Posted by Unspoken Treasures [Private]

ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2015-12-04 10:23:47
"Can you actually hear me up here?"

That voice was something that the professional on the other side of the line was used to hearing; the one belonging to a man who was dangling above a three mile drop above a jungle canyon from a piece of ancient masonry. This prayer piller, constructed thousands of years ago by an advanced and artistic culture that sadly - and mysteriously - died out only two thousand years ago was the only thing keeping the young man alive. His grip was slipping slightly, his feet unable to find purchase on the rock that was slippery from wet grass and slick mould from years of damp, humid rainforest air.

The young man was Chad Blaise Elliot, or Blaize Elliot as he was better known around the world. The son of the legendary Theodore Elliot, whose trails lead him across the globe and discovered so many ancient secrets and treasures, and contributed so much to anthropology and archaeology that entire courses and degrees were based around his works ... Theodore Elliot was a towering force in the profession of finding things from other times.

His son?

... Not so much.

It was actually a mystery where, exactly, Blaize came from. His father never married, the man always saying 'a gentleman never leaves his lady idle in a parlour, wondering if her husband will come back from another adventure'. With his erratic and heavy workload, he found it unseemly to take a wife and leave her for long stretches of time. He had entertained beauties, but he was from the school of thought that one should only court if one had mind to marry.
So when a son turned up, everyone raised an eyebrow and no-one really wanted to ask outright where he came from. Some DID pose the polite question as to where 'your son's mother' could be, something that would always gain the frosty reply of 'she is well, but she is occupied'. It stood to reason that Blaize was some sort of one-night thing, but with whom and where, and why the normally impeccable Sir Elliot broke his moral code were all up in the air.

Not that this seemed to do much to harm Blaize, at least not in a normal way. Raised by a succession of nannies, governors and private tutors until he attended university, he was allowed reign of his fathers house while his father was off making new breakthroughs in ancient history. This made him, to put it bluntly, spoiled, and this really showed when attending higher education.

A man of means and good blood like his would do well to earn stripes in academia like his father. But whereas his father earned his credentials through hard work, good manners, excellent method and perfect intelligence, Blaize got them through ... being the son of that.
While other students burned the midnight oil, Blaize burned the oil dancing and drinking. While others religiously attended lectures, he turned up in one out of five, if at all. While others were driven to the point of near insanity from stress handing in a dozen papers or more, Blaize always had his somehow turn up, despite the man being clearly hungover and barely awake, and earn perfect marks.

Because no-one wanted to criticize the son of Theodore Elliot.

Especially when Theodore mysteriously disappeared in the heavy mists of Shonosha, disappearing in his trusty biplane into the fog and never coming back. His plane was discovered three years later, but he was gone, as was all sign of him ... Though declared dead for reasons of inheritance and law, many still wondered about his ultimate fate. Blaize was seemingly unaffected ...

Like he was unaffected now. Despite being spoilt and handled with kid-gloves by the same institutions that revered his father, he was still his father's son, and the want to climb all over things in the name of knowledge rang strong in his veins.
Even if his way was brute force compared to his father's much softer touch, and he relied much more on his learned parter, who was watching what Blaize was seeing and hearing his voice through a headset they both wore. Telephones and technology were practically useless in locations like these, but their headsets somehow still worked, and while one was hanging off the edge of certain death, the other was watching from a computer chair.

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 14:19:04
Oliver jumped his and instinctively went to shield his paper work perhaps an ingrain fear that someone might have spelt something. Still groggy he didn't bother to look around or check over his shoulder, instead he pulled forth a pen and did his best to look productive.

"Please don't bother me. I have to finish these before close of business today. If there is a question about grades they will be posted Friday at noon, now please go study elsewhere," Oliver stated his voice voided of any emotions and clearly on autopilot. He readjusted his glasses and returned to his work, slightly annoyed that the person was hover so close.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 14:21:51
The person behind him gave a soft chuckle at Oliver's words, saying nothing more for now. The book that had fallen on the pages of whatever it was Oliver was working on looked familiar. Very familiar. Overly familiar.

Though it was slightly dirty, clinging to the scent of damp vegetation and had what looked like clawmarks from something on the spine, it was something that belong to Oliver. It was his journal, one of them, and one he had left behind in Shenosha well over a year ago ...

"Miss me?" Blaize Elliot smirked down at Oliver, a twinkle in his bright blue eyes.

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 14:34:42
I must still be sleeping, Oliver thought, blinking a few times to make his eyes focus on the paper, but all of his attention was stolen once he realized what was in front of him.

