Posted by Northern Pack

SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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2024-01-19 21:53:02
making this roleplay because why not and im bored
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PREVIOUS ALPHAS - written by Lupa (#50745)

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Edited on 02/02/24 @ 22:09:06 by SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 22:54:08

She stared at him for a moment.” Here lift your paw like this.” She stated showing him how to lift his paws as she began getting ready to apply the marigold paste onto his paws. She didn’t comment on him avoiding eye contact. Her ears twitched as she glanced at Cedar for a moment listening to his words as he spoke. Was there truth behind them? Perhaps. But was it necessary at this given moment while she was trying to do something? No but she wasn’t about to tell Cedar what to do no way. She felt almost sorry for the stranger.” How long were your paws this way?” She asked just more so out of curiosity and just to be sure nothing more could be wrong.

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Edited on 30/01/24 @ 23:04:48 by Ash167 Queen of Raccoons (#137584)

Lily (#435779)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2024-01-30 22:56:30

Jay snarls at Cedar as he nipped Daisy. She stands up, fury in her eyes. She curls next to Daisy, waiting for anyone to come close. She glares at Cedar, her eyes glistening with rage. She wanted to jump at him and bite his leg off.


Daisy huffs at the fact that Cedar nipped him. It didn't even hurt. So what was the point. What was the point of being here at all. He heard Jay snarling at Cedar. He smiles to himself. The other pups, Jay and Kipo was the reason he was still here.


Kipo growls at Cedar as he nipped Daisy. She walks over to Daisy and Jay. She sits down, her eyes burning into Cedar's pelt. If he does that again, he was going to get hurt by her and Jay.

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 23:15:23

He looked at the marigold paste, intrigued. Yet he didn't question it, and lifted his sore paw. It was still slightly numb, but the warmth in the cave was beginning to breathe life back into it. He could now feel the throbbing sensation in all of his paws. It didn't feel the best. His head snapped up as a wolf spoke. It was the same one who had called him a mange-pelt. Altair pinned his ears as the wolf showed his dominance, standing tall and speaking boldly.

"I don't want anything to do with your pups." he mumbled, a hint of hostility in his voice. He wasn't the type to just take orders without question. He looked at the nest that the wolf had pointed to. He didn't need a nest. The dispersal had been sleeping on dirt and stone his whole life. Altair licked his lips anxiously. He was very stressed. This was all so much to take him. His ears perked at the female who tended to his paws, spoke. "They weren't like that. I just got them from running in the storm." he still avoided her eyes, and watched her apply the paste onto his paws.

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Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 23:17:01

[ Once again, temporarily pausing Duvessa's POV until Narcissistic can post again. ]


Disapproval glimmered in those dark brown eyes that stared at her littermate who had attempted to take initiative, while not only putting himself, but the pack at risk. If this dispersal male had snatched her brother, the pack would've been at his mercy to have their pup safely returned. It had been a foolish move, and her young eyes watched as his mistake was corrected by the older, higher-ranking male. Self-preservation had skipped a generation when it came to Daisy, his biting words causing Hemera's lips to curl at the blatant disrespect spat towards their senior wolf. Though perhaps self-preservation was a new trait to the family, after all, their parents had offered themselves to the will of the gods, and their gamble had left the pack without their leadership, forcing Shibaan to step up into the role in the pack left vacant by their desperate call, and Duvessa to the role in their family.

As a growl aimed at their Delta escaped the lips of her littermate, and Jay, who was a measly three months their senior, an answering growl rumbled deep in the throat of the pup, bubbling up her throat as it reverberated with a warning. Hemera had always been a stickler for respect above all else, especially when it came to the wolves at the top of their food chain. The pride of a pup that was incapable of taking a correction would be a dangerous adult, after all, Daisy had made a nearly grave mistake, and a nip to the butt wasn't uncommon, especially for the pups. Their mother, Athena, would often give a nip to any of the litter that would act out, and while Cedar wasn't their mother, or their father for that matter, he was subduing the pup and demanding the due respect that is owed to his rank. 

Shuffling out of her nursery nest, Hemera wiggled into Duvessa's nest, distancing herself from the aggression from Daisy, Jay and Kipo, who felt it necessary to band together like a bunch of arrogant pups, blinded by their own pride. She was a dominant young female, and she understood the natural order in the hierarchy, making her stance clear that she wouldn't be seen together with the ignorant display. Her eyes locked with Duvessa's for a moment, the she-wolf casting her eyes over to the situation with a worried glance, her eyes flicking from the trio of youngsters, to Cedar, and back again. Hemera licked her lips, she trusted their surrogate mother to deal with the situation, once her paws were clean of marigold paste.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 23:21:59

She continued to apply the paste to his paws.” I don’t think it’s necessary for any of them to be commenting while I’m trying to tend to you.” She muttered irritated now as she stared at the trio of pups and then at Cedar. She knew Duvessa could handle the pups but why did everyone feel it was necessary to comment or say something to Altair at this moment.” You can look at me I won’t bite. At least not yet.” Sometimes humor was the only way Shade could see out of an awkward or tense situation.” Don’t worry almost done then you can be free of me to your heart’s content.” She laughed a little attempting to lighten the mood or at least make Altair less tense and stressed. She was attempting to follow more after Duvessa at least with her kindness, she wanted to be more like her and less follow the leader kind of deal but she knew that she couldn’t change how she acted but could at least be a little more nice.

