Posted by Northern Pack

SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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2024-01-19 21:53:02
making this roleplay because why not and im bored
**please PM me about high ranks such as alpha/beta! **


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PREVIOUS ALPHAS - written by Lupa (#50745)

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Edited on 02/02/24 @ 22:09:06 by SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

s (#310057)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-01-27 03:22:48

It was colder than ever and Sylvian was tempted to give up. He wasn't the kind of wolf to even give in to such thinking but the freeze was messing with his brain. It felt like he was about to shut down. Just as he was nearing the point of exhaustion, he caught a glimpse of the familiar hill leading up the den. It was already buried in snow, but the landmarks he could make out gave it away. He had never been happier to be home.

He was only gone for a few hours, but facing possible death can do certain things to a wolf's mentality. He could barely hear Altair's steps next to his and he could feel himself returning to his senses, his blood pulsing from the sudden adrenaline. He let out an excited bark and rushed up to the entrance. Even that short hike up was difficult. He couldn't even feel his paws from the chilling, hard ground he ran on. He was sure he was covered in snow, even with how much he ran, his fur clumping. He could swear his snout was frozen.

The only thing keeping him going was willpower and determination. If Altair made it, he'd be impressed. It was late so he wasn't even sure if most of the pack was awake but, for once, he couldn't help himself. He howled in excitement as reached the mouth of their cave. He couldn't believe he almost let himself collapse. This was his family, and he would not abandon them any time soon.

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Edited on 27/01/24 @ 13:41:10 by NarcissisticDelusions (#310057)

Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 04:12:59


Keenly interested eyes watched as Daisy had groomed the pelt of Kipo, the young pup always seemed to find himself making an effort for his packmates, even in his youthful innocence. As the Omega started to drift to sleep, the pup's gaze lingered longer on the entrance of the cave than what was comfortable, as if the little pup had considered making a break for it and escaping into certain death. Yet, his mind changed as his path led him towards her, ears perking to listen to what the pup might have to say. 'I’ll take care of the other pups. You can take care of the rest of the pack'. A vice gripped her heart, achingly as the soft, almost timid voice of the pup that carefully chose his words reached her ears, softening her eyes and warming her heart. Duvessa wasn't certain how she felt, realizing that time spent at her side had shaped this youngster into a mirror of herself, rather than that of his mother, Athena, becoming more caring of everyone around him, whether it was pack mate or litter mate.

The silvered she-wolf had been trusted once more to care for the pups when the Alpha pair had left to seek prey, but that role had shifted in their absence, as their dear friend had to step up to the responsibility of the parent to the litter left behind when they didn't return. But nobody could truly replace Athena and Lupin, least of all Duvessa, who mourned the loss of her friends deeply. She didn't begrudge or despise Shibaan for stepping up when many wolves wouldn't dare to do so, and their pack was vulnerable without their leader pair and therefore needed a new one to once more stabilize and strengthen the pack. But the loss, the change, still tugged at Duvessa to her very core, and it would take time to grow accustomed to it all. Nodding to the pup, watching as he padded back to his litter mates, and the female eased into Shibaan once more. Duvessa had always been there for her pack, every wolf having a shoulder available if it was needed, and that was true even for Athena and Lupin, whom Duvessa had forged a friendship with throughout the years, from babysitting their pups to offering sage counsel in times of need. 

Interest glimmered once more in Duvessa's gaze as she peered curiously at Tenn, the male Omega lying down on the opposite side of their newly named Alpha. 'Don’t be so hard on yourself, it’s nearly impossible to find anything in this kind of weather, no matter our ranking'. It was sound reassurance, something that Duvessa could agree with. There wasn't a wolf alive that could best a snowstorm, they could only survive it and pray to the gods for their mercy. However, what came next unsettled the female, opening up the gaping hole that caused her stomach to drop at the thoughts that came with it. 'Try not to worry too much, Sylvain has proven to be strong in conditions like this'. The uncertainty that they had shook Duvessa, after all, words wouldn't ensure the safety of their Beta, and the loss of Sylvain would surely cripple them in a way that would be unrecoverable, ensuring the doom of them all.

Closing her eyes, Duvessa enjoyed the warmth of Shibaan at her side, exhaling a long breath, humming as a stray thought of the closeness between Shibaan and Tenn was taken note in the female's mind, as it was seemingly confident enough to approach the new Alpha to lay beside her, despite rank and their unmated status. It was something that Duvessa would have to keep in mind for the future, a worry for another day when Sylvain's disappearance wasn't heavy on her thoughts. Her eyes only opened when Kipo awoke and approached.

