Posted by Unspoken Treasures [Private]

ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2015-12-04 10:23:47
"Can you actually hear me up here?"

That voice was something that the professional on the other side of the line was used to hearing; the one belonging to a man who was dangling above a three mile drop above a jungle canyon from a piece of ancient masonry. This prayer piller, constructed thousands of years ago by an advanced and artistic culture that sadly - and mysteriously - died out only two thousand years ago was the only thing keeping the young man alive. His grip was slipping slightly, his feet unable to find purchase on the rock that was slippery from wet grass and slick mould from years of damp, humid rainforest air.

The young man was Chad Blaise Elliot, or Blaize Elliot as he was better known around the world. The son of the legendary Theodore Elliot, whose trails lead him across the globe and discovered so many ancient secrets and treasures, and contributed so much to anthropology and archaeology that entire courses and degrees were based around his works ... Theodore Elliot was a towering force in the profession of finding things from other times.

His son?

... Not so much.

It was actually a mystery where, exactly, Blaize came from. His father never married, the man always saying 'a gentleman never leaves his lady idle in a parlour, wondering if her husband will come back from another adventure'. With his erratic and heavy workload, he found it unseemly to take a wife and leave her for long stretches of time. He had entertained beauties, but he was from the school of thought that one should only court if one had mind to marry.
So when a son turned up, everyone raised an eyebrow and no-one really wanted to ask outright where he came from. Some DID pose the polite question as to where 'your son's mother' could be, something that would always gain the frosty reply of 'she is well, but she is occupied'. It stood to reason that Blaize was some sort of one-night thing, but with whom and where, and why the normally impeccable Sir Elliot broke his moral code were all up in the air.

Not that this seemed to do much to harm Blaize, at least not in a normal way. Raised by a succession of nannies, governors and private tutors until he attended university, he was allowed reign of his fathers house while his father was off making new breakthroughs in ancient history. This made him, to put it bluntly, spoiled, and this really showed when attending higher education.

A man of means and good blood like his would do well to earn stripes in academia like his father. But whereas his father earned his credentials through hard work, good manners, excellent method and perfect intelligence, Blaize got them through ... being the son of that.
While other students burned the midnight oil, Blaize burned the oil dancing and drinking. While others religiously attended lectures, he turned up in one out of five, if at all. While others were driven to the point of near insanity from stress handing in a dozen papers or more, Blaize always had his somehow turn up, despite the man being clearly hungover and barely awake, and earn perfect marks.

Because no-one wanted to criticize the son of Theodore Elliot.

Especially when Theodore mysteriously disappeared in the heavy mists of Shonosha, disappearing in his trusty biplane into the fog and never coming back. His plane was discovered three years later, but he was gone, as was all sign of him ... Though declared dead for reasons of inheritance and law, many still wondered about his ultimate fate. Blaize was seemingly unaffected ...

Like he was unaffected now. Despite being spoilt and handled with kid-gloves by the same institutions that revered his father, he was still his father's son, and the want to climb all over things in the name of knowledge rang strong in his veins.
Even if his way was brute force compared to his father's much softer touch, and he relied much more on his learned parter, who was watching what Blaize was seeing and hearing his voice through a headset they both wore. Telephones and technology were practically useless in locations like these, but their headsets somehow still worked, and while one was hanging off the edge of certain death, the other was watching from a computer chair.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-02 23:28:22
Such thoughts didn't occur to Blaize, Wrapped up in the idea of simply getting Oliver across the massive stone divide between Shenosha and the rest of the world, he was careful and methodical in how he lashed the smaller man across his own back.

The warriors clearly found this confusing, chattering amongst themselves while Blaize simply prepared his climbing equipment. The eternally stormy skies above them rumbled with unspent thunder, the odd streak of lightening temporarily brightening the clouds touching the heaves. Blaize started the climb ...

