Posted by Survivors - The Crash

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-01-11 18:12:37
Death. Imminent Death. That is the only though that crosses your mind as you frantically clutch the armrests of your chair, screaming at the top of your lungs as the plane nose dives towards the ground, the wind screaming past your ears. Through the window, you can see the sky flashing past, and the greens and browns indicating the ground growing ever nearer. You are aware that you are going to die.

But let us rewind for a second. Rewind back to a time where you didn't fear for your life. Back to a time, or THE time, that started this whole mess. You were just a normal person, a high school senior studying to get accepted at a decent college. Until that fateful day. That day where you received a letter in the mail that changed your whole life.

Dear Applicant,

After reviewing your submission, we have decided that your are the

person we have been looking for. Congratulations! You have been

accepted on MichaelReality, the hottest Teen Reality TV, hosted by our

very own Jorg Michael. Your attendance is required at Rio de Janeiro

Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on x/xx/xx. More information provided on

back of letter. Reply is not mandatory.


For a while, you couldn't even believe it. You and your friends, as a joke, had applied for a chance to be Reality TV. No one actually expected to be accepted. Once you had told your friends, they couldn't believe it until they saw the letter, and you felt so smug that you had been actually accepted and they hadn't. It had been so exciting. You had scraped together your savings to buy a plane ticket to Brazil, only to be more surprised when a second letter came, assuring you that the hotel you would be staying at was already paid for, along with a plane ticket to Brazil, so you wouldn't have to buy one. You would have to drive a couple hours to the specific airport though, as it wasn't one near you.

You packed your luggage, excited for the journey you were about the face, having no idea how it would really turn out to be. If only you had known. As you said goodbye to friends and family and boarded the plane, you also met with the other contestants, who had driven to the same airport from very far away, not willing to spend money for a plane near them when they had already been provided with free tickets. In all, there were fifteen of you.

Excited and nervous at the same time, you all put your luggage away in the cargo hold of the plane, which was very fancy and seemed built to hold exactly all of you. Each person had a specific seat, where they would find some toy or trinket that they could amuse themselves with. You all prepared yourself for the flight, awkwardly joking and attempting at flop conversations. Once you took to the air though, you all minded your own business, and the plane became quiet.

After many long hours, you found yourself flying over the most beautiful thing you had ever seen - the Amazon Rainforest. It was breathtaking, and you found yourself staring out as you flew past, admiring the beautiful landscape. Suddenly, the plane started to shake, and you were thrown back from the window, almost thrown out of your chair. However, you managed to stay in your seat, though were slightly shocked and now a little scared.

"Dont worry, everyone. I'm pretty sure it was just turbulence." One of the other contestants said, which calmed everyone down a bit, including yourself. At least until the shaking started up again, this time more violent, and you clutched to your seat, alarmed. When it settled a bit, you got up.

"I'm gonna check on the pilot. Just to make sure we're ok." You told the others. They nodded and watched you as you made your way to the door that led to where the pilot, a cheerful man with a blonde mustache, was flying the plane. You entered hesitantly, closing the door behind you.

"Sir? Um, I just wanted to see if everything was alright here..." You piped up, but was alarmed to see the pilot slumped over the controls, one of his arms dangling uselessly at his side. You approached cautiously, tapping him on the shoulder. "Sir, are you alright?" You asked again, but he did not reply, instead, he fell out of his chair onto the floor, and you screamed. His eyes were empty and his face gaunt. The stench of death covered him, and you almost threw up. You ran back out to the others, tears streaming down your face. They stood up, alarmed.

"Whats wrong? What did he say? Are you alright?" Many voiced concern at your appearance, but you just shook your head and pointed to the cockpit. "H-hes.. Dead! Dead!" You managed to choke out in a strangled voice before you started to cry. A cry of alarm rippled through your fellow contestants, but there was nothing anyone could do, because at that moment, the plane started shaking more violently than ever before, and it seemed to tip forward until it was in a nose dive downward. People started screaming, and one voice cried "Get to your seats!"

