-LOCKED - Community Update #113!
Posted on 2021-07-09 14:16:12

Community Update
As we mentioned before, aside from event news and the 2nd Friday of the month being focused on coding/art updates all at once, all other Fridays are centered around the community!

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Official Lioden Raffle

LINK - This is our official community update raffle. Everyone gets a chance to win a rare prize, plus something extra for any runner ups. These raffles have a very minimal ticket price, and there is a limit of 1 ticket per account to make it fair! Good luck!
This raffle will automatically end on 2021-07-16 00:00:00.

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Art and Coding Bug Fixes

* Decors on Dorsal Fur pride leader portraits should no longer be flipped
* Fixed a duplicate of "Celadon" that replaced "Tessera" genetics, and thus prohibited any "Dunt" eyes to appear
* Lion Pride Veiled Wraps [Light Blue and Pink] should now display on all lions
* Previously, the Item Catalogue would not search all locations that an item was available in, this has been fixed
* Searching for main males wouldn't sort by level properly, this has been fixed

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Regarding the July Event

Hello, Lioden!

We're just writing this to extend a hand from the devs to the players, and touch base with you all on some of the feedback and comments we've been receiving over the past couple of days.

Retiring the Event

As we mentioned in previous news posts (July 2020, June 2021, and July 2021), the original July event would be retiring this year. We know that July was a very content rich event with lots of things to do. We know that the theme overall is popular, too. We know that by comparison, what launched this month seems less than and that can be a shock. However, all of our events started off launching on a smaller scale and grew over time. This time is no different, but we understand it can be disappointing now that the majority of events have had several years of fleshing out. We really hope you'll be patient with us and be excited to watch it grow.

Because of several years of content additions, in the end the event became messy and disjointed, and we felt it required a complete overhaul. Additionally, we know that the storyline left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths, and as explained, we felt it best to leave these characters behind and move on with new characters. We know that originally it was planned for Tefnut to have a mini backstory, but over time we as devs felt the storyline needed to be put to rest, and so that didn't happen.

We were surprised to see players upset about the removal of the storyline when we had explained it would be retiring, and so few players voiced their upset at this before.

Launching the New Event

Tefnut's memories, in hindsight, shouldn't have launched until the 8th and we apologise for that. Gathering MS which could then be spent there sent the wrong message when the new explore requires the shards to have steps. The apps originally launched in SB prices. After concern started being voiced by players about how cheap they were and the risk it would ruin the market, the prices got upped. This then caused more upset with other players, and the prices were changed to MS. This, then, caused upset again, and it became obvious that all of these choices were wrong. We then moved to remove the apps entirely from the shop and are still considering what to do, but we can promise that the apps will not return for a MS price, and more likely to be reverted to either SB, AC, or the option for both.

The new MS output is intentional because the event has changed. However, we listened to you all and gave an increase so you'd be able to get more steps in celestial explore.

Back to the celestial explore. We've seen comments voiced that it's too similar to the lunar event on Wolvden and that's upsetting, but we think considering it's an explore system, it is impossible not to see similarities between our other games and events. We will however consider the feedback for this, and look to see if we can do anything about this.

With regards to the enemies - they have more 'special' components than regular enemies, such as some of them having soft skin, some having tough, some being biters or stranglers, etc etc, but their overall 'power' is still lower than most enemies. In fact, it's lower than fighting regular lions in explore, though it likely feels different because they have more components and you have to work out what their strengths and weaknesses are. Additionally, we actually lowered this again after your feedback. Success rates were pretty good in testing as well, even with low stat kings.

To Sum Up

We hope you guys will agree that whilst we might not get everything right to begin with, we have a good track record of doing what we can to make it right. Any time event tiers have been too high or seeming unfair, we have moved to change them or lower them for better balance. We don't do things just to upset players - what would the point of that be? We're trying our best, and sometimes we don't always get it right first time, but we endeavour to make sure we do what we can to *put* it right.

We'd just like to formally apologise for all the ups and downs over the past few days. There have been a lot of quick fire changes. A lot of upset forum posts, news comments and chat posts. We don't anticipate to make any further changes this year beyond one or two more tweaks and hope that things will settle, but we're taking everything on board for next year.

Thank you for your patience, and we appreciate the valuable feedback you have given.

* We have adjusted "empty" explore encounters in Celestial Explore to now reward between 5-10 Meteorite Shards or 1 Axion Core at random.

