Posted by Werewolf rp

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-13 13:04:20

Ava is your typical kind of preppy girl, caring for others, fun-loving and outgoing. She loves nothing more than going to a party, other than maybe hosting one. Despite the fact she's not the most intelligent person she loves to read and excels at most literature subjects. She's a vegetarian so stays away from meat and oddly she also has a dislike for cake, although she's unsure why. Despite her kind and selfless disposition she's rather arrogant and takes a great love in her appearance, she's also as stubborn as a mule when it comes to her points of view. When it comes to conflict she's not once to back down and decide that some things are best left alone but will argue until she's blue in the face.
Ava Lakewood grew up in the royal society. She grew up with two loving parents, Michael and Lucy Lakewood and her siblings: Olivia Lakewood (13),Ryan Lakewood (15) and Adrian Lakewood (20). Her mother is a lawyer and her father is a doctor, so their family was always alright for money, meaning she got rather into fashion and nice clothing. Unlike her parents though she doesn't have their brains, other than when it comes to literature. She loves to read. Ava was born to an alpha pair, although she never liked the thought of the system. She was always trying to break out of it, avoiding her royal duties to help out the others around her.
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Edited on 15/12/16 @ 17:00:23 by ~Kiannia~ (#27008)

dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-13 13:18:50
Name: Draco
Personality: Bit of a jerk on the outside but under a tough exterior lies a softness that only some can see.
History: Raised in a royal werewolf pack and taught that lineage must stay pure and only cross with certain royalty packs. He strongly agrees as it's all he's ever known and believes that's how it's supposed to be. He had only one extremely loving parent, his mother (Luna) and his father (Lucifer) who was caring but far from showing much love. His brain was to clouded wirh pride to let his son just live and grow into his own person. His father filled his heart with his own views, not giving him much of a chance to form his own. They lived in a glorious mansion surrounded by woods. A wealthy family and proud of their name, they often looked poorly down onto others.
Looks: aa

It's was a cold winter night, snow had covered the ground and all forms of water had frozen solid. Draco was out with his father but he was a bit adventurer, since his father didn't seem to be bothered by that, he often disappeared when they were out. Draco was venturing into a neutral territory. This was forbidden in his mother and father's eyes but he didn't think much about that in that very moment. This was a new place with lots to discover. His footprints would surely lead his father to him if he decided to come looking for him but Draco wasn't worried. Draco walked quietly through the snow, his breath was visible against the dark sky. He wondered what he could find in the territory he'd never been able to explore.

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Edited on 15/12/16 @ 18:37:52 by 💎Zelda Grim💎~Hexa Feline (#8456)

