Posted by The Great Ribbon Tree - EVENT

Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-13 09:12:56

Welcome to the Great Ribbon Tree's event page. Every so often a new event will open up here for those who own a Dogweed. Want to participate but don’t have any Dogweeds in your garden?

Check out our main page to pick up a Dogweed of your own.

Our story has come to a close. Mar and her offspring have been taken care of and things are finally returning back to normal. Now it's time to celebrate and reward the victors who participated in this event.


Event Point Items

Light Dye
Cost: 1 EP
Description: Can be mixed into a batch of dye during a breeding to lighten the colors of a potential ribbon (lightens or adds white to the offspring if used before breeding.)

Dark Dye
Cost: 1 EP
Description: Can be mixed into a batch of dye during a breeding to darken the colors of a potential ribbon (darkens or adds black to the offspring if used before breeding.)

Tainted Dye
Cost: 1 EP
Description: Minorly increases the chance of a selected mutation passing (May boost a single mutation from either parent or increase the random mutation chance.)

Spoiled Dye
Cost: 2 EP
Description: Moderately increases the chance of a selected mutation passing (May boost a single mutation from either parent or increase the random mutation chance.)

Noxious Dye
Cost: 5 EP
Description: Majorly increases the chance of a selected mutation passing (May boost a single mutation from either parent or increase the random mutation chance.)

Tempered Bottle
Cost: 10 EP
Description: The only bottle strong enough to withhold the sap and dyes used for creating a new ribbon (required to breed Dogweeds. Limit 2 per person.)

Raffle Tickets
It looks like some of the salvaged Ribbons have become mutated from all the chaos! Two new mutations have surfaced. The minor mutation "Eyes of Mar" causes eyes to glow. The major mutation "Child of Mar" causes a Dogweed's tail to be replaced by a serpent. Both have a small chance to pass on to their offspring. NOTE: The "Child of Mar" mutation naturally causes darker offspring, and cannot be affected by light dye.

Description: Enters you into a raffle for a chance to win a Dogweed (each Dogweed has a separate raffle.) You may buy as many tickets as you like, though remember there is no guarantee you will win just because you purchased more tickets. Once you have won one raffle you will be removed from all other raffles in this event. All four of these Dogweeds are classified as "rare."

Raffle Ticket - The Eighteenth
Cost: 1 EP per ticket
Gender: Male.
Alterations: Eyes of Mar (Mutation - Minor)
Child of Mar (Mutation - Major)
Tickets purchased: Ianian (1), Takoyaki (1)

Raffle Ticket - The Nineteenth
Cost: 1 EP per ticket
Gender: Female.
Alterations: Eyes of Mar (Mutation - Minor)
Child of Mar (Mutation - Major)
Tickets purchased: Vega (4), Takoyaki (1)

Exclusive Saint Point Items
Items below are ONLY available for Saint Points
All EP items above can also be purchased for 1 saint point.

Tempered Bottle
Cost: 1 SP
Description: The only bottle strong enough to withhold the sap and dyes used for creating a new ribbon (required to breed Dogweeds.)
**Does NOT count towards your limit of 2 Tempered Bottles**

Raffle Ticket - Twentieth
Cost: 1 SP per ticket
Gender: Male.
Alterations: Eyes of Mar (Mutation - Minor)
Child of Mar (Mutation - Major)
Tickets purchased: Moonie (2), Vega (2).

Raffle Ticket - The Twenty-First
Cost: 1 SP per ticket
Gender: Female.
Alterations: Eyes of Mar (Mutation - Minor)
Child of Mar (Mutation - Major)
Tickets purchased: Moonie (3), Ianian (4), Crowcrow (1)

Not sure if you have a Dogweed or not? Check the Reference Book

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Edited on 24/04/18 @ 22:20:50 by Catty (#142466)

Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-04-13 09:13:11

EP = Event points. SP = Saint points.
Your items have been turned into spendable event points.

