Posted by Werewolf rp

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-13 13:04:20

Ava is your typical kind of preppy girl, caring for others, fun-loving and outgoing. She loves nothing more than going to a party, other than maybe hosting one. Despite the fact she's not the most intelligent person she loves to read and excels at most literature subjects. She's a vegetarian so stays away from meat and oddly she also has a dislike for cake, although she's unsure why. Despite her kind and selfless disposition she's rather arrogant and takes a great love in her appearance, she's also as stubborn as a mule when it comes to her points of view. When it comes to conflict she's not once to back down and decide that some things are best left alone but will argue until she's blue in the face.
Ava Lakewood grew up in the royal society. She grew up with two loving parents, Michael and Lucy Lakewood and her siblings: Olivia Lakewood (13),Ryan Lakewood (15) and Adrian Lakewood (20). Her mother is a lawyer and her father is a doctor, so their family was always alright for money, meaning she got rather into fashion and nice clothing. Unlike her parents though she doesn't have their brains, other than when it comes to literature. She loves to read. Ava was born to an alpha pair, although she never liked the thought of the system. She was always trying to break out of it, avoiding her royal duties to help out the others around her.
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Edited on 15/12/16 @ 17:00:23 by ~Kiannia~ (#27008)

dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-21 11:03:56
Draco laughed at her as she rolled around on the ground. He looked down athe the papers then back at her. He did this a few times before giving a gentle smile
. "Fine. I guess you can have them back. You don't have to do anything to get them back.. besides stop giving me those pitiful eyes of yours." he said with a giggle. He laid back and looked at the sky. He hadn't done that since he was little. It was actually the first time he had had any kind of fun in years. He laid still and closed his eyes. He actually felt relaxed here.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-21 11:15:17
Avas eyes lit up as he gave her the papers, she placed it on the ground and nodded her head. "Alright, I shall stop with the eyes" she stopped the puppy dog eyes and lay back on the ground. She shuffled a little closer to him, trying to peer through the gap in the tree tops up to the sky. "There's a cloud up there that looks like a wolf" she spoke softly, having noted him closing his eyes. Placing her hands behind her head she stared up, finding shapes in the could and watching them roll by. "This is nice" she sighed softly. To her this was a perfect life: Relaxing under the sky after a day of helping others out, living her life as she wished and spending time with friends. She crossed her left leg over her right, staring at the sky and simply thinking about nothing of any importance.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-21 11:29:08
Draco looked at the cloud and smiled, "It does. he said. He closed his eyes back and didn't anything else. It wasn't long before he actually fell asleep. He was wore out from the night before. His new "girlfriend" had kept him up almost all night wanting to talk and wanting him to stay up with her. Occasionally he would twitch or jerk in his sleep.

Draco's new girlfriend was at home and very angry that he had been gone so long. She was already asking his friends where he was. She was not pleased about this one bit that no one knew where he was.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-21 11:47:35
Ava chuckled a little as she saw Draco fall asleep, but made sure to keep herself a little quiet. It appered he was very tired, although she didn't know why. Standing up as slowly and carefully as she could, she made her way to the small pool of water under the waterfall. The water didn't seem too fast running today so she walked in, it was cooling and made her smile. She began to swim around, simply wasting her time and doing as she pleased with the time she had. She had no idea what would be waiting for her at home, probably a lock down situation and a forced choosing but she wasn't looking forward to it.

Back home Avas father had kept everyone waiting, telling them she would be home soon. The truth was he had no idea where she was or how long she would be, but he was determined to make her choose today now. She had disappointed him and disobeyed him one too many times, which angered him. However he also knew that sending someone after her was a bad idea, she'd probably run further away and possibly put herself in danger. Right now the family played a waiting game.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-21 12:05:31
Allison was beyond angry. She had bombarded everyone in their town with questions about where Draco was. It was when she came across Sabrina that her luck changed. She pretty much bullied the young girl to tell her where she last saw him. She stormed off into no man's land to hunt for him.

