackjaw | Warrior | Camp | 52 Moons | Dawnclan | Mentions: Wolfstar [ID] OPEN | Tom |

Pace..pace..pace all he could do was pace. Everyday he worried more and more.. it drove him nuts. He felt as if he was going insane! Suddenly.. he jumped onto the largest rock in the camp. Fur bristled. "It was me!" He yelled. "I killed my own brother and ditched him in a ravine!" Mad laughter arose from the slim dusty tom. The clan looked his way and his mother..his mother was the angriest of them all. The leader, Wolfstar gave him a look of rage.

"Dawnclan... kill him.."

A gasp arose from the warriors den. Slackjaw had been dreaming? He looked around and gave a sigh of relief. Another bad dream..? the clan can never know. No matter how batty it drives me.. He rose to his hackles and shook out his pelt some then began to groom himself. Just a quick smoothing of his fur. He stood and gave a stretch before exiting the den, regain his composure from his nightmare. No one could know..

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-24 18:12:26
(Plot thread- Any Dawnclan cats are welcome to interact.(We need a patrol to find them XD) While plot happens here, it remains relevant when returning to your main board. --->

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-24 18:27:51

Echostep|Dawnclan Med.Cat|32 moon Bengal she-cat|Location- Camp|Mentions- [d] Icepaw, NPC (Also Open.)
"Show me where it hurts."
Echostep returned to where Icepaw lay, her pawsteps slowing as her gaze fell upon the apprentices. Barkpaw was no longer moving. The poppy plant clenched in her jaws tightly for a moment, before she padded closer, setting down the plant and giving Icepaw a few swipes with her tongue. He was still a young apprentice, and death had been thankfully not common the last few moons. It was never easy to see, even with her own experience, a tug pulled at her heart, an ache in her chest for the life that cat would not get.
"He's running with Starclan now." She murmured, eyes gentle as she gazed upon the apprentice. However, why the apprentice was with their starry kin was another story. Her pale gaze feel towards the Duskclan border, a furrow in her brow. It didn't seem right, yet it was an unusual place for a normal predator to have taken the apprentice. Echostep shook her head. Prophecy and death, there was a connection, she just didn't know what. However she knew that it could not be ignored.Rising to her paws, her tail trailed along Icepaws side for a moment.
"Grab the borage leaves." It was no use leaving the few herbs she had snagged behind, grief did not mean work could stop. Bending, the small cat grasped the apprentice in her jaws, beginning the slow trek towards the camp.

(Timeline wise, they'd arrive in the camp after Wolfstar and Shadowstar meet. ^-^)

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(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2017-10-24 19:13:21
Hollywhisker | 27 Moons | Female | DawnClan | Warrior | Location: Camp (Warrior's Den) | Mentions: Sunfall

The black and white she-cat ran her tongue through her silky fur with a few purrs of comfort rumbling in her throat, ignoring the growling in her stomach as she groomed herself. Just as she ran her wet white paw across her ear she heard a voice coming from inside the den. One of her clanmates must have passed her while she was cleaning up for the day; she stopped mid-groom and turned to gaze inside the den. It was the deputy, Sunfall. She sometimes wondered if the tom and her deceased mate's names had been intentional, probably not. No one in the Clan even remembered Stonefall, it was sad... "Hello." Hollywhisker greeted, "Just asking... But is there a vole in the fresh-kill pile? I'm hungry." The growling of her belly proved her point.

~moves her to the Patrol thread~

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Edited on 24/10/17 @ 19:55:20 by *Dreaming~Paradise* (Dixie) (#71738)

Bexdrey🗝️ [0/65
GB] (#97938)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-10-24 19:38:32

Slackjaw | Warrior | Camp | 52 Moons | Dawnclan | Mentions: STILL OPEN :/ | Tom |

A rumble deep within his stomach was heard. Slackjaw was sure everyone could hear it. With his belly wanting food, his paws made their way to the fresh-kill pile. There wasn't a whole lot but there was a nice tasty vole, the last one at that. SLackjaw licked his lips and took it off the pile. Vole was his favourite of the prey their territory had.

Next, his paws took him to a sunning rock, he wanted to eat AND be warm. He absolutely hated the cold shade, which is why he was dreading Leaf-bear and leaf-fall. Chilly winds, snow, he just did not want this. The thought made him shiver but eventually he rested his paws on the rock and lowered his hackles and began to eat the vole he chose from the pile.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2017-10-24 19:51:52
Icepaw|Dawnclan Med.Cat.App|9 Moon|Light Gray tom|Location- Beside Lake|Mention- Echostep

Icepaw looked up as he noticed Echostep coming up beside him. The young apprentice hadn't cried, but he still felt terrible. Icepaw didn't know how long he had layin next to the fallen apprentice, time seems to move both at a craw and at lightning speed at the same time, Setting his feet under himself he pushed his, now cold and stiff, body up.
Icepaw nodded his head in response to Echosteps wise words. She was right Barkpaw was with starclan now, his heart filled with sadness again as he thought that Barkpaw was together with Mousefur, his own mother, now and that she would probably take good care of Barkpaw.
Watching for a few heartbeats, as Echostep grabbed Barkpaw, Icepaw thought that it felt as if more than Barkpaws death was going to happen in the near future, his fur prickled at the thought.
Grabbing the borage leaf tightly in his jaws Icepaw made to follow his mentor only to stop in his tracks and look north one more time, there was still something pulling him that way. He then definitely turned and followed his mentor back to camp.

