Posted by Survivors - The Crash

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-01-11 18:12:37
Death. Imminent Death. That is the only though that crosses your mind as you frantically clutch the armrests of your chair, screaming at the top of your lungs as the plane nose dives towards the ground, the wind screaming past your ears. Through the window, you can see the sky flashing past, and the greens and browns indicating the ground growing ever nearer. You are aware that you are going to die.

But let us rewind for a second. Rewind back to a time where you didn't fear for your life. Back to a time, or THE time, that started this whole mess. You were just a normal person, a high school senior studying to get accepted at a decent college. Until that fateful day. That day where you received a letter in the mail that changed your whole life.

Dear Applicant,

After reviewing your submission, we have decided that your are the

person we have been looking for. Congratulations! You have been

accepted on MichaelReality, the hottest Teen Reality TV, hosted by our

very own Jorg Michael. Your attendance is required at Rio de Janeiro

Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on x/xx/xx. More information provided on

back of letter. Reply is not mandatory.


For a while, you couldn't even believe it. You and your friends, as a joke, had applied for a chance to be Reality TV. No one actually expected to be accepted. Once you had told your friends, they couldn't believe it until they saw the letter, and you felt so smug that you had been actually accepted and they hadn't. It had been so exciting. You had scraped together your savings to buy a plane ticket to Brazil, only to be more surprised when a second letter came, assuring you that the hotel you would be staying at was already paid for, along with a plane ticket to Brazil, so you wouldn't have to buy one. You would have to drive a couple hours to the specific airport though, as it wasn't one near you.

You packed your luggage, excited for the journey you were about the face, having no idea how it would really turn out to be. If only you had known. As you said goodbye to friends and family and boarded the plane, you also met with the other contestants, who had driven to the same airport from very far away, not willing to spend money for a plane near them when they had already been provided with free tickets. In all, there were fifteen of you.

Excited and nervous at the same time, you all put your luggage away in the cargo hold of the plane, which was very fancy and seemed built to hold exactly all of you. Each person had a specific seat, where they would find some toy or trinket that they could amuse themselves with. You all prepared yourself for the flight, awkwardly joking and attempting at flop conversations. Once you took to the air though, you all minded your own business, and the plane became quiet.

After many long hours, you found yourself flying over the most beautiful thing you had ever seen - the Amazon Rainforest. It was breathtaking, and you found yourself staring out as you flew past, admiring the beautiful landscape. Suddenly, the plane started to shake, and you were thrown back from the window, almost thrown out of your chair. However, you managed to stay in your seat, though were slightly shocked and now a little scared.

"Dont worry, everyone. I'm pretty sure it was just turbulence." One of the other contestants said, which calmed everyone down a bit, including yourself. At least until the shaking started up again, this time more violent, and you clutched to your seat, alarmed. When it settled a bit, you got up.

"I'm gonna check on the pilot. Just to make sure we're ok." You told the others. They nodded and watched you as you made your way to the door that led to where the pilot, a cheerful man with a blonde mustache, was flying the plane. You entered hesitantly, closing the door behind you.

"Sir? Um, I just wanted to see if everything was alright here..." You piped up, but was alarmed to see the pilot slumped over the controls, one of his arms dangling uselessly at his side. You approached cautiously, tapping him on the shoulder. "Sir, are you alright?" You asked again, but he did not reply, instead, he fell out of his chair onto the floor, and you screamed. His eyes were empty and his face gaunt. The stench of death covered him, and you almost threw up. You ran back out to the others, tears streaming down your face. They stood up, alarmed.

"Whats wrong? What did he say? Are you alright?" Many voiced concern at your appearance, but you just shook your head and pointed to the cockpit. "H-hes.. Dead! Dead!" You managed to choke out in a strangled voice before you started to cry. A cry of alarm rippled through your fellow contestants, but there was nothing anyone could do, because at that moment, the plane started shaking more violently than ever before, and it seemed to tip forward until it was in a nose dive downward. People started screaming, and one voice cried "Get to your seats!"

Unable to do anything else, you did just that, helpless against what was happening. And here you are, as the plane dives towards your death, your heart thumping violently in your chest. "Were crashing!" Someone screamed, and you closed your eyes, bracing for impact and for death to embrace you.