Unable to do anything else, you did just that, helpless against what was happening. And here you are, as the plane dives towards your death, your heart thumping violently in your chest. "Were crashing!" Someone screamed, and you closed your eyes, bracing for impact and for death to embrace you.


You slowly open your eyes, blinking for a few moments. You look around, but your vision is blurry, and you can't see. However, you can smell smoke, and hear the groaning of some people nearby. Your eyes slowly adjust to the light, and you look around. Miraculously, you and fourteen others have survived a crash in the Amazon Rainforest, hundreds of thousands of miles away from civilization. But the Crash was only the beginning. Will you survive, or will the Rainforest claim you as its own?

Alrighty, that took forever to wright! Howdy-do, you lovely person who has managed to read this far without falling asleep <3 So, lets get down to business!

As mentioned, there are only fifteen survivors, so including me, that means that there will only be fifteen people allowed to Rp here. Sorry for all you lovely beans who dont get accepted, your all great anyway! I'll state the rules, now, you you don't have to listen to me ramble ;3

Rules (Everyone's favorite Part!)
-All lioden Rules apply
-Your character might not be accepted, but be respectful anyway! We are all human here, and we all have feelings.
-Do not begin Rping unless I have accepted your character. This means you will have to wait, as I have to look other other character sheets as well, so please be patient.
-If your character is chosen and accepted, you may begin Rping!
-Only 1 character max, to make it fair for others.
-This is a semi-literate to literate Rp, which means a head title to each post and at least 5 sentences, each with 3+ words in them, per reply. If you dont know what a head title is, it looks something like this;

Name~Age~Gender~Sexuality(Optional)~Health Status(Optional)~Mentions:

-Please, please, please be active! I cannot stress this enough!
-Please try to reply as quick as you can so that the Rp can move forward.
-Thats it for now, but I probably will add more in the future.

The Rp will be in this thread. If your talking out of character, simply put what your saying in parentheses (())

And thats it!

Accepted Characters - Our precious beans whom we've thrown into a life threatening situation because we love them so much <3
-Nina Highmark (Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)
-Aster Vanderee (Ravenshadow17 (#72140)
-Luca Eberhart (Pembroke (#717)
-Crisantha Cheyne (。BlazeRed。 (#27478)
-Enza Relic Pierce (Telle Tilla (#152266)

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Edited on 05/03/19 @ 05:36:59 by Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-03-02 06:12:15
(oof, sorry for not replying for so long. Been super busy with junk :P)

Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~Possible sprained wrist, damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee, Luca Eberhart, Crisantha Cheyne

Nina started to calm down as the water gently flowed over her leg. It felt so nice, she couldn't help but sigh shakily. She watched Cris lead Luca to the water and smiled at Cris. "Sorry. As you can probably tell, i'm having a mental breakdown. I don't mean to snap, but if I do, feel free to tell me." She said sheepishly. Nina attempted to wash the large cut on her forehead, but her hands were shaking, and she could never get it right.

Finally, she took a deep breathe and dipped her head into the water, using her hand to wash away the blood on her head. She emerged gasping for breath, dripping wet, but she was smiling wider than she had ever since they came here. It had felt so good. The cool, cold water flowing over her head and her hair. Nina just wished it could last forever. She wrung out her hair, though most of it was still dry, and looked around for her blood-stained jacket. She took it and dipped it in the water, attempting to scrub off the blood. Some came off, but it remained a disturbing maroon color. She sighed.

She looked down at her legs. When on the plane, she had been wearing dark blue jeans, but now she seemed to be wearing shorts. On her right leg, her injured leg, her jeans had ripped almost up to her hip. On her left leg, the jeans looked like they had been burnt up to her thigh. She sighed. There was nothing really that she could do about it, so why did it matter? She grabbed her stick and struggled to her feet. She hobbled over to sit quietly next to Luca, deciding she wound watch Cris. She might as well.

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Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-03 03:59:55
Luca Eberhart | 18 | Male | Health Status: Bruised, scratched up, and whiplashed| Mentions: Nina and Cris

Luca had to agree with Cris, in his mind at least. He had enough common sense to know it wasn’t smart to leave open wounds exposed, especially in a damp, moist environment that was optimal for bacterial growth. But, his pride had told him to downplay the scenario. If someone was worse off than him, he would surely want them to receive some bandages before him. Luca simply didn’t want previous resources to be wasted on him. He couldn’t be the worst off- not when Nina was hobbling around as it was. She was more deserving than he was.

