Posted by Survivors - The Crash

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-01-11 18:12:37
Death. Imminent Death. That is the only though that crosses your mind as you frantically clutch the armrests of your chair, screaming at the top of your lungs as the plane nose dives towards the ground, the wind screaming past your ears. Through the window, you can see the sky flashing past, and the greens and browns indicating the ground growing ever nearer. You are aware that you are going to die.

But let us rewind for a second. Rewind back to a time where you didn't fear for your life. Back to a time, or THE time, that started this whole mess. You were just a normal person, a high school senior studying to get accepted at a decent college. Until that fateful day. That day where you received a letter in the mail that changed your whole life.

Dear Applicant,

After reviewing your submission, we have decided that your are the

person we have been looking for. Congratulations! You have been

accepted on MichaelReality, the hottest Teen Reality TV, hosted by our

very own Jorg Michael. Your attendance is required at Rio de Janeiro

Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on x/xx/xx. More information provided on

back of letter. Reply is not mandatory.


For a while, you couldn't even believe it. You and your friends, as a joke, had applied for a chance to be Reality TV. No one actually expected to be accepted. Once you had told your friends, they couldn't believe it until they saw the letter, and you felt so smug that you had been actually accepted and they hadn't. It had been so exciting. You had scraped together your savings to buy a plane ticket to Brazil, only to be more surprised when a second letter came, assuring you that the hotel you would be staying at was already paid for, along with a plane ticket to Brazil, so you wouldn't have to buy one. You would have to drive a couple hours to the specific airport though, as it wasn't one near you.

You packed your luggage, excited for the journey you were about the face, having no idea how it would really turn out to be. If only you had known. As you said goodbye to friends and family and boarded the plane, you also met with the other contestants, who had driven to the same airport from very far away, not willing to spend money for a plane near them when they had already been provided with free tickets. In all, there were fifteen of you.

Excited and nervous at the same time, you all put your luggage away in the cargo hold of the plane, which was very fancy and seemed built to hold exactly all of you. Each person had a specific seat, where they would find some toy or trinket that they could amuse themselves with. You all prepared yourself for the flight, awkwardly joking and attempting at flop conversations. Once you took to the air though, you all minded your own business, and the plane became quiet.

After many long hours, you found yourself flying over the most beautiful thing you had ever seen - the Amazon Rainforest. It was breathtaking, and you found yourself staring out as you flew past, admiring the beautiful landscape. Suddenly, the plane started to shake, and you were thrown back from the window, almost thrown out of your chair. However, you managed to stay in your seat, though were slightly shocked and now a little scared.

"Dont worry, everyone. I'm pretty sure it was just turbulence." One of the other contestants said, which calmed everyone down a bit, including yourself. At least until the shaking started up again, this time more violent, and you clutched to your seat, alarmed. When it settled a bit, you got up.

"I'm gonna check on the pilot. Just to make sure we're ok." You told the others. They nodded and watched you as you made your way to the door that led to where the pilot, a cheerful man with a blonde mustache, was flying the plane. You entered hesitantly, closing the door behind you.

"Sir? Um, I just wanted to see if everything was alright here..." You piped up, but was alarmed to see the pilot slumped over the controls, one of his arms dangling uselessly at his side. You approached cautiously, tapping him on the shoulder. "Sir, are you alright?" You asked again, but he did not reply, instead, he fell out of his chair onto the floor, and you screamed. His eyes were empty and his face gaunt. The stench of death covered him, and you almost threw up. You ran back out to the others, tears streaming down your face. They stood up, alarmed.

"Whats wrong? What did he say? Are you alright?" Many voiced concern at your appearance, but you just shook your head and pointed to the cockpit. "H-hes.. Dead! Dead!" You managed to choke out in a strangled voice before you started to cry. A cry of alarm rippled through your fellow contestants, but there was nothing anyone could do, because at that moment, the plane started shaking more violently than ever before, and it seemed to tip forward until it was in a nose dive downward. People started screaming, and one voice cried "Get to your seats!"

Unable to do anything else, you did just that, helpless against what was happening. And here you are, as the plane dives towards your death, your heart thumping violently in your chest. "Were crashing!" Someone screamed, and you closed your eyes, bracing for impact and for death to embrace you.


