Posted by Survivors - The Crash

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-01-11 18:12:37
Death. Imminent Death. That is the only though that crosses your mind as you frantically clutch the armrests of your chair, screaming at the top of your lungs as the plane nose dives towards the ground, the wind screaming past your ears. Through the window, you can see the sky flashing past, and the greens and browns indicating the ground growing ever nearer. You are aware that you are going to die.

But let us rewind for a second. Rewind back to a time where you didn't fear for your life. Back to a time, or THE time, that started this whole mess. You were just a normal person, a high school senior studying to get accepted at a decent college. Until that fateful day. That day where you received a letter in the mail that changed your whole life.

Dear Applicant,

After reviewing your submission, we have decided that your are the

person we have been looking for. Congratulations! You have been

accepted on MichaelReality, the hottest Teen Reality TV, hosted by our

very own Jorg Michael. Your attendance is required at Rio de Janeiro

Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on x/xx/xx. More information provided on

back of letter. Reply is not mandatory.


For a while, you couldn't even believe it. You and your friends, as a joke, had applied for a chance to be Reality TV. No one actually expected to be accepted. Once you had told your friends, they couldn't believe it until they saw the letter, and you felt so smug that you had been actually accepted and they hadn't. It had been so exciting. You had scraped together your savings to buy a plane ticket to Brazil, only to be more surprised when a second letter came, assuring you that the hotel you would be staying at was already paid for, along with a plane ticket to Brazil, so you wouldn't have to buy one. You would have to drive a couple hours to the specific airport though, as it wasn't one near you.

You packed your luggage, excited for the journey you were about the face, having no idea how it would really turn out to be. If only you had known. As you said goodbye to friends and family and boarded the plane, you also met with the other contestants, who had driven to the same airport from very far away, not willing to spend money for a plane near them when they had already been provided with free tickets. In all, there were fifteen of you.

Excited and nervous at the same time, you all put your luggage away in the cargo hold of the plane, which was very fancy and seemed built to hold exactly all of you. Each person had a specific seat, where they would find some toy or trinket that they could amuse themselves with. You all prepared yourself for the flight, awkwardly joking and attempting at flop conversations. Once you took to the air though, you all minded your own business, and the plane became quiet.

After many long hours, you found yourself flying over the most beautiful thing you had ever seen - the Amazon Rainforest. It was breathtaking, and you found yourself staring out as you flew past, admiring the beautiful landscape. Suddenly, the plane started to shake, and you were thrown back from the window, almost thrown out of your chair. However, you managed to stay in your seat, though were slightly shocked and now a little scared.

"Dont worry, everyone. I'm pretty sure it was just turbulence." One of the other contestants said, which calmed everyone down a bit, including yourself. At least until the shaking started up again, this time more violent, and you clutched to your seat, alarmed. When it settled a bit, you got up.

"I'm gonna check on the pilot. Just to make sure we're ok." You told the others. They nodded and watched you as you made your way to the door that led to where the pilot, a cheerful man with a blonde mustache, was flying the plane. You entered hesitantly, closing the door behind you.

"Sir? Um, I just wanted to see if everything was alright here..." You piped up, but was alarmed to see the pilot slumped over the controls, one of his arms dangling uselessly at his side. You approached cautiously, tapping him on the shoulder. "Sir, are you alright?" You asked again, but he did not reply, instead, he fell out of his chair onto the floor, and you screamed. His eyes were empty and his face gaunt. The stench of death covered him, and you almost threw up. You ran back out to the others, tears streaming down your face. They stood up, alarmed.

"Whats wrong? What did he say? Are you alright?" Many voiced concern at your appearance, but you just shook your head and pointed to the cockpit. "H-hes.. Dead! Dead!" You managed to choke out in a strangled voice before you started to cry. A cry of alarm rippled through your fellow contestants, but there was nothing anyone could do, because at that moment, the plane started shaking more violently than ever before, and it seemed to tip forward until it was in a nose dive downward. People started screaming, and one voice cried "Get to your seats!"