The first climb in was treacherous, foolish, almost certainly lethal. It was a virgin climb with a terrain he didn't know, and only taking Oliver with him after temporarily forgiving the man in the midst of a blind and foul fury. This time, however, the climb was easier in the physical sense. Blaize didn't have a backpack with him, he knew what he was doing, and of course his physical condition was enhanced bathing in the liquid magic pools of the temple. With relative ease, his hands found cracks and crevices to leverage them both up, his hand-made pick stabbed into soft areas of rock for greater grip, his muscles moving like a well-oiled machine. The sweat only started to show on his brow three-quarters of the way into the climb, instead of much sooner as would have been expected. He paused at the very top as they had done before, only this time, he didn't bother taking in the sight of Shenosha spread far below them. Leaving such things to Oliver, he simply readied his ropes for the decent back down again...

If Oliver hoped Blaize wouldn't do the daredevil decent he had performed getting in, he was surely relieved to know that Blaize, indeed, wouldn't be doing such a stunt. He carefully abseiled down the cliff, taking short pauses to ready before launching again, this time making sure he had a full lot of rope to replace the line once it had become short.

Softly, but surely, they landed on the land outside Shenosha. Here, Oliver would be able to call for a flight, albeit having to wait a day for it to arrive.

"This is it ..."

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-14 19:48:01
The climb, the decent was all final. Oliver kept his face blank and simply went through the motions, clearly on autopilot. His chest felt tight as they made over the divide, a lump forming in his throat.

Stepping away from Blaize for a moment he heard those words and clenched his fists tightly, until his finger nails left marks in the palms of his hands. He wanted to beg and plead to be allowed to stay. But he knew it would be wasted energy, nothing he could ever say would change Blaize's mind. A trait he admired in the other man but hated in the current moment.

Silence carried on between them for a moment too long before Blaize found the courage within himself. Taking a step forward Oliver didn't hesitate and pulled Blaize to him, adjusting his head just right in order to press his forehead against Blaize's. An purely intimate gesture that carried enough emotion for them both.

"Please be careful," Oliver whispered. His voice soft, painfully close to breaking. With those words Oliver took a step back, releasing his gentle hold to the back of Blaize's head. He didn't try to meet his gaze but kept his eyes down, turning hard to put his back toward him and trekking further into the clearing. Tears welling up in his eyes as he forced himself to look ahead, he had to go home, he simply didn't belong.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 11:57:29
Blaize didn't move away from the pull, though the surprise was clear on his face as Oliver made his move. His skin, as always, was warm to the touch, his gaze and stance muted as Oliver whispered to him what may very well be their last words together. They came in as expedition partners on a noble, emotional cause ... And were splitting apart and departing as something altogether deeper, and more complicated ...

He didn't reply to Oliver's request to be careful, not even a nod to say that he would. Instead, he simply watched Oliver walk away into the clearing, out of his life, potentially forever.

It had taken them 19 hours flight time to arrive on the outskirts of Shenosha, though thankfully it wouldn't take that long for the plane to retrieve Oliver. The pilot was already in the air when Oliver got through to him, and he quickly turned round to fetch the young man, taking only seven hours to land on the grassy plains surrounding the mysterious country.
Blaize, for his part, didn't immediately scale the cliff to re-enter his 'homeland'. Simply assuming the warriors would wait for him - lest they provoke his mothers' wrath at leaving her son behind - he had taken to sitting on a large boulder, keeping his eye on Oliver until the plane arrived to pick him up. Seeing it land, he stood, taking his leave now he knew he was going home, starting his ascent back into Shenosha and with his people ...

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 12:44:29
Oliver found a half decent play to sit and wait. Oliver new the plane would be there in good time, but the longer he waited the more he started to sink deeper into sadness.

It started with realizing that Blaize was behind him, probably half way back to the hidden city. For a moment Oliver wondered if he could catch up. Damn the jungle if it ate him, it was almost worth it.