You slowly open your eyes, blinking for a few moments. You look around, but your vision is blurry, and you can't see. However, you can smell smoke, and hear the groaning of some people nearby. Your eyes slowly adjust to the light, and you look around. Miraculously, you and fourteen others have survived a crash in the Amazon Rainforest, hundreds of thousands of miles away from civilization. But the Crash was only the beginning. Will you survive, or will the Rainforest claim you as its own?

Alrighty, that took forever to wright! Howdy-do, you lovely person who has managed to read this far without falling asleep <3 So, lets get down to business!

As mentioned, there are only fifteen survivors, so including me, that means that there will only be fifteen people allowed to Rp here. Sorry for all you lovely beans who dont get accepted, your all great anyway! I'll state the rules, now, you you don't have to listen to me ramble ;3

Rules (Everyone's favorite Part!)
-All lioden Rules apply
-Your character might not be accepted, but be respectful anyway! We are all human here, and we all have feelings.
-Do not begin Rping unless I have accepted your character. This means you will have to wait, as I have to look other other character sheets as well, so please be patient.
-If your character is chosen and accepted, you may begin Rping!
-Only 1 character max, to make it fair for others.
-This is a semi-literate to literate Rp, which means a head title to each post and at least 5 sentences, each with 3+ words in them, per reply. If you dont know what a head title is, it looks something like this;

Name~Age~Gender~Sexuality(Optional)~Health Status(Optional)~Mentions:

-Please, please, please be active! I cannot stress this enough!
-Please try to reply as quick as you can so that the Rp can move forward.
-Thats it for now, but I probably will add more in the future.

The Rp will be in this thread. If your talking out of character, simply put what your saying in parentheses (())

And thats it!

Accepted Characters - Our precious beans whom we've thrown into a life threatening situation because we love them so much <3
-Nina Highmark (Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)
-Aster Vanderee (Ravenshadow17 (#72140)
-Luca Eberhart (Pembroke (#717)
-Crisantha Cheyne (。BlazeRed。 (#27478)
-Enza Relic Pierce (Telle Tilla (#152266)

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Edited on 05/03/19 @ 05:36:59 by Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-23 05:30:15
Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~Possible sprained wrist, damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee, Luca Eberhart, Crisantha Cheyne

Nina sat down next to Luca with a sigh, placing her stick beside her and rubbing her leg with a grimace. She cracked a small smile at Luca's suggestion and even chuckled a bit. After he went, Nina decided to join in. "My name's Nina Highmark. I'm 17. I turn 18 in two days." Nina's voice faltered for a moment, but she picked it up and continued. "I like to sing, and I have decided to name this stick Edward." Nina finished, patting her walking stick with a crooked grin.

She was doing what she always did when she was scared. Cracking really bad jokes to try and lighten the situation. From a good distance, Nina might seem perfectly calm. However, if one looked closer, you could tell that she was almost trembling with fear, and that her breath came in short, quick bursts. She rubbed the cut on her forehead, a developing habit, and tried to smile at the group.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-02-23 08:42:24
Crisantha Cheyne - 18 - Female - Bisexual - Suspected Mild Concussion - Mentions: Aster, Nina, Luca

Crisantha walked alongside Aster, initially clinging onto him quite tightly in fear that she'd feel off-balance again, but she was surprised to find that she was able to walk with relative ease as long as she was being supported - but the throbbing in her head didn't feel like it was going away. She let out a relieved sigh when they reached the other survivors and she had the chance to sit down again. "Thank you," she murmured to Aster once he'd set her down, then she glanced over at another girl who was supporting herself with a walking stick. "Yeah, I think I'm alright."

She would remain in silence when the girl went on to state that there probably weren't any other survivors, continuing to stare off blankly even when she went to throw up. She didn't seem as emotional as the others. She would probably have some sort of breakdown once she got more time to think, but for she was just taking everything in stride. Her first priority was to establish whether or not she could trust these people, and then to come up with a basic survival plan. Once the girl came back, Crisantha opened her bag and took out her water bottle. It was still mostly full, but, sensing they would need to save it, she poured a small amount into the cap and handed it over to her. "Here. It's a thermos bottle, it should still be cold." Hopefully being able to wash out her mouth would help her a little. Throwing up all her food definitely wasn't ideal in this situation.