Unable to do anything else, you did just that, helpless against what was happening. And here you are, as the plane dives towards your death, your heart thumping violently in your chest. "Were crashing!" Someone screamed, and you closed your eyes, bracing for impact and for death to embrace you.


You slowly open your eyes, blinking for a few moments. You look around, but your vision is blurry, and you can't see. However, you can smell smoke, and hear the groaning of some people nearby. Your eyes slowly adjust to the light, and you look around. Miraculously, you and fourteen others have survived a crash in the Amazon Rainforest, hundreds of thousands of miles away from civilization. But the Crash was only the beginning. Will you survive, or will the Rainforest claim you as its own?

Alrighty, that took forever to wright! Howdy-do, you lovely person who has managed to read this far without falling asleep <3 So, lets get down to business!

As mentioned, there are only fifteen survivors, so including me, that means that there will only be fifteen people allowed to Rp here. Sorry for all you lovely beans who dont get accepted, your all great anyway! I'll state the rules, now, you you don't have to listen to me ramble ;3

Rules (Everyone's favorite Part!)
-All lioden Rules apply
-Your character might not be accepted, but be respectful anyway! We are all human here, and we all have feelings.
-Do not begin Rping unless I have accepted your character. This means you will have to wait, as I have to look other other character sheets as well, so please be patient.
-If your character is chosen and accepted, you may begin Rping!
-Only 1 character max, to make it fair for others.
-This is a semi-literate to literate Rp, which means a head title to each post and at least 5 sentences, each with 3+ words in them, per reply. If you dont know what a head title is, it looks something like this;

Name~Age~Gender~Sexuality(Optional)~Health Status(Optional)~Mentions:

-Please, please, please be active! I cannot stress this enough!
-Please try to reply as quick as you can so that the Rp can move forward.
-Thats it for now, but I probably will add more in the future.

The Rp will be in this thread. If your talking out of character, simply put what your saying in parentheses (())

And thats it!

Accepted Characters - Our precious beans whom we've thrown into a life threatening situation because we love them so much <3
-Nina Highmark (Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)
-Aster Vanderee (Ravenshadow17 (#72140)
-Luca Eberhart (Pembroke (#717)
-Crisantha Cheyne (。BlazeRed。 (#27478)
-Enza Relic Pierce (Telle Tilla (#152266)

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Edited on 05/03/19 @ 05:36:59 by Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-20 05:58:06
((I don't mind swearing :3 Feel free, just don't use it excessivly)

Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~Possible sprained wrist, damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee, Luca Eberhart

Nina did what he said, holding out her bent arm for him to take. "I'm Nina, by the way. Nina Highmark." She started guiding him forward, when she was startled by a girl's voice. "Hello?" Nina called. Not wanting to ditch the boy she was helping, she called out for Aster. "Aster, there's a girl in the wreck. Can you help her?" Nina asked. She then led the boy away from the wreckage to sit on a nearby tree stump, biting her lip to keep from gasping in pain every footstep. The air was much clearer here, and Nina's previously ragged breaths started returning to normal.

"Are you hurt badly?" Nina asked, her voice full of concern as she stepped back. She had wanted to find him a place to sit away from the smoke, so she could see what he really looked like. He had light brown hair that seemed to want to cover his eyes, and, even though he was blind, he had very lovely grey eyes, in Nina's opinion. However, his eyes seemed sunken into his face slightly, as if they'd been pushed back.

Nina started wiping blood off her face, as it seemed she had a large cut on her forehead. Thankfully, it had stopped bleeding, but Nina found herself wishing for a bathroom where she could take a shower and rid herself of this mess.
Tears pricked her eyes as she remembered her house, where she lived with her brother. She tried not to sniffle, not wanting to alert the boy in front of her.

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Edited on 27/02/19 @ 05:48:10 by Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)

Ravenshadow17 (#72140)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-02-20 13:23:20
Aster Vanderee II 18 II Male II Bi II Bruised but ok II Mentions: Nina and Luca, Crisantha

Aster was glad that others appeared to have survived though he was worried about the other boy. It would be hard enough to survive already, much less being blind. Aster narrowed his eyes and resolved to do what he could to help the others, all of them. He had some knowledge of survival tactics, but he doubted it would be enough.