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Edited on 30/01/24 @ 23:24:33 by Ash167 Queen of Raccoons (#137584)

The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 23:31:43
He raised his tail, baring his long fangs towards the pup and juvenile. If he hadn't known better, he wouldn't have thought these were Athena and Lupin's pups. A small growl from nearby caught his attention, and he glanced over at Hermera, pleased that some of the pups still had brains in their heads. She would make a fine hunter one day, a wolf he would be happy to train. He turned his head back towards the three wolves, a short growl in his voice, ready to snap in anger, but he decided against it. Discipline was Sylvain's role, and Cedar didn't want to overstep.
He sat back on his paws, watching the dispersal get marigold paste smeared over his injured paws. "I'm glad to hear that." Cedar let the silence stretch, tired out. A stranger respecting him before his own pack did so wasn't anywhere near heartening.

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Lily (#435779)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2024-01-30 23:35:44

Daisy lightly sighs. He quietly walks over to Cedar. “Sorry for snapping. I was in a bad mood today.” He says, hoping Cedar would forgive him. He was in a bad mood because he didn’t get much sleep last night and one of the pups ran him over.

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 15:29:05

He continued to watch, wincing whenever she applied some to the actively bleeding areas. His ears twitched as she spoke, agreeing with her. Yet he wasn't about to say it. He was currently biting his tongue from snarling a nasty remark to the Delta. He tucked his tail close to his body, ears swiveling. He could feel his heart racing. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he was terrified. He was surrounded by mostly hostile, stranger wolves. His eyes darted around the cave.

His ears twitched as she mentioned that he could look at her. He wouldn't look into her eyes because then she'd be able to see the pure fear rimming his usually calm olive eyes. Altair licked his lips anxiously again. The dispersal was so used to being alone, without other wolves. His usual sly tongue was now silent.

He pulled back suddenly from the wolf tending to his paw, she had touched a sensitive spot. He lowered his ears, avoiding eye contact once again.


She watched the Caretakers tend to the dispersal and Slyvian. She noticed the dispersal was jumpy, and looked terrified. His movements were either slow, or sudden. Her gaze shifted over to Daisy, who said a nasty remark to Cedar. The Delta looked angry, delivering a swift nip to the pup. Shibaan watched, spotting Jay and Kipo comforting the pup. They were protecting Daisy's bad behavior, and reinforcing it. A low growl emitted from her throat as she walked over to the Insubordinate and Omega.

Her muscles were stiff and tense. Her head was lowered, her ears erect and perked. Her shoulders were high, and hackles raised. Her intentions towards the wolves were oh, so clear. No wolves in her pack will support a pup's bad behavior. Shibaan let out a low growl, a warning. She knew Cedar wouldn't discipline Jay and Kipo, but the Alpha would, no hesitation. "What do you think you were doing, snarling at my Delta?" she spat, her blue eyes burning with annoyance. "I will not allow wolves to support a pup's bad behavior, nor influence it." she stared down the wolves. One low growl from either of them, and she would correct that quickly. She wouldn't give them a small nip, as Cedar had to the pup. Even though they acted like pups, they weren't. They would be disciplined like a full grown wolf.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 15:42:02

She perked her ears a little as she heard Shibaan approach the Jay and Kipo. She sighed softly her ears falling back down a little knowing full well that Shibaan was mad, she herself no matter how stubborn or hardheaded would snarl like that at the beta, delta or of course Shibaan unless it was absolutely necessary. Which she knew Daisy was upset and she could understand why but she thought snarling at the delta was definitely a poor decision. She turned her attention fully back to the dispersal now. "Did that hurt badly?" she asked thinking to herself that if it had she might need to tend that that spot a little more than the other ones." Don't worry about them right now it will make you too stressed and now we can't have that. May I ask your name?' She asked tilting her head she wanted to assure the male he had nothing to worry about at least while with her, but she felt slightly embarrassed at the fact that she didn't even know his name, even if he had just gotten here. She waited till he was ready to begin applying the marigold paste again.

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Lily (#435779)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2024-01-31 15:50:34

Jay sighs softly. “I’m sorry. I was just a bit scared as the delta nipped him. I thought he hurt Daisy.” She says, showing a bit of sadness in her eyes. She quietly walked to her own nest, her back towards the rest of the pack.