Feedback and Surveys

In light of recent events, we have chosen to be more strict in our enforcement of attacks on our staff team. The attacks on our staff team and comments directed at them have been unacceptable, cruel, and without constructive criticism. These attacks not only harm our staff team, but our players as well—we have received feedback that players have been afraid to give their opinions in the chat room and on the forums due to the fear of being turned on by their fellow players with these same attacks. Due in part to this, we have found it necessary to follow with the enforcement of limiting attacks on our staff team. These are not new rules, these are existing rules that are currently enforced within the Code of Conduct.

To offset this, we will also be introducing greater chances of feedback so that every voice can be heard. Today, we are introducing a new way for you to give us your feedback - anonymous surveys. These surveys are here to provide an equal opportunity for players to provide feedback, and allow all voices a chance to contribute to the game's growth. They will offer a safe way for everyone to be heard, and will be everyone's first and best place to supply their thoughts in a constructive way without fear of being criticised.

We have created a survey to receive feedback from everyone regarding July's event update, and the link can be found here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeL-aPtccdpLklsQ0C-V2oHbcBUrhy5spza1CT_Ga65Aarvmw/viewform

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Raffle Lioness

Congrats Karina (#212267)! You have won last week's Ebony lady, woo!
A new Madagascar lady with Clay Indri (NEW!), Vitiligo 8, and the thirteenth Shores of Burundi background is up for impressing in the Special Lioness area linked here!

Marking Note: Lilac Crackle, Noctis Indri, and Noctis Panther are now possible to apply via RMAs/Total Shuffle!

Poll Results - Thanks for your votes! August's new stud base will be named "Bandit".

There is no new poll this week, in light of the survey. We'd like the focus to be on the survey if possible.

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Next Development Update: August 13th!

No Friday goofy doodle comic this week, sorry!

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Raven (#236416)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-07-10 01:42:41
Thanks for update!

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Vinter💙 (#158496)

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Posted on
2021-07-10 02:03:23
“ After concern started being voiced by players about how cheap they were and the risk it would ruin the market-”


It was ONE player :/

Anyway, I’m glad for keeping us posted. Lovely artwork, it’s absolutely.. dare I say.. STELLAR

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Aerius (#13277)

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Posted on
2021-07-10 02:04:38
...the survey is not anonymous and accesible to everyone: it requires a Google account.

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Ribit (#232974)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-07-10 04:57:25

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zaeyrn [s] (#208917)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2021-07-10 05:24:00
yay new update!!! super happy with the changes that are being made, i think it'll be for the better in the long run.

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Avocado From Mexico (#237077)

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Posted on
2021-07-10 05:53:45
Thanks for the update!!!^^

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Stash (#184503)

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Posted on
2021-07-10 06:08:26
I'm really glad the team is listening to players. I am still worried, though. I basically only participate in events for the apps and if they come back but remain completely unattainable for the casual player that will really be disappointing. That price point, both in shards and SB, was only for the wealthiest players. That's honestly pretty hurtful.

I'm also still not sure why the event is persisting with the second explore. It's rather time-consuming to be required to collect shards in regular explore, then jump to the celestial explore to get AC. Why not get rid of shards completely if they are otherwise useless and put the new enemies into regular explore like the other events?

I do appreciate the survey and the thought that the team is listening. I hope they continue to listen and pay attention to the casual players, not just the people who can spend all day here.

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Kou (Arctic G3
ferus) (#973)

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Posted on
2021-07-10 06:13:25
Please post surveys where you don't have to log in with Google in the future, it's important!

About the update, I don't think this whole thing went very well at all but I totally understand that this has been really hard on you staff especially with the deplorable targeting behavior of some members and feeling like you just can't do anything right when there are completely opposite requests. Now it's about learning and doing things differently in the future. In any case tremendous work has been put into this game and I hope everyone acknowledges that.

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Kauriferous (Clean
Strat 10M) (#210221)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-07-10 07:48:23
I actually really like the new event compared to the old one. The old one had story beats that I thought were pretty uncomfortable. The new explore is cool, too. 🤷‍♀️ I agree with the staff that the old event was complicated and not very celestial. The new event seems to fit better with Journey to Vredefort, as well.