Aster blinked, shaking away the cobwebs from his mind when he realized that Nina was addressing him. He heeded Nina's words and made his way over to the other girl. He chuckled behind his hand when he heard her curse. "Need any help over there?" He called as he approached.

(Sorry for being late. I wasn't able to get on yesterday.)

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Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-20 14:32:37
Luca Eberhart | 18 | Male | Health Status: Bruised, scratched up, and whiplashed| Mentions: Nina and Aster

His legs were unstable as the girl, whom he now knew as “Nina” guided him forward. He couldn’t tell if it was the spinning feeling in his head slowing the rest of his body and making him stumble, or if his legs had been bruised to the point where they didn’t want to work. He seemed just a bit out of it when he replied, “My name’s Luca. Maybe there was an “s” at the end of my name at one point. Who knows? Anyway. Luca Eberhart, that’s me.” His legs wanted to collapse under him and rest, but he, as well as Nina knew they had to get somewhere where they could breathe easier, and where the survivors could regroup to figure out a plan, and keep note of who all had even made it out of the plane alive in the first place.

Nina called once again to Aster to help the other girl who he had heard let out a curse a bit of a ways away. He could feel her attention return half to him, the other half to her own pain he could hear in her quiet gasps as she guided him whilst hobbling a little herself. Alas, the smoke cleared up a bit the further they got from the crash. Nina released him to sit on a tree stump, while he pawed a bit at the ground to make sure the ground beneath him was clear. He flopped onto his bottom gracelessly and sat with his legs stretch wide in from of him.

“Hurt badly? I don’t know,” he responded to her question. He moved to touch the wound on his right arm and winced in pain. His ribs felt like all of them had been crushed by a steamroller, as did his legs. “I think, there’s scratches here and there,” he said, examining his body a bit, feeling his arms covered in little scratches and scrapes. His pants had been torn in a few places, with a few scratches, but otherwise, mostly okay. “My legs might be bruised. My ribs are pretty bruised up too, so I can’t really lull my pants up for you to look...” Luca trailed off.

Something in the air had changed... was now the time to reminisce about all that everyone had lost. Luca coukdn’t help but to remember another letter that had arrived only a few months earlier.

”Oh my gosh! Luca! You were accepted! You’re finally going to get a guide dog. Oh my god. It’s not even my birthday, but this is like the best birthday present ever! Ohh! It says here that you’ll only have to wait five months before you can go to New York for a month to get your dog! Oh! I wish I could go!”

Classic Charlotte. Or Lottie as he teasingly called her.

She was more excited than he was about his future guide dog. She yammered on all night about the dog that would be coming in a few months, how she wished he got a girl dog, how she wished it would love her (almost) as much as Luca, and curiousity as to what breed it would be. “Oh! I wonder! A Labrador is a good choice, but Goldens Retrievers have that silky fur! Or maybe... I wonder if they have German Shepherds. I wouldn’t really want one of those, but nobody would ever want to hurt or steal from you with a dog like that! It’s just so exciting!”

If he didn’t make it out alive...
He’d never meet his guide-dog-to-be.
And Lottie.
He’d never see her or hear her bubbly voice again.

And with those back, Luca stifled back a few sad sniffles of his own.

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-20 17:35:00
Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~Possible sprained wrist, damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee, Luca Eberhart

Nina couldn't help the few tears that slid down her cheeks, and she knew that the boy, Luca, was trying not to cry as well. Wiping the dirt and tears from her face, she was momentarily glad Luca was blind. She didn't want anyone to see her crying. Forcing her voice to be steady, she replied to Luca's assessment of his wounds. "Oh, I see. I can fetch a stick from somewhere if you need something to help you walk. I don't think you'd be to pleased about me or one of the others leading you back." Nina said, though her voice cracked a little. Back to where?, she asked herself. They were stranded in a jungle, thousands of miles away from civilization.

