Posted by Werewolf rp

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-13 13:04:20

Ava is your typical kind of preppy girl, caring for others, fun-loving and outgoing. She loves nothing more than going to a party, other than maybe hosting one. Despite the fact she's not the most intelligent person she loves to read and excels at most literature subjects. She's a vegetarian so stays away from meat and oddly she also has a dislike for cake, although she's unsure why. Despite her kind and selfless disposition she's rather arrogant and takes a great love in her appearance, she's also as stubborn as a mule when it comes to her points of view. When it comes to conflict she's not once to back down and decide that some things are best left alone but will argue until she's blue in the face.
Ava Lakewood grew up in the royal society. She grew up with two loving parents, Michael and Lucy Lakewood and her siblings: Olivia Lakewood (13),Ryan Lakewood (15) and Adrian Lakewood (20). Her mother is a lawyer and her father is a doctor, so their family was always alright for money, meaning she got rather into fashion and nice clothing. Unlike her parents though she doesn't have their brains, other than when it comes to literature. She loves to read. Ava was born to an alpha pair, although she never liked the thought of the system. She was always trying to break out of it, avoiding her royal duties to help out the others around her.
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Edited on 15/12/16 @ 17:00:23 by ~Kiannia~ (#27008)

dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-18 11:34:38
Draco was angered as she grabbed him by the tail. This was the first time he'd ever fought with a female. He jumped away as she let go and landed on the ground a few feet away, keeling around to glare at her. She was right, most people they killed were innocent. They were definitely pretty heartless and downright ruthless in the way they killed. He didn't answer back to her at first because he knew she was right but that didn't change how he felt. "We do as we please. If you were in charge of us, you'd have say so but you're not. I don't see why it bothers you anyway." he said with a cold tone to his voice. As she ran at him, he jimped backwards to dodge any possible attack. His mind, however, was clouded and he landed right in the rushing water.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-18 11:43:01
"It bothers me because innocent people shouldn't die just because you want them too. They're exactly like either of us, just weren't born into such fortunate circumstance" she replied. It was clear she was one of her own people, pretty much her whole village loved her. It was the cheer she bought and the help she would offer selflessly that had earned their respect and love, which was mostly why she wasn't worried about her rule. As he leapt backwards she came to a skiding halt, watching him fall into the water. With a small gasp her eyes began to search for him, hoping he was alright. No matter who he was, she wasn't about to let him die. The rushing water made it difficult for her to see, she also wasn't sure where he was as she didn't know how strong the current was. "Stranger!" she called, not actually knowing his name. She hoped he'd be able to respond so she could help him out of the predicament.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-18 11:55:45
Draco had a bit of a hard time treading the rough current. He appeared a little ways down. He climbed out on his own, not wanting help from this person he didn't know and at this point, wasn't too fond of. He did however, hear her call out for him. He had not shifted back to human form yet, simply because he wasn't trusting her. He didn't face her, "Why did you try to help me?" he asked. He was shaking, it may have not been winter but the water was far from warm yet. He was drying off rather quickly though as the sun beat down on them.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-18 12:02:11
Her eyes caught a glimpse of a figure clambering from the water downstream, so she took off towards it. Her eyes scanned to make sure he was alright, then she heard him ask her a question. "Because it doesn't matter who you are, as far as I know you've done nothing wrong. Therefore you don't deserve to die, I'd hope someone would do the same for me in a similar predicament" she explained. She was sure however that her thought process wouldn't be understood by him, after all he didn't seem to understand most of that she had said. Well she assumed that about him anyway, which was a little judgemental. "You don't seem any worse for wear though, just a little wet and cold. Stand in the sun" she motioned her nose towards a large patch of sunlight. Meanwhile the back of her neck was beginning to sting where he'd bitten her, it wasn't a pleasant feeling to say the least but she would deal with it. "At least your unexpected dip seems to have calmed you down, which is good. I shouldn't of wound you up like that" she turned, being surprisingly nice. After that she felt guilty, after all if he'd of drowned she would've blamed herself. She was still partically to blame for the whole incident, after all it was her words and cations that caused him to do what he had.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-18 12:10:36
Draco still didn't look directly at her, his pride had been a little damaged as he felt a bit embarrassed. He didn't want to admit it but she was a nice person. He did as she said and moved into the patch of warm sunlight. After awhile he shifted back to his normal self. His pale blonde hair was still soaked. He finally turned to look at her. He still didn't trust her but he felt he did owe her at least a thank you. "Thanks.. you didn't have to try and help." he said. He wasn't the best at being thankful but he was trying. "I'm done this time but don't expect me to be nice next time." he said not wanting her to think he was going soft on her. "It's Draco.. by the way."

