Posted by A Long Winter. Wolf RP

Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2019-02-01 14:37:23
In this forest, winters are harsh. These past few years have been hard for the wolves in the forest. Just when they thought they were done for, Mother Nature answered their desperate calls. They were blessed with a kind winter. While the wolves regained their strength, in only delayed the inevitable. Despite the one nice winter, it wasn’t enough for the packs to continue living like this. There isn’t enough prey to go around, and packs keep trespassing into each others territories. Alphas struggle to keep their pack alive. There is talk that the next winter will be the worst to come. Will your pack survive?

Map drawn by me

It is early winter; the snow is thin on the ground but is here to stay, and it will snow much more. The nights are growing colder and the wolves are cold when sleeping alone. Pups need their mothers now more than ever.

So Far...
Kai and Atlas have had their pups and they’re growing fast. The two packs have joined forces and are living together. There is tension within the pack as neighbouring packs have seemingly been targeted and many wolves killed.

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Edited on 09/12/19 @ 16:57:51 by Xerxes (#52637)

Whisper (#169109)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-27 12:24:23
May I join?

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2019-02-27 14:42:42
Yes just post in the character sheets

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

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Posted on
2019-02-27 19:11:57
Banshee looked at Paytah and smiled "Why don't we get you out of the snow? snow can be very cold and make you sick" Banshee said.

Kato pranced around like a pup and tries to eat the snow flakes. "what are you doing Kato?" Rhya growled fed up with her brother antic's. "what does it look like?" He replied with his tongue stuck out. "Stop it! you are making me embarrassed to be your sister" Rhya demanded. "get over it sis" Kato replied.

"Thank you Matsi" Sol replied. Sol was calm and not surprised that the snow had come early. Sol walked off to the water fall, she quietly found a spot and sat down in the circle.

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 05:37:53
With everyone around the circle Nanook began. “The snows come much earlier than expected. I want all pups and their mothers sleeping inside the den. The rest of us will sleep in front of the mouth of the den.” Anoki and Ahanu nodded in agreement. “This winter I want all of our pups to survive. With this many capable adults, that shouldn’t be impossible.” Nanook stopped and waited for a reply.

“Our goal as a pack this year is to have a constant flow of food and warmth. Always at least one adult body in the den to keep it warm. There will be two hunting parties rather than one.” Nanook looked at Dakota, waiting for him to pipe up.

Dakota saw Nanooks eyes on him and sighed. “Obviously our chances of getting food are much better with one large pack, but I do believe our groups are capable enough to be split in two, but we need everyone capable to hunt. I think Kai, Sol, and Atlas should join us while Anoki babysits to keep them warm.” Dakota suggested.

Anoki shook his head. “I’m not a babysitter,” he stated.

“No but you agree it’s our goal to keep them all alive. They need constant warmth Anoki, and you’re not strong enough to hunt. You stay behind.” Nanook told the elder. Anoki bit his tongue and nodded.

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 06:03:58
"So who will be leading the hunting parties?" Sol asked curiously. Sol's eyes wandered over to Anoki and she gave him a warm smile. "You'll be fine with the pups, trust me they aren't as scary as you think and they'll grow on you overtime" Sol said. Sol patiently waited for a reply from the other members in the circle.

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2019-03-05 05:59:31
((Sorry for the wait. I wrote a really long reply and then my phone died and I didn’t feel like starting over right away))

“I want Dakota and Ahanu to lead the hunting parties. Catori has to go with you Dakota, she won’t listen to anyone else.” Nanook said.

“Well, why don’t we go rejoin the pack and tell them the news?” Anoki suggested. The group stood and walked over to the hill. Dakota stood on one side of the hill and Ahanu on the other.

Nanook announced to the pack the plans for winter. “Catori and Nomad with Dakota, Matsi and Tamaska with Ahanu. Everyone else: pick a side. And please, try and make it even.

Nanook watched as the pack members walked towards either Ahanu or Dakota. Atlas joined Dakota while Kai joined Ahanu. Anoki stood near the den mouth with the pups while everyone sorted out.

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

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Posted on
2019-03-05 06:18:23
Banshee smiled and dragged Sol to Ahanu's side. Rhya and Kato joined Dakota's side. The two left to choose a side were Nightwing and Rum who were glaring at each other like they just had a fight. Sol sighed and rolled her eyes. "Would you two stop staring at each other and pick a hunting party?! before I get infuriated and bite you both!" Sol said in a sweet voice but her eyes showed it was meant as a threat. Rum joined Dakota's side immediately and Nightwing joined Ahanu's side.

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2019-05-02 13:18:52
The pack sat around the densite, chatting. Atlas and Kai watched their young pups while Atlas told them stories.

“There once was a young wolf whose pack was separated when a group of hunters opened fire on them,” the pups sat and listened.

“The young wolf was all alone trying to survive the winter by himself. He was lost and confused, scared that he would not make it. After a few weeks of barely getting by, he felt his body beginning to shut down. He crawled underneath a nearby tree and closed his eyes, waiting for death to take him. Then, an old wolf pack found him. They were all elderly and were kicked out of their homes for the good of the packs. They took care of the young wolf and he was raised into adulthood by these kind souls.