EP: 1

Ep: 10 left (From 24)
Sp: +1 (returned from lost raffle)
Items Bought: Tempered Bottle (1), Noxious Dye (2), Dark Dye (2), Light Dye (2)
Raffle Tickets: Twenty-first (1)

Ep: None left
Sp: None left
Items Bought: Tempered Bottle (2), Noxious Dye (1), Spoiled Dye (1) Dark Dye (1), Light Dye (4)
Raffle Tickets: None

♛ Fox ♛
Ep: 6
Sp: 1

Ep: None left
Sp: None left
Items Bought: Tempered Bottle (2), Noxious Dye (2)
Raffle Tickets: Eighteenth Tickets (1), Twenty-first Tickets (2)

Ep: None left
Sp: None left
Items Bought: Tempered Bottle (1), Noxious Dye (1), Spoiled Dye (1), Tainted Dye (1)
Raffle Tickets: Twentieth Tickets (2), Twenty-first Tickets (3)

Ep: None left
Sp: None left
Items Bought: Tempered Bottle (1)
Raffle Tickets: Eighteenth (1), Nineteenth (1)

Ep: None left
Sp: None left
Items Bought: Tempered Bottle (3), Noxious Dye (2), Spoiled Dye (1), Tainted Dye (1)
Raffle Tickets: Nineteenth Tickets (4), Twentieth Tickets (2)

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Edited on 28/04/18 @ 19:35:10 by Catty (#142466)

Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-04-13 09:13:24
Everything is a mess! The old Dogweed-tender has vanished. Mar the shadow snake has taken residence in the great tree and refuses to leave, lashing out at any who would be foolish enough to move into her striking range. Many ribbons have been torn from their branches, while others were spirited away into the dense forests surrounding the hill by her villainous offspring.

Mar’s Healthbar
Current Turn: 7 (FINAL TURN)


How can I help?
Help gather scattered ribbons, search for our old friend the Dogweed tender, or defeat the shadow-snake scourge! This is a group effort.

You may participate once per turn (per dogweed), and have the choice of either attacking Mar directly to help chase her from the branches, or search the forests. Both options will result in points (attacking yields more events points and occasionally prompts to gain saint points. Searching the forest can result in event items and VERY rarely normal items.)

At the end of the event a shop will open where you may spend your points for items and perhaps even new Dogweeds!

How long is a turn?
I’ll try to keep each turn to about one rollover, though my schedule can be wonky. You will see a large bolded post that says the turn number every time a new ‘turn’ has started.

How much does this cost?
This is entirely free to Dogweed owners. You get one attempt per Dogweed per ‘turn.’

How do I start?
Include the following in your post:
- The name of your Dogweed(s) you'd like to use.
- Action taken: Fight/Search

How does damage work?
When you use your dogweed for the first time in this event I will roll to find it’s strengths and weaknesses. One attack will be stronger than the rest. This is random for every Dogweed, but will stick with them throughout the event.

Rolling for strengths/weaknesses (this will be limited to this event only.)
#1 – All 6 sides of the die are available, your most powerful skill.
#2 – Only 5 sides of the die are available.
#3 – Only 4 sides of the die are available, your weakest skill.

Your Dogweed’s strength will remain hidden, you’ll have to figure out which skill it is most adept at through battle.

Mar will always roll a six sided die for damage in return.

Saint points
Saint points are awarded to those who help others. They are separate from normal event points, certain items in the shop will ONLY be sold for Saint Points. (Example: Using your items on someone else. Helping others who have been trapped. Some attack options will also reward saint points.)

Not sure if you have a Dogweed or not? Check the Reference Book

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Edited on 22/04/18 @ 23:29:12 by Catty (#142466)

Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-04-13 09:13:51
Turn one has officially begun!

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lend (#139333)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-13 10:35:32
Name of dog weed: sunset prince

Action taken: search

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Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-13 10:48:32
Sunset Prince is the first to come across the wretched scene, he is appalled at the state of his former home but is wise enough to see the situation clearly. With little time to waste he moves towards the dense forest to see what goods he can find to use against her.

The branches of the canopy overhead are rustling, does he...
A.) Search the branches for the source of the sound
B.) Ignore the distraction, and continue deeper into the woods?

