Posted by Werewolf rp

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-13 13:04:20

Ava is your typical kind of preppy girl, caring for others, fun-loving and outgoing. She loves nothing more than going to a party, other than maybe hosting one. Despite the fact she's not the most intelligent person she loves to read and excels at most literature subjects. She's a vegetarian so stays away from meat and oddly she also has a dislike for cake, although she's unsure why. Despite her kind and selfless disposition she's rather arrogant and takes a great love in her appearance, she's also as stubborn as a mule when it comes to her points of view. When it comes to conflict she's not once to back down and decide that some things are best left alone but will argue until she's blue in the face.
Ava Lakewood grew up in the royal society. She grew up with two loving parents, Michael and Lucy Lakewood and her siblings: Olivia Lakewood (13),Ryan Lakewood (15) and Adrian Lakewood (20). Her mother is a lawyer and her father is a doctor, so their family was always alright for money, meaning she got rather into fashion and nice clothing. Unlike her parents though she doesn't have their brains, other than when it comes to literature. She loves to read. Ava was born to an alpha pair, although she never liked the thought of the system. She was always trying to break out of it, avoiding her royal duties to help out the others around her.
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Edited on 15/12/16 @ 17:00:23 by ~Kiannia~ (#27008)

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 12:16:17
The last time she had seen Draco he'd said bye and she had waved to him, whilst bother were taken away by their parents. Now she was older, the thought of that night never came to her anymore. It was a vague childhood memory if that, she didn't remember anything else but the waterfall. Now she was more how her parents wanted to be, but they'd also given in to her wanting to help others. Today was a day she was helping others, right now she was heading to a well to get some water. Her town was a little old fashioned in the way they survived , but all modern technology was there. The main problem in her life was he parents obsession with her love life, the last place she wanted them. Her older brother had already suffered at the hands of her parents, needless to say Ava was not a fan of his wife. The thought made her shudder. I don't care what her family was like, if you ask me she needs to tone down the arrogance she thought to herself.

a few hours passed and she had finally finished her tasks, so decided to go and sit on her favourite rock at the edge of the territory. It was usually silent there, giving her space from the crazy life back home. As she walk her hands went into her shorts, after all it was a rather warm summer day.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 12:35:33
Draco had turned into a handsome young man that a lot of the girls in their hometown adored. They all desired his attention but he was not much for giving it as he knew it was likely his father would pick for him. His mother had promised to not do this to him but since his father often got his way they comprised. Her and his father would pick a few girls and let him choose between the options they gave. It was more freedom than they were gave as children. They got lucky because they were already good friends. Draco often stayed home just to stay away from all the girls that he couldn't get to close to but today he had gone out of the house to escape his mother and father's bickering over things that didn't matter.

He walked through the town and headed out into the forest. It was really warm and the sun was beating down on his face. He went and laid next to a lake, in the tall grass. He hoped no one would find him there. He was not alone however. A young girl, probably around fourteen, had followed him. She was quite obsessed with him. She watched him from afar, Draco could sense her presence. Allison. You know I know that you are there.. go away." he snapped. The young girl turned bright red in the face and took off. Draco didn't mind the attention girls gave him in fact he rather enjoyed it but she was young and he was not interested in being bothered at the moment. He got up and walked further out until he stepped into neutral territory. Neutral but that didn't mean welcoming.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 13:00:37
Ava had grown to look just like her mother, although she had her father's hair. Her father had chosen her mother for the way she looked, but they didn't have much time when finding him a bride. Luckily she was mostly left alone due to the threat of her father and brother, it was a rather big threat too. As she sat upon the rock she heaved a sigh, it was then she heard familiar voices. "Are you serious right now Olivia!? I show her this place once and she takes over!" anger filled her voice. Without thinking she took straight off into no man's land, hoping her younger sibling wouldn't see her.

She WS jogging lightly, after all she didn't want to ruin any of her clothes with dirt. Once she figured she was far enough away walked, staring about her. "Wait do I know this place?" she wondered outloud. Soon the gentler sound of a waterfall met her ears, so she headed towards it. Something seemed familiar but she couldn't out her finger on what it was.

