Posted on 2021-07-07 18:09:04
The July event launches on July 8th at 00:00am LDT, and will end on July 31st at 11:59pm LDT. All unused event currency will be stored on your account until next year. In future years, it will start right away on July 1st at 00:00 LDT.

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Previous July Event Information

As had been mentioned within the July event news for 2020, all mechanics relating to July's past storylines and quests have been retired. The Firefly Shop is retired, and the Firefly currency is retired as well. We are debating on creating a conversion system to convert Fireflies to Silver Beetles. If one is added, we will announce it this weekend.

All items that we could shuffle have been moved from one shop to another, and all previous storyline items were added to Tefnut's Temple (now Tefnut's Memories). We listed some items in July 2021's development update, but here's an extra list.

* The following items have been relocated from the Firefly Shop to Tefnut's Memories: Abaddon Skies, all sets of "Celestial Wings", Apollyon's Grace, Menhit.
* All items that were removed from Tefnut's Memories (listed in the July 2021 development update) have been added to the new Draco Demiurge Exchange: Celestial Horn Crown, all "Celestials" decors, all Shard Growths, Interstellar Wing Bands.
* The Frivolous Apedemak decor has been relocated from the Oasis to Tefnut's Memories and is now available for the duration of July at a price of 4000 SB.
* All generic Celestial-themed backgrounds and decors from the Firefly Shop have been relocated to the Draco Demiurge Exchange. Any backgrounds and decors left from the Firefly Shop that are African-themed will be introduced to the game through other sources within the next development update.
* Tefnut's Memories no longer uses Meteorite Shards, all Meteorite Shard prices have been converted to Silver Beetles. All items in Tefnut's Memories cost Silver Beetles except for the base, mane, and marking applicators, which still cost Meteorite Shards.
* All future special items and unique applicators will appear in the Draco Demiurge Exchange instead of Tefnut's Memories.

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July Event - Premise

This year, we're laying down the foundations for the new Celestial event. You can still gather Meteorite Shards while you explore the African lands. These Meteorite Shards become a new special form of "energy".

Starting immediately on July 1st at 00:00am LDT in future years, you will be able to access Celestial Explore, where you can use the charged Meteorite Shards to move across the space-time. A new map will open, which we will expand upon every year or so to add in new zones. This year, you will be able to access the world of the Draco Demiurge - the Draco Constellation.

A mockup of the Celestial Explore UI.

Celestial Explore is not affected by Earth's day and night cycles, nor is it affected by dry and wet seasons.

Each explore step in Celestial Explore costs 5 Meteorite Shards. You can battle and encounter alien beings native to this zone in order to collect a new currency, Axion Cores. Battles use normal energy and do not deplete your Meteorite Shards.

Speaking of battles, there's something a little special this month. Each normal alien enemy that you encounter in Celestial Explore can count towards a hidden bar. When you defeat and win against 10 alien enemies, you will then encounter a boss enemy. This boss enemy cannot be skipped—even if you click past them, the next enemy encounter you get in Celestial Explore will always be a boss.

You can use Lucky Feet on normal alien enemies, but not boss enemies. The bosses are powerful, but they do give out better rewards. Whether you win or lose against a boss, the counter will restart again. You can build this counter up and cycle through it endlessly throughout the duration of the event.

The battles do not have to be sequential, either. If you win against a normal enemy, then lose, then win again, your counter will still go up and will not be interrupted or affected by your loss. You do not have to win 10 battles in a row to encounter a boss.

Going back to the new currency, Axion Cores can be spent in the Draco Demiurge Exchange shop, which also unlocks upon reaching Tier 1 of the Meteorite Shards collected bar.

This currency is also necessary to enter the Celestial Raffle, which is available when the Meteorite Shards collected bar reaches Tier 2.

There is no new lore or storyline this year. We needed to introduce new mechanics and refresh the event's premise first. We will slowly build upon this world each year, like we used to do in the old days of Lioden.

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July Event - Tiers of the Meteorite Shards Bar

The bar is a global collective of all players gathering them on the site.

Tier 0

As soon as the July event starts, Celestial Explore is unlocked, which is available on the Event page.

Tier 1

Tier 1 unlocks the Draco Demiurge Exchange, which can also be found through the Event page. This new shop contains both new and old backgrounds and decors. There are no tiers to this shop, everything is available to purchase as soon as it unlocks.

A screenshot from the Draco Demiurge Exchange shop.

Tier 2

Tier 2 unlocks the Celestial Raffle, which is unchanged from last year. The mechanics are identical to previous years.