Alas, he said nothing and followed Cris to the water’s edge. She told him that he could sit down. A foot felt the dry edge along the river, and Luca gracelessly flopped onto his bottom, letting out a yelp as the sudden jostling had hurt his ribs. He winced as he attempted to straighten himself up to try and explain himself to Cris, who was still by his side. “I think I’ve hurt my ribs in the crash,” he explained. “I don’t know how bad it is, nor what can be done about it...” he trailed off. He couldn’t have just started spooning handfuls of water onto wound, or simply dunked his whole arm into the cold, rushing water. Instead, Luca was silent.

He was considering showing Cris his bruises. But frankly, he was rather shy. Luca knee he didn’t have attractive, chiseled abs like professional athletes and make models. It wasn’t his lack of physical conditioning that he was thinking of. On the forefront of Luca’s mind was about how much he hated taking his shirt off. When he was 8 years old at the pool, someone had told him that his nipples looked weird. Ever since then, he’d been adamant on wearing a shirt almost all the time- even in the pool. But now, Luca sighed. His left arm grabbed the hem of his shirt, and he began to pull it up and over his head. It was awkward- especially trying to get his injured arm through without moving it too much.

He eventually succeeded, and tucked his shirt beside him next to his leg, so that he wouldn’t lose it. Or god forbid, someone take it from him. Embarrassment was evident in his voice and in his face, when he looked in Cris’s direction and asked, “How bad is it?” Once the words escaped from his mouth, Luca heard a splash of water, hobbling, and the quiet thump of someone else next to him. Shit. he thought.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 04:33:04
Crisantha Cheyne - 18 - Female - Bisexual - Suspected Mild Concussion - Mentions: Luca, Nina

Crisantha winced as she heard Luca yelp. In hindsight, she probably should have helped him sit down, but she wasn't sure how much help he did or didn't need. She didn't want him to feel like she was babying him. As he began to explain that it had been his ribs she slowly moved to sit down opposite him, crossing her legs. He trailed off and went silent, making it evident that he was likely embarrassed. She was about to say that it was alright, that they could start with his arm for now, but then he moved to take off his shirt. Despite her lack of formal training, Cris had quite a bit of experience with wounds before, and had actually seen a broken rib in the past.

"Jesus, Raphael, you've gotta stop getting into all these fights! They're killing you!" Bewildered, she was unable to peel her eyes away from the ugly bruising covering her younger brother's chest. He'd been getting into fights a lot recently, and, wanting to keep things a secret from their father, Cris had agreed to help him out with his injuries, but she'd never considered even for a second that things would get this bad. "We need to get you to a hospital, I think you've broken your ribs." She moved to find her car keys, but Raphael grabbed her arm. "Cris, no! Dad will find out. You know how strict he is. He'll probably throw me out of the house," he pleaded, keeping a firm grip on her arm.

She continued look straight at him with a fierce glint in her eyes, showing no sign of shifting her position, so he tried again. "Come on! One of my friends has had a broken rib before, he says that they can't even do anything about it at the hospital, they just leave it to heal naturally. Cris, please." Hearing the desperation in his tone, she finally dropped her gaze, going silent. At length, she finally let out a long sigh. "Fine," she gave in. Her brother released her arm, letting out his own sigh of relief. "But you need to promise me that you'll stop hanging out with these kids. I'm worried about you." Raphael gave her a reassuring smile. "Okay, I promise."

She shoved the memories out of her head. Reliving them was starting to make her emotional, especially now that she was separated from her family, and she could feel her eyes starting to water. Aware that Nina was nearby now, she quickly blinked the tears away before they had a chance to form, and redirected her attention back to Luca. "It doesn't look terrible," she said, looking over the bruising. It was nothing compared to what she'd seen on his brother, so, if he was lucky, what he was feeling was nothing but a bit of tenderness because of the bruising. "You're not having any trouble breathing, are you?"