From there the sadness moved to the feeling of being discarded, reminded he wasn't good enough. That hit him harder then ever before. Oliver could almost picture Blaize laughing with his fellow tribesmen and woman, embracing all their customs. Would Blaize forget about him? Did Blaize want to?

It wasn't until the droplets landed on his clasped hands did he notice the tears were falling. Using the sleeve of his shirt Oliver wiped them away the best he could, but gave up as they continued to fall. They were unstoppable.

Seven or so hours later the sound of the plane forced Oliver to focus back in the present. He hadn't really dozed off but he did sort of check out of his brain for awhile, clearly a byproduct of emotions.

The plane landed and the pilot emerged from the cockpit for a moment to offer Oliver help with his packs, but Oliver declined. Oliver didn't exchange any sort of greeting instead he simply took up a seat and waited. The pilot not fully away of what exactly happened simply accept the situation before returning to the cockpit. It didn't take long for the plane to start up again and the flight home to start.

At first Oliver tried to stay away, his mind clouded with so much unspoken emotions, but around the 8th hour of flight he finally fell asleep. The way he slept curled up in the seat clutching to the back of the seat for dear life, it was almost peaceful save for the conflicted look on his face.

"We made it back Mr. Marks," The pilot said as he gently shook Oliver awake. He sat up abruptly nearly knock headings with the other man. Oliver offered him a forced smile before standing and gathering up his things. The weight of the pack heavier then he remembered, perhaps it was the weight of everything else making him feel weaker.

Stepping out onto the runway, Oliver was surprised at the brightness of the sun. It appeared to be mid-morning and thus Oliver would have to face the Dean sooner then he expected. Deciding to head straight there Oliver barely managed to hail a cab.

Arrival at the university in ripped and grass stained clothing was perhaps not the smartest of choices, but Oliver didn't care. He strolled into the Dean's office and bypassed his secretary who protested his abrupt attitude. Oliver didn't seem to care anymore as he stood before the Dean, eyes red from the tears, glasses scuffed and in need of adjusting.

"Blaize decided I wasn't suitable to be there with him anymore. It was deemed too dangerous. However, he decided to stay in keep looking for his father's bones. I don't know when he will be back," Oliver's voice was tired and leaning on the raw side as he gave a quick explanation of his return.

"I'd like to return to my work after a few days rest," Oliver added after a moment. Despite sleeping on the plane he still looked exhausted, drained of everything he ever had.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 12:49:36
The Dean didn't bother with any greeting - which wasn't too surprising, considering the fact Oliver just walked into his office unannounced - and instead, stopped dead in the middle of writing something.

Slowly, he raised his head, the look in his eyes legitimately terrifying, as he processed what the young man was telling him.

"Elliot has decided to stay in Shenosha. Elliot has decided to stay in Shenosha without you" His statements were, well, statements, but they were spoken like he couldn't believe what he was hearing, "You are here, which means he isn't with anyone there"

"Sit" He pointed at the chair with the end of his pen, in a way that made it clear that Oliver wasn't going to leave anytime soon. Slowly, he put his pen down, and clasping his hands in front of him on the desk.

"Just so we are clear, you came back without Elliot. You left the last Elliot alone, by himself, in a lethal enviroment without any resouces or contacts"

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 13:01:31
Oliver could feel the tension rising in the air. He nodded each time the Dean gave a statement. Knowing that he wasn't going to like the outcome. The order to sit went ignored.

"Sir with all due respect I rather stand. I've been in an airplane for 19 hours. I've been sitting too long," Oliver replied adjusting his stance.

"Yes. I left Blaize..." Oliver paused for a moment. He knew it wasn't smart to say anything about the Blaize's people and so he accepted what ever fallout came from lying.

"I left Blaize alone because he told me to leave. It was too dangerous and I was holding him back,"

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 13:04:11
"You still left him. Coming after the fact that you two split as a team due to his childish temper tantrum in here, I have a good reason to believe that you left him behind at his insistence"

"But a better one to believe that you abandoned him. Or is this a way to make sure I - and the world - doesn't find out he is dead and you want no part in telling me. Or it was by your hand ..."