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-25 15:54:57
| SunFall| Deputy| DawnClan territory| DewDrop, HollyWhisker, SplashWing| DuskClan Cats

SunFall let HollyWhisker lead the strange cats to their camp making sure they weren't being followed, but once they had reached the entrance he ran up ahead brushing up against the black and white she cat in an appreciative way. As his clan mates began to investigate what was happening SunFall made his way to his leaders den hoping that he had done the right thing. he padded in cautiously making his presence known before he spoke, " WolfStar me and the patrol I had taken out earlier bumped into a small DuskClan patrol" The tabby paused for a moment confidence shining in his eyes. " Their leader was with them and he wanted to talk to you, so I brought them back to our camp sir" The deputy flicked his tail towards the entrance of WolfStar's den. " There in the clearing being guarded as we speak" SunFall wasn't sure if his leader would be happy or absolutely infuriated with him.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-10-25 15:59:37

| Wolfstar |
Male | 34 moons | Maine Coon | Leader | Location: Camp | Mentions: [D] Shadowstar [ID] Everyone


Wolfstar lay in his den peacefully, thinking about... Everything. He didn't know what to think about DuskClan, the new Clan that was made up of rogues, loners, and kittypets. He didn't know whether or not they were peaceful or if they would just attack and try and kill his Clan like most. He was used to it just being his Clan, and that's how he felt it should be. Most would say change was good, but Wolfstar was a traditional, stubborn tom, and he believed everything was fine just the way it was. Some change could be good in some areas, but.. The sound of commotion in the camp disrupted the tom's thoughts and he got to his feet, ears perked in curiosity to the noise. Then Sunfall entered, and Wolfstar immediately felt his pelt bristle as he heard what the deputy said. Towering over him, the brute said nothing to his subordinate and flexed his claws on the stone floor of his cave den, baring his teeth ever so slightly.

The massive leader stepped out of his den into the sun, standing tall atop the ledge of his cave. His yellow gaze fell upon a group of strange cats who reeked of.... DuskClan! A growl immediately rumbled in his chest and the muscular leader jumped down from the ledge, moving towards the group of cats with a snarl rumbling in his chest, his tail waving behind him as his claws unsheathed, just as a warning. "What are you doing here?" the massive, scarred tom snarled, baring his incredibly sharp and long saber-like fangs, his intimidating yellow eyes met the eyes of the small, black cat in front of him. Was this their leader? He was smaller than expected. Way smaller. Wolfstar waited for the reply, towering over them, his tail lashing behind him and hostility blazing in his striking eyes.

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Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2017-10-25 16:00:34
Splashwing | Warrior | 72 Moons | Camp | The Patrol

The large blue and cream tabby colored warrior sat alongside the left of the group, her dark blue eyes locked forwards and her face curled into one of displeasure. She was not thrilled to be alongside the wretched stink of these rouges, they smelled just... wrong. They were certainly not DawnClan and that was the only cat smell she enjoyed in the slightest. The mollie watched Sunfall walk to greet Wolfstar, and she lifted up a leg, kicking at an itch on one ear. She was not phased in the least, though her irritation at the DuskClan cats for imposing themselves upon DawnClan territory had her hackles raised in discontentment.

Splashwing made very sure that she kept one eye pinned on the cats at all times. She sized them up one by one. The mollies didn't look like they would be much of a fight, small and weak as they were. That leader was a larger cat than some, smaller than others, and his heterochromatic eyes were unsettling to her. It wasn't like she hadn't seen them before but it was still slightly nauseating to look at odd colored eyes like his.

When Wolfstar came storming out of his den, the she-cat smirked, the smug expression settling onto her worn face with ease. She was glad, very glad, that Wolfstar reacted as she had expected him to. These rogues did not belong in their territory, not in the slightest. She restrained from saying just that as she waited for 'Shadowstar' to reply.

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Edited on 25/10/17 @ 16:03:25 by Razz *Lights On* (#18166)

littleclod |
lilclout (#92938)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2017-10-25 16:07:38
Emberpelt | Deputy | DawnClan Camp | 24 Moons | DuskClan | Mentions: Shadowstar, Mossheart, Birchflower, Whisperpaw, DawnClan Cats[D] All[ ID] | Tom |

Emberpelt’s temper was strained as the massive tom approached Shadowstar, disrespect evident in every fur along his pelt. He wouldn’t expect the clan-born tom to understand their hardships, nor did he think that it was a good idea for him to be so rude already. He was testing the waters with the DuskClan cats, who, despite their upbringings, were composed of loyal and fierce cats. His muscle rippled under his pelt as he slunk up to Shadowstar’s side, tail swishing from side to side.

Despite his smaller stature, Emberpelt was far more lithe than the leader before him, and would surely be able to escape if things came to blows. His amber eyes were unusually cold, his posture guarded. His torn ear became ever more noticable among the far less pockmarked DawnClan cats, and he had never felt more out of place. He felt the urge to flee, but chided himself inwardly— that was a coward’s notion, and he was not a coward.

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