'Shibaan. Should I go hunting or not?'. The black-furred female had started, with sleep gunk still in her eyes showing that she was up on her paws quickly. 'I can get something for the elders'. Sniffing, Duvessa pinned her ears down, allowing Shibaan to make the call, but it was clear that the Caretaker thought that walking out into the blizzard would be a fool's errand, especially since the current dilemma was that Sylvain hadn't returned yet, and losing Kipo to the snowstorm would only add to the problem at hand. Turning her head away, Duvessa licked her lips, hunger biting at her stomach once more, but she suppressed the feeling. None of them was a stranger to hunger, but this winter had been especially harsh, and she was doing her best to tough it out. But, her hunger was all but forgotten when a howl reverberated into the den, echoing off the walls in a symphony of natural design that overshadowed the gushing wind of the blizzard outside the mouth of the den.


Duvessa's head snapped up, her body lurching as an excited yip left her lips before she could catch herself, and the female stood to her full height, her tail high as her ears perked forward, the skin prickling beneath her fur with the thrill that coursed through her veins like a rush of static electricity. Their Beta had made it home, he had braved the storm beyond and returned, a feat that surely wouldn't be forgotten any time soon. But one thought caught Duvessa's mind before it was pushed away once more.

If Sylvain could return... why couldn't Athena and Lupin?

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Edited on 27/01/24 @ 04:13:52 by Lupa (#50745)

The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 13:08:06

He had been slowly drifting off, his mind becoming hazy with sleep, but the howl that echoed through the den jolted him awake. Sylvain had returned! He quickly stood, moving towards a den entrance that was buried by snow, tail wagging. He had truly begun to think that the beta had perished. He barked a reply, forgetting Kipo who had still been sleeping, curled in the spot next to him. Should he try and dig? They didn't know what state Sylvain was in, after all. He could be on the verge of collapse, or he could be just cold and tired. His eyes flicked over to the pack's caretaker, Duvessa, who had also been woken by the howl, as Cedar quickly considered his options. He should defer to the alpha, but the opinion of a caretaker shouldn't be ignored.

"Shibaan, Duvessa, should I and the omegas try and dig, to reach Sylvain faster at the risk of getting more snow into the den, or should we wait for him to make it in." Cedar's cold paws had been forgotten, and excitement raced through his blood like fire, warming him inside and out. Sylvain had beaten the odds, done what Lupis and Athena failed to do, and made it home. He would apologize to Shibaan for his anger later once Sylvain was safe, and ask Sylvain what he had wanted to tell him a day ago, after they had brought down the moose. The scolding he vividly remembered, but he had assumed there was something else. Even if it ended up being just another scolding, Cedar would be almost, almost happy to take it, if it meant Sylvain's safe return.

He cast his gaze back to Shibaan, tail held low but still wagging, ears perked, waiting for the order. Practically the picture of obedience.

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 13:34:05

She flicked her ears as Tenn reassured her. Her blue eyes looked up gratefully at him. She raised her head as Kipo approached. “No one is going out.” She muttered. Her eyes flickered past the Omega. She swore she could hear the crunching of snow outside. Her body tensed, and she slowly rose to her paws.

The familiar howl rang through her ears. Her heart skipped a beat. Could it be? Her eyes stared at the blocked entrance. Shibaan’s tail wagged, she didn’t have control of it. The sound of her best friend’s howl brought her to the den entrance. How could she have thought he was dead? A happy whine came from her. “Dig! We need to get him in here!” She immediately threw herself onto the snow blocked entrance. Her paws stung at the touch of subzero snow. She dug at the snow, happy yips escaping her.


He followed the Beta, hope rising in his chest as a cave appeared. His ears perked as a happy howl came from Slyvian. He stared at the blocked entrance. He could hear the voices of wolves inside. He didn’t hesitate, and began digging. Snow flew from behind him as he did. He could hear a wolf digging on the other side aswell. Altair whined desperately. Warmth was so close! His fur had begun to freeze, when the snow on his back had melted from the heat being released as he ran. He shivered madly. Altair dug faster. He couldn’t die! He could feel the cold taking his energy away. His paws had gone numb already. His nose was burning with frostbite.

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Lily (#435779)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2024-01-27 13:55:22

Kipo looks at the entrance, happy wags escaping her tail. She immediately started to dig with Shibaan, not caring that her paws were hurting. She quickly made a big dent in the snow and cleared a hole big enough for the beta to come in.


Daisy watched that Kipo and Shibaan made a hole in the snow. His tail was wagging a bit and his ears were up. But he had to let the pups sleep more for them to keep their energy.

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 13:58:24

He eagerly began to dig next to Shibaan, using long dewclaws to help scrape the snow away, sending it cascading into small piles as he dug at the entrance. He could hear a wolf digging at the entrance from the other side, but it didn't quite sound like Sylvain. Perhaps the snow was warping the sound in some strange way. His tail was wagging, and he felt better, knowing that Shibaan's hope had returned. His paws still stung, but that was something he could ignore,easily, at least for now.

