Posted by Unspoken Treasures [Private]

ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2015-12-04 10:23:47
"Can you actually hear me up here?"

That voice was something that the professional on the other side of the line was used to hearing; the one belonging to a man who was dangling above a three mile drop above a jungle canyon from a piece of ancient masonry. This prayer piller, constructed thousands of years ago by an advanced and artistic culture that sadly - and mysteriously - died out only two thousand years ago was the only thing keeping the young man alive. His grip was slipping slightly, his feet unable to find purchase on the rock that was slippery from wet grass and slick mould from years of damp, humid rainforest air.

The young man was Chad Blaise Elliot, or Blaize Elliot as he was better known around the world. The son of the legendary Theodore Elliot, whose trails lead him across the globe and discovered so many ancient secrets and treasures, and contributed so much to anthropology and archaeology that entire courses and degrees were based around his works ... Theodore Elliot was a towering force in the profession of finding things from other times.

His son?

... Not so much.

It was actually a mystery where, exactly, Blaize came from. His father never married, the man always saying 'a gentleman never leaves his lady idle in a parlour, wondering if her husband will come back from another adventure'. With his erratic and heavy workload, he found it unseemly to take a wife and leave her for long stretches of time. He had entertained beauties, but he was from the school of thought that one should only court if one had mind to marry.
So when a son turned up, everyone raised an eyebrow and no-one really wanted to ask outright where he came from. Some DID pose the polite question as to where 'your son's mother' could be, something that would always gain the frosty reply of 'she is well, but she is occupied'. It stood to reason that Blaize was some sort of one-night thing, but with whom and where, and why the normally impeccable Sir Elliot broke his moral code were all up in the air.

Not that this seemed to do much to harm Blaize, at least not in a normal way. Raised by a succession of nannies, governors and private tutors until he attended university, he was allowed reign of his fathers house while his father was off making new breakthroughs in ancient history. This made him, to put it bluntly, spoiled, and this really showed when attending higher education.

A man of means and good blood like his would do well to earn stripes in academia like his father. But whereas his father earned his credentials through hard work, good manners, excellent method and perfect intelligence, Blaize got them through ... being the son of that.
While other students burned the midnight oil, Blaize burned the oil dancing and drinking. While others religiously attended lectures, he turned up in one out of five, if at all. While others were driven to the point of near insanity from stress handing in a dozen papers or more, Blaize always had his somehow turn up, despite the man being clearly hungover and barely awake, and earn perfect marks.

Because no-one wanted to criticize the son of Theodore Elliot.

Especially when Theodore mysteriously disappeared in the heavy mists of Shonosha, disappearing in his trusty biplane into the fog and never coming back. His plane was discovered three years later, but he was gone, as was all sign of him ... Though declared dead for reasons of inheritance and law, many still wondered about his ultimate fate. Blaize was seemingly unaffected ...

Like he was unaffected now. Despite being spoilt and handled with kid-gloves by the same institutions that revered his father, he was still his father's son, and the want to climb all over things in the name of knowledge rang strong in his veins.
Even if his way was brute force compared to his father's much softer touch, and he relied much more on his learned parter, who was watching what Blaize was seeing and hearing his voice through a headset they both wore. Telephones and technology were practically useless in locations like these, but their headsets somehow still worked, and while one was hanging off the edge of certain death, the other was watching from a computer chair.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 15:56:48
"Uh-huh. Says Mr. '60 hours a week' who is staggering slightly behind me" Blaize's tone was casual dismissal, "And I really don't think you want to eat half-cooked plain pasta when I could have my private chef make a feast that you don't have to pay for"

Blaize's car wasn't in the car park, which was odd. But then again, he probably didn't want to get the seats dirty with the condition he was in. A taxi idled near the library, always waiting for students to hail them to get home, and sure enough, it could be paid to ignore the state Blaize was in and simply take them to his mansion.

Blaize did go home first; he had his wallet with him, which he didn't have in Shenosha, and the gate opened for him as he walked near it. Mr. Foxglove was unphased as ever, even on seeing Oliver.
"Dinner will be ready in ten minutes, sir" Suggesting Blaize had given a time for when he personally wanted food, confirmed by his reply.
"Tell the staff it's for two, Oliver is joining me" Blaize walked down the hall towards the dining room.

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 16:02:14
Relieved that Blaize didn't seem to take offence to what he said, Oliver forced himself to relax. He didn't have the energy to complain or even protest.

Getting into the taxi he did his best not to let the ride lull him to sleep as they were driven out to Blaize's estate.