For a second he wanted to reach out and touch the worn down leather and clumps of damp moss still on the cover. But after a moment it finally clicked.

The voice that washed over him sent a chill down his spine. Perking up almost instantly he felt the room spin for a second as he turned in his seat. Locking eyes with Blaize Oliver was overwhelmed with every emotion possible. He wanted to shout, he felt like crying and part of him wanted to throw a punch. How dare he just come out of nowhere without a damn warning. How dare he look at him with those bright eyes, how stupid of Oliver to fall for them all over again.

Turning to get out of his seat, Oliver offered no words to reply but simply pulled Blaize toward him again. Holding tight to him and pressing his head into the Blaize's shoulder. He wanted to say so much, but the words were lost. He was also pretty sure he didn't know the words that matched his situation. He simply clung to him because he was afraid it was all a dream.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 14:42:52
The warmth of his skin. The roughness of his shirt. The scent of tropical flowers and misty mornings. It was Blaize, it was the man he had left so many months ago on the edge of a frightening, lethal boundary between the world as they knew it and the world of magic ...

He hadn't changed his clothing since then, which was kind-of amusing. That shirt had been white so long ago, now it was a mix of cream and beige, with stitched holes from where the onyx arrowheads had skewered and almost killed him. His leather braces were darker in colour and badly worn, his trousers having dirt and smears of greenary embedded so deep that washing them would be impossible. He had clearly JUST gotten back, not taking the time to shower or get changed ...

He seemed fitter, leaner. Not having food served to him, actively hunting and eating strange foods, training to be a warrior ... it was the same man, but with a slight difference that a long break can make, and an air to him that Oliver could taste but not put into words.

He moved with the pull, leaning down without protest as Oliver clung to him. One hand braced himself against the table, the other went around Oliver to return the hug, albeit far less desperately.
"I'll take that as a yes ..." His tone soft and amused.

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 14:50:42
Blaize was different, he was different but it didn't matter to Oliver. All that mattered was that he was actually in front of him and Oliver was able to cling to him. Through the dirty and likely ruined shirt, Oliver was able to feel the difference.

Thoughts that weren't pure in nature crossed over his mind as he held on to Blaize and didn't subside even when he pulled back. Oliver only pulled away because he felt like there was a crowd forming, which was partly true. It wasn't everyday Oliver Marks gave such a reaction and it wasn't hard to tell who the man was that he was reacting to. Even if had been gone for awhile Blaize Elliot was still pretty famous on campus.

"I'm not going to say it," Oliver said his tone matching Blaize in softness but lacking any form of amusement.

"Um..I don't even know what to say besides I'm really happy you are alive and you seem okay," There was a lot more Oliver wanted to say but it was meant to be said in private.

"How did you know I was here?" Oliver asked, feeling the dread of returning back to paperwork gnawing at him. He wanted to say screw it and push the paper aside and devote all his attention to Blaize, but then again it was his 'new job' one he was starting to hate.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 14:56:32
"You don't need to, I just know it" At least Blaize was still as smug as ever, he had that going for him, "And of course I'm okay; I'm Blaize Elliot. If I say I'm going to be fine, I will be"

Blaize didn't seem to notice or really care about the crowd that was building up around them. At least, until people started to get a bit too close, then he waved a hand at them to shoo them away from this important meeting.
"I knew you were here because I went to see the Dean. I think he's going to need a new pair of trousers, judging by the sight of his face when I walked in" A small self-pleased cackle at terrifying the man as he practically walked back from the dead, "Then I went to see my department head to let him know that, you know, I wasn't dead. And I went to see your department head when he mentioned the University was overworking you. Sanders gave me your timetable, and I gave him an earful about working you like a slave. Sixty hours in a damn week?!"

He shook his head, standing up straight again.

"Not on my watch. You're back down to thirty, you're off this paperwork nonsense and back on research. After a week-long holiday; if they're not going to pay you overtime, they are at least going to give you recuperation time, or I will be happy to make a lot of noise about it"

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 15:13:33
He wasn't so drained he'd laugh at Blaize's words but all he was able to do was smile. He missed this. Oliver missed the smug attitude and the 'the world is mine for the taking.' It wasn't until he was deprived of it that he realized just how much he loved it.

There was a kind of embarrassed look on Oliver's face when he was reminded of working 60 hours a week. He wondered for a moment if should have stood up for himself sooner or was it part of his mental state? Accept any punishment given for letting Blaize stay, not that it really mattered anymore.