Kipo lightly sighs. “I’m sorry. I was also scared that the delta hurted Daisy.” She says, trying not to show that she was scared. “Jay and me are a bit overprotective of the pups and insubordinates. I will take any punishment.” She says with her voice almost cracking.

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 16:29:28

His eyes trailed over to the white wolf. She was approaching two wolves, who he had heard growl. Her posture was terrifying. Her presence spoke clearly of dominance. He knew if he was to stay longer, he would have to please her. His attention snapped back to the wolf in front of him as she spoke gently. He nodded hesitantly, "It stung." He looked down at his paws, dried blood clumped in between his paw pads, he could feel it. Altair's ears raised as she said something. "Alright." he murmured, trying to ignore the growling not too far away. "My name is Altair, yours?" his eyes flickered up at her, making eye contact for a split second. She was a pretty wolf, and her blue eyes looked at him expectantly.

He lifted his paw slowly, allowing her to continue applying the paste. As much as it hurt, he already trusted her greatly. She was the only one who had been kind to him in moons.


She listens to them, her muscles tense. Her blue eyes seem to burn into their hides. Her ears twitch at their explanations. Shibaan watches Jay walk away, cowering in her nest. The Alpha huffs, and looks back towards Kipo. "You know Cedar would never hurt a pup." she growls. She glares at the Omega for a few moments. "There will be no punishment, as I understand your points of view." she raises her head, towering over Kipo. "Next time I catch either of you trying to instigate a fight, you'll be eating leftovers, and you'll be sleeping outside for a while." the white wolf snarls, before turning around suddenly.

She pads over to Tenn, her claws clicking on the cave floor. Her fur smooths, and her hackles go down. Her muscles relax, and she lowers her head as she approaches the Omega. Shibaan gently bumps her head against Tenn's body, as a greeting. She lays down, almost on top of him. The hostility from just a few minutes ago, completely forgotten. Her tail thumps against the ground, and she breathes in Tenn's comforting scent.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 16:41:47

Her ears flattened a little as she heard Shibaan's growl towards the omega. "I'm Shade. Let me know if stings and I'll let you have a break from applying the paste if you need it." She stated as she became a little gentler when applying the paste." That spot might need a little bit more." she stated indicating the paw he said it had stung. She wasn't going to comment on that he had actually made eye contact with her even for a moment. She let out a soft chuckle." I suppose I don't have to tell you who you should probably avoid around here." she stated. She had hoped that some of her fellow packmates would lighten up at least a little towards Altair since he would be staying with them if only for a little while. She looked at him once more as she finally finished all four paws."There you are Altair, finally free of me." she joked as she looked at the paw he said had stung." If it hurts anymore, I can put more on." she stated as she looked at him attempting to make eye contact with him again, or at least get him to talk a little more.

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Wormnut (#451819)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 16:47:43

Tenn admired Shibaan’s ability to set proper rules with the stubbornness of Daisy’s attitude. The brown wolf’s tail wagged slowly against the ground as she approached him, and he became overjoyed that’s she deciddd to lay down so close to him. He let out a small chuckle as he let her be close to him, not wanting to move away. “Good job,” he whispered, quietly praising her for her good work.

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 17:19:27

He tenses as she begins applying the paste again. It doesn't hurt now, but the sharp sting he'd felt previously was still clear in his memory. He nods when she mentions more paste on the sore paw. He watches the white wolf. She must be the Alpha, her dominance and confidence was enough to convince him she was. His olive eyes follow her as she walks towards a male wolf, who seems delighted at her presence. The Alpha bumps heads with him, and shows her affection. He looks back at his paw, watching Shade apply the paste. He lets out a soft huff in agreement as she speaks. He can already tell who he must avoid. He puts his paw down as she releases him. His tail wags slowly as they don't throb in pain anymore. There is still a sore pang, but nothing painful. Altair looks into her eyes, this time for a longer time. "Thank you. I will, don't worry." his olive eyes glow with gratitude, and another emotion..


"Thank you Alpha." she teases him, her tail wagging. Her gaze falls onto Shade and the dispersal. Her body goes stiff as she spots him making eye contact with the Caretaker. A flicker of a very familiar emotion in his eyes. Shibaan lets out a low growl. She mustn't let a dispersal male fall for one of her packmates. The white wolf watches, her blue eyes narrowing in suspicion.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 17:27:42

She offered the male a smile and she told him." Your paws should feel much better now. Of course, you can always hang around me if no one else is nice." she was about to say something else, but completely forgot what she was going to say when he actually held his eye contact this time and lots of emotion showed in his olive-colored eyes. She offered the male another smile as she gathered the last little bit of the marigold paste completely oblivious to Shibaan staring at them. She motioned for Altair to follow trotted back to the spot where she and Duvessa kept the medicine, "If you even need medicine come over here Duvessa and I will give you something to help." she stated as she set the last of the paste down, what little was left anyway. She figured it would probably go bad quite soon, but she would worry about that later.

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