He moved to make room for Kipo to join them, and helped in clearing a hole while one of the other omegas cleared away some of the snow that had fallen into the den.

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s (#310057)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-01-27 14:09:03

He dove, right into the snow piled on the entrance, with no care but getting inside. The warmth the den provided would have to be enough to help him recover. He might be out of commission and need to rest for a few days, but Shibaan could take care of them all. He hated himself for having to put this burden on her but he wouldn't be much help without the ability to walk. He could feel the sores that had already formed beneath his paws start to bleed but he could't feel the pain, not now. Not when he was so close.

He couldn't wait to see Cedar, and gods how he missed Hesper. She was like another mother to him. Thoughts of the other wolves kept him going, including Whitetail and Duvessa, and even the omegas Kipo, Rakan. He even sort of missed Tenn, the unruly wolf. Just the reminder that they were alive and they needed him was enough to keep digging.

He also must have been delirious because he could swear he heard Athena howling in the distance, clear as ever, even through the blustery winds. He was the only one who truly knew what they left to do, on that bitter-cold winter night. Their burden was a heavy one, but he couldn't help but blame them for leaving. They thought it was the only way to keep the pack safe but he should've insisted. If he died now, the truth would die with him. Maybe it would even be for the best. This would only create questions he didn't have the answers to and he wanted the last memories of Lupin and Athena to be good ones.

Shaking himself back into reality, his snout began to burn even more, if that was possible and he could barely move his ears but he pushed and pushed until finally he could see the snow begin to give way. Altair was following suit right by his side as they dug together. He could hear the other wolves so clearly. He just had to push a little bit more, a little bit longer.

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 14:29:09

The male wolf growled, hissing curses under his breath as his paws began to bleed. The snow that was dug away, was red. Altair pinned his ears in determination. He wouldn’t die! This hope flared as he felt the snow give way under his paws. An opening. The wolf dug more, making the small opening larger.. and larger.

He imagined how proud his siblings would be. They had been a dispersal pack before, traveling and hunting together. No wolf was ever left behind, that was their motto. He recalled the feeling of comfort as they huddled together in a sleeping pile. The sound of his siblings breathing, the warmth radiating off their fur. He remembered running through the fields, adrenaline pumping throughout his body. Chasing moose, and teasing grizzly bears. He eyes softened as he remembered getting caught by a bear once. His flank had been bleeding. His older brother comforted him while his sisters cleaned the wound.

His heart hurt as he remembered his littlest sister’s broken body. He had broken the packs motto, and left his siblings. Just to save himself. He would never forgive himself.

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Edited on 27/01/24 @ 14:29:23 by SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 16:33:00

He could hear the sounds of digging more clearly now, as he watched the hole they were making grow larger and larger. Worryingly, some of the snow that Sylvain's paws had knocked into the den seemed to be flecked with blood, something that made Cedar's heart race. How badly was he injured? Was it just the combination of the rough snow and a frantic run back to the den, or was it something worse?

//A bit of a shorter one as I have to got somewhere for a bit

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Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 17:05:51

[ Good morning everyone, sorry for the late-ish and short-ish response ]


The exhilaration throbbed through the very veins of the wolf, coursing with burning adrenaline as the pack jumped to action at the mouth of the cave. With a soft growl of determination, Duvessa launched alongside the pack, blunt black claws digging at the snow with a renewed vigor that the exhausted wolf didn't know she still had left. Helping claw the snow away from the entrance, and then moving it to the side so the pack could continue tunneling deeper, the female held a breath as she spotted what Cedar had; blood. The sight ripped through the female, and a whine escaped her lips as that coppery scent hit her nose, stronger than the scent of whose blood it was. Turning, the female loped to the back of a cave, where a smaller cave was hidden away from the curious eyes of the pups, packed full of herbs and the likes that were meant to last the entire winter.

Thankfully, her stocks were plentiful, and she sniffed around for what she needed. Her gaze locked onto the yellow-orange flowering plant, and she carefully plucked the herb from her store and padded from the den, her ears perked forward as she surveyed the process. Marigold had two purposes, the primary was to prevent infection, but it also helped with minor bleeding, which was a hopeful side of Duvessa that the wound wouldn't be severe enough to warrant cobwebs or the like. Seeing that they were making their way through the snow, Duvessa began to chew the marigold into a poultice, her nose wrinkling against the taste that she never truly got accustomed to. Her silver eyes flicked to the pups, who had roused in the excitement, and were looking curiously toward the entrance, their innocent little eyes gleaming. As the snow cleared away enough for a wolf to squeeze in one at a time, Duvessa spat out the marigold poultice onto a rock and carried it toward the mouth of the den, her pelt prickling with excitement as she waited for her packmate to climb his way inside.