Every 12 hours, a new lioness will appear with a base, eye colour, and a marking that are unique to this month! You can pay 5 Axion Cores for a chance to impress her.

There will be a 50/50 rotation of Type 1 and Type 2 Celestial lionesses. There is no set order, it is random which type will be generated.

Type 1 will have the Dawn base (new for 2021), Stellar eyes (new for 2021), and a random Celestial, Leonid, Sidereal, Skyward, or Sunset marking in any slot.
Type 2 will have the Celestial, Leonid, Sidereal, Skyward, Stratosphere, Sunrise, or Sunset base, Dawn, Draconid, Galaxy, Starshine, or Sunglow eyes, and a random Stratosphere marking (new for 2021).

A mockup of a Dawn-based lioness with Stellar eyes.

Dawn is a Red Light Countershaded Special base and is tied to Dusky skin. It is from this suggestion—it fits the subtle Celestial lioness theme as well as the new colour palette of the Draco Constellation. Thank you, Dal 1st Gen Heavy F1-F9 (#149529), for the design!

Stellar eyes are a new Celestial Raffle eye colour. They have been added as a factor for Cosmic eyes, on the same side as Dawn (so to get Cosmic, you must breed a Cosmic/Galaxy/Jasper-eyed lion to a Cosmic/Dawn/Draconid/Starshine/Stellar/Sunglow-eyed lion).
Stellar Genetics: 50% Stellar, 20% Sapphire, 10% Saffron, 10% Tyrian, 5% Dawn, 5% Galaxy

Stratosphere markings are the new Celestial Raffle marking set. The shapes are as follows!
* Stratosphere Feline (4)
* Stratosphere Lycaon (Heavy Inverted)
* Stratosphere Undertone
* Stratosphere Vitiligo (5)

Tier 3

Tier 3 unlocks the "Murder Stone"—or, as we will call it from now on, the One-Way Portal. Mechanic-wise, it is unchanged from last year, and is identical to previous years.

When you give up a lion, you will receive a wonderful reward for sending the lion to the Celestial world. Rewards are the same as they have been, and are randomised as usual. Remember that we cannot bring back a lion you've sent on accident. There are many confirmations, though. It's best to give special names to lions that you intend to send through the portal.

To send a lion through the portal, they cannot be pregnant, nursing cubs, in a reverse breeding, set as a broodmother, offered in a trade, offered in a raffle, on a trade cooldown, cannot be frozen, cannot be secured, cannot be hunting, and cannot be patrolling. Cubs cannot be given up. Even if you chase a lioness's cubs, the mother is still considered as nursing until 5 days of cooldown pass.

The One-Way Portal does not affect your pride leader's karma.

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General and Extra Event-Related Content

New in the Oasis
The new background in the Oasis this year is M87* Supermassive Black Hole, inspired by the recent data flow.

Crafting and Gems
Under Decor Crafting in Monkey Business, crafting will be available right away. This month's favoured gems are Celestite, Jasper, Labradorite, Meteorite, Moonstone, and Peridot.

We have not expanded on gem crafting in 2021 due to the event rehaul workload. We will focus on this area next year, with a new base, eye colour, mane colour, and new decors based on the new gems (Howlite and Star Ruby).

The new Comet Shard, Prismatic Scale, and Space Rock items will be craftable next year. For now, you can sell them for SB to Monkey Business, or just collect them!

Wiki Information
Our Wiki Team will be updating the July event wiki page with all new content and information as soon as possible.

The Wiki Team has also created a new Retired Events page, which hosts a link to the retired July event, if any newcomers or older players alike would like to reminisce on older times.

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A Reminder of July's Combo Base
This is your yearly reminder that the Pulsar base can be bred again! What's unique about Pulsar is that it can ONLY be bred during the month of July, with the following factor bases.

Base Factor 1: Arctic, Pulsar
Base Factor 2: Anjeer, Blazing, Inferno, Prune, Pulsar

Outside of July, you can only breed Pulsar x Pulsar to produce more Pulsar lions.

Keep in mind that Pulsar is not technically affected by or tied to the event. Whether you participate in the event or not, you can breed for Pulsar using its factors starting immediately on July 1st at 00:00am LDT up until July 31st at 11:59pm LDT. Again, outside of this timeframe, you can only achieve Pulsar by breeding Pulsar x Pulsar, or using Crunchy Worms on Pulsar lionesses.

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Another Look at Interstellar

A mockup of an Interstellar-based lioness. It is a Black Dark Solid Special base.

As a reminder, the Interstellar base is applied using the Interstellar Remnants applicator. This applicator can be found while exploring in normal African biomes, and only if you come across a successful Meteorite Shard encounter. It is a very rare drop, so if you find it, congratulations!