She fell into silence again as the others introduced themselves, only speaking up once Nina was finished. "I'm Crisantha, but you guys can call me Cris. I'm eighteen years old as well. I don't have many interesting hobbies, but I've been doing kickboxing for a couple years. Not sure how useful I'll be, though, because I'm pretty sure I've got a little concussion." Once she'd finished speaking she looked back at Aster, waiting for his introduction. She almost didn't want this to be over. For now there was somewhat of a sense of normalcy - just a bunch of teenagers introducing themselves to each other - but once it was over they'd have to start discussing what to do next, and at this point she didn't have any idea where to start.

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Ravenshadow17 (#72140)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-02-23 13:00:44
Aster Vanderee II 18 II Male II Bi II Bruised but ok II Mentions: Nina and Luca, Crisantha

Aster felt himself calm down as everyone began introducing themselves. It helped him begin to analyze their situation, and he began planning. After Cris introduced herself, he began. "I'm Aster. I'm 18, and I have some survival training. I also love animals. Full disclosure, if we find wild animals here, I will be trying to tame them." He half-joked.

Once everyone had been introduced Aster began to truly put his plans together. He glanced at the sun and then at the trees behind them. "I think we've been through quite a bit already today so how about we try and find a dry patch of forest to build a temporary shelter? Preferably near a body of water. That way when we wake up, we don't have to go far for a drink."

Aster was honestly a bit surprised with how calm he was. He'd always been one to take charge but he never suspected that in the face of a plan crash that he would respond the same way. It probably helped that the others were either panicked, scared, or injured. It made his protective instincts flare up a bit, and that made it easier to focus.

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Edited on 23/02/19 @ 15:10:04 by Ravenshadow17 (#72140)

Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-23 14:05:36
Luca Eberhart | 18 | Male | Health Status: Bruised, scratched up, and whiplashed| Mentions: Nina, Aster, and Cris

As they each stated their names and a little bit about themselves, Luca listened in. He genuinely wanted to know about them, but also to put names to voices. Though he was blind and he should be good at putting names to voices, he wasn’t the best about it. He knew he’d be able to tell Aster apart from the two girls, because, duh. He’s the only other guy. Differentiating the two girls would be a touch more difficult. Luca busied himself by picking out the different nuances in their voices. He settled on remembering their hobbies- Nina had the voice of a singer, but Cris? Well, he’d never heard a kickboxer’s voice, but he’d file that under “Not-Nina”, however long that would last.

And gosh. Hobbies. Cris is a kickboxer? Aster knows survival skills. I wish I knew something useful out here. Maybe Nina and I will sing Kumbaya together? Luca thought, trying to bite back a stupid grin. That was when he thought too much- and let his mind wander into silly places. He moved his right arm a little, sucking in a sharp gasp that instantly wiped any trace of a smile off his face.

As Aster spike, Luca got the idea that he was taking up a bit of a leader role- at least at the moment. That was fine with him- let the person who knows what they’re doing take charge. After After had finished, Luca had noticed one tho g. And while he would sometimes keep his opinions to himself, he spoke up now. “It sounds good... only there’s one thing. We’re in a rainforest,” Luca said. His left hand skirted across the damp ground by his side. “I don’t know if we’ll find any dry areas. Unless, we can make one... But...” Luca’s eyes wandered off as he turned his head towards the wreckage. “None of us have anything, unless someone has a tarp in their pants pocket and would like to now speak up about it,” he said, trying to be at least a tiny bit humorous. “If all our stuff hasn’t burned up in the crash, we could find stuff... but not now... I’d rather not take the risk in a damaged, smoking plane.” He said.

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-23 16:06:22
Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~Possible sprained wrist, damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee, Luca Eberhart, Crisantha Cheyne

Nina accepted the bit a water with grateful glance at the girl. "Thank you." Nina smiled softly. She listened carefully to everyone, noting what was especially important. Cris could kick box. Aster had survival skills. Thinking it was probably important to mention, Nina piped up. "I have emergency first aid training." She looked down at her leg and then to her stick. She cracked a sheepish smile. "Bad example, but I can make a makeshift sling or cast with this." She took out the swiss army knife in her pocket, which she had up until this point forgotten about, and opened a sharp blade. "It would take some time, though. " Nina added, then put the knife away.