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Edited on 13/04/18 @ 10:51:01 by Catty (#142466)

lend (#139333)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-13 11:20:53
i choose A

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Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-13 11:34:43
Sunset Prince deftly leaps up from branch to branch, surveying each as he passes by to no avail. Whatever had made the rustling sound has vanished, but something else has caught his eye! Interwoven between a few sparse leaves is a missing ribbon. Gingerly he reaches for it, trying his best not to tear the fragile cloth with his sharp teeth. The moment he grabs hold the bough holding his weight snaps, and he tumbles to the ground, landing with a loud THUD!

The wind is knocked out of him, but he is fairly unharmed from the fall except perhaps his pride. Nervously he looks over at the ribbon which landed a few feet away, it seems no worse for the wear. He goes to pick it up and finds a few shreds of rough bark scattered around it. The Sunset Prince decides it would be best to hoard all the missing ribbons together in a safe spot and cautiously places the delicate strip of cloth in a hidden spot before going off to share his idea with the others.

You have found the following items:
- Rough Bark (Temporarily sharpens the thorns along your dogweed’s tail for 1 turn)
- Missing Ribbon (1 event point)

Your Dogweed has taken damage:
-1 point of health.
9/10 total health.

Sunset Prince's turn is over for today, but you have other Dogweeds available in your garden.
Would you like to use another one?
Dogweeds Availabe: Sierra, Cassie Hallie.

You have items stored in your inventory (1 Rough Bark.) You may use them at any time or store them for later.

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lend (#139333)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-13 11:37:01
sierra this time

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Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-13 11:38:09
Alright, would you like to use an item first, Search, or Fight?

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lend (#139333)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-13 11:39:19

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Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-13 11:47:39
I've rolled for Sierra's skills strengths. They will remain hidden, but you can try and figure out what her best skill is through battle results.

Sunset Prince crosses paths with Sierra and tells her of the news, a shadow snake called Mar has overtaken the Great Ribbon Tree. Her heart sinks, she bows her head to him in thanks for sharing the news before letting him know she will make her way towards the beast. He looks concerned, but knows better than to try and stop her.

Sierra creeps up on the shadowy serpent, using her wits to keep out of sight. How does she choose to attack Mar?
A.) Use her caustic sap
B.) Fiercly bite
C.) Lash her tail

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lend (#139333)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-13 11:53:05

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Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-13 12:06:14
Sierra lunges towards the closest loop of Mar's coiling body, her sharp uneven fangs sink deep within the serpent's thick skin. Mar lets out a piercing shriek of shock, turning her head towards the source of her pain in disbelief that anything would foolishly face her. With a shake of her head Sierra's fangs tear the beast's skin. Mar slams her tail against Sierra's small frame in anger, Sierra goes flying, tumbling down the gentle slope of the hill. She's out of danger, but needs to rest. A smile curls across her lips, at least she got a bit of damage in.

Damage done to Mar: 4 points
+2 event points

Your Dogweed has taken damage:
-3 point of health.
7/10 total health.

Sierra's turn is over for today, but you have other Dogweeds available in your garden.
Would you like to use another one?
Dogweeds Availabe: Cassie, Hallie.

You have items stored in your inventory (1 Rough Bark.) You may use them at any time or store them for later.

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Edited on 13/04/18 @ 12:09:06 by Catty (#142466)

lend (#139333)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-04-13 12:08:11
cassie will search

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Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-04-13 12:15:34
Cassie comes across Sierra's limp body, in a panic she drags her friend away from danger. Sunset Prince joins in her efforts and explains the situation to a confused Cassie. The scarred Dogweed hangs her head in thought and ultimately decides to search the forest. Perhaps she can find something of use?

As she enters the forest Cassie begins to rely on her sharp ears and keen nose to seek out signs of interest, her eyesight is weaker than her brethren due to a heavy scar along her main left eye. She catches a scent, no two! The first is a bit sharp and makes her muzzle tingle. Another scent, much more faint, smells of water.
A.) Seek out the first scent's source (sharp scent)
B.) Seek out the second scent's source (water scent)
C.) Keep searching deeper into the forest

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