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 00:25:39
Ava often enjoyed sneaking out at night, mostly to help the less fortunate of her pack. Her family wouldn't approve of her behaviour, hence why she tried to conceal it by going out at night. Tonight though she had finished her tasks early, but she couldn't head home just yet. She'd told her family she'd gone off to practice her 'etiquette' to be a better successor. It was about the only way she could get this time, after all she wasn't your typical royalty. Deciding to take a walk she began to wander aimlessly, paying no attention to where she was going in the slightest. Her mind was off thinking about anything and everything, although mostly she was thinking about what her life would be like if she wasn't royal. Heaving a sigh she then stopped, looking around she realized she had no idea where she was. Where am I? No mans land? she wondered, she'd never been this far out. In fact she'd never even left her own territory before, always a little too worried to do so. "Oh well, may as well explore. It seems so beautiful here..." she spoke out loud. Slowly she walked towards a small clearing, this would give her somewhere to orient herself from on her way back home.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 02:42:03
Draco, being young (only about 8 years old now) and carefree, continued to explore. The landscape around him was all white and beautiful but it was also all beginning to look the same. Snow was even beginning to cover his tracks. He looked back. Maybe I should go back.. I'm sure father's looking for me.. but maybe just a little longer. He continued to adventure until he heard something. It sounded like a faint whisper coming from the north. He followed in the direction from which it came until he came across a small clearing. He could see a fuzzy image in the distance. He walked a little closer, "Hello?" he said softly. It was almost hard to hear. He walked closer and closer until he could see that it was a young girl, alone, like himself. He didn't know that she was one of the people his father strongly wanted him to stay away from. Lucifer didn't even know of her so how was Draco to know who she was. He approached quietly. "Hello. What are you doing out here by yourself?" he asked curiously, not even thinking that he was also out on his own and far from where his parents wanted him to be.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 02:50:17
Ava was mildly startled as a voice met her ears, causing her to jump and her heart to skip a beat. As she located the sound of the voice she spotted a boy, around the same age as her. "Oh, hello. I was just going for a walk and ended up here so decided to explore. What are you doing here?" she asked. Her brow furrowed a little, she certainly didn't recognize this boy. Maybe she'd just never seen him before? He was definitely werewolf, she could tell that, but anything else she couldn't tell. Her head now went slightly to the right as she tried to figure out a reason she hadn't seen him before. Maybe he's shy and has hidden from me? That would make sense she decided this must be the conclusion, so stuck with it. Her family often mentioned of another pack, but that was mostly to her older brother Adrian. She only heard of them when she eavesdropped, her parents didn't want to drag her into the feud until she was older. Walking closer to the boy she stopped a small way away, reaching out her hand for him to shake. "I'm Ava, what's your name?" a friendly smile was plastered onto her face.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 09:05:56
Draco moved a little closer until he was standing next to her, he to was confused why he had never heard of this werewolf before. She looked -in standards to his family- the same. "I'm Draco, also out exploring. I went a bit to far I think but my parents probably won't be worried. I've heard there's a waterfall somewhere in the area that freezes during the winter when it's this cold. Do you wanna go see it with me?" He exclaimed. He was excited to have what he thought was a new friend before his father would soon show up to ruin it. He took off, "If you're coming, follow me. I don't really know where it is but I think it's this way!" he said as the wind blew his pale blonde hair in the opposite direction.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 09:18:00
"Nice to meet you" she spoke, a large grin on her face now. In her mind she was sure this was a new friend, but what really got her was the word 'waterfall'. "That sounds so cool! Yeah I wanna go, this is going to be the best adventure ever" she was the giddiest little child right now. She could imagine it, the glistening frozen water tumbling off the rocks. In her mind it was like something from a fairytale, she loved books so this really appealed to her. "Wait up!" she called after him, beginning to run through the snow after him. Her little legs were working as quickly as they could do, just to catch up to him. "Why do you think it's this way?" she asked him. Her reading obsession made her question everything, but it also made her imagination great. "What if we get there and there's a troll guarding it, what do we do then?" excitement filled her voice. She was imagining a load of completely unrealistic scenarios, but she didn't care because it made her happy.
(I had to with the troll I'm sorry xD)

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 09:39:45
Draco looked over his shoulder as she ran to catch up. "well if there is a troll.. I guess it's every man for himself." he said jokingly. "A friend of mine was telling me a story about it and supposedly it's north of my territory and east of this clearing. Well at least that's what they say. I've never been here and I don't think any of my friends have either. It's just stories told to them by their families." he said as he shuffled through the thick snow. It took at least forty minutes to get there but there it was. It was as big and even more beautiful that the stories made it out to be. "keep and eye out for that troll now." he said with a laugh. He looked at the frozen waterfall. I can't wait to tell them about this.

Lucifer was now trying to hunt down his son. He had searched the entire area of their territory and was furious that Draco was not there. He was now searching for him outside of the territory.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 09:45:38
"Then I guess I'll be leaving you behind" she replied, her wit was rather good even for such a young child. "Well lets hope this story is true, it's nice when stories are true" she spoke, which was the truth. "My family have lots of stories, although some of them I don't want to be true. Only the good ones" she rambled on a little. It was clear the little girl didn't lack confidence, but she did seem to lack control of how much she talked sometimes. After trudging through the snow for forty minutes she saw it. "It's amazing!" she exclaimed, momentarily in awe of the giant ice structure. "Ahhh troll!" she shouted, pointing behind him. Then she began to run away from the imaginary troll, acting as if it was chasing her.

Little did Ava know that her father had been calling for her for a while, and had now begun to search for his daughter. Since his howl would've been heard within the territory, he began to venture into the no mans land, which put him into a tense mode.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 10:01:44
Draco swiftly turned and looked behind him. When he turned around he had a big handful of snow that he pelted right at her. He laughed and began to run from her. He was a very friendly child at eight years of age. Little did he know that would all be drained from him in the years to come and he would follow in his father's footsteps.. and pawprints. He hid behind a tree and pelted more snowballs in her direction from either side of the tree. He was enjoying having a new friend.