Nina looked over at Luca. He seemed to want to crack a smile, then moved his arm and pain seemed to wipe away that grin quick as light. Nina turned her attention to Aster, who seemed to be taking charge. Fine with her, she thought, she could barely keep it together herself. At least for now. She was about to speak after Aster, but quieted when Luca started talking. She nodded in agreement.

"We should definitely find or make shelter. I would stay here, but..." Nina trailed off, gesturing to the plane, which was still smoking and burning. She didn't really want to stay near here. Just the thought of it made her stomach churn agin, but she kept a serious and stoic face, trying to hide her discomfort.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-02-23 16:56:11
Crisantha Cheyne - 18 - Female - Bisexual - Suspected Mild Concussion - Mentions: Nina, Aster, Luca

Crisantha raised an eyebrow when Aster revealed he had survival skills, and was equally as intrigued when Nina said she knew first aid training. It was weirdly lucky that just the people who had useful skills had survived the crash. Almost like they'd been selected, she jokingly thought to herself. If the other girl knew first aid training she'd ask her what to do about her possible concussion. She didn't really knew what her training entailed, but she was guessing she knew at least a little about head injuries. For now, though, the conversation was turning to where they should go.

It seemed both Nina and Luca were wanting to get away from the plane wreckage, but what Luca had said earlier about finding bags in the wreckage caught her attention. There were bound to be some suitcases strewn around the crash site, and if they contained useful items Cris wasn't going to wait around for an explosion to ruin them. Besides, she thought, noticing the dense foliage surrounding them, if this plane exploded the whole forest would likely catch fire, and then they'd be screwed anyway. "Well, I don't see any raging fire in that wreckage, so I want to try and find some abandoned stuff. Even just a fresh change of clothes - or an actual bag itself - could be useful." Determined, she stood up again. "I'm not asking any of you to come with me, you can even wait a little further from the wreckage if you'd like."

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Edited on 23/02/19 @ 16:56:32 by 。BlazeRed。 (#27478)

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-23 17:16:08
(Do you mind if I use a generator to determine what we find in the wreckage?)

Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~Possible sprained wrist, damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee, Luca Eberhart, Crisantha Cheyne

Nina, as hesitant as she was, decided that it was pretty smart to search the wreckage, and she might even find some proper bandages for her leg. She stood up, winced, and leaned on her handy stick. "I'll help, but if i see a... body... i'm out." Nina said, shivering at the thought. She hobbled over to Cris, her stick making her slightly faster, if slightly more comical to look at.

Nina looked back at the boys. "If you two don't want to help, it would probably be smart to make a camp somewhere." Nina pointed at the smoke billowing out into the sky. "The smoke can be a sort of beacon, for now. If you get lost, come towards the smoke." She stopped, realizing Luca couldn't see the smoke in the sky. However, the smell of smoke was pretty strong, and she assumed you could smell it from a good distance. "Luca, if you get lost, do you think you could find your way back by the smell?" Nina asked, slightly embarrassed to be asking such an odd question. She hoped it wouldn't hurt his feelings or something.

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Ravenshadow17 (#72140)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-02-23 18:23:50
Aster Vanderee II 18 II Male II Bi II Bruised but ok II Mentions: Nina and Luca, Crisantha

"Good point. It would be difficult to find a dry spot. But we'll need one." Aster agreed, a bit worried about their chances.
As Nina and Cris debated searching the wreck, he spoke up. "It would be a good idea to see if anything useful is left Particairlly anything that could be used in building a shelter or keeping warm." He stated, hoping that there would be a tarp or some spare jackets. It seemed warm now but who knows how cold the night would be.

Aster spoke after Nina made her suggestion. "We could probably begin looking for shelter, at least somewhere to spend tonight. Though we'll stay close by, within shouting distance. It wouldn't be wise to stray too far granted we don't know anything about this place." He then glanced at Luca. "Feel up to exploring for a bit?"