You can also earn this applicator by completing the Journey to Vredefort Crater. This epic quest can only be taken during the month of July via the Adventuring page within Crossroads. Once you take this quest, you can finish it at any time of the year. There is no time limit for finishing the quest. However, once you complete the quest, that's it—you cannot take it again, it is once per account.

Check out the Journey to Vredefort Crater guide on our official Lioden wiki!

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Extra Information

In the following days, we will upload the Dawn base mutation files and fix various art bugs, including the new Draconid eye files that seem to have been overwritten with the old version for various stages. We will include that list of fixes in the August news post as a summary, but the work will be done this week.

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Edited on 08/07/21 @ 04:27:39 by a Moderator

✿Moom | Ubaste G2
x3ros✿ (#214274)

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Posted on
2021-07-08 14:44:01
The apps are not gone!! theyre coming back <3

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oliver! [G2 🥧] (#163090)

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Posted on
2021-07-08 14:55:18
they're probably going to cost axion cores, they're in the next event shop to be unlocked

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Saff- Freezing
contact #122536 (#137237)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-07-08 15:15:26
Lioden has been feeling more and more like a grind lately if I’m to be honest. It is partially my fault for choosing to breed Kimanjano. Plus GB prices have been bad for a while. Usually it’s the events and even grinding in the events that keeps this game fun for me. I do love a lot of your events. But last night felt a lot like when I check my cubs each night at rollover, very deflating with no reward to really look forward to. I really started to ponder whether to play.

I love your new base btw but I don’t really get heavily involved in new bases etc though I do enter the celestial raffles. For me it’s more the grind to score a few marking apps so I can sell later.

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Also Perseflora (G2
TDL Harle) (#213947)

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Posted on
2021-07-08 16:14:32
I get the apps are coming back, I read the post. However the fact that they'll likely be sold for AC rather than MS, is frankly bullshit. This game is just a grind lately. This latest "update" just shows that they only cater to their pay to play fanbase. I'm tired of it. I'm frustrated with these developments as I'd hoped they'd understand how inaccessible their choices had made the game.

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Alo🌸G1 Alabaster (#222723)

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Posted on
2021-07-08 16:19:01
I’m lucky I pay to play then lol,

Don’t think it should be mandatory though.

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Edited on 08/07/21 @ 16:20:06 by Alovenus💞G2/DOUBLE ORCHID (#222723)

Also Perseflora (G2
TDL Harle) (#213947)

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Posted on
2021-07-08 16:19:11
The art is amazing and the team has shown they're capable of taking advice and making something accessible and accomplished, however this feels very much like a greedy easy route and similar to the choices the development team made for Wolvden which led me to leave that game. I hope Lioden doesn't continue to do these sorts of rehauls with its events, as I understood the events to be the main draw rather than something you paid to participate in.

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🐚samael (#235818)

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Posted on
2021-07-08 16:29:29
Yep, we just now have to hope that Lioden changes some things in this event that would make it more fair for players and that a thing like this never happens again in the future. I'm glad that Lioden has a team of developers who take advice and criticism, unlike certain developers who don't.

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milksharks (#171095)

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Posted on
2021-07-08 17:00:50
maybe you could price the apps with multiple different currencies for this year! sb, shards, and cores - as long as there is an agreed-upon conversion rate (could be a community poll).

-i would maybe avoid having it paid in gb, as users are concerned about the “pay-to-play” concept, and gb is a paid currency.
-this would help solve the issue with players who panic-obtained sb or went on a grind for shards and weren’t able to buy the apps in time!

unfortunately, there’s no way to make everyone happy, but i think keeping it at one currency might make one group of people upset no matter what.

i also want to say that the visuals for this event are gorgeous and i love the new decor! the team has worked hard, and i appreciate that the changes are being made to reflect people’s concerns!

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Edited on 08/07/21 @ 17:31:25 by milk-sharks (#171095)

Vulpecula (#148935)

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Posted on
2021-07-08 17:07:59
I'm loving what's available already and cannot wait to see what more this event will eventually offer. Keep up the awesome work!

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[g1 frail] (#15939)

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Posted on
2021-07-08 18:02:28
hey team thanks for listening to feedback. this event has one of the coolest themes and it should be fun for everyone!! it’s still not perfect (65 energy and i got enough MS for two measly steps) but it’s moving in the right direction at least.