Lucifer was roaming around outside of territory when he caught glimpse of footprints leading to the east. They were fading quickly due to the heavy snowfall. He was now on their trail and would shortly arrive to end their good time.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 10:10:42
Ava felt a clump of snow hit her on the back, when she turned she saw Draco running away so began to build herself a fort. Once she'd made a little snow wall in front of herself she began retaliating with her own snowballs. Her laughter was loud and filled with happiness, almost as if she were a normal child. She had no idea that the boy across from her was a rival, nor was she aware of what was about to happen. Her life would become all about being 'proper royalty', not that she would listen to a word of it. For now she just had snow, another child and what felt like all the time in the world to play. The cold had turned her cheeks and nose red, luckily she was wearing a thick coat and gloves. Her gloves l however were now very wet thanks to the snowball fight, not that she cared in the slightest.

Michael had now picked up her daughters scent and one he didn't know, but what he did know is that it was from his rival pack. This panicked the older man, causing him to break into a run. He didn't know what could've happened to his daughter, but he wasn't going to wait until the scenarios in his mind played out properly.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 10:49:47
Draco was pelting more snowballs at Ava before finally stopped and walking over to her. "That was really fun." he said as he wiped snow from his face where Ava had got him pretty good. He looked back at the waterfall for a few moments. He suddenly caught wind of a familiar scent. It was that of his father's. He was excited to introduce his new friend however that wasn't going to happen.

Lucifer emerged from the treeline, a look of disgust on his face. He scowled at the two young children who were playing. "Draco! I've been looking for you for an hour now! You know your mother will have a fit if she finds out where..." he said furiously. He glared in Ava's direction. "And who do we have here?" he asked staring down at Ava. He knew all to well who she was now by her scent. "That's Ava. My new friend. She's..." Draco was cut off before he could finish. "Absolutely not." he spat.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 10:56:54
"Yeah it was" her voice remained very cheery as she spoke, although most of her was wet due to the melted snow. Getting some snow and water off her face she was unable to see, but she could certainly hear. Another person had come into the clearing, so she stopped what she was doing. Not recognizing the adult in front of her made her a little wary, but it seemed he knew her new friend. "Did I do something wrong?" she asked quietly, the mans tone had gotten her thinking she was in trouble. "Ava!" she then heard another voice call, along with the sound of running.

Coming up to his daughter he scooped her up into his arms, becoming suddenly very defensive. "I'm fine papa, just having a snowball fight. It wasn't a real one" she comforted him, assuming her red face was what had worried him. "What are you doing here and why did you have Ava" he growled at Lucifer, hugging the little girl tighter to his chest. "Dracos my friend" Ava spoke, still very unsure as to what was going on. Now he placed her down, standing in front of her and staring own the other two in front of him.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 11:23:39
Lucifer stepped in from of Draco. A grim sort of grin came over his face. "I did not know you had a daughter but the moment I caught her scent I knew where she came from." he said looking at the little girl now scooped up by her father. He spoke to Draco but didn't turn to look at him, "There are certain families we do not get involved with and this is one of the main ones. The views they have are very different from ours. We don't see eye to eye or even close. Different royalties. We don't go befriending ones who carry that name." he said not taking his eyes of Ava or her father. His blue eyes were full of coldness. He could care less if they were only children. No son of his was going to befriend a rival clan.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 11:36:14
"Oh spare me the lies Lucifer, you knew I had a daughter. Nothing seems to escape your vile clutches, including your poor son. I wouldn't wish his fate upon even a vampire" he spat back. This was the first time Ava had seen her father speak so harshly to another person and it frightened her a little. "Listen to me Ava, these people can never be trusted. They'd kill their own family if it meant they got more power, not that they have any real power. WE are the true royal bloodline, hence why we don't speak to these imposters" he met Lucifers stely cold gaze. Then he took a hold of his daughter once more and carried her off. He was done wasting breath upon the scum he'd just met, now he just wanted his daughter home and safe.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 11:59:27
Lucifer laughed a little under his breath. "Just because our royalty family isn't afraid to shed the blood of those who cross us does not make us any less royal than you are." he said almost turning his nose up. Their family did have some very bad reputations. They were known to be less than forgiving. They often killed without question. They were all about power and their name. They also, more often than not, picked their offsprings partners for them in order to keep their lines pure in their eyes, more of trying to keep away the possibility of crossing with lines they thought were unworthy. Lucifer turned to his son, "Come Draco, we are through here." he hissed as he stormed away. Draco sat behind for a moment, watching Ava and her father leave. He didn't understand what was going on. He waived faintly, "bye.." he whispered, his breath as white as ever. He turned and followed his very angry father home to a very upset mother.

For the next 9 years of Draco's life he was raised to hate and be very proud of who he was. The little girl Ava quit crossing his mind two years after they were pulled away by their fathers. He was now 17 and his head was full of his family's thoughts rather than his own. Of course he believed them to be his own as well.

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