Posted by Unspoken Treasures [Private]

ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2015-12-04 10:23:47
"Can you actually hear me up here?"

That voice was something that the professional on the other side of the line was used to hearing; the one belonging to a man who was dangling above a three mile drop above a jungle canyon from a piece of ancient masonry. This prayer piller, constructed thousands of years ago by an advanced and artistic culture that sadly - and mysteriously - died out only two thousand years ago was the only thing keeping the young man alive. His grip was slipping slightly, his feet unable to find purchase on the rock that was slippery from wet grass and slick mould from years of damp, humid rainforest air.

The young man was Chad Blaise Elliot, or Blaize Elliot as he was better known around the world. The son of the legendary Theodore Elliot, whose trails lead him across the globe and discovered so many ancient secrets and treasures, and contributed so much to anthropology and archaeology that entire courses and degrees were based around his works ... Theodore Elliot was a towering force in the profession of finding things from other times.

His son?

... Not so much.

It was actually a mystery where, exactly, Blaize came from. His father never married, the man always saying 'a gentleman never leaves his lady idle in a parlour, wondering if her husband will come back from another adventure'. With his erratic and heavy workload, he found it unseemly to take a wife and leave her for long stretches of time. He had entertained beauties, but he was from the school of thought that one should only court if one had mind to marry.
So when a son turned up, everyone raised an eyebrow and no-one really wanted to ask outright where he came from. Some DID pose the polite question as to where 'your son's mother' could be, something that would always gain the frosty reply of 'she is well, but she is occupied'. It stood to reason that Blaize was some sort of one-night thing, but with whom and where, and why the normally impeccable Sir Elliot broke his moral code were all up in the air.

Not that this seemed to do much to harm Blaize, at least not in a normal way. Raised by a succession of nannies, governors and private tutors until he attended university, he was allowed reign of his fathers house while his father was off making new breakthroughs in ancient history. This made him, to put it bluntly, spoiled, and this really showed when attending higher education.

A man of means and good blood like his would do well to earn stripes in academia like his father. But whereas his father earned his credentials through hard work, good manners, excellent method and perfect intelligence, Blaize got them through ... being the son of that.
While other students burned the midnight oil, Blaize burned the oil dancing and drinking. While others religiously attended lectures, he turned up in one out of five, if at all. While others were driven to the point of near insanity from stress handing in a dozen papers or more, Blaize always had his somehow turn up, despite the man being clearly hungover and barely awake, and earn perfect marks.

Because no-one wanted to criticize the son of Theodore Elliot.

Especially when Theodore mysteriously disappeared in the heavy mists of Shonosha, disappearing in his trusty biplane into the fog and never coming back. His plane was discovered three years later, but he was gone, as was all sign of him ... Though declared dead for reasons of inheritance and law, many still wondered about his ultimate fate. Blaize was seemingly unaffected ...

Like he was unaffected now. Despite being spoilt and handled with kid-gloves by the same institutions that revered his father, he was still his father's son, and the want to climb all over things in the name of knowledge rang strong in his veins.
Even if his way was brute force compared to his father's much softer touch, and he relied much more on his learned parter, who was watching what Blaize was seeing and hearing his voice through a headset they both wore. Telephones and technology were practically useless in locations like these, but their headsets somehow still worked, and while one was hanging off the edge of certain death, the other was watching from a computer chair.

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-11-15 09:13:01
"I doubt I would survive that. I actually was pushed and kinda swung down from the top of the trees where the warriors live. I probably looked like a fool but it was exhilarating. Nothing I would want to do again anytime soon but I bet you would enjoy it," Oliver answered a small smile on his lips as he looked up to meet Blaize's bloodshot gaze.

"Can I get you some water or anything?" Oliver asked, picking off a bit of the paint and rubbing it onto his hand to watch the strange properties.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-11-15 09:15:08
Sure enough, there was a spark in Blaize's eyes from Oliver's description that said that, yes, Blaize probably WOULD enjoy that. He'd enjoy that very much.

He shook his head at the water enquiry, though.