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 13:09:27
Oliver wasn't a violent type, but hearing such a suggestion had Oliver itching to jump over the desk and connect his foot with the Dean's face. Exhaling through his nose Oliver did his best to keep the rise in anger in check.

"Sir, I would never do anything to hurt Blaize. I did what I was told to do. You and I both know that you can't say no to Blaize." Oliver said matter-of-factly.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 13:12:50
"You can when he is not acting like the petulant child he is" The Dean snapped back. It was far easier to call Blaize the brat he was when he wasn't in front of you waving his name in your face.

"If he doesn't come back within two years, I am calling the police. You, meanwhile, will be reassigned. No expeditions want a partner who leaves their superiors behind under any circumstances; you are restricted to the University to do whatever I and the department head sees fit. Get out of my office and don't come back until you are properly dressed and ready to take yourself seriously; I could have you barred and blacklisted for simply coming back without Elliot but you will at least be useful moving papers around"

"Do you understand me, Marks"

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 13:24:03
Oliver chewed the inside of his lip as he listened to what the Dean told him. Part of him wanted to protest the suggestion but then again Oliver knew deep that that even if he was allowed to go back out on mission there wouldn't be someone he'd want to work with. Picking up his pack once again, Oliver found his voice enough to reply.

"Understood sir,"

Oliver didn't bother to say anything else before turning and heading out of the office. He felt like puking but instead he focused on putting one foot in front of the other as he headed toward the street. He again hailed a cab and gave the address to his apartment, but wasn't looking forward to being home.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 13:30:21
One thing that wasn't really taken into consideration was the fact that Blaize left behind a household. He was barely home when working, but they still had the right to know where the son of the houses' founder went, and Oliver was given the pleasure of a telephone call from Mr. Foxglove to explain that Blaize was still in Shenosha.

This didn't have any real reaction from the calm, distinguished butler, but at the same time there was this unspoken sense of understanding. Did he know about Shenosha, its meaning to Dr. and Mr. Elliot? If Dr. Elliot didn't tell his own son about his heritage, it's hard to see why he'd tell a staff member. Then again, the man wasn't stupid; Dr. Elliot went to Shenosha, and came back a long time later with an infant baby boy in his arms. Somewhere along the way he had met and fathered a child with someone, though as far as anyone knew, Shenosha was a hellish nightmarescape with no inhabitants brave enough to live there. Well, as far as anyone besides Oliver, Blaize and Dr. Elliot knew ...

The Dean's threat was to put Oliver in paperwork, and that was exactly what happened. A meeting with Mr. Sanders, giving the same unbelievable reason as to why Blaize wasn't there, resulted in Oliver being put in charge of basic research and archive duty. Stuff that an intern, or first-year staffer would do, something a student would do to desperately get extra points for. It was below Oliver's station, but it's where he was forced to be, and given over-long hours as an unspoken punishment ...

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 13:46:39
Oliver was excited to hear from Mr. Foxglove, he secretly wanted it to be the butler calling to him that Blaize was sleepy soundly in gigantic bed. However that wasn't the case and Oliver was instead subject to a phone call that resulted in more emotions then he'd ever care to admit.

He wanted to find an excuse to go to the estate but instead he tried to keep his distance. His own mother's suggestion.

Getting back into the swing of work was harder then he'd ever imagine, but despite it being more 'grunt work' Oliver embraced the repetitive nature of it all.

He didn't make waves, kept his head down didn't bother socializing. It became clear to those who saw him daily that Oliver was going through some heavy stuff but no one bothered to offer a shoulder for him to lean on.

As weeks turned into months, the seasons changed and over time Oliver got a little better. He went on a few dates with a doctor named David and for the first time in a long time Oliver was starting to feel a little normal but it was a plain normal. There weren't dangerous missions to go on or thrilling adventures to far off corners of the world.