Finally, when the young wolf was strong enough, he was faced with a decision: stay with the pack who took him in, or go and find his birth pack. After a lot of thinking, he ended up living with the elderly pack until each and every one of them had passed away over time. The young wolf had aged and was now well past his prime. He spent his last days enjoying his own company and wandering the forest.”

When Atlas finished her story, the pups were quite divided. Some argued that he should have returned to his family: his mom was probably worried sick! Only Akela believed he did the right thing, after all family isn’t necessarily blood.

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2019-05-02 16:41:54
Deep in the woods, Abram’s pack is looking for a new home.

Abram and his mate Erika are sitting together as their pack waits for further instruction. They had been wandering for days looking for a new home, but the area is hostile and after humans destroyed their home they needed somewhere to go.

Abram led the group with his mate by his side. Their son Nikolai and his mate Liora were right behind him with their 3 pups. Abrams daughter Mikayla and her mate Damir we’re behind Nikolai with their 4 pups. Abrams other two children Tatianna and Haris stayed at the back of the pack, making sure non of their nephews or nieces fell behind.

Abram kept looking over at his heavily pregnant wife, making sure she was okay to continue. It wasn’t until they came across another wolf’s scent that they stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Tatiana called out from the back when the group stopped.

“Another wolf... must be a pack.” Abram answered.

“Should we go meet them?” Nikolai asked his father.

Abram thought for a moment. “Mothers stay behind with the pups. Everyone else... let’s go.”

Erika, Liora, and Mikayla waited with the pups while the group followed the scent.

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2019-05-02 16:58:03
Dakota came running to alert the pack of the strangers approaching.

“Nanook! A stranger pack is approaching.” Dakota was breathing hard. After all the pups being born he didn’t want any wolves around.

Immediately the group stood at the base of the hill with Kai and Atlas in the den with their pups.


As Abram and his family approached, they were greeted by a wall of wolves, a very large family it seemed.

“Hello, we mean no harm.” Abram announced. His pack was exhausted, they couldn’t afford to chit chat. “Our home was destroyed. We need a place to rest.”


Before the stranger could finish Nanook answered. “You’re welcome to stay.” Dakota was taken aback. How could he allow them to stay with the pups around. Anoki growled, expressing his disagreement.

Nanook could see how exhausted these strangers are. He knows how bad it gets at winter and he would feel responsible if they died over the winter.

“I’m Nanook. My mate is in the den with our pups.”


Abram visibly relaxed. “I’m Abram. My mate is pregnant and my grandchildren are all quite young. Nikolai, please go get them.” Abram followed Nanook to the den and met Atlas and Kai.

“Beautiful pups. Very large,” he looks at Kai. “With a pack your size I’m sure you’ll all do fine this winter.”

“I sure hope so,” Atlas answers. “You’re welcome to stay the winter. They more the easier it is to hunt.”

“That’s very kind of you, thank you,” Abram answers.

As the rest of the pack returns, Erika, Mikayla, Liora, and the pups find places in the den. Atlas and Kai are happy with the extra warmth. It’s a tight fit but they make it work.

Kai’s three pups are small enough to fit almost underneath her belly as she curls up. Atlas’ head rests on top of Kai’s and their bodies line the wall of the den. Her pups lay squeezed around her. Mikayla and Liora take the mouth of the den, blocking the wind from coming inside. Their 7 older pups take up the rest of the room in the den. Anoki, Nanook, and Ahanu sleep with their backs against Liora and Mikayla, blocking the outside elements.

As the sun sets and the sky gets darker, snow begins falling from the sky.

Winter has begun.

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

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Posted on
2019-05-03 05:02:15
Banshee woke early in the morning to hear fighting in the distance, she let out a soft growl and lifted her head to see who was missing. Nightwing, Rum and her mother were missing. Banshee got up slowly and kicked Kato gently with her back paw. "Get up I think Rum and Nightwing are fighting again" Banshee whispered to Kato.

Kato growled quietly at the rude way he'd been awakened. "Fine" Kato yawned. Kato got up and the two wolves made their way towards the fighting.

Rhya had woken up and noticed that her siblings were missing but decided to stay where she was so she could keep Rapture and Sorrow warm.

(sorry its short)

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2019-05-04 10:33:02
(Wasn't sure you were still around! Sorry for going MIA school got busy)

"Hey Banshee," Matsi greeted the wolf. "What do you think of our new guests?" Matsi was wary of the new visitors. Their pack was growing quickly and he wasn't sure his parents thought this through. He knows they only mean well, but how can we manage to feed everyone? Sure it'll be easier to kill prey, but it's out of our control if we can't find any. Then what?

Tamaska and Nomad watched as the younger 6 month olds played and wrestled. They seemed normal enough. Tamaska looked across the field at Dakota who was watching the new group bitterly.

"How do you think Dakota will take to training the pups?" Nomad asked his brother, laughing.