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-23 18:32:21
(This'll be random, using random generator to make things interesting xD Generating Possible Items to be found:

-A scarf
-A Jar of Pickles
-A Roll of Duct Tape
-A box of tissues
-A Teacup
-A toothbrush
-A banana
-A pocketwatch
-A dagger
-A handful of change
-A black tarp
-A lemon
-An apple
-A candy Bar
-A candle
-A rock
-A bar of soap
-A handbasket
-A pair of Binoculars
-An orange
-Two small bandage rolls)

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Edited on 23/02/19 @ 18:32:39 by Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)

Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-24 04:05:54
Luca Eberhart | 18 | Male | Health Status: Bruised, scratched up, and whiplashed| Mentions: Nina, Aster, and Cris

At Nina’s piping in that she had some first-aid skills, Luca’s spirits dampened a little. What is it that I can offer them? I can do some cool stuff with computers, but there’s none of those around. I can... memorize routes and feel the changing pressure to determine if I’m at a street. But none of these are “skills”. They could just look and see a street. Maybe I can hear and feel a little better, but what use is that? He considered, and then gave his head the slightest shake.

He peeled up a bit to know that they were considering his suggestion. Maybe that was one useful thing he had? Of course, this was a single circumstance, and there was no telling what may happen in the future that he may or may not be prepared for at all. It seemed as though the girls were willing to search the wreckage- Cris, a little more enthusiastically, or was it... boldly? Than Nina. If those two were willing to search a bit that meant he and Aster would have to scout out somewhere to camp. At Nina’s suggestion that the smoke was like a beacon, Luca took in the scent, coughing a little, which hurt his ribs. He’d remember the smoke in the air, how the air was cloudy with smoke. When she asked if he could smell his way back, Luca cracked a smile, “I’m not a dog. I can smell the smoke here, but I’d have to really remember the way back. If I get lost... well, be prepared for a bird call or something,” He said. He found it quite comical. As a child, if he got lost, he’d wave his cane around scream, “MOM!” Even if his mom wasn’t around at all. It was a surefire way to get people to help him.

Aster asked Luca if he was up for a bit of exploring. The truth was that Lica enjoyed exploring and being outside. As long as he didn’t get lost, he was good. Maybe it was one of the reasons he’d been so excited to get his guide dog. Then, he’d no longer have to bother other people to take him on nature walks when he just wanted to get outside for a bit. Luca nodded his head to the shadow in his vision that he thought was Aster. “Yes. If you could just go a little slower, and help me out a bit if we come across uneven ground,” Luca sai, praying that the others didn’t think of him as a burden.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-02-24 05:11:34
Crisantha Cheyne - 18 - Female - Bisexual - Suspected Mild Concussion - Mentions: Luca, Aster, Nina

Though Crisantha gave no reaction aside from a small nod to Nina's response, she was relieved that someone was going to come with her. Her worst fear right now was to end up lost on her own. She would look around at the space surrounding them while the rest spoke, but still listened to their conversation intently. A smile tugged at the sides of her mouth at Luca's 'I'm not a dog' comment. She admired that he was still able to poke fun at himself, even in this situation. "Don't worry about it. If you get separated from Aster just stay where you are and call for us, we'll find you." She didn't consider herself a very empathetic person, but she understood this must be difficult for him.

"Alright, so you two are out to go find a spot for camp, and me and Nina are going to search for supplies. We'll probably finish up quickly because we don't want to hang around the wreckage for too long. We'll call for you when we're finished, so listen for us." It would make more sense for her and Nina to find the boys once they had supplies. She didn't want them to abandon a potentially good spot for their camp to come get them and not be able to find it again.

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Edited on 24/02/19 @ 05:12:04 by 。BlazeRed。 (#27478)

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-24 06:36:12
(Ehhh... imma generate a few clothing pieces to go with that list as well...)
-Dark wash Jeans
-Cotton-printed dress
-light-weight water-proof coat
-Long sleeved white T-shirt
-Black heeled boots)

Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~Possible sprained wrist, damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee, Luca Eberhart, Crisantha Cheyne

Nina blushed and smiled a bit at Luca's 'im-not-a-dog' comment, but nodded when the boys decided to find a camp. "Alright, then." Nina said, turning towards the plane wreckage, an anxious feeling in her gut. She made her way to the plane door, which has been smashed into pieces. She wanted to check out the front of the plane where the pilot had been, to see if there might've been a first aid kit.