You slowly open your eyes, blinking for a few moments. You look around, but your vision is blurry, and you can't see. However, you can smell smoke, and hear the groaning of some people nearby. Your eyes slowly adjust to the light, and you look around. Miraculously, you and fourteen others have survived a crash in the Amazon Rainforest, hundreds of thousands of miles away from civilization. But the Crash was only the beginning. Will you survive, or will the Rainforest claim you as its own?

Alrighty, that took forever to wright! Howdy-do, you lovely person who has managed to read this far without falling asleep <3 So, lets get down to business!

As mentioned, there are only fifteen survivors, so including me, that means that there will only be fifteen people allowed to Rp here. Sorry for all you lovely beans who dont get accepted, your all great anyway! I'll state the rules, now, you you don't have to listen to me ramble ;3

Rules (Everyone's favorite Part!)
-All lioden Rules apply
-Your character might not be accepted, but be respectful anyway! We are all human here, and we all have feelings.
-Do not begin Rping unless I have accepted your character. This means you will have to wait, as I have to look other other character sheets as well, so please be patient.
-If your character is chosen and accepted, you may begin Rping!
-Only 1 character max, to make it fair for others.
-This is a semi-literate to literate Rp, which means a head title to each post and at least 5 sentences, each with 3+ words in them, per reply. If you dont know what a head title is, it looks something like this;

Name~Age~Gender~Sexuality(Optional)~Health Status(Optional)~Mentions:

-Please, please, please be active! I cannot stress this enough!
-Please try to reply as quick as you can so that the Rp can move forward.
-Thats it for now, but I probably will add more in the future.

The Rp will be in this thread. If your talking out of character, simply put what your saying in parentheses (())

And thats it!

Accepted Characters - Our precious beans whom we've thrown into a life threatening situation because we love them so much <3
-Nina Highmark (Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)
-Aster Vanderee (Ravenshadow17 (#72140)
-Luca Eberhart (Pembroke (#717)
-Crisantha Cheyne (。BlazeRed。 (#27478)
-Enza Relic Pierce (Telle Tilla (#152266)

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Edited on 05/03/19 @ 05:36:59 by Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-17 06:45:28
(Added Aster ^.^)

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-17 07:26:59
(Just so y'all know, Nina was the one to check on the pilot .-.)

Nina Highmark - 17 - Female - Mentions: Open

Nina Highmark open her eyes slowly, her vision half blurry and half red. The smell of smoke and fire, as well as a watery smell reached her nostrils, and she groaned. She couldn't feel anything. After blinking for a few moments, her vision returned, though her right eye still saw only red. Why...? Nina reached up a trembling hand to wipe away whatever substance was dripping onto her eye. "Ow!" Nina hissed and wrenched her hand away. Her wrist started throbbing with pain as feeling started returning to her body. Suddenly, Nina screamed as feeling returned to her legs. What..?! What was hurting her..?! Oh Gosh, it felt like her leg was on fire. Nina struggled for a moment to sit up, propping herself up with an elbow, to stare open-mouthed at her right leg. A large piece of debris was covering it, making Nina unable to wrench her leg free. However, from the pain, Nina could tell her leg was probably very badly cut and most likely had pieces of debris lodged in it. Nina looked around as memories came flooding back to her. The plane... It crashed... the pilot...He was dead. Nina gulped, her throat suddenly dry. She considered herself lucky to be alive, and she looked around to see if there were any other survivors. "Hello? Anyone?" She called out, her voice cracking with pain.

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Ravenshadow17 (#72140)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-02-17 13:34:32
(Yay! Thank you!)

Aster Vanderee II 18 II Male II Bi II Bruised but ok II Mentions: Nina

Aster blinked as he came back to awareness. There was a ringing in his ears and it hurt a bit to take deep breaths. He coughed and blinked harshly as the smoke from the crash engulfed him. He carefully and slowly sat up and crawled out of his chair, nearly slipping on the debris. Remembering the person next to him from before, he looked over and gasped. They were gone. He hoped they had just been blown to somewhere else in the plane. Just as he was getting back to his feet, he heard a voice call out. They sounded like they were in pain, and Aster was instantly worried. That crash could have done serious damage with all the shrapnel that he saw spread around. Aster cleared his throat of the smoke and dust and responded.