However, she couldn't bring herself to admit that they were hopeless. She didn't think she would be able to handle that, mentally at least. She tried to distract herself from these thoughts by counting how many scrapes and cuts she had, but after glancing down at her leg, she gave up. She turned to Luca, who seemed lost in his thoughts. "You know, I'm getting the strangest feeling, like we're being watched." Nina thought aloud.

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Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-21 02:38:37
Luca Eberhart | 18 | Male | Health Status: Bruised, scratched up, and whiplashed| Mentions: Nina

I wonder... if anyone knows about this yet? How long has it been? Lottie’s going to know that something is up if I never call her. Too bad for me, but my phone was in my suitcase. But... once everyone’s regrouped, maybe we can see what we can find in the wreckage. Maybe someone brought something other than all my clothes and crap, which are all pretty much useless at this point. Luca was always getting lost in his thoughts when left to his own devices. He had nothing distinct to see, so it wasn’t like he could find refuge in looking at a pretty picture or at a landscape. It was usually him alone with nothing but his thoughts.

“A stick... hm... I don’t know what good that may do me, especially if the terrain is uneven. Actually,” he said. He tried to keep his injured arm steady while his other hand fished through a deep pocket to produce his white cane. Now that he really had a chance to feel it, it was a bit bent up. That was okay, as long as the metal segments could fit together. “I have my cane here. Here’s how you put it together,” he said.

Wincing as he had to move his right now- Luca unfolded his cane, fitting the metal parts into one another- held together by an elastic cord. Once it was unfolded and put together at length, it was massive. While standing, the cane’s length reached his shoulders and it appeared even longer while he was sitting down. He pushed it back behind him until he had the ball on the end of it in his hand. He rolled it around a bit between his fingers. “This is how I feel obstacles- curbs, holes, other little things I can’t see in front of me on a street or sidewalk. Unfortunately, for me...” his mods changed a bit. “This only really works on flat surfaces... because,” he rolled the ball against his palm. “This needs to roll,” he said.

After he’d given his cane demonstration, and dejectedly folded it back up and put it away, was when Nina spoke again, saying she felt like they were being watched. “Maybe we are, maybe we aren’t,” he shrugged. “I’d rather wait until we’ve pulled everyone out of this mess before jumping to conclusions,” he said. He didn’t have much else to do, other than to sigh, which hurt a bit, considering his bruised ribs.

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-21 06:15:18
Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~Possible sprained wrist, damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee, Luca Eberhart

Nina was intrigue as he took out his cane and showed her how to assemble it. Once he put it away, and replied, she nodded. He was right. By now, the smoke had pretty much cleared, and Nina's breaths weren't so shallow. As she waited for Aster, she looked up. The sky was now visible, as the plane had tore down the canopy, and Nina found herself wishing she could hop up and fly away.

After a minute, Nina struggled to stand, then walked over into the dense rainforest. After a few minutes, she picked up a stick that reached to her chest. She examined it for a moment, breaking off small twigs that were attached to it. "This'll do." She mumbled. As she hobbled back over to Luca, she used the stick to support her bad leg's weight, making it easier and much less painful to walk, although Nina did occasionally flinch in pain.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-02-21 07:00:50
Crisantha Cheyne - 18 - Female - Bisexual - Suspected Mild Concussion - Mentions: Aster

Crisantha inhaled sharply, leaning back on the seat and waiting a few moments for the pounding in her head to lessen slightly. She waited for a while, with not another word from the survivors she'd spotted a few meters ahead, and she was about to have another go at standing up when she heard a male's voice. She turned her head, spotting a man around her age with black and silver hair. She'd spoken with a few other contestants before the plane crashed, and even made friends with a blonde, European girl named Elise, but she didn't recognise the boy coming towards her. For a moment she wondered what had happened Elise, but she quickly pushed the thought out of her mind, figuring she probably didn't want to know the answer.

"Yeah, my head's killing me," she responded to the man's question, using her hand to shield her eyes from the sun as she looked up at him, "you're probably gonna have to make sure I don't fall over. I feel really disoriented." She extended an arm towards him, expecting him to help her get up. She didn't like relying on others because it made her feel helpless, but in this case she didn't think she had much of a choice. If she had a concussion she'd need to take it easy.