"No, I'm fine"

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-11-15 09:20:26
The spark was enough to ease away the tension that Oliver was carrying. Oliver relaxed a bit more into the pillows the surrounded them but kept relatively close to Blaize. Until the awkward bump in his shirt reminded him of his journal that he tucked away. Undoing a button he removed the journal and placed it between the two of them.

"You can look through the last few pages at the sketches I took and I wrote down some questions. Maybe the next time your mom visits you can help me ask her them." Oliver asked biting his lower lip for a moment.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-11-15 09:24:12
Blaize, at first, was indeed curious, but the rest of Oliver's sentence send his mood straight back to sombre and serious.
"Yeah, about that ... you need to leave soon. She does all she can to make sure you are left alone, as do I ... but the people still don't trust you. At all. Hell, the warriors don't see me as someone worth full respect"

This irritated him beyond measure. He was the son of Theodore Elliot! He was a daredevil, a carefree swashbuckler, he was the most daring and brave man to ever walk the earth, he was the child of their leader, and they had the nerve to DOUBT him?!

"I'm going to do the trials to be a warrior while I'm still searching for my father's bones. But you ... you need to go home"

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-11-15 09:39:46
Oliver watched the change in Blaize's expression and felt like everything was coming to a screeching hault. Five trains were pulling their brakes to slow down but still crashing into eachother.

Hearing Blaize's words prevented him from creating his own reply right away. He knew it was impossible for him to stay but he didn't want to go back. He wanted to stay, hell he'd try to be a warrior too but considering his reaction from a stupid freefall Oliver doubted he could do it.

"... you need to go home" Oliver got to his feet, a look of disbelief and hurt written clearly on his face. He went to the window and looked outside, turning his back on Blaize simply because he didn't want to face him.

He felt cheated, his time was already up.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-11-15 09:42:25
There was no gentle, light way to say it. He was aware, so painfully aware of Oliver's deep, profound feelings for him. His mother had pointed it out in a way he utterly despised, and it wasn't sitting well with his fractured emotional state. But he knew it was best for Oliver. He couldn't live here.

"... I will walk with you and the warriors to the edge of Shenosha" He offered a tiny crumb of comfort, as much as he possibly could whilst still staying here to look for his father's remains, "We can call for a flight once we are outside the borders. I am coming back the second I've found him ..."

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-11-15 09:52:35
Oliver didn't bother to turn when Blaize spoke. Instead he continued to look out the window, counting all the people he could see. He wondered how many of them didn't know there was a world outside their own. Or did they know and choose not to see it? Oliver used his current train of thought as a distraction. Even as Blaize said he would come back, Oliver didn't look at him. He didn't want to look at him when he felt like crumbling into a million pieces.

Oliver wasn't broken up because Blaize was sending him way. He was upset because Blaize was staying and there was no way to know he was safe. Oliver would return to their world and be left to wonder if Blaize was alive until he returned home, but what if he never did.

Defeated Oliver turned around and didn't bother to look at Blaize. Instead he went to his pack and gathered up his things, looking at his journal. He paused.

"I guess you can keep the journal it has all my writings about Shenosha," Oliver said flatly.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-11-15 09:58:48
Blaize watched him, watched him so very carefully with those intense blue eyes. If Oliver had become further enchanted or even bothered by the shade change in them as Blaize soaked up the magic from the pools and the aura of the city, he didn't say as far as Blaize had noticed. Sometimes they were predatory, if he was concentrating or suspicious. Right now, they most certainly were.

He stood up, that much Oliver could detect. He hadn't picked up the journal to give back, since it had already been stated that the journal needed to stay here until Blaize came back to prevent the secret of Blaize's people being expose to the world. Instead, he simply approached Oliver.

Silently, he took hold of the wrist that was handling the bag. The other hand forced Oliver's face to look at him. He said nothing, his expression changed not one bit, as he looked deep into Oliver's golden eyes ...

He pulled the man into a hug.

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-11-15 10:16:13
Oliver was careful not to look at Blaize even if he wanted to. The pull to spend the last few hours he had left memorizing his feature was all too tempting. But he chewed his lip to remind himself of the task at hand.