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-03-03 06:10:13
Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee, Luca Eberhart, Crisantha Cheyne

Nina watched both of them. Luca seemed slightly embarrassed when she took his shirt off, and Nina couldn't help but crack a small smile. She examined his ribs, same as Cris, and she struggled not to breathe a sigh of relief. It wasn't actually that bad. There would be some pain and large bruising, but nothing seemed to be broken, and Nina doubted that there was a crack in one of his ribs. Even if there was, it would probably just heal by itself.

Nina turned away from the pair, confident that Cris would be fine to help Luca. Now that she had the time, she examined her own wrist, not sure if it was sprained or not. It wasn't. Already, the pain had almost subsided, and Nina could use it without any trouble. Nina looked down at her clothes and sighed. She was covered in ash from the fire, and what was left of her jeans had been covered in blood. Not only that, but she seemed strongly of smoke. Her hair had dried, and because it had air-dried, it was now frizzy and had awkward curls everywhere.

"Cris, do you think there'd be a good spot to bathe farther downstream?" Nina asked softy. She had been watching, and it seemed sudden, loud voices would startle Luca. "I smell like a campfire." She smiled sadly. It was true she wanted to wash off, but mostly so that the smell of smoke didn't remind her what had just happened. It was like she could just ignore it, if every trace of it was gone.

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Ravenshadow17 (#72140)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-03-03 14:15:11
Aster Vanderee II 18 II Male II Bi II Bruised but ok II Mentions: Nina and Luca, Crisantha

Aster watched the others explore the waterfall. He was thankful that they would have a steady source of water and he became lost in thought watching the ripples in the water. His exhaustion from the day's events were beginning to hit him. Aster glanced up from watching the slight ripples when Nina spoke.

"There likely is. It would be worth checking at least. I'd rather not smell like jet fuel myself." He answered glancing at his clothes that had various stains from burning metal and fuel that had splashed him as they crashed. "And we should probably wash our clothes as well." He added after a pause.

(Sorry for the delay. My computer broke and I had to replace it.)

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-03-03 17:15:46

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Edited on 05/03/19 @ 05:31:32 by Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-03-04 17:52:47
Keep it alive, guys!

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Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-05 02:33:04
Luca Eberhart | 18 | Male | Health Status: Bruised, scratched up, and whiplashed| Mentions: Nina and Cris

Sighs of relief seemed to blow out around him, and the words of affirmation told him that he too, should blow out a sigh of relief. When Cris asked if he had any troubles breathing, he raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “Hm, not really. I guess it just hurts when I move in this area, or if I breathe in a deep breath,” he said. He was this glaringly aware that he was shirtless in front of a bunch of girls. Half of his body and his “weird nipples” on display for the whole world. Perhaps, it should bring him some comfort that they shouldn’t be eyeing his body up. They can’t be. I don’t think they could be at all attteacted to a blind guy with a tubby tummy and a smattering of little, blond chest hairs. Why am I even thinking about this? We could all die out here...

When the others mentioned their smell, it finally dawned on him to just take a breath. And of course, they all smelled smoky and of jet fuel. The smell was putrid, and Luca could understand why Nina seemed adamant on finding a place to bathe- to scrub away the physical reminders of their predicament. “Maybe we should wash our wounds here and get bandaged up? Then, when we’re good to go, we can find a place to camp out while our clothes dry,” Luca commented.

He didn’t know if they could camp here, but, he didn’t exactly want to be too close to the crash. What would happen if it exploded and caught fire? He surely wouldn’t want to be caught in a blazing inferno. Dying in the crash would have been preferential to that.

Luca shook his head a bit and scooted towards the water’s edge. He dunked his right arm into the cold water and sucked in a sharp breath as he did so. Not only was it cold, but the frgid waters made his arm burn a bit. Thin streak of blood wafted into the water before they disappeared. He sure didn’t want to, but his reached a tentative finger out to attempt to scrub the wound, but quickly withdrew it when he felt that awful gash.

((I think we should accept them. As long as they’d be okay with having been found from the site a little later. Or, they may have gotten away earlier than they had.))