"Thank you. I could really use a break. I'm not even sure what my bed feels like anymore," Oliver confessed as he turned his head to glance at the stack of papers on his desk. Relieved that all he had to do was return them to some other underpaid staffer and get back his old job.

Returning his attention back to Blaize Oliver let his eyes wander to Blaize's lips before focusing them back onto his eyes. He didn't need to get distracted when a holiday was so close.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 15:18:32
"It's inhuman" Blaize was disgusted at them working Oliver to near-death, and he was pretty damn sure it was punishment for not bringing him back, like the prize trophy in academia that he was ...

"OH, before I forget" Blaize reached behind his neck, his hands slipping under the collar of his shirt and pulling up a piece of leather cord, some sort of pendent slipping up from the front and bringing it over his head. Holding the thing in front of Oliver, it was clearly a necklace, though an unusual one.

"You forgot your crocodile tooth" Referring to the tooth of the albino crocodile, the one Blaize plucked out from his badly bitten arm and gave to Oliver as a 'souvenir', "So I made into a necklace"

It was, indeed, a crocodile tooth with a leather cord threaded through the middle, though there were two bright blue crystals on either side of the tooth, and two flat onyx beads as a buffer between the tooth and the crystals, and another after the crystals themselves to make a complete formation.

"Didn't know if you'd like it, but hey, at least this way it's harder to lose"

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 15:28:14
Oliver wasn't sure he could take anymore surprises. Having Blaize back was enough to overwhelm him. Then the presentation of that damned tooth was enough to make the tears form again but he kept them at bay by blinking rapidly.

"Thank you.." He said softly taking the necklace and admiring the addition of the crystals and onyx beads. His fingers grazed the necklace and the cord for a moment before putting it over his head and letting it settle against his chest outside his shirt.

It looked silly considering Oliver was dressed for his studious job with a button up and sweater vest, but despite that he really liked the addition of the necklace.

"I don't think it suits me but I like it," He said with a soft smile directed toward Blaize again, fixing the necklace so it was tucked inside his shirt and pressing against his skin, oddly comforting despite the history of the tooth.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 15:31:13
"'Suiting you' and 'liking it' are two different things. If you like it, end of discussion"

"Give all this rubbish to the nearest intern" He picked up a pile of papers, looked at them for a split second in contempt before tossing them back down, "Leave the books to the librarians, they deserve all their punishments for harassing students. You need good and at least 32 hours of straight sleep"

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 15:39:56
Oliver nodded before moving to stand. There wasn't a protest to be heard, the possibility of sleep was enough to perk him up enough to get him moving.

He turned to look around the library to try and spy an intern. It didn't take long, plenty of them were milling about. He caught the eye of a young woman and beckoned her toward them with a tired wave of his hand.

"Emily right? Could you take care of this paper work? It's pretty simple and if you have any questions feel free to ask anyone else but me," He said simply before turning to look back at Blaize.

"I am really happy to see you and I'd love to catch up but I'll be returning to my lumpy mattress to sleep," Oliver said as he gathered up his bag and jacket, pausing for a moment.

Part of him wanted to ask if he could go home with Blaize, but then again their relationship wasn't really public nor was it solid between them. Instead he stood there wait for Blaize to offer or say goodbye.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 15:41:33
"You do realise you are shaking, right" Blaize rose a cool brow at him, "When was the last time you ate anything?"

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 15:44:35
Oliver looked down at his hands and noticed just how bad it was. The sight of his hands made the room spinning earlier less about Blaize's arrival and more about his lack food in his stomach.

"Would you be mad if I said I don't really remember. I've been drinking a lot of coffee and eating whatever power bar I have hidden in my bag. I haven't had an actual sit down meal in a few days probably," Oliver confessed, returning to his seat. The room was just starting to spin again and he wanted to be sure he wasn't going to fall over before he attempting to leave again.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 15:46:54
"... Well, yes, I AM rather angry at that. Good God; that's it, you are coming back to my house and you are going to have a decent meal if nothing else" It was questionable if Blaize himself had eaten anything or gone home since he returned, but the latter was probable, if only so he didn't scare the life out of his staff by suddenly appearing through the door.

"Follow me"

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 15:51:50
Follow me

Of course, Oliver thought as he rose up again, careful to keep his eye on Blaize as a sort of focus point, that way the world didn't spin. He walked after Blaize and let the silence grow for a moment until Oliver couldn't stand it anymore.

"You really don't have to take care of me. I've been doing pretty good on my own..." Those words came our harsher than he intended and for a moment Oliver regretted even trying to say anything.

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