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Edited on 27/01/24 @ 17:06:08 by Lupa (#50745)

Lily (#435779)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2024-01-27 18:37:18

Daisy watches with curiosity. The other pups looks with excitement. Daisy sniffs the air, now knowing that there is other wolf with him. His ears flatten on his head as he bared his teeth. The pups sniff the air and they flatten themselves to the ground. The pups hid behind Daisy as he was in defense mode.

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 13:20:12

He dug at the snow fiercely. He could hear more wolves on the other side, and Slyvian next to him. A barely audible growled was heard from him as his paws began to bleed more. Altair reared up, on his hind legs and put all his weight on the snow. He broke through the thick barrier, and panted. He took a step back as he saw all the unfamiliar wolves. The dispersal glanced at Slyvian.

His tongue lolled from his mouth, exhausted. The fur along his back was frozen solid. He couldn’t feel his paws or nose. He lowered his head, looking for acceptance. He prayed that they would show mercy and let him stay inside. His olive eyes scanned the wolves. One in particular stuck out.

A muscular, large white wolf stared at him with hostility.


The white wolf’s tail wagged fiercely as she saw the snow cascade down from the blocked entrance. A waft of a dispersal’s scent flooded her senses. Her body instantly went rigid. Her posture tall, and practically saying “dominance”. She glared at the unfamiliar wolf. His dark fur was slick with ice, and blood stained the snow where he stood.

Shibaans ears perked, and her muzzle ruffled as she bared her teeth slightly. Her eyes flickered towards the familiar wolf, Slyvian. He looked terrible. His paws were also bleeding. A look of disbelief and affection glimmered in her eyes. She was ecstatic he was back, but why bring a dispersal back?

The female took a step forward, her hypnotizing blue eyes trained on this new wolf. She curled her lip in hostility.

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Wormnut (#451819)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 13:23:00

Tenn was relieved to see Sylvain was alive, despite their rivalry towards one another. The brown omega stood up to follow Shibaan, but stayed put once the stranger was visible to him. He followed Shibaan’s example and also raised his lip in defense. “Who is that?” He whispered as their focus was now on the dispersal.

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 13:34:31

His tail was still wagging, pelt lightly flecked with snow that had fallen into the den, but he stood stiff, waiting for Shibaan to make the call. He was overjoyed at Sylvain's return, but the dispersal's now familiar face was not a welcome sight. The two wolves looked terrible, and Cedar winced as he took in the bloody paws, still planted firmly in the snow. "Sylvain! You made it back!" But, even with the dispersal here, it didn't change the fact that the beta had made it home. Cedar didn't step forward, not wanting to challenge Shibaan's clear control of the situation, but he let out a friendly whine towards Sylvain.

Tenn had joined him behind Shibaan, and also seemed hostile towards the dispersal. But Cedar just wanted the strange wolf gone. He had caused enough problems already. Glancing over at Shibaan, Cedar made an effort to seem a bit more imposing, raising his tail and holding his head higher, looking down on the dispersal. He let some of his fangs show, but he didn't want to go into a full snarl. That would be Shibaan's job.

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Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2024-01-29 08:42:52

[ Duvessa will temporarily be paused for NarcissisticDelusions to have a chance to post. ]


Eyes of dark umber glared at the stranger with due suspicion, ears pinned back against the creamy fur on the pup's skull. The littermate with a silvered coat stood before her and their other siblings, attempting to shield them from the intruding male, causing a rumble of warning to escape the lips of the young pup.

Hemera, one of the last daughters born to the late Athena and Lupin, wouldn't permit any of her siblings to hide her away, sacrifice themselves to stand before her in the face of danger. They would stand side by side, at the very least. Hackles arose along her spine, a glance flicked toward Daisy before returning to lock directly into the olive eyes of the possible enemy. The litter had the entire pack between them and the dispersal, and their first line of defense was already impenetrable; Shibaan stood, her white fur a stark contrast within the dark of the grey cavern, the sharp pearly canines of their future Alpha on an intimidating threat display. 

Her naive mind couldn't wrap her mind around the reasoning behind why their loyal and beloved Beta had returned with this male, but with the snarling of her seniors, Hemera could deduce quite easily that it wasn't a welcome surprise. Most of the pack seemed on edge, besides the female who had become a second mother to her. Duvessa sat with peaceful patience, her gaze guarded and uncertain, yet her lips didn't quiver with the desire to snarl at the stranger, simply awaited with a stinky poultice for the outcome to be judged by Shibaan.

Licking her lips, Hemera hunched down in the nest, there wasn't much hope for any pup to survive the attack of a fully grown, matured male. However, if the necessity came, Hemera wouldn't lay down and beg for mercy, this intruder would feel her fangs as she joined her parents wherever the gods had taken them. A soft growl escaped her lips, reverberating deep in her chest with the bite behind her effort. She wouldn't show her fear, not now until the last moments, even if the sour stench of it reeked from her pores.

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