"I doubt they'll hunt with us. They'll probably hunt in the southern region of our borders while we hunt the northern region." Tamaska was serious. Nomad's smile fades and he watches the new group with a straight face. Times were about to get a lot tougher, and Nomad was remembering the horrors of last winter. He remembered feeling hungry all the time, and cold from the burning winds. Not only are there more wolves to split the food among, but the pecking order is all out of wack now, too. Tamaska and Matsi were close to the top of the group, right after Dakota and Ahanu, now with Kai having given birth, they're below her, and with the new older wolves, they're probably even lower. Tamaska and Matsi, although quiet, were intelligent and big contributors. Nomad always new he'd be close to the bottom, so these new wolves hadn't really changed anything for him.

"You have to prove yourself, Tamaska." Nomad told him. Tamaska's face was unchanging.


Abram watched his grandkids wrestle int he field. He could tell they were happy to have a home finally. Nanook approached him, and the two said their hellos.

"I'm going to patrol the territory," Nanook told Abram. "Now that there's so many of us, I think we should expand the territory. I'm going to patrol farther west. Could you patrol as well? To the north-east? That way we'll have everything claimed/marked a bit farther for hunting."

Abram nodded his head and began heading for the border. He followed Nanook's previously left scent and began marking, looking out for any signs of prey passing through, or enemy wolves.

Nanook walks over to Sol. "Hello Sol, I'm going to patrol to the west. Abram's going north-east. Could you expand south-east? Everything will be marked and claimed for the hunting parties when they head out." Nanook was visibly exhausted. The new pups need a lot of attention. Nanook had been trying to help Ahanu and Kai with there three little ones while also trying to convinced Anoki and he is perfectly capable of keeping the pack alive. And now, with the arrival of this new pack Anoki and Dakota are on his ass more than ever.

With a sigh, Nanook began walking west to begin marking.

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

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Posted on
2019-05-05 05:13:13
Banshee smiled and greeted Matsi. "well I'm always cautious around new wolves...they don't seem like a threat right now but it doesn't hurt to be wary or maybe Nightwing's paranoia is rubbing off on me" Banshee laughs. "That being said I am so glad Nanook allowed us to stay because our pack would be gone by now and I would not have had the chance to meet you" Banshee says.


Sol nodded and began walking south east. Sol could tell Nanook was tired and she had a fair idea why but didn't bother asking him about it. Sol thought that he wouldn't be happy if she mentioned it. Sol paused for a moment thinking she could smell Turbo near by. Sol looked around and watched for any movement but continued on after awhile believing it was her imagination.

(Nope I'm still here XD hey do you mind if I kill off most of Sol's pack? I'll leave Sol, Banshee and Kato alive but the rest will be dead)

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2019-05-06 06:53:42
Matsi butted Banshee head gently and playfully. “Why don’t we go meet the new pups?” He suggested.

The group of 6 month olds were playing near the base of the hill while their exhausted parents napped nearby.

Abram was walking around the territory when he noticed the lack of other wolves. In their old home they were challenged often. What was wrong with this area that wolves didn’t want it? Their pack was from a few miles south, near farmland. They often hunted the cows that lived on farms in their area, so they were challenged by other packs for the abundance of food and cozy thicket of forest. Abram would have to ask Nanook about this later.

Nanook was doing his usual walk around when he was startled by Anoki. “Hello Nanook,” Nanook jumped and spun around. How long had the old wolf been following him?

“Hello Anoki, I didn’t know you were following me,” Nanook said.

“We need to talk,” Anoki said seriously. Nanook sighed and sat down. “The more wolves the worse the chance of our own survival.” Anoki wasn’t playing around and needed to get straight to the point.

“Anoki, I want my children to survive he winter more than you do, I promise you that. We can defend a larger territory and therefore we can hunt more food. I’ve never had a healthier litter of pups and Kai’s are larger than any I’ve ever raised. We’re fine.” Nanook was tired of the old wolf judging him.

“Nanook, I’m not saying that we should kick out the stranger wolves. I think we need to scare off the surrounding packs. More prey we’ll be able to hunt.” Anoki’s face was expressionless as he said this. Nanook was taken aback.

“How could I do that? The whole point of inviting these wolves in was because I couldn’t bare the thought of letting them leave to possibly die. You expect me to go out of my way to rid the forest of other packs?” As Nanook said this to Anoki, Dakota appeared from the bushes.

“Nanook, me and Anoki have been discussing this since the arrival of Sol and her pack. Now that even more wolves are here it makes this discussion more doable. We figured you would say no, so we won’t. But when winter is at its worst and we’re all starving, my e you’ll reconsider.” After Dakota said this he began to walk away with Anoki. Nanook day in the forest with his head down, then followed them far behind and walked back to the densite.

Unbeknownst to the three males, Catori had been listening in from the trees. She had wanted to talk to her dad alone and give him a piece of her mind regarding all the wolves in their pack, but it looks like Anoki and Dakota has done that part for her, and killing off the other packs sounds like the best idea...

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Edited on 06/05/19 @ 13:41:10 by Xerxes (#52637)

Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2019-05-06 06:54:13
No problem about your wolves it’s totally your call! :)

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Edited on 06/05/19 @ 13:41:48 by Xerxes (#52637)

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