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𝕫𝕫~ (#224120)

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Posted on
2021-07-08 20:14:45
While I never got to experience the old event, I lean towards agreeing with older players who preferred the old July event to the new one. I was so enthusiastic to play it for the first time, only to see that what I was looking forward to was scrapped. I understand that the event is now only just starting, but it feels so empty at the moment; none of that familiar Lioden flair that the events I've been a part of since I started last December. I saw what the old event was via the Wiki, and it was absolutely lovely. This rehaul just feels, cold, compared to the warmth other events have. The fact that you have to pay to travel in such an important area via Meteorite Shards, just to earn a bit of the new currency, peeves me. It makes progress much slower, and having to fight the new enemies for the bulk of it can be such a grind; and beyond that, there isn't all to much to do. Overall it feels like there wasn't much proper communication about this, and I hope in the future we get more of a heads up. Maybe the development of this rehaul could've been delayed for next year, when there would be more to show off? I'm sure that's not easy, and everything else is fine; the art is absolutely stunning. I just wish there was more to love. I hope to see more in the future ^u^

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Fern [side] (#163971)

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Posted on
2021-07-08 20:23:07
This is a cool concept, and I really love the art for the encounters and NPCs and items. I love the Dawn base, it's great to see a popular suggestion implemented. And I appreciate how devs listened to feedback regarding shop prices. That said, I feel the Celestial Exploring and Axion Core ratios should really be readjusted to be more balanced and fair.

Before today I had about 100 MS saved up on this account. I got about 100 more through exploring, which I was able to do more than I would on a typical day because my king is relatively new right now and leveled up 3 times. I managed to take 48 steps in CE (if I counted correctly). 20 of those were battles, of which I lost 10, exactly half. (Even though the strength stat arrows were pointing in my direction, many of the enemies were extremely strong, which confused me at first because usually the arrows are a decent indicator of difficulty.) Most of the non-battle steps just gave shards, so I've ended up with a grand total of 15 ACs for my day's work, and that's an unusually lucky day since I had extra MS and energy stocked up from previously.

Considering the Celestial Raffle *alone* costs 5 AC per entry... I'm not super thrilled from the way things look right now. I have a feeling this will cause an unfair disadvantage against casual players, especially compared to the old Firefly system (you could get enough FFs for 1 raffle entry just by going to Cloud Forest once or twice, no need to grind, so everyone had a similar chance.) It's frustrating to realize I'll most likely have to grind several bars of energy for every single raffle entry I want after this runs out, since 1 full energy bar usually gives enough MS for only a couple steps, and the majority of those steps will not give any ACs. That's without mentioning the decors/backgrounds that can only be bought with ACs, and presumably the applicators when they return.

In my opinion, the problem here is twofold: the battles are too difficult to justify the mere 1 AC payout (so it'd be best to either lower the difficulty level, *or* increase the rewards) and having to spend 5 MS per step is inefficient for gathering enough AC in general (so either AC drops could be upped, *or* prices in the shop/raffle could be lowered). Maybe it's already easier for highly active players, but lately I can't roll everyday, and when I do roll I can only dedicate a couple hours at most rather than all day long. I imagine much of the userbase is similar. There should be a better balance so that players don't have to grind all day to get a fair chance.

Of course, this is all meant just as constructive criticism, no hard feelings against the devs. I understand that coding such a large event is difficult and takes time, especially considering all the things going on in the real world right now. I probably wouldn't be super active this month in any case due to lots of stuff happening in my life, but I do want to try and enter the raffles if nothing else, so I hope this feedback is helpful for your future considerations

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JaxHammer [Retiring] (#103364)

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Posted on
2021-07-08 20:34:17
Yeah, the entry price being 5 ACs is like.

Why. It takes 5 fights just to get 5 ACs ad that's like 50 energy not to mention the amount of MS to even take the steps. Why was all this grindy nonsense added? This LD, not WD. Keep the grindy stuff over there, please.

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H0X (#73136)

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Posted on
2021-07-08 20:49:42
I'm gonna quote someone from a discord server here, and just say they kinda threw the baby out with the bathwater when it came to the event and it seems like it's a lot of the comments here. People liked the old characters, they liked how the old event worked, and people just asked the storyline to be tweaked to be less... gross, so they threw out the whole event. >_>;;

now we're struggling to tweak this event to be balanced and good.

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Edited on 08/07/21 @ 20:50:15 by Bluie(9vit dawn divine mott) (#73136)

-Corgis' Side- (#197019)

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Posted on
2021-07-08 21:54:06
I am so confused as to why people are claiming that the "negative" critiques on this thread are "violent" or too harsh. I've literally read all 20 pages of responses and I haven't read anything rude, vulgar, mean, or anything without an explanation. Constructive criticism is important to help with improvement

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