Posted by Apocalypse Buddies! (Private RP thread)

Uchawi (#251085)

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2022-09-15 13:37:07
Two prides, so different from each other, find out about the other's existence. As their world collapses around them, will they be able to help each other, or will the madness of oneself pick apart whatever is left of them? There is only one way to find out...

This is a PRIVATE RP THREAD which is only to be used by Sentient Being and Me (Uchawi). If you are not one of those two individuals, please DO NOT post here. Thank you in advance

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Edited on 15/09/22 @ 13:38:23 by Uchawi (#251085)

Uchawi (#251085)

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Posted on
2022-10-26 06:59:45
Bastet's smile faultered slightly.

"Will won't mind us being here, but Monarch might..." She remarked, almost more to herself than Horizon. On instinct, she pulled the little cub slightly closer to herself.

Luna inhaled sharply, but didn't say anything for a while.
"I'm a Healer. I've seen the worst happen before" She said, without really looking at the elderly lion. Her focus was elsewhere, at her daughter and grandchild. She debated in her head if it would be wise to approach Bastet right now, but decided against it. She didn't want to put any more pressure on her with her presence.

(I love Will, he is just so oblivious sometimes XD)

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Sentient Being (#142426)

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Posted on
2022-10-27 11:11:02
Horizon kept her smile up, even though Bastet didn't look happy about the thought of Monarch. "He's never cared who's come and gone in this pride before," she assured Bastet. She laughed lightly. "You could all join the pride right now and he wouldn't even notice. He's hardly likely to come back tonight anyway - he usually sleeps by himself."

Will sat quietly next to Luna, shifting uncomfortably as he tried to think of something to say to break the silence. He waited a bit too long, though, and finally it was Luna who spoke first. "Of course," he said, coughing awkwardly. "I didn't need to tell you." He kept looking at Bastet, and after a few moments he said, "Erm, we can both go say hi if you want." Is that what she had been hinting at?

(He is indeed, a very very oblivious lion :)

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Uchawi (#251085)

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Posted on
2022-10-27 11:49:43
Bastet did not seem entirely convinced, and she thought of asking Zikoni to be on guard just in case. She knew her little 'outburst' from a few hours ago in front of Monarch did not disappear from his mind. At least not entirely. She looked down at her cub, noticing that the little thing had fallen asleep.
"Is it alright if we rest here, or would it be wiser to move somewhere else?" She asked Horizon in a hushed tone.

The Healer fought the urge to sigh disgruntedly. This lion was really oblivious to many things, wasn't he? Still, she kept her demeanor neutral as always.
"I will, but not now. Can I ask you what is the name of your healer, and where I can find them?" She said, taking a glance at Will. She had been curious about the one who she suspected poisoned him. Not that she cared much about the lion, but somehow she got very interested in why they did it. Perhaps if she followed their trail, she would be able to take her mind off of the other matter at paw.

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Sentient Being (#142426)

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Posted on
2022-10-27 12:21:03
Horizon waited for Bastet to make up her mind. She was fully aware that Monarch didn't give a welcoming first impression, though of course she had no idea the true reasoning behind Bastet's thought process. She looked very glad, though, when Bastet decided to stay. "Everywhere near the springs is safe," she said. "We're close enough, and us four will stay here with you all." She gestured to Will, Prairie, and Turquoise.

Will nodded, looking around. "Her name is Wine and Roses, or Wine. She's out gathering herbs, though she may be back with the others by now. She could be sleeping. I can come look with you if you like." He didn't seem totally happy about the idea.

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Uchawi (#251085)

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Posted on
2022-10-27 13:57:01
"I'd be glad if you could" Bastet smiled. Perhaps Horizon was right and there really wasn't much to be worried about. She looked at where the other lions form her pride were, and noticed they were already asleep, with Jewel and her mother cuddling together in a warm lion pile. Her smile grew at this sight.

Luna might've seemed like she didn't hear him at all, but it wasn't the case. She simply had a different thought in mind right now. Slowly, she walked forward approaching Bastet now that she saw there weren't many lions gathered around her. It wasn't an action she planned or even considered. It came to her naturally, almost on instinct.

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Sentient Being (#142426)

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Posted on
2022-10-27 14:04:11
Horizon yawned involuntarily, and then laughed lightly. "It's late, and I have a lot of cubs to try and herd tomorrow," she said. "Everything seems settled down, so I think I'll sleep. Wake me if you need anything." She settled down next to Horizon and put her head down on her front legs, gazing with sleepy adoration at the slumbering cub. As she saw Luna approaching, she looked up slightly, watching her progress. Will had stayed behind, and Turquoise was already asleep, Prairie just barely awake.

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Uchawi (#251085)

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Posted on
2022-10-27 23:02:56
Bastet's smile faltered once she saw her mother approach. She fought the urge to snarl at her, her stomach dropping the moment she felt the incredibly heavy aura of Luna's presence.

The Healer approached cautiously, settling herself gently on the ground in front of her daughter.
"How are you feeling?" She asked, making sure her tone of voice was as gentle and quiet as she could make it. The piebald lioness stared at her mother for a moment, as if not believing what was happening just now.

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Sentient Being (#142426)

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Posted on
2022-10-28 08:59:26
Horizon half-rose, seeing Bastet's reaction to Luna's approach. She thought for a moment of placing herself between them, but these tensions were between themselves, and she had no right to get involved. Still, she watched with sharp eyes, waiting to see if she would be needed. Her tail thumped against the ground, revealing some of the tension she was feeling.

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Uchawi (#251085)

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Posted on
2022-10-28 10:15:51
"I- I'm alright. Tired, but alright." Bastet responded, seeming almost shocked at the Healer's question.