Packing his bag was harder than he remembered. Every item he added to the bag was one step closer to leaving. However he was hyper aware of Blaize's presence and nearly pulled away when Blaize touched him. Then his hand went to his face and out of reflex Oliver pressed into the gesture. Committing to memory of the feeling of Blaize's hand on him.

Getting lost in Blaize's eyes was easy and even easier to fall into his hug. Oliver didn't hold back and he clung to Blaize like he was the only thing left in the world.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-11-15 10:19:02
Blaize's embrace was softer, far less desparate than Oliver's, but no less honest or real. He sighed out of his nose, still coming to terms with his tangled feelings for his ... assistant.

"I will come back" His voice low, "I promise ..."

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-11-15 10:27:43
Oliver didn't want to let go, he didn't want to leave. Every fiber in his within him was screaming at him to stay. Be the one to trail after Blaize until the end of the earth. Hearing Blaize's voice rumble between them did little to comfort him, but it was still a nice gesture.

"You can't promise that because you don't know what will happen," Oliver said flatly before letting go of Blaize. Even if he wanted to continue to hold on but he had to finish packing. Giving one last look into Blaize's eyes Oliver turned to finish his packing.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-11-15 10:32:48
This at least was true, and Blaize couldn't really argue against it. He silently watched Oliver finish, turning his own thoughts to how they were going to get out of Shenosha. They had climbed their way in, and his mother merely said that the warriors would take them to 'the edge', but didn't elaborate.

Seized with this idea, he made his way to his own pack, pulling out various things he had stuffed inside. Ropes, clips, pullies, knives ... He could take Oliver over the edge again if need be, albeit he was missing a climbing pick.
He'd have to make one.
"Stay here" That tone of half-distraction he got whenever he had something on his mind and a task he was focused on, he disappeared for about half an hour, returning with two warriors when he came back. In his hand was some kind of tool, one he probably fashioned himself.

"Are you ready"

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-11-17 08:56:22
Hearing Blaize's voice caught his attention before he saw the man disappear. Oliver wondered for a moment what was going on but pushed it out of his head. Instead he focused on packing and once finished his journal caught his attention.

Leaving his bag Oliver crossed the bit of distance to his journal, retrieving it from the ground. He thumbed through the pages for a moment until he found a full blank one. Out of his pocket he pulled a spare pen and wrote a short note.

Remember that you have limits. Don't do anything that would put you in the ground early. I'll take care of everything back home. Stay as long as you need.

- Oli

The note was written carefully and even as he signed with his nickname, Oliver debated on doing so. Scratching out his name he changed it.

-Oliver M.

Is what he replaced it without before returning the book to a pillow. Looking at it for a moment longer Oliver wanted to fill the pages of regrets he had and things he wish didn't happen. Leave the journal to be a lasting memory of who he was so that Blaize would hurry back.

"Don't kid yourself, he won't come back for you," The dark voice within his head reminded him. Oliver felt obligated to agree.

With almost perfect timing Blaize returned to the room, what appeared to be a new climbing pick in hand. Oliver didn't find the words to reply but picked up his bag and left his spare pens on top of the journal before heading toward Blaize and the warriors that were with him.

He gave a simply nod to show he was indeed ready.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-11-19 21:08:11
Travelling through the jungles of Shenosha brought back a lot of unpleasant memories. Days of trekking through the damp, humid, hot, insect-infested greenery to find traces of Dr. Elliot, finding ancient monuments and temples that were intent on murdering them, Blaize's near-death at the hands of a trap he now knew was triggered by Oliver's presence ...

And of course, the two most notable moments. Finding the long-lost bones of Blaize's father, and the first time Oliver confessed his infatuation with his boss that resulted in Blaize spontaneously making love to him.

