Posted by The Great Ribbon Tree - EVENT

Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-13 09:12:56

Welcome to the Great Ribbon Tree's event page. Every so often a new event will open up here for those who own a Dogweed. Want to participate but don’t have any Dogweeds in your garden?

Check out our main page to pick up a Dogweed of your own.

Our story has come to a close. Mar and her offspring have been taken care of and things are finally returning back to normal. Now it's time to celebrate and reward the victors who participated in this event.


Event Point Items

Light Dye
Cost: 1 EP
Description: Can be mixed into a batch of dye during a breeding to lighten the colors of a potential ribbon (lightens or adds white to the offspring if used before breeding.)

Dark Dye
Cost: 1 EP
Description: Can be mixed into a batch of dye during a breeding to darken the colors of a potential ribbon (darkens or adds black to the offspring if used before breeding.)

Tainted Dye
Cost: 1 EP
Description: Minorly increases the chance of a selected mutation passing (May boost a single mutation from either parent or increase the random mutation chance.)

Spoiled Dye
Cost: 2 EP
Description: Moderately increases the chance of a selected mutation passing (May boost a single mutation from either parent or increase the random mutation chance.)

Noxious Dye
Cost: 5 EP
Description: Majorly increases the chance of a selected mutation passing (May boost a single mutation from either parent or increase the random mutation chance.)

Tempered Bottle
Cost: 10 EP
Description: The only bottle strong enough to withhold the sap and dyes used for creating a new ribbon (required to breed Dogweeds. Limit 2 per person.)

Raffle Tickets
It looks like some of the salvaged Ribbons have become mutated from all the chaos! Two new mutations have surfaced. The minor mutation "Eyes of Mar" causes eyes to glow. The major mutation "Child of Mar" causes a Dogweed's tail to be replaced by a serpent. Both have a small chance to pass on to their offspring. NOTE: The "Child of Mar" mutation naturally causes darker offspring, and cannot be affected by light dye.

Description: Enters you into a raffle for a chance to win a Dogweed (each Dogweed has a separate raffle.) You may buy as many tickets as you like, though remember there is no guarantee you will win just because you purchased more tickets. Once you have won one raffle you will be removed from all other raffles in this event. All four of these Dogweeds are classified as "rare."

Raffle Ticket - The Eighteenth
Cost: 1 EP per ticket
Gender: Male.
Alterations: Eyes of Mar (Mutation - Minor)
Child of Mar (Mutation - Major)
Tickets purchased: Ianian (1), Takoyaki (1)

Raffle Ticket - The Nineteenth
Cost: 1 EP per ticket
Gender: Female.
Alterations: Eyes of Mar (Mutation - Minor)
Child of Mar (Mutation - Major)
Tickets purchased: Vega (4), Takoyaki (1)

Exclusive Saint Point Items
Items below are ONLY available for Saint Points
All EP items above can also be purchased for 1 saint point.

Tempered Bottle
Cost: 1 SP
Description: The only bottle strong enough to withhold the sap and dyes used for creating a new ribbon (required to breed Dogweeds.)
**Does NOT count towards your limit of 2 Tempered Bottles**

Raffle Ticket - Twentieth
Cost: 1 SP per ticket
Gender: Male.
Alterations: Eyes of Mar (Mutation - Minor)
Child of Mar (Mutation - Major)
Tickets purchased: Moonie (2), Vega (2).

Raffle Ticket - The Twenty-First
Cost: 1 SP per ticket
Gender: Female.
Alterations: Eyes of Mar (Mutation - Minor)
Child of Mar (Mutation - Major)
Tickets purchased: Moonie (3), Ianian (4), Crowcrow (1)

Not sure if you have a Dogweed or not? Check the Reference Book

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Edited on 24/04/18 @ 22:20:50 by Catty (#142466)

lend (#139333)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-04-14 09:00:52
sierra will attack

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Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-14 09:10:00

Tarul follows his comrade's lead, as Mar begins thrashing about and focusing her attention on the other Dogweed he attacks. He sneakily makes his way into the Great Ribbon Tree's branches while she writhes distractedly. Strategically he coats a few branches with his sticky sap. The tree is immune to its burn, but Mar most definitely is not. The moment her skin touches it a snapping crackle can be heard. She tries to shift her weight to another branch, but lands herself in another patch of Tarul's burning sap. Her violent movements shake the trees branches and Tarul falls, though the damage isn't too great. He returns to his garden to regroup and try again another day.

Damage done to Mar: 4
+2 event points

Your Dogweed has taken damage:
-3 point of health.
7/10 total health

Tarul's turn is over for today, you have no more Dogweeds available in your garden.
You are now on cooldown until 'Turn 3' (next rollover) unless someone uses a sweet treat on you before then.
Even though your turn is over you may still use items on yourself or others. Using items on others may award Saint Points (special event points.)

You have items stored in your inventory (1 teething stick.) You may use them at any time or store them for later.

Final overview:
Tarul (7/10 health)

(I'll be RIGHT back to reply to other posts.)

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Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-14 10:59:47
(Continuation of turn 1)

Ebisu wastes no time, he heads straight for the source of the pitiful whimpering. The forest opens into a clearing as if the trees themselves have parted to surround an injured feral Dogweed. It's back leg seems to be dangling motionlessly with two puncture wounds dotting his ankle. He doesn't seem coherent enough to respond to Ebisu's questioning.

A.) Check the wound, perhaps this can be treated?
B.) Ease his suffering, nothing can be done.
C.) Take him home, someone in the gardens may have the means to help him.