In the months since coming back Oliver had become boring, something everyone else thought was nice but he hated. It was an itch that he wanted to scratch until it bleed, but he knew it would be impossible. The only thing that could change his life back to his preferred normal was thousands of miles away and perhaps already dead. Oliver hated not knowing, feared that at anytime he'd get a phone call to explain that he was gone for good. That fear prevented him from adjusting to his new normal.

On top of that fear was the knowledge that he wasn't strong enough. Even worse then that was the feeling that Blaize thought he was too weak, that he wasn't good enough.

Oliver was stuck and didn't want to find a way out.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 13:57:25
Though the emotions were easier to live with on a day-to-day basis, the grind did tend to wear people down. Not being given the physical break of expedition work meant Oliver was hemmed into the University. Seeing the same people, doing the same work, over and over and over again.

Though it wasn't obvious at first, the longer the office was silent of any exploration, the more people came to the outright suspicion that Oliver had indeed done something to harm his boss. They worked together, people weren't terribly sure if they actually liked working with each other, but more than one person knew that Oliver would get exasperated and short on patience with Blaize. Was that enough to actually murder him? Perhaps not, but the court of public opinion was starting to favour the idea that Blaize finally had some sort of accident and Oliver was simply pretending Blaize asked to be alone in order to cover up the fact the man was dead. Oliver wasn't exactly claiming Blaize left him his fortune or anything like that, but still, the looks and snide comments grew over time, until the pressure around Oliver was palpable.

May. Exam season. Everything was frantic and rushed, people were close to ripping out each other's eyes over deadlines, marking, moderating exams ... Oliver's working hours increased to a mind-bleeding 60 per week, with the overtime only half-paid; the rest was simply 'part of the job' and he was given neither compensation nor understanding over it. Shut away in the library and smothered with books, he was simply told to get on with it, regardless of his need to eat or sleep ...

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 14:06:04
Oliver did his best to ignore the whispers, the glares from those that thought had something to do with it. Oliver made a mental note of those who treated him differently and made it his top priority to 'lose their paperwork'. Watching them panic was the only revenge he was able to achieve.

David was a persistent person in his life. Offered to sit with him while he worked, which Oliver would often decline. David had his own job, his own life and no matter how hard he tried David wouldn't ever fill the void that was Blaize. Oliver wouldn't ever say it but it was unspoken, unless David gave up his career, got hypnotic blue eyes and a love for adventure he wouldn't be 'the one'.

Despite that Oliver accepted David in his life for the time being. Let him buy coffee, gave him soft kisses when he asked and offered to spend the night, fully clothed. David didn't seem to mind until exam season came.

Oliver pushed everyone out of his life. Worked long hours and nearly for 24 straight. There were a few times that Oliver wasn't sure what day it was. He had to keep reminding himself in order to make sure he met deadlines.

One such busy day resulted in him leaning over a pile of paperwork, his glasses pushed up onto the top of his head as he tried to rub away the exhaustion from his honey brown eyes.

"I can take a thirty minute cat nap. The library bell will ring at 4pm and I'll sleep until then," Oliver said to himself as he closed his eyes, bracing his chin on his hand as he tried to relax enough to recharge his drained brain.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 14:10:35
The library was not entirely quiet; there was a nice hum about the place as students came and went, conversations were at a good background level, and no-one thought it weird that a staff member was dozing on the History floor and practically shielded by paperwork. Sometimes, people would walk behind him on their way to somewhere else, and he would be able to sense them but no-one bothered him and he was able to slip into a deep sleep despite his upright and public position.

Someone stepped up behind him. A book was placed on its edge in front of Oliver, as the person stood behind and to the side of his chair, close enough to read over his shoulder like a tutor. The book stood perfectly for a long while, before falling over with a gentle thump on top of the pages that Oliver was reading.

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