"I'm here. Where are you? Do you need help?" He called out in the direction of the voice. The smoke was making it difficult to see.

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-18 05:41:32
Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~Possible sprained wrist, damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee

"I'm over here.." Nina called out, her heart soaring when she realized she wasn't alone. She put a trembling hand in the air and waved slowly, trying to catch this person's attention. Due to the smoke, it was hard to breathe and to see, and so Nina, to distract herself from the pain, turned her attention to her breathing. In. Out. Cough. In. Cough. Out. In. Out. In. Cough. She nearly threw up. The smoke had started to clear, and Nina's eyes could see the figure of a boy not to far away. "Over Here." She croaked, her hand still waving to catch his attention. "My leg is stuck.."

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Ravenshadow17 (#72140)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-02-18 11:38:06
Aster Vanderee II 18 II Male II Bi II Bruised but ok II Mentions: Nina

Aster saw the girl's hand in the air and made his way over. He carefully stepped over the debris and smoke to her side. He took in the state of her leg and resisted flinching. It looked incredibly painful. He smiled reassuringly at the girl. "Hi there. Glad I'm not the only one who made it. Let me see if I can do something about your leg." He bent down next to where her leg was caught and slipped his fingers just underneath. He gave it a testing lift and it barely budged. "Jeez this is heavy. I can probably get it high enough to free your leg, but only for a second so you'll have to be fast. On the count of three, I'll lift it and you pull your leg out, ok?" He explained, beginning to brace his arms and hoping his plan would work.

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-18 17:18:49
Luca was accepted and can begin Rping, Pembroke :) luv his accessories, and it'll be interesting to see how he copes if he's blind. also, yes, you can use your example as an opening post :)

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Edited on 18/02/19 @ 17:19:08 by Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-18 17:33:00
Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~Possible sprained wrist, damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee

Nina nodded and braced herself, extremely grateful for this stranger's presence. She tensed as he started counting. One. Her heart started racing. Two. She could hear it, it was so gosh dang loud. Three. She jerked her leg out from under the debris with her hands before the boy dropped it back down with a thump. She moaned in pain, her hands now resting at her sides. The sudden serge of adrenaline slowly faded away, and Nina could now see the extent of the damage her leg had taken. It was covered in scrapes and cuts, and some debris was lodged in her leg still.

Gingerly, she plucked out the shards of the debris, all the while watching the stranger who had helped her. Finally, she spoke, flinching as she plucked out a piece of debris. "I'm Nina. Nina Highmark. Thank you for helping me." Nina offered a weak smile. After she had plucked out the last of the offending debris, she took off her jacket and wrapped it around her bleeding leg, tying it securely. "I hope I'll be able to wash it at some point, or it'll get infected." She muttered to herself. She looked up at the boy, who she realized had very pleasing blue-green eyes, and smiled. "It's not broken, I don't think, so i'll be alright. Mind helping me stand?" Nina asked, holding up her hand.

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Ravenshadow17 (#72140)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-02-18 18:49:36
Aster Vanderee II 18 II Male II Bi II Bruised but ok II Mentions: Nina

Aster braced himself and as the countdown hit three, pushed the metal up as hard as he could. He felt his shoulder's twinge from the weight and just as the girl freed her leg, he dropped the metal down. He shook out his wrists, trying to get them to stop throbbing. He then looked over the girl's leg as she tended to it, relieved that the damage wasn't as severe as it could have been. "I'm glad your leg seems ok." Aster said as put his hand out and gently pulled the girl to her feet. He kept a hand on her to steady her in case her leg gave out. "I'm Aster Vanderee. Nice to meet you, though I wish it was under better circumstances." He said with a slight chuckle. "Can you put any weight on your leg or do you need my help walking?" He questioned, fully prepared to act as her crutch if she needed. At least until they found a safe place for her to sit.

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Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-19 03:47:39
((Yayy! :D Can’t wait to really start!))

Luca Eberhart | 18 | Male | Health Status: Bruised, scratched up, and still blind | Mentions: OPEN

Lucaaaa! A letter! Oh, look, it’s for you! What a surprise! You NEVER get mail. Do you want me to open it up for you?”