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Ravenshadow17 (#72140)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-02-21 15:55:59
Aster Vanderee II 18 II Male II Bi II Bruised but ok II Mentions: Nina and Luca, Crisantha

Aster bent down and carefully looked at her. Her pupils where dilated slightly and it seemed likely that she did have a minor concussion. He frowned in concern. "Let's get you over to the others and find you a place to sit down. I'm fairly sure you have a concussion." He explained as he carefully took her hand and helped her to her feet. He then put her other hand around his neck and wrapped a hand around her waist to keep her steady should her balance fail. "I'm Aster by the way. Ready to walk over? If it's too much, I can probably carry you." He added, worried that trying to walk would only agitate her condition. He'd had a concussion before, and Aster hoped that if she did have one, it was minor. They certainly didn't have the means to deal with anything too severe.

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-21 17:07:26
Added OOC Thread link at the bottom of page.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-02-22 01:12:01
Crisantha Cheyne - 18 - Female - Bisexual - Suspected Mild Concussion - Mentions: Aster

Crisantha glanced around while the man spoke, spotting her bag lying on the ground in front of her. She picked it up a slung it over her shoulder before allowing the man to pull her up to her feet. "A concussion. That's just perfect," she said, her tone dry with sarcasm as he wrapped her arm around his neck, steadying her. "Oh my God, you're a giant." She wasn't the tallest of girls, and was often shorter than many of the people she was with, but next to this man she felt tiny. She was surprised she could even reach around his neck.

"Crisantha Cheyne. You can call me Cris," she introduced herself, then gave a short laugh at the image of Aster carrying her out of the plane like some damsel in distress. She'd sooner drag herself out of the wreckage than make herself look that weak. "I think I'll be ok like this. Lead the way."

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Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-22 06:38:33
Luca Eberhart | 18 | Male | Health Status: Bruised, scratched up, and whiplashed| Mentions: Nina

Hearing not much of a response from Nina other than quiet rustling and a hobbling gait, Luca sighed. Maybe she had to remove herself from the situation? To let it sink in that this was real. That this had really happened. He figured she was stumbling away to go vomit into the underbrush. It was times like that that Luca was grateful that he couldn’t see. And now... I’m sure everyone’s bruised and bloodied up. I’m glad I can’t see that. I’m glad I can’t see any downcast faces.

After a few minutes, the rustling and hobbling returned. He could hear something else in Nina’s new walk. It sounded faintly of a broad object being pressed the ground as she walked. A stick, perhaps? He thought. If they were stuck out here with no one to help them, they may as well find ways to help themselves to hold themselves over until their bodies recovered. At least, somewhat.

Strangely enough, Luca was happy to be in Nina’s company for now. She didn’t ask him silly questions, nor did she press her face up against his and stare into his eyes.

”Can you REALLY not see me? Your eyes look normal! Shouldn’t they be all white or cloudy, or just... messed up? I bet you’re faking it!”

Luca chases away those old memories. Hopefully, the other survivors that they managed to pull out wouldn’t act like that towards him...

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Ravenshadow17 (#72140)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-02-22 15:32:00
Aster Vanderee II 18 II Male II Bi II Bruised but ok II Mentions: Nina and Luca, Crisantha

Aster blinked and flushed slightly. "I'm not that tall...." He protested with embarrassment. He was a bit sensitive about his height, though he would be the first to admit how advantageous it was when trying to steal snacks from the top shelf.

"Nice to meet you Cris. Let's go join the others." He said with a smile after she introduced herself. He then helped her walk over to where Nina and the other boy were.

"So is this everyone? Or do you think there are others in there?" He asked, glancing at the wreckage with concern. Four seemed like an awfully small number of survivors. But maybe it would be just enough to get through this.

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-22 17:42:30
Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~Possible sprained wrist, damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee, Luca Eberhart

Nina had been studying Luca for a good while, unbeknownst to him, and was generally pleased. On one hand, he didn't press her with personal questions, and he didn't make a stressful situation more stressful by thinking dark thoughts aloud. Nina looked over as Aster approached, helping a girl along with him. Nina stood up quickly to help him, regretting it when the flash of pain from her leg came, but she quickly brushed it off and pretended it didn't happen. The only thing that might've given her away was the quiet grunt of pain she had made, though only Luca would have heard it had he been listening.