(Sorry this is short, I'm on my tablet)

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 13:12:50
(That's fine :] it's long enough)

Draco was walking around pretty aimlessly. He was trying to find a quiet place to relax for awhile. He was heading to the east when he started to hear rushing water. What the? he thought curiously. He followed the sound until he reached what appeared to be a waterfall. He felt as though he remembered it but couldn't think of how. He didn't recall being her but it felt as if he had for some reason.

(Sorry short post running to the store for a snack. Will be back in like a 5 minutes lol)

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-16 04:23:27
(Its fine, I ended up having to go to bed)

Ava soon had the waterfall in her sight, it was so familiar yet so different. As she walked towards the tumbling water she didn't notice the other person there, she was captured by it's beauty. "I must've been here when I was younger, maybe dad took me here" she spoke to herself. Just then she collided into something, or was it someone?

"Sorry" she spoke, feeling rather bad about whom shed walked into. Then the smell hit her nose, a frown now coming onto her face. "You're one of them, what are you doing here?" her voice was harsh. Although her eyes couldn't help but be captivated by the way he looked.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-16 04:42:31
Draco had been looking around when he felt a sudden force push into him. He snapped his head back around to face whomever or whatever had ran into him. His brows furrowed as anger filled his body. "What does it matter to you! This is not your turf either." he snapped. His eyes were a beautiful grey but full of anger. He did not recognize her by looks or even by scent because it had been nine years ago that they had met. He glared at her, "You ran into me!.. why are you here?!" he demanded with a more than hateful tone to his voice. He stood very stiff, ready to react if she gave him a reason to.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-16 08:45:09
"This land is closer to my territory than yours, what were you doing trying to head over that way? Finally realized that you can't stand that side and their arrogance?" she scoffed. This last remark was more of a jab, after all shed noted the arrogant air around him. "I ran into you because I was actually admiring the beauty of nature. Although you probably think the only beautiful thing is your ego" she snorted. Right now she was rather proud of her retorts, a smug look upon her fave as she stared him down.

(Sorry its short, I'm a little busy)

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-16 09:28:51
Draco cocked his head to one side. "Excuse me? It still isn't part of your land therefore it doesn't matter. Arrogance? I wouldn't call knowing the truth, arrogance." he spat back. He was circling her now, like a shark before it attacks. He laughed when she mentioned his ego. "I'm sure you don't find nature as beautiful as you think you are." he snapped defensively. His eyes were narrowed on her. He wondered what she was thinking. "If I were you'd I would back down." he growled.

(That's fine. I don't mind ^.^)

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Edited on 16/12/16 @ 20:58:17 by 💎Zelda Grim💎~Hexa Feline (#8456)