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-18 12:17:20
As he moved to the patch of sunlight she followed, lying in the patch of sun also. It was lovely and warm here, so why not enjoy the feeling of the sun. Looking towards him she noticed him shift, so in an act of politeness she became human too. "It's no problem, honestly" she flashed him a smile, he seemed to struggle with kind words. And there it was, the part she'd been more expecting, another snarky comment. "In that case don't expect me to be nice either. Everyone has their limits" she spoke. Her attention was now on the sky as she stared up, hands behind the back of her head as she did so. "Draco....That name sounds familiar. Probably just heard my parents mention it" she shrugged off the feeling she had that she knew the name. "I'm Ava" she responded, after all it was polite to give someone your name when you had theirs. Now she sat herself up, looking over at him. Resting on her elbows she sat there, simply wondering what to do now.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-18 12:29:56
Draco had stopped looking at her once he was done talking but he was still listening to her as she spoke to him. He wasn't listening super intently but he was listening. He didn't usually listen to others when they spoke. He was used to others listening to him. He was looking off in the distance when she said her name. Ava? That was familiar but how.. he wasn't sure. He didn't speak back to her, he stayed thinking to himself about how embarrassed he was and trying to come up with something snarky to say but he really had nothing. He was staring into his reflection in the water when it dawned on him. "Ava?" he said as he turned to look at her. "I feel like I've heard that name before." he said to her as he tried to think back. His memory was very foggy but he was starting to remember.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-18 12:35:24
Ava was a little stunned by the long silence, she wasn't sure if it was uncomfortable or not. After all the talking had been mostly insults, but silence somehow felt worse, it was odd to say the least. Finally he broke it, simply saying her name in a way that implied he was thinking about it. With the next words he spoke she blinked, a little shocked. Maybe she'd brushed it off too easy, that feeling of knowing. Now she began to think, rattling her brain to figure out where she knew the name from, but it wasn't coming easy. The only thing she could remember so far was that she'd met him here before, when or how she really didn't know. "I know I've seen you here before, but other than that I can't remember much more. At least it explained why this place felt so familiar to me. Maybe something like this has happened before, I don't know..." she shrugged. With certain things her memory was not great, recalling names and faces and places was one of those things. She hoped his was better than hers, this puzzle had her intregued to figure it out and if she didn't it would annoy her constantly.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-18 12:58:19
Draco was thinking about it pretty hard now. He was in a deep thought when he had his flashback. It was of that very night that they were out, exploring and having a good time. It didn't last long due to their fathers showing up. He remembered how his father showed up and made him leave. He remembered the years of growing up being told that Ava's family was the enemy and that they were a disgrace to their kind. He remembered being in huge trouble for making friends with her that night. He looked at her, she wasn't as bad as he was told they were. Well.. she didn't seem to be. The way he was brought up still made it uneasy for him to just be nice to her though. Old habits don't die easy. "I remember.. we were here. Throwing snowballs.. that way nine years ago." he said.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-19 11:37:48
There seemed to be a lengthy silence whilst he thought, Ava also rattling her own brain to try and find an answer to this quesiton. Why do I know that name? Why? this single thought floated about in her head for what felt like an eternity. Then the silence was broken, his words filled the air, making her leapt to her feet in excitement. Yes! She could see it now, the snow covered ground, laughter filling the air. It had been a marvelous feeling. That was until she was told that he was evil and murderous, but somehow he didn't seem so bad. "I remember it now...That was so many years ago.." her voice had a sound of realization to it. "If you truly were as bad as I'd been taught to believe then you'd of killed me by now...I'm starting to think that maybe we could be wrong about each other..." this realisation hit her like a ton of bricks. It was true, her father had said they'd rather kill you than have a conversation. Yet here she was, having a conversation with one of them about a memory they shared. The cogs in her mind were turning, beginning to question everything she knew about the other pack.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-19 11:50:28