Nina, hobbling over on her stick, smiled kindly at the girl. "Are you alright, Miss?" Nina asked. She couldn't help but feel a bit relieved to see another female face, it made her feel safer somehow. Nina wasn't sure if that was ok to feel, but she would take it anyway. She couldn't help it, she was terrified, though she tried not to show it. She even felt a lot like puking, and the constant pain and ache in her leg wasn't helping matters.

"So is this everyone? Or do you think there are others in there?" Aster asked. Nina turned her head towards the wreckage, but she just looked down at her feet, tears pricking her eyes. She took a shaky breath. "I don't think anyone else made it." She replied, her voice cracking. This seemed to much for her to handle, and she turned and quickly hobbled over to some bushes, where she started retching.

When she was done, she stayed there for a moment, stick clutched tightly in hand, trembling as she composed herself. She wiped her mouth and turned back to the other three with a shaky smile. "Sorry. Don't mind me, Miss." She said apologetically to the girl.

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Edited on 22/02/19 @ 17:46:31 by Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)

Ravenshadow17 (#72140)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-02-22 18:18:37
Aster Vanderee II 18 II Male II Bi II Bruised but ok II Mentions: Nina, Luca, and Crisantha

Aster eyes darkened with grief when he heard Nina's response. No one else. A plane full of teens, kids, and only four survived. He gently placed Cris down on the ground next to Luca so she could rest. "Well if there's four of us, that's certainly better than just one being alone." He said, trying to cheer the others up a bit. But internally, Aster was scared. Scared for their safety, and scared of what might have truly happened. A pilot doesn't just drop dead. At least, they don't and there not be another co-pilot or attendant to take over. The entire situation made red flags flare in Aster's mind. Why would someone want an entire plane of kids to crash? If it had crashed and everyone had survived, he may has suspected it was part of whatever show they were being brought to film. But with so many deaths, he wasn't sure what to think. Regardless, he figured now was not the time to discuss his suspicions. The others seemed to be panicking enough.

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Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-23 03:14:16
Luca Eberhart | 18 | Male | Health Status: Bruised, scratched up, and whiplashed| Mentions: Nina, Aster, and Cris

”So, is this everyone?” A new voice made Luca alert. He could see two vaguely human shapes in his vision. This must be that Aster and the girl who screamed Fuck. I haven’t heard anyone else. he thought. “I don’t think anyone else made it,” Nina commented. Those words from her made Luca bite his lip.

If they were alive and relatively healthy... how was it that they had survived? None of them were particularly knocking on death’s door step. They had all been roughed up by the crash, but no one was dying. It seemed too grim for Luca to suggest searching the wreckage for anyone else or for something useful. It had already been a rough, emotionally charged day, and Luca sure wasn’t ready for them to come across the charred remains of others who hadn’t been as lucky as they were. This, he just decided to keep quiet.

The sound of someone walking away alerted Luca. The boy apparently named Aster had set the new girl down beside him. It must have been Nina who wandered off. And the sound of retching confirmed that. It is her... god, do I feel bad... he thought.

Aster tried to cheer them up, but instead, it fell flat. What was the plan? What were they going to do? Sure, four is better than one in a survival situation, but the number of people didn’t offer any answer as to what they would do next. Now was Luca’s one shot to divert the attention away from moaning about one’s injuries and the situation they were in. “We maybe as well learn a bit about each other... since we don’t know how long we’lol be out here. How about... we say our names, ages, and a thing or two about us? I’ll go first- My name’s Luca Eberhart. I’m 18. Anddd... I play the oboe, oh, and also the clarinet. But I prefer the oboe... and... hm. Oh, yeah. I’m blind.
I don’t suggest you look into my eyes. They move around in circles or side to side and that kinda scares people,” Luca said with a quiet chuckle, easing up a bit enough to poke humor at his blindness. It was always something he could joke about, even if it seemed weird to others to be so casual about it.

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