Luna tried to smile and hoped it didn't look forced. She stared at Bastet for a while, not really sure of what to say or do. After a while, she looked down at her paws where the little cub was sleeping peacefully. She felt a sudden warmth fill her heart. She felt it only once before when Bastet was born. She wished it could've lasted a little longer than the few months she had with her before she had to give her away. She would've given everything so that day would never come. However, it was way too late for such thoughts.
"Do you have a name for her?" The Healer asked her voice gentle which surprised even her.

"I was thinking about an Egyptian name" Bastet said cautiously "Perhaps Sekhmet would be the right one."

Luna chuckled at that. Of course, Bastet would choose an Egyptian name. It was exactly what Isis would've done.
"I think it's perfect." She said, looking up at her daughter's golden eyes. Bastet's eyes filled with joy in turn. It was the first time in years that nothing but their own presence mattered.

(Someone autobought a lioness that I wanted to have for my lore at an auction. Now I'm looking all around Lioden for a lion with the qualities this lioness had, and I can't find any )

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Edited on 28/10/22 @ 10:18:41 by Uchawi (#251085)

Sentient Being (#142426)

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Posted on
2022-10-28 10:25:01
Horizon felt herself relax as Bastet and Luna spoke. She had seen so much tension, arguments, and suspicion among her own pride, and it was new and refreshing to see that turned on its head. Her tail slowed to a sway and then settled gently in the dry grass, and she watched with a soft gaze as the two looked down at the sweet little cub. It was a quiet, tender moment, and Horizon settled down, acting as though she was going back to sleep, wanting to give them some time to themselves. The other lionesses were quietly slumbering, and Will had settled down, looking tired.

Just a few paces away, though Horizon hadn't noticed her, another lioness was watching as well. Maybe she had heard her name on the wind, and come slinking to see what they were saying about her. Wine and Roses watched with dull eyes, her tail snaking about behind her. She sat and watched Luna, her nose wrinkled in disgust at the scene before her.

(Oh nooo! What kind of lioness was it? Maybe I can help you in your search.)

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Uchawi (#251085)

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Posted on
2022-10-28 11:05:11
Luna's ears perked up momentarily. She knew someone was watching her and Bastet. She could feel... a presence of some sort of energy she couldn't quite place. Bastet must've felt it too, as she shuddered slightly, but didn't dare to look behind herself.

"Get some rest" Luna said to her, the smile disappearing from her face. Her expression turned neutral again, her eyes losing all interest in her daughter and her cub. Right now, she had other things to take care of.
She got up from her spot and started walking towards Wine and Roses. Well, sort of. She actually went a little further away from her, without looking in her direction. She didn't want the lioness to notice her, so she would try a different approach. She could be stealthy if she wanted to. The life before she arrived at The Peaceful Spring has taught her many things. She walked until she knew she was out of view and disappeared like a ghost in the night out of Wine's sight.

(It was a mutie with draconid eyes. I need a lion with these eyes for my next Oracle, and I'd like for it to be a mutie. I tried to breed one myself but decided that I need some fresh blood in my pride to avoid inbreeding)

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Sentient Being (#142426)

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Posted on
2022-10-28 11:14:48
Horizon curled closer to Bastet as Luna left, and Wine, seeing her disappear, waited a few moments before turning and whisking back to the springs. She stepped past the lionesses who were asleep there, and towards the place where Monarch was. She didn't go all the way, though, and stopped just before he came into sight. She took a deep breath of cold night air, and the howl of some demonic force drifted over the sound of bubbling water. She sat very quietly near the slimy rocks, letting the little snails that lived there ooze on and off of her paws.

(Well, there's a Mane Whiskered girl for 5 GB. She's not super great, but she does fit your description. If you absolutely needed to, you could also get a draconid eye decor and put it on, unless you're tying to avoid that.)

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Uchawi (#251085)

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Posted on
2022-10-28 12:31:05
"It's not wise to spy on your king like that" A whisper echoed behind Wine and Roses, harsh and stern. It's tone was chill, and felt like daggers stabbing into her ears, sending a shiver down her spine.

(I see her, although she isn't really what I had in mind. I wouldn't be against getting draconid eyes as a decor. I have this beautiful pie who would be amazing for the role of an Oracle if it wasn't for her eyes. Still, I can't find a decor like that anywhere)

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Sentient Being (#142426)

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Posted on
2022-10-29 10:43:53
Wine and Roses flicker her ear as Luna spoke up, a slight shift in her sitting position the only indication that she had been startled. She turned her head slightly to look at Luna. The cold, penetrating chill that came from Luna wasn't new to Wine - she had often felt the same from her once-mentor, So Sweet. The reminder of her dead mentor sent a thrill of repulsion and excitement through her, but she quelled any visible reaction. "I don't profess to be wise," she replied evenly.

(Ah, well, I hope you find a good one. And yeah, I guess that decor comes with dragon scales around the eyes, so not very useful.)

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Uchawi (#251085)

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Posted on
2022-10-29 12:34:41
"Such a shame. You certainly look like you would. Still, next time you decide to poison someone, perhaps you should use something less recognizible than berries from a syringa tree." Luna's response was dry and cold.

She could tell the young lioness had the potential to be a deadly weapon without even really knowing her. A while ago the older Healer had studied poisons of many kinds, and if it wasn't for that knowledge she wouldn't recognize Will's symptoms. If it was up to her she would've let the useless lion die, but her orders were clear. Keep the charade long enough, so she can gain trust of the pride and fulfill her purpose. She wouldn't let anyone interfere with that.

(Oh well, I'll keep on breeding till I can hopefully get some results )

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