Draco didn't seem too excited but the look in his eyes changed a bit. They looked happier and more content. He still felt as if what he was taught about her family was true but maybe she was different. As a child he definitely didn't agree with his family but as he aged, his head was filled with stories of what was supposed to be. This made it hard for him to feel differently. He wanted to please his family, especially his father. "Maybe." he said quietly as he watched her. He didn't want to drop his guard yet, especially in case somebody showed up. They wouldn't be very happy seeing two rivals chatting like they were friends or knew one another.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-19 12:09:11
"Maybe? That's all I get? We could literally be here and solving out the rivalry between us, making some form of actual peace. Instead you'd rather give me a maybe and simply let things go on like this?" she huffed at him, anger swelling into her voice again. "What if one day hunters come and begin massacring people? Wouldn't it be nice to have someone else to turn to, someone to rely on?" she began to somewhat pitch this to him. There was a hapiness in his eyes, she was hoping in his current mood she could talk him round. "Please just give me more than maybe" she sounded exhasperated with this last word. Moving herself she sat directly in front of him, staring him down. Although this stare down wasn't as hostile as the one before, it was simply her trying to read him. She found him fascinating to be honest, it was like she was that young girl again. This could be a step to peace, actual peace not this tense mutally assured destruction peace that could break at the slightest thing.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-19 12:16:17
Draco was a little shocked that she piped up like that. She had some spunk, that was for sure. He started to get hostile but instead he decided it was best just to give in a bit. "I'll consider it. I guess I owe you for being concerned for me earlier." he said calmly. He started to add that he didn't think it would be necessary though but instead he decided to keep him mouth shut. He looked at her curiously, he wasn't used to this kind of behavior from a stranger.... well somewhat stranger. He was used to people leaving his kind alone, mostly in fear. He could hear something in the distance but wasn't sure what it was.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-19 12:25:05
"Well I'll take considering it a step closer to the answer I want. I'm not about to give this up so easily. As for owing me, I wasn't concerned so you'd owe me. Just stop and actually think about it for once, the land there would be and how much easier life would be not having to live in fear. You can't tell me that doesn't sound like a good thing" she spoke. It appeared he had a more 'human' side to him than his father, maybe he was the one that would be persuaded to help end this. Her family weren't particularly for ending it, but she was. This life of dread and fear and only being allowed certain places was driving her crazy, she just wanted some freedom. She kept his eyes locked with his the entire time, refusing to break the gaze. There was a fire burning in her eyes, not of anger but of passion for the words she spoke. Now a sound met her ears, although she couldn't tell what it was. "Can you hear that?" she asked him. This distracted her for now, mostly because she didn't know what could be here in no mans land.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-19 12:58:32
Draco listened as she spoke, it was clear to him that she was passionate about the way she felt. He could also tell that she had a drive behind that passion and probably wasn't going to let him forget that he said he'd consider it. His eyes still told her that he was happy and content but they didn't spark like hers. "I guess it'd be a good thing. I really wouldn't know, I don't worry about where I ago." he said quietly. He suddenly picked up on a familiar scent and knew who it was. It was a family friend. Draco jumped up from where he was.

A tall guy, about the same age as Draco and Ava, appeared from the forest. He looked a bit confused as he studied the scene. "What's going on here?" he snapped, glaring a bit at Ava. Draco walked over to him, "I've already handed it. We were about to go our separate ways." he said proudly. Viktor looked away from Ava, he wasn't too worried about her since Draco said he'd taken care of it. He had a message from Draco's father and he felt that was more important than jumping on Ava. That usually would have been his first instinct. "Your father sent me to get you. He said it was very important you come home immediately. You have a choice to make." he said. He was meaning the choice of the three girls his parents had picked for him to marry in years to come. Draco didn't think anything about this as there was no future warning but he did know it was what happened in their family. Viktor strolled off, he seemed to be in a hurry. Draco looked at Ava, "I'm sure we will meet again." he said before taking off after his friend so that he wouldn't wonder what was taking so long.

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