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-18 10:17:29
"Even so, at least I don't wander so far from my own territory. Then again if I smelt as bad as you lot I'd want to be this far away" it was clear she wasn't about to back down to his insults. It had been a long time since someone had mathced her wit and insult like this, she was kind of enjoying it. "Oh so you think I'm as beautiful as nature, why thank you for the compliment" she twisted his words, hoping it would get to him slightly. As he circled her she turned, always keeping her eyes fixated upon him and staring him down with an angry glare. "I'm not scared of you, after all your pack are probably all talk and no action. You think you know the truth but what do you really know about anything?" she scoffed. His words had annoyed her far enough, especially the last words. Who was he to tell her to back down? Did he really think she was that weak? Without thinking her hand came flying out, aimed right for his face to give him a harsh smack across it.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-18 10:36:33
Draco glared at her as she further insulted his family. Parts of what she was saying was true. They were downright dirty when it came down it, lying and conniving. They did whatever they could to make others afraid of them or to gain more power. "That wasn't a compliment. I said you think you are.. not you are. My family may not be the nicest but that doesn't define our worth. I'm sure we are worth more than the filth that you call family." he growled. It stunned him a bit as she slapped him across the face. No one had ever done Draco that way. Draco seemed to lose control and shifted quickly into a very large white wolf. Ears laid back and teeth bared, he retaliated with one fierce swipe of a large paw. Anger rushed through his veins like wildfire. "How dare you!? he growled.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-18 10:43:46
"Yeah, yeah, yeah" she dismissed his talk about her twisting his words, hoping to seriously annoy him. "I'm pretty sure how you treat others does define your worth. After all the worse you treat people the more they hate you, surprised there hasn't already been an uprising. Oh wait you probably kill the people who hate being opressed pretty quickly, leaving you with a village of mindless worship monkeys" she snapped. It was clear she was getting more and more angry, simply by the fact she had begun to articulate more. It was odd. Most people returned to dumber insults, hers seemed to get more intricate as they were fuled by her rage. Looking at his stunnde face she smiled, proud of how she may of left him feeling. Noticing him shift she did so also, but his swiping paw caught her across the face. A loud growl errupted from her. "First time someones stood up to you then huh? What you can't take it when someone makes you realise what you really are? A pathetic, spoilt, coddled little brat who wouldn't last a day on his own" she snarled at him. Her lips peeled back to show her fangs, showing her true anger. However she didn't lunge at him just yet, wanting to make him so angry that he'd do it and forget reasoning. This is something she usually did with her older brother. Sure he was stronger than her, but that didn't count for anything when you didn't think things through.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-18 10:57:53
Draco snarled and snapped at her, "I think your family is just afraid of a little bloodshed.. That's what everyone says anyway. You wanna act tough but I really don't believe you want to hurt me. I think insults are more in your taste than blood." he said as he looked at her with a grim look in his eyes. He wasn't moving until she touched a nerve. How dare she talk to him like that? It wasn't something he was used to and it just added fuel to the fire. He stepped forward, getting eye to eye and snout to snot next to her. "I'll warn you one last time, run back home to your mommy and daddy." he spat, seeing as telling her to back down struck a nerve. His rage was boiling and it wouldn't take much for him to lose control and attack.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-18 11:05:30
"There's a difference between shedding blood when needed and simply killing people because you can! Those people are something to someone, not that you'd know. Not like you actually get love from anyone anyway, after all anyone who does get love wouldn't act like you" she snorted. Her fmaily had spilt blood before, but it had never been innocent. The last one she remembered was someone had abducted a child, what they were going to do to that child was unforgiveable. So they were killed, publically executed by her own father. "I'm not the one whos so adiment that the other should run home, maybe you are a coward? Deep down inside you're too scared to actually get any blood on you, but you can't let your parents know or they'd disown you. So instead you put up this front and get others to do it for you, isn't that right?" she analysed him. Her brother was a little more attack inclined, so she knew what those signs looked like. Something about him made her wonder if he was perhaps a little different to what she had first thought.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-18 11:13:02
Draco didn't let on but part of what she said made the gears inside his head start turning. He shook the thought and growled at her once more. When she spoke her last words, he snapped. With a viscous snarl, he jumped on her, sinking teeth into the back of her neck. He shook violently but he also let go briefly, "Insult me and my family again.." he spat. He lunged at her again. He was not thinking anymore, he wasn't even listening. He couldn't even here the thundering sound of the waterfall and rushing water behind them.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-18 11:22:54
As his first lunge took her by surprise he grabbed the back of her neck, although she managed to get some good kicks to his chest with her hind legs. Once he let go she took a breath, watching him from the corner of her eye. Once more he lunged forwards, but this time she managed to turn her body and avoid him. Grabbing his tail as he went past she yanked upon it as hard as she could, also making sure to sink her fangs in as deeply as possible. After the singular sharp tug she let go, looking at him again. "You're all murders, cold blooded and heartless. But you can't bring yourselves to do it personally so you make people shed the blood for you. I bet everyone you've killed is innocent, if you can name me one who wasn't right now I'll retrct my statement" she spoke. It was almost as if his challenege made her want to insult him more, after all he was literally asking her to do it. Now she ran at him, although her anger hadn't clouded her mind. She truely believed he family were good, if they were right was a different matter. In all fairness she hated this whole stupid royal blood dispute, but she was glad she was at least a royal on one side so she could make things better for her people.

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