And in that moment, Luca’s life turned upside down. As his sister read the letter, he couldn’t believe what was happening. He thought the whole thing would just be a silly joke. His friends thought it would have been even funnier to fill out the application, and if he got accepted, they’d be in for a big shock when he’d left out that minor little detail that he couldn’t see.


It wasn’t funny anymore. Luca lay on the ground in a sad heap. He was coughing from the smoke in the air billowing out of the crashed aircraft. He moved his right arm in an attempt to right himself. Instead, he only yelled in pain- the pain of the irritated gash stinging him to the core. Not to mention the bruising around his body that made everything hurt. Even every little breath was labored and he breathed in the smoky air in tiny gasps. Yet...

Despite the circumstance, Luca forced his left hand to the side pocket of his trousers. His hand reached into the pocket and brushed against the cool aluminum of his cane folded in his pocket. He knew that it probably would do him no good, as he could tell by the dampness and humidity in the air that he was in the middle of the jungle. He then dug just a little deeper into the same pocket to pull out the scrap of “Cabbage” paper. He twiddled it momentarily, feeling the raised braille dots before he put it back into the pocket, leaving the folded cane on the dirty ground next to him.

Was anyone around to help? He hadn’t really made friends with many on the flight, so there was no name for him to call out for help. Even “help” seemed far fetched. What if he was the only one who had survived? If that was the case, he was as good as dead...

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-19 05:48:56
Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~Possible sprained wrist, damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee

Nina wobbled as Aster helped her to her feet. At first, his hand steadied her, but after a few testing steps, she decided that she'd be able to walk, even if it hurt a bit. "Thank you, Aster, but I think I'll be fine to walk. Maybe a little limp." Nina replied, then flinched as a yell pierced the air. It was a boy. Someone else was here. "Hello?" She yelled. "Do you need help?" She saw a movement out of the corner of her eye, and then saw a boy laying on the ground. She started hobbling over to him, wincing every time she applied pressure to her leg. She flopped down by the boy, her eyes watering from the smoke and from the pain. "I'm here, and so is another boy. Do you need help getting up?" Nina asked.

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Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-19 06:25:43
Luca Eberhart | 18 | Male | Health Status: Bruised, scratched up, and whiplashed| Mentions: Nina Highmark

His head was pounding. What was he going to do? Tendrils of smoke further clouded his residual vision. It’s like he was in a heavy fog... or was he? A feeble lift of his throbbing head showed something in the near distance moving towards him. He, of course, couldn’t see the hobbling gait of the survivors. If it was a survivor... and not a Jaguar or any other wild animal. He figured it was futile to run, not that he had any reason to anyway. If a plane had just crashed, surely, it had temporarily scared away some of the denizens of the rainforest.

”Do you need help?” A voice called. It soothes his worries temporarily before he even had time to consider his answer.

A thumping sound next to him told it was another person next to him, as did the faintest hint of blood. It startled him a little, and he jolted in surprise. “Help...?” Luca repeated mostly to himself. He hadn’t considered that there was help for him. “N-no,” he said unconfidently. As if to demonstrate his point, he used his better arm to try and pull himself upright. Pain seared through his bruised and battered body, but he pulled himself upright nonetheless. He even stood up on his legs- albeit, rather awkwardly. He had all the grace of of a newborn giraffe. He legs felt like Jello, and as though he’d been kicked repeatedly behind his knees.

His head spun, and he fell like he was going to fall over before he lowered his body back to the ground. “I might need... some help,... and time,” he said, defeated. “Here,” he offered his right arm with an open gash to the girl. “Is there anything stuck in there?” He asked. His cloudy-grey eyes turned circles a bit before the next few words tumbled from his lips, “I’m blind.”

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-19 15:58:47
@BlazeRed your character was accepted, feel free to jump in :)

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-19 16:08:25
Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~Possible sprained wrist, damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee, Luca Eberhart

Nina was slightly startled at those words. "I'm blind." She couldn't help but wonder if his eyesight had been damaged by the crash or they had already been like that. Despite the situation, a small smile threaded her lips as she watched this boy insist he was fine, only to sit back down in defeat to offer her his arm. Very gently, she placed one of her hands on his arm to steady it, and used her other arm to pluck out a shard of debris, flinching slightly when pain blazed after she moved her leg slightly. "Sorry... I tried to be gentle." She said softly in apology.