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Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-14 11:04:11

Sierra looks on with pride as the Sunset Prince returns to their garden. His wounds only spur her on, if he is willing to sacrifice his safety for the good of the Great Ribbon tree then she shall do the same. Mar appears on guard this time around, she's already been fairly heavily injured in the past two days due to carelessness. Sierra takes her time to make a plan, not wanting to waste an opportunity.

How does she choose to attack?

A.) Use her caustic sap
B.) Fiercly bite
C.) Lash her tail

You have items stored in your inventory (1 Rough Bark. 2 Mints.) You may use them at any time or store them for later.

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lend (#139333)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-14 11:05:08

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Takoyaki☆ (#48057)

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Posted on
2018-04-14 11:09:20
I'll pick C!

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Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-14 11:15:21

Sierra sticks to the plantlife surrounding the blessed tree, trying her best not to be seen. Finally she reaches mar, and whips her tail before the serpent has a moment to react. Sierra's pale pink thorns sink deep into the snake's hide, Mar rolls frantically to free herself from the sting, only for the thorns to tear ribbons from her side. Mar knocks Sierra out onto the flatlands below the hill, the impact greatly injuries her but at least she did some damage before she was cast off.

Damage done to Mar: 3
+2 event points

Your Dogweed has taken damage:
-5 point of health.
2/10 total health (from 7/10)

Sierra's turn is over for today, but you have other Dogweeds available in your garden.
Would you like to use another one?

Dogweeds Availabe: Cassie, Hallie.

You have items stored in your inventory (1 Rough Bark. 2 Mints.) You may use them at any time or store them for later.

Gimme ooonnne sec, I gotta update the page with info and the health bar.

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Edited on 14/04/18 @ 11:17:29 by Catty (#142466)

lend (#139333)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-14 11:19:27
could cassie use a cooling mint on sierra and then explore

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Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-14 11:37:52
Ebisu takes pity on the poor feral and grabs hold of his kin's scruff, dragging him slowly out of the forest towards the gardens. It's tedious work, but energy well spent. Once the pair arrive the darker Dogweed asks his brethren for help, in hopes that someone may be able to provide the healing that he could not.

Just as Ebisu is about to return to rest, the feral Dogweed calls out to him. He begs Ebisu to do him one last favor, the feral Dogweed found a missing ribbon but he is far too weak to take it to the pile for safe keeping. He asks Ebisu do this on his behalf, to safeguard the delicate ribbon until the Dogweed tender returns to save whatever ribbons he can. Exhausted and in desperate need of a rest, Ebisu returns home.

You have found the following items:
Missing Ribbon (1 event point)
+1 saint point for a good deed

Your Dogweed has taken damage:
-1 point of health (exhaustion.)

Ebisu's turn is over for today, you have no more Dogweeds available in your garden.
You are now on cooldown until 'Turn 2' (next rollover) unless someone uses a sweet treat on you before then.
Even though your turn is over you may still use items on yourself or others. Using items on others may award Saint Points (special event points.)

You have items no stored in your inventory.

Final overview:
Ebisu (9/10 health)

Takoyaki you're now caught up, you can take turn 2 for both Ebisu and Kitsunebi.

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Takoyaki☆ (#48057)

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Posted on
2018-04-14 11:42:27
May I use Kitsunebi to search this time <:?

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Edited on 14/04/18 @ 11:57:05 by Takoyaki♥ (#48057)

Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-14 11:54:53
Of course!

Sierra has returned badly injured, she barely limps back into the garden. Cassie rushes to support her kin, slowly helping her hobble over to a soft patch of moss. Sierra can barely keep her head upright, Cassie rushes to their storage and rummages through the goods. Mint! She offers the cold-tasting herb to Sierra and pushes her to rest.

Item used
-1 cooling mint
+5 health (Sierra: 7/10 Health)

Cassie leaves, contented that Sierra is now getting the proper rest she needs. There is work to be done, the mint will have to be replaced and the forest, ribbons need to be found, the Dogweed tender is still missing! She seems proud of her garden-mates for attacking the shadow-serpent, but decides against going for another attack with the beast still on high alert.

A heavy mist is beginning to set over the forest, her paws are aching but she keeps trekking onward. Once again she relies on her other skills to make up for her injured eye. In the mist she catches sight of a slithering shadow serpent. Another one of Mar's brood! It seems to be heading away from a grouping of rocks.

A.) Follow the snake.
B.) Check out the rock formation.
C.) Ignore both, head deeper into the forest.

You have items stored in your inventory (1 Rough bark, 1 mint.) You may use them at any time or store them for later.

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lend (#139333)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-14 11:58:37

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Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-14 12:02:09

Kitsunebi leaves early in the day, choosing to let his brother rest after a difficult day yesterday. He's still fairly young but the twin-tailed Dogweed is by no means a weakling, he wishes to help the cause just as vehemently as the rest of his kin. As he enters the forest he tries to organize his thoughts, what would be the best course of action?

A.) He'd like to help others, perhaps searching for herbs and barks would be beneficial?
B.) He'd like to thin out the ranks of Mar's ilk, search for a fight to pick.
C.) Wander, let fate be his guide.

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Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-14 12:08:15

Cassie noses the standing pile of stones, not sure of what good it would do. She pries it apart, rock by rock, each yielding no results until finally the last few stones are overturned.

Beneath them she finds a storage of goodies! The shadowy creature seems to have been collecting a hoard. You can only carry 3 items.

The hoard contains:
1 missing ribbon
2 mints
3 lemons
3 teething sticks
10 silver beetles (counts as one item.)

What will Cassie take?

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lend (#139333)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-14 12:14:02
1 lemon and 1 teething stick and the ribbon please

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Edited on 14/04/18 @ 12:18:30 by ianian (#139333)

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