His talk with his mother had cleared his head a little; she at least would have something in the same area of loss and mourning as him. Sure, she hadn't seen him in a long time, but he had made such an impression on her that she bore him a child, instead of having him killed on sight, as with so many other unlucky wanderers into Shenosha. Her regret in not marrying him was ... was something close to Oliver's regret. Surely. Did Oliver regret confessing to Blaize, did he regret touching and kissing him? Probably in the sense that he had a taste of something Blaize might never give him again and completely changed the dynamic of their relationship. Probably not in that he finally got that out of his system, but it was the first point that Blaize lingered on as they walked, following the warriors as they knew where to go for today's layout of the land.
Before, they were simply explorer and archivist, Blaize to do all the dangerous, insane stunts in the name of history, Oliver to guide him, take their findings and occasionally yell in Blaize's ear when he thought his ridiculous boss was being, well, ridiculous as well as foolhardy and openly mocking death and disfigurement at the hands of his surroundings. It was all so simple. They'd work together on expeditions, they'd return to the University, there they'd split into two different working areas of their department; Oliver to go over what they found, Blaize gave his accounts in writing and photographs as well as compiled 'field notes' to any other explorers who wanted to tackle the area. Oliver dealt with the past, Blaize with the present.

That wouldn't be the case anymore. They reliably split after working together, but they couldn't do that now. How would that work? Good job, thanks for the sex, I'll see you in a month or two? He was only just realising how far apart they truely were in working; Oliver was strictly his assistant, and nothing more. He half-wondered when Oliver's infatuation started. Going through his memory, he couldn't find any moments that showed that Oliver was secretly harvesting feelings for his boss ... Then again, he had no idea that Oliver was gay, so perhaps he wasn't the best judge of it all. Yet again, the question of the fact Oliver was a man reared its head. Despite himself, he couldn't see any reason why it was a problem; homosexuality didn't enter his girl-chasing world. He knew gay people existed, he's probably met quite a few, but it doesn't enter his world of one-night stands and casual flirting. Would he be okay in a gay relationship? It was the relationship part that had him tripping up more than the gay part.

It doesn't matter Oliver is a man was his conclusion, as they finally arrived at the sheer cliff walls that surrounded Shenosha. Blaize at this point wondered if the jungles of Shenosha were in the middle of a gigantic collapsed volcano, for these walls to surround the entire land. Or perhaps the magic had something to do with it. Who knows.

"We cannot go over" A warrior told Blaize, "People who come arrive in hard, cold birds and jump out with white cloth wings"
"Planes and parachutes" Blaize half-explained, looking up the walls, "That's not how we got in. We climbed in"
The warriors looked at each other in mild disbelief, as Blaize prepared his ropes and hooks, turning to Oliver when he was ready to go, holding out the rope that would be used to fasten the other man to his back to get them over.

"Are you ready"

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-11-23 20:53:52
Oliver kept himself at a distance from Blaize. It was him preparing to leave, mentally and physically. In the short time since they had been intimate Oliver had already started to crave Blaize touch, an addiction he wanted. Yet like all addictions Oliver had to go through withdrawls and started that process early.

His thoughts were clouded with a strong feeling of abandonment and weakness. The looks he got from Blaize's people were hostile enough to confirm he wasn't wanted. He knew it was better to leave but he didn't want to go without him. Not that he had the ability to change Blaize's mind.

Through the jungle they trekked and Oliver followed. He didn't bother to write anything down in a new journal, instead he did his best to commit everything to memory. Thankful that he was pretty good at it.

One evening as the party rested Oliver laid down and stared at the trees above them. The feeling of abandonment high, a tight feeling in his chest. He hated that he wasn't strong enough to stay, felt betrayed by thinking that Blaize didn't want him around. In all truth Oliver didn't know what Blaize wanted, but he also didn't have the courage to ask. Instead Oliver kept his quiet most of the trip.

Their arrival at the cliff was like a curtain falling down on their mission. His story with Blaize was coming to an end. There was a brief exchange that Oliver didn't understand between Blaize and the warriors but Oliver didn't mind. His attention was stolen by the need to look back into the wild jungle, where so much had happened.

Lost in thought Oliver almost didn't hear Blaize's question and it took him a moment to process what was said.

"Not really," Oliver said before realizing that was an answer more toward the emotional side of their journey. Not the answer Blaize was waiting for.

"Sorry, I was confused for a second. Yes I'm ready," Oliver told him looking to the rope and the way it was secured. It meant he had to cling to Blaize like before and for the first time ever Oliver was dreading touching him, simply because it was like was giving in to his addiction.

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