"Aster!" Nina called out behind her. "There's another boy here! He might need some help walking for a bit." Nina said. She struggled back to her own feet, gasping quietly when she applied pressure to her injured leg. The blood had already bled through her jacket slightly, and she hissed under her own breath. Again, she gently took the boy's arm, wondering if he needed help standing again. "Need some help?" Nina asked, then coughed at the smoke.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-02-19 17:31:37
Crisantha Cheyne - 18 - Female - Bisexual - Suspected Mild Concussion - Mentions: Nina, Aster, Luca

Crisantha groaned, awaking to a pounding sensation in her head. She squeezed her eyes shut and took in a deep breath in an attempt to make the pain subside, but upon doing this she caught a faint whiff of smoke. Confused, she started to look around, first noticing that she was still strapped into a plane seat. That seemed to jog her memory. She remembered the plane going into a nosedive - people screaming - and now she was here. “Oh, God,” she mumbled, glancing at her surroundings. It looked as if they’d crashed in the jungle. She spotted a few people up ahead. Her first instinct was to go towards them, but as she went to stand the swiftness of the movement sent a sharp, splitting pain through her head.

Wincing, she quickly sat back down, raising a hand to rest on her left temple. She slowly moved the hand around her head, eventually pressing down on a particularly sore spot. There would definitely be a bruise forming there. ’Perfect, I must have hit my head.’ At that moment the reality of the situation sunk in. They had crashed in the middle of nowhere, probably not anywhere near a city, and all her hope rested in the ability of the other survivors (who were probably injured as well), because there was no way she could survive out here alone, no matter how capable she thought she was. Not wanting to try standing again but also too proud to call for help, Cris leaned back in her chair and yelled exactly what was on her mind. ”Fuck!” Hopefully that would get their attention.

(I’m assuming mild swearing is allowed lmao. Thanks for accepting me!)

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Edited on 19/02/19 @ 17:32:02 by 。BlazeRed。 (#27478)

Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-20 02:22:47
Luca Eberhart | 18 | Male | Health Status: Bruised, scratched up, and whiplashed| Mentions: Nina, Cris, and Aster

Luca could feel the girl’s hands take his arm. He could feel her move it slightly as she pulled out a piece of debris. Luca gritted his teeth and sucked in a breath to hold back a cry of pain. The metal debris had burned on the way out of his body, but at least... the pain was over for now. The girl muttered a soft word of apology to him. “It’s alright,” he said through gritted teeth. “It had to come out.”

Pain had been part of Luca’s life, whether he liked it or not. He was born with congenital amaurosis, which meant his eyes stung in pain all the time. The experience even brought old memories back to mind that were too hard to suppress.


”How many times have I told you to stop doing that?! The doctors said that if you keep doing that, your eyes will be all sunken in! Do you want to look like a freak?! Huh?!”

Tears stung Luca’s burning eyes even more. He’d retreat to the safety of his room and lock the door to keep his mother out. And in there, he’d press his fingers into his closed eyes to relieve the pain. His mother would pound and scream on the door in her drunken rage until she gave it up, and stumbled off to her own room or to the kitchen for more alcohol.

And from then on, he would never complain about the pain in his eyes. Though, he’d never stop pressing them to give him some relief.


When the girl called out an unknown name, Luca flinched slightly in surprise. Loud sounds startled him at times, but he recovered quickly. He could hear the girl stand up and hiss and gasp in pain. Where that pain was, he could not see. When she asked if he needed help, he gingerly moved his right arm about, searching for an outstretched hand. He found it, and switched to his left arm. He was careful about pulling too hard on her arm. There was no way that she could fully support the weight of his body, so he did most of the work with his legs. “I might need a little help,” he said quietly. “My legs feel wobbly... and of course, I can’t see where to go through all the wreckage,” he said. “You can... hold your arm out me - bent at the elbow... and you can show me the way.” He said, only now just aware he his voice had continually lowered in volume. I wonder... how many of us made it out? There’s me, this girl, some guy named Aster, and... “Fuck!” The girl who just said fuck. That’s 4... is... that all?

((Sorry, I like to write. Oops.))

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