Allison hunted for awhile before catching his scent and a new one. She followed it until she came into the vicinity of where Draco and Ava were. Allison huffed as she caught glimpse of Ava. She had not yet seen Draco and she was furious. She stormed up to Ava, "Excuse me, have you seen a guy with blonde hair. He's about 5'9 and pretty pale." she said sounding concerned.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-21 12:16:58
Ava stopped swimming and got out of the water, wringing her hair out a little. Looking at the blonde girl in front of her she sighed. rolling her eyes. "Nope, not seen him anywhere. Maybe try that way" she spoke, pointing in the direction of her own territory. She didn't want to rat out the sleeping Draco, especially since she could gather who this girl was. "But I'd be careful going that way, the territory belongs to my family and we don't take kindly to people like you" she spoke. Admittedly she knew she didn't really feel that way, but for the sake of right now she was being that person. "Maybe you should just go home, trust who ever you're looking for and tone down the phycopath vibe" she gave a sarcastic smile. She hated this girl. Why did she hate this girl? She didn't know why but it was a deep and burning hatred she felt, something she hadn't felt before. Her arms crossed in front of her, taking a defensive stance. She wondered how the girl in front of her would react.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-21 12:34:37
Allison watched Ava closely. She didn't trust anyone so she immediately reacted, "You're lying!... We don't take kindly to you either. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving until I find him. You plan to make me?" she said with an incredible amount of sass. She was a downright bitch. She was probably one of the worst girls in their entire town. She was mean and didn't play fair. She was staring at Ava like she wished she'd just drop dead. That was probably what she wanted at the moment. She didn't like any girl who she felt was equally as pretty or prettier than her. Anyone who could potentially give her a run for her money on anything. She put her hands on her hips, feet spread a bit, with a dirty scowl on her face.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-21 12:43:52
Ava heard the words and began to smile softly, although her eyes showed the smile wasn't meant. "I gave you a chance to leave, but alright then" she shrugged, unfolding her arms. Ava swept her leg out, taking the girls down to the floor before shifting into her wolf form. "Now seriously leave. I have no idea who you're talking about and don't take kindly to pathetic girls threatening me. He probably ran far, far away from you which I don't blame him for" she growled softly. She felt more confident in fighting when she was in her wolf form, she was steadier and had more control. Now she walked onto the girl, pinning her down and snarling in her face. Snapping a centimeter from her face she then backed off, making her warning even more clear. She hoped the girl would take this and simply leave, although it didn't seem like it would go this way.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-21 12:53:59
Allison somewhat expected Ava's response. She pretty much was asking for it. She looked up into Ava's eyes and grinned a cocky grin. She didn't say anything though. Once Ava got off of her she shifted as well. "So this is how you want to play it." she snapped. All the fur down her back was raised and her teeth bared, ears flat against the back of her skull. She then jumped at Ava, standing on her back feet over top of her. She chomped down on Ava's ear and pulled. She had no intentions of playing fair. She was viscous but besides her bite she didn't have much power to her. She wasn't much muscle.


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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-21 22:38:43
Ava watched as the girl shifted, feeling the weight upon her back sent her hackles straight up. With a growl she threw herself down onto the ground, rolling so that the other wolf was underneath her. Now she began to wiggle, trying to cause as much pain as she could whilst crushed the she-wolf against the ground. Standing up again she snarled, unable to tell if the other wolf still had hold of her. The adrenaline in her body had numbed any pain she could feel. Now turning her head she managed to grab a hold of the other girls hind leg, tugging harshly on it. This was one fight she could win on pure strength. "Give up and maybe I'll let you go home in one piece" she spoke through a mouthful of leg. She didn't want to kill the other wolf, but harm her greatly was definitely something she wanted to do. She'd never felt such anger, why she was so angry she still had no idea.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-22 01:59:58
Allison didn't like being pinned down, she glared up at Ava. She started playing the victim. "Please, I'll go. I'll go. Just let me go." she begged. She wasn't done yet. She had a handful of tricks up her sleeve but she did know that this was a fight she couldn't win. She was smaller than Ava and didn't have as much strength behind her attacks. She looked up at Ava as if she had given up the fight, in hopes Ava would turn her loose.

Draco was waking up nearby, yet he still didn't know what was going on. He was drifting in and out of a light sleep.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-22 05:37:29
Ava placed a paw on the other girls throat, pushing softly. "I know what your kind are like, swear on your own life you won't come back. If you do or don't leave I will kill you" the tone in here voice sounded like she meant it. In actuality she couldn't bring herself to kill someone, not that anything in her voice showed this. She pushed down a little harder, trying to make her point as clear as possible. Staring down the other she, a growl rumbled in her chest. Another reason she couldn't kill this girl was the repercussions it would have for Draco, she didn't want to be the cause of ruining her life. That and she didn't want him to think she was a monstrous killer like he used to.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-22 08:48:36
Once Ava let her up, she walked around her. She seemed to be walking away but she paused mid step and turned her head to look back at Ava. "You're a fool. You've messed with the wrong one sweetie." she said before strolling off. She was going home but she had a reason behind it.

She arrived home a few moments later and she went right to Draco's father and told him about the girl in the neutral territory and that that's where Draco may be. His father was furious but even more so curious. He set off to find his son. He wasn't alone, Allison and two others followed in his footsteps.

Draco had fallen back into a deep sleep, curled up under one of the locations beautiful trees.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-22 11:33:16
Ava watched the girl walk away, anger filling her up. "That's where you're wrong, it's you who should be worried" she called after the girl. Shifting back to her human form she went to where Draco was sleeping, taking hold of his shoulders and shaking him vigorously. "Draco wake up will you! I've just had a run in with that girl you were talking about. She was paranoid and pissed" she spoked, unsure of if he was actually awake or not. Regardless she continued to shake him, wanting to make sure he was fully awake. She wasn't sure what the girl would do but she was taking no chances. Her ear was still bleeding from where the girl had bitten it. "What is it with you lot and taking out my ear" she frowned, gently touching the sore wound she had.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-22 11:50:46
Draco was sleeping peaceful when he felt himself being jarred awake. His instincts almost caused him to swing on Ava. He was trying to keep up with what she was saying to him. "What the hell. Slow down, slow down. Allison was here?" he said scrambling to his feet. He knew this was bad news. He had a feeling Allison was going to have it out for him when he got home. He looked at Ava, who was touching her wound. "Well we go for what hurts, that's just what we do. Inflict as much pain as possible. I'm sorry that happened." he said as he paced back in forth as if trying to wake up more.

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