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Edited on 10/07/21 @ 08:06:40 by Auriferous (#58035)

Shad (#16848)

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Posted on
2021-07-10 08:29:55
I'm so sorry to the developers for having to deal with toxicity from the community they love and care about so much. Unfortunately, as someone said before, you can't please everyone, especially when it comes to changes to old things -- changes are scary, the old event was rich in content (although it was chaotic and had its' inconsistencies) which makes it seem like this event has too little to offer, which isn't really true. I, for myself, was skeptical of the retirement of the older July event, but after seeing how it turned out, I'm more than pleased that it's been retired into something fresh with so much potential, which leaves me excited for what the future holds!

I'm also a very big supporter of the feedback idea, and I hope we'll see more like these in the future! This opens a room for players that do not wish to be bashed for having a different opinion, plus they can do this in private without being influenced by the community's pressure. As for making the results public -- I personally don't see a reason why they should be public, as it's the information for the devs, not the community. I wouldn't mind it, but I really don't feel like this is necessary.

Keep up the great job, devs, and remember that regardless of anything that some people may say, you are a lovely team and you have a lot of dedicated players that will support you -- either by providing constructive (!!!) criticism (without being offensive at the same time) or by sharing their positive thoughts with you.

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Corvus[Clean|NSR] (#101790)

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Posted on
2021-07-10 10:18:15
I think the survey is a really good idea!

Also thanks for listening to the users, and the adjustements.
But, as others already said, the SB price for the apps was seemingly adjusted because of one single player - which really isn't right to do.

The only thing bothering me still is, that you need MS and energy to get axiom cores. And as someone who logs only in once or at most twice a day, I have to use one day for farming MS and one day for farming AC :/
Just used one whole eplore bar for gathering MS: Got 13... I feel the rate to get them is still to low. I mean, with one whole bar exploring I can take 2 steps in celestial explore?

And it seems that only few people are trying for the celestial raffle, probably due to costing 5 AC.
I really hope this will stay the only event that works like this, I stopped playing Wolvden due to the heavy grinding, and I'd really love to continue playing Lioden.

As for the problem with getting SB: People are saying that you can sell stuff, food, apps and more for SB. But there's a problem here: This month, most peoply want to earn SB, so probably not much will sell for SB?

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Edited on 10/07/21 @ 10:27:50 by Corvus[Clean|Patches|ASR|NSR] (#101790)

Seriously Silly (#222357)

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Posted on
2021-07-10 12:02:26
I delive in you lioden team! You've been doing a good job even if the new event has be very hard to get right!

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Vulpecula (#148935)

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Posted on
2021-07-10 14:06:52
While it is difficult to wave "goodbye" to the past event it is exciting to wave "hello" to this new one. Without a doubt what is to come will be amazing - and to be honest I'm expecting this new version of the event to blow the old one away. Sure it is really easy to slip on a pair of nostalgia glasses and refuse to remove them -- it's hard to let go of something you find comfortable and enjoyable. However there are times in which it is better to take them off and to see what the new has to offer. I've already removed mine and while there is a slight "aww" on the loss it doesn't compare to my curiosity and excitement.

All of these events took time to make and were built upon the following years. This is a "baby" event and it's still growing. I've got no problem with giving it the time it needs to grow especially when in another year or a few the results will likely be amazing - heck it's awesome to be able to one day say, "I was here when this event first started." It'll be a great experience to watch it grow and I hope there are others just as excited about watching it grow as I am.

It's really disappointing that the staff has received the amount of negative feedback that it has. When it comes to "criticism" it is entirely too easy to criticize someone without putting yourself in said someone's shoes (which results in just toxic criticism rather than constructive criticism). In my eyes every bit of the website is just another section of a huge artpiece - the events included. If the staff reads this just remember that it is your art at the end of the day and you will come across people that will love or hate it - what's most important in my opinion is making something that you would be proud of playing. So sure, take and reviews and constructive criticism, but only take the supportive words to heart.

Thank you for opening up a Feedback Survey as that does really provide a safe way to share thoughts without receiving potential drama in return. In other words thank you for providing a way to voice opinions safely.

In conclusion - keep up the great work! There's a lot of us here to support you.

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Paradice (#96418)

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Posted on
2021-07-11 00:00:53
I really hope you bring back the old event. Grinding in one location just to go to another location and losing 8/10 battles isnt my thing. I got tired of grind back in June.
Also, lions in open space, kicking and clawing cosmic dragons and stardust creatures? Its absolutely absurd.

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Zoro (#236717)

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Posted on
2021-07-11 00:43:40
J o h n C e n a

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