Arrival at the estate renewed him a bit. Granted he only spent a little time within the walls he felt at ease, it was like taking a step back in time. Looking at Mr. Foxglove with a tired but warm smile he offered a small greeting.

Oliver didn't bother to say anything else as he followed after Blaize, taking a seat at the dining table.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-16 00:53:54
Blaize was about to take a seat, before Mr. Foxglove very loudly cleared his throat.

"Sir. Perhaps a bath is in order" Pointing out the fact that Blaize was still wearing his filthy clothing. Blaize waved a hand at him as he sat down.

"I'll get one later, I'm not exactly rushing my first hot bath in over a year just for food"

"... Very good, sir" It was in his job description to obey Blaize, so he kept his council for the moment and left the two men alone.

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-16 13:31:02
Oliver looked at Blaize from across the table. He wasn't openly staring, but he couldn't help but admire the gruff appearance of Blaize. As Mr. Foxglove suggested a bath, Oliver tried to hide his own look of protest. It was purely for his own benefit that Blaize didn't bath right away. Oliver was enjoying the view that reminded him of the man he was stupidly in love with.

Having gotten himself lost in thought Oliver didn't realize he was starting to slouch in his chair. Forcing himself upright he tried to look presentable at the table.

"Sorry," He mumbled looking down at the table.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-16 23:00:20
"S'fine" Blaize picked up a small pile of mail that was left for him by Mr. Foxworth, casually sorting through it. Since he paid his bills out of a select fund, most of it was junk he didn't even bother looking at. A couple were alarmed letters from his trustees, which he found hilarious, but otherwise he was settling back in as though nothing had happened.

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-16 23:13:38
Oliver watched him for a moment before the feeling of awkwardness overcame him. He wanted to ask about food and how long it would take, but wasn't quite sure if that would be considered rude. Instead Oliver settled on forced dinner table conversation.

"What are you going to say about Shenosha? I'm fine with keeping it a secret but considering you brought back my journal I figured there could be something I can publish." Oliver asked.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-16 23:56:10
"...." There was a painful pause, Blaize stopped in the middle of sorting the letters, sighing out his nose.
"About that. I'm going to do what I said I would do; keep your journal in with the Elliot archives and not published. Because I found my father's journal. His missing one"

The one that no-one in the world had read and Blaize was always asked about.

The one that detailed what Dr. Elliot had seen in Shenosha, and the one concerning his son's birth ...

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-17 00:09:12
Oliver nodded in agreement. Part of him wanted to be able to publish something, about the place but he also knew it was important that it was kept a secret. Not only would it change Blaize's life but currently the lives of hundreds of people back in Shenosha.

Being reminded that his journal would be kept archived with the Dr. Elliot's work was enough to quell his earlier desire to publish something. There would be other missions to go on, others places to explore and different papers to write. The past year or so of his life would be kept a secret from the academic world. He was okay with that in the grand scheme of things.

"I look forward to being able to read it," Oliver said looking back at the table feeling awkward for being so forward about the journal.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-17 00:13:11
"Mm" But Blaize said nothing more. He had probably read it himself, quite possibly it made for uncomfortable or emotional reading. The fact he was home said that he had found Dr. Elliot's bones, and he would need to plan for a funeral at some point, surely ...

"Sir, dinner is ready" Far less than ten minutes as specified, staff members brought out serving platters to see to their master and his guest. Having fed on a wide and exotic diet, it was refreshing to Blaize to see some honest basics; a massive roast joint of beef glazed with some sort of rich sauce, piles of roast potatoes, dishes of steaming vegetables, a luscious tomato soup for starts and a sinful chocolate gateux to finish.

He didn't need prompting to start, wolfing down his dinner like a man starving and not bothering to take in the fine wine being poured for him. Hunting for your own food was great and all, but sometimes he just needed it brought to him so he could get on with devouring it.

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-17 00:25:18
Oliver hadn't realized how hungry he was until the food was presented to him. Similar to Blaize, Oliver didn't hesitate to pile his plate full of food. The roast was tasty, he used the sauce to add some richness to the already delicious potatoes. He almost made a noise of pleasure as he continued on with his meal.

He had been living off of protein bars and coffee and almost forgot how good food could be. Pausing during his meal to sip a bit of wine Oliver felt oddly at ease. Despite having not discussed anything beyond him being home and briefly about his journal, Oliver was comfortable. Maybe it was the good food filling up his shrunken stomach or the happiness he felt deep in his chest for Blaize in front of him alive and well.