She inched into the cockpit, sighing in relief when she didn't see the dead pilot. She searched for any first aid or clothing or supplies, but only found two small bandage roles and a scarf. She put the bandage roles in her pocket, slung the scarf over her shoulder, and left the cockpit to search the seats. She could only search a few, as many had been damaged or were covered in glass, and the rest of the plane was damaged. Not wanting to get even more cut up then she already was, she decide to stay away from those seats. The only thing she found was a jar of pickles. She left the part of the plane she had been searching, coughed at the smoke, and looked around for Cris.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-02-24 07:12:39
Crisantha Cheyne - 18 - Female - Bisexual - Mentions: Nina

Happy to occupy herself by doing some actual work, Crisantha followed after Nina, trailing only a meter or so behind her as the two of them moved closer towards the wreckage. She noticed the other girl enter what remained of the plane, moving towards the cockpit. She would have followed her if a dark object in her peripheral vision hadn't caught her attention. It was not too far from where the plane had crashed, and, assuming it was luggage that had been strewn about when the plane hit the ground, she went for it.

She kneeled down beside it, moving slowly as to not irritate her head - which was still pounding - and she turned the object over. Her initial thought had been right. It was a black duffle bag. She zipped it open, first spotting the normal items she'd expect to find in a teenager's luggage; two pairs of jeans, a long-sleeved t-shirt, and black heeled boots. There was also a toothbrush and a packet of tissues. As she rummaged through the bag, however, her hand touched a piece of material that felt different from the rest of the bag, and she grabbed onto it, pulling it out. It was a black sheet that blended in with the inside of the bag, and had she not felt it she might have missed it entirely. As she unfolded the sheet she quickly realised that it was much more than that - it was a tarp! And it even looked like it might be just large enough for the four of them. Too relieved to question the strange conveniency of the find, she looked back to where she'd last seen Nina disappear into the wreckage. "Nina? I think I just hit the jackpot!" she called, now smiling again.

(Heyo. Usually I'd wait for other people before posting so soon, but I have to go to bed soon and wanted to give you something to respond to so that I don't hold up the RP.)

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-24 08:06:59
Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~Possible sprained wrist, damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee, Luca Eberhart, Crisantha Cheyne

"Nina? I think I just hit the jackpot!" Cris's voice called out. Nina hobbled over as quickly as she could. "What did you find?" Nina asked, then stopped as she saw the large tarp in Cris's hands. "Imagine that.." Nina muttered, then hobbled over to stand next to her. "Well, the boys'll be happy. I found some bandages in the cockpit, too." Nina said, suddenly feeling very happy. This was an amazing find. "I also found this." Nina said, holding up the jar of pickles. It was cracked in one spot, so most of the juice had spilled out, but was otherwise fine.

Nina set the jar down by Cris and went to search one of the beaten up bags she saw scattered around. She opened up a small suitcase and pulled out a pretty cotton printed dress. "Hm. I might be able to use the fabric as bandages." Nina murmured, slinging it over her shoulder with the scarf. Next she found a light coat, which seemed to be waterproof. Might be useful, Nina thought, slinging it over her shoulder as well. She got up, looked around, and decided to go explore a section of the plane that had been detatched from the rest of the plane. She stepped into it, as it was the size of a small hut. She looked around for a moment, before seeing a small tin box.

She picked it up and opened it. Inside was a candy bar, an apple, and a dagger. A dagger. "Woah." Nina said. She put the candy bar and apple in a pocket of the coat that was overt her shoulder, then held up the dagger. She wasn't new to blades, she carried the swiss army knife everywhere, and she knew how to use it. This shouldn't be to much different, and she could use it he carve out something to help her leg. She left the small wreck and hobbled back to Cris excitedly. "Look what I found!" She smiled, holding up the dagger.

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Ravenshadow17 (#72140)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-02-24 15:27:27
Aster Vanderee II 18 II Male II Bi II Bruised but ok II Mentions: Nina and Luca, Crisantha

Aster smiled at Luca. "Of course. And going slow is probably a good idea anyway. We're in unfamiliar territory and we don't want to miss anything." He stretched slightly and glanced at the forest. The leaves were bright green, and Aster could hear the call of birds and the rustling of other animals. He was both excited and a tad nervous to enter it.

He then glanced at Luca after taking a deep breath. "Let's get going then." He began to walk towards the forest, making sure to walk at a pace that would allow Luca to move carefully. Aster also kept his eyes out for anything that could be useful as well as anything that could trip Luca. The last thing Aster wanted was for the other boy to injure himself.

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