His meal was finished and the dessert a tempting sight, Oliver declined it by simply pushing back his plate for the sake of again slouching a bit in his chair.

"I didn't think I'd ever miss eating vegetables." Oliver said his voice sound lazy and teetering on sleepy. Almost to the food coma state.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-17 00:27:26
"I missed not having to chase my food" Blaize pushed his own plate away, taking his wine glass in his hand and gulping the rest of the contents down in one move in order to simply finish his meal.

"You look like you're going to fall asleep in that chair. You want to grab a bed to sleep it off?"

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-17 00:37:02
Oliver nodded in agreement before pushing back from the table and rising up to his feet. Glad the room didn't start spinning, he was really looking forward to sleeping everything off. Looking back he gave Blaize a small smile, part of him wanted to ask but knew it was far too forward instead he headed off.

He went to the old room he used last time. Surprised he found it without too much trouble. He wasted no time to bother to undress, he just pulled off his sweater and fall onto the bed. He pulled a pillow toward him curled up a bit on the bed, kicking off his shoes and tucking up close on the bed. It didn't take long for him to get comfortable and to fall asleep too exhausted to dream.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-17 00:47:53
No-one was going to bother him. Blaize himself had things to do, re-establishing himself in his own house, and fielding important calls from associates and one in particular he didn't want to deal with.

The coroner.

Taking the bones of a dead man back into the country was only possible due to the fact he had taken a private plane back in. Sitting on the grass outside Shenosha with the grim bundle next to him, he wouldn't admit he'd spent most of the 20 hours waiting for his call to connect and the pilot to come for him crying and re-reading the precious missing diary. He didn't say it was a bundle of bones until he landed, where he immediately took his private car - still sitting there after a year - to the area coroner and explained it was the remains of his late father.
He knew it was the right ones, but the examiner needed concrete proof before he would issue a death certificate.. Reading Dr. Elliots last journal, looking at dental x-rays and photographs of Dr. Elliot to ensure the skull was correct, filling out a full report ... He had to agree that Dr. Elliot died of exposure, with the plane crash and broken legs along with his broken lower spine contributing to his death. Blaize was silent as the man filled him in, nodding solemnly, thanking him for his time and making arrangements for the funeral parlour to collect the remains once released.

From there, he informed the trustees of the estate about his father's death certificate and future burial. That was easier than the funeral director, who was to meet Blaize the next day to personally discuss what kind of burial to give him. Blaize wanted the absolute best, but knew his father was a private, humble man. Any show or spectacle wouldn't be respectful, so it was a fine line .... one he firmly pushed into 'tomorrow' thinking.

Finally heeding his butler's subtle pleas to take a bath, he ran a hot one and filled it with an obscene amount of bubble bath, one designed for aching muscles. With a heavy sigh, he sank into the water, letting the whole grim business drift away ....

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-12-17 01:01:00
Oliver woke up but realized by the looks of his watch that he really only slept close to 4 hours, maybe less. He blamed the recent stressful schedule that prevented him from falling so far into sleep the didn't wake up until days later. He sat up and rotated his shoulder and rubbing the tingling feeling from the arm he slept on.

He had to do a bit of searching for his glasses and was grateful they didn't get too bent out of shape considering he slept with them mostly on. Taking in the room once again Oliver couldn't help but feel even more content being back at the Elliot estate. While he did love his apartment simply because it had all his books, he couldn't help but really enjoy being in such a beautiful place. There was so much to look at and Oliver was positive he'd never be bored.

Choosing to keep his shoes off Oliver left the bed to head to the bathroom, taking a few moments to wash his face to fully wake up. He had a bit of stubble growing but ignored it. He'd deal with it later. In the privacy of the bathroom he took out the necklace and toyed with it again. He loved it despite having a pretty violent history. Regardless he felt that it was almost like a trophy.

Leaving the room he tried to remember the general layout of the house. Worst case scenario he'd just just lost and end up running into a staff member and ask for directions that way.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-17 01:09:14
The library was closest to him, one that was familiar as previously here he had found Blaize in his sulking, bitter depression. This time, however, it was a lot cosier with a crackling fire warming the room and the curtains drawn to give a comforting dimness. The chairs, set in a square with the fourth side being the fireplace, were empty for now.

At least, they were for a good few minutes. Blaize padded through, a towel around his shoulders, clearly having just gotten out of a bath and wearing casual 'moping around the house' clothing as he flopped into the chair directly opposite the fire. He didn't notice Oliver at first, looking surprised for a second, but then relaxed as water dripped in beads from his hair and rolled across his skin.

"Sleep well?"

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