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-03-05 05:59:19
(Alright! I'm adding them, as I don't want them to wait forever. We talked in Pm's for a bit, and i'm sending Nina to go get their character.)

Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee, Luca Eberhart, Crisantha Cheyne

Nina was about to agree with Luca when she did a double take. She looked at her wrist and tried not to scream. She stood up quickly, regretting it immediately as a familiar pain shot up her leg. She hissed through her teeth and leaned on her stick, but she quickly turned away, ignoring it the best she could. "I dropped something by the wreck. I'll be right back." Nina told the others, then hobbled away as quickly as she could.

Yes, she had dropped it. It hadn't burned, or broken, or been set aflame somewhere in the wreckage. She had probably just dropped it when searching for supplies. Yes, that's what had happened. That was all. Soon, she saw a break in the trees and stumbled out into the wreckage. She frantically hobbled towards the places where she had found supplies. Every time she didn't find it, she felt tears prick her eyes, and a scream bubbled up in her throat.

After searching ever where she could think of and more, she finally fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. Biting her lip to keep from crying further, she changed her position so she wasn't crushing her already injured leg. She realized that the pain from her leg was next to burning, and then she realized she didn't care. Why should she? She had lost it. That small little purple bracelet that she had so carefully taken care of. Finally, she could hold her tears back no longer and she started sobbing and apologizing, even though no one was there.

"Lily!" She sobbed. "Maria, I'm sorry! I'm not strong enough to do this without you..." She cried. She tried wiping off the tears, but more came flooding down. She clutched her stomach, feeling she might tear apart at any second and wishing she had been able to do something, all the time ago.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-03-05 07:30:58
Crisantha Cheyne - 18 - Female - Bisexual - Suspected Mild Concussion - Mentions: Luca, Nina, Aster

Cris gave a small nod. "Well, I don't have x-ray vision, so we can't rule out a broken rib for sure, but if you do have one I doubt it's serious. In most cases of broken ribs they just leave it to heal naturally anyway. You can't exactly put a splint on a rib." Finding herself regurgitating exactly what her brother had told her all that time ago, she stopped herself and cleared her throat. "Just be gentle with it." Nina and Aster were talking about washing themselves off now, and while she'd been vaguely aware of smell coming off her, she'd been focusing on other, more important things first. Now that they'd found a good source of water and were taking care of everyone's wounds, however, now was as good a time as any to clean up.

She was about to voice her agreement when Nina frantically got up, saying something about dropping something in the wreck. "Hey! Be careful!" She called out to the girl as she disappeared back into the trees, obviously distressed. Cris would have gone after her, but she was still in the middle of helping Luca with his wounds. Plus, the pounding in her head was only just starting to go away, and she didn't think it would stay that way if she went running after Nina. "God. So much for sticking together," she sighed.

Spotting Luca attempting to scrub his wound, she placed a hand on his knee. "It's alright, you don't have to do that. Just leave your arm in the running water for a minute or two, it'll do the job. I'll bandage it up afterwards." She removed her shoes and socks, rolling up the bottom of her pants before dipping her feet into the water, the cool sensation offering a distraction from her headache. She turned her head to look back at Luca. "Is something on your mind?" He'd gotten a bit more reserved since she'd offered to look at his wounds. He hadn't made a joke or sarcastic comment since he'd said he didn't feel like going for a swim, which was quite a change considering he was usually wise-cracking every two minutes. Of course, it could just be that the reality of the situation was setting in, but she'd been talking about nothing but his injuries for a while now. She needed a change in conversation.

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Telle Tilla (#152266)

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Posted on
2019-03-05 08:22:51
Enza Relic Pierce | Male | Unstable | Mentions: Nina

A figure was hunched over beside shoreline, allowing the water to gently lap at their feet. Not too far was the wreckage. Fire still flickered around the mess, refusing to cease in its heated blazing. Whoever it was didn't seem to mind, though. They were curled in on themselves; knees drawn to their chest, and face buried in their arms. Both were slick with red, though it seemed to be originating from the one they favored. There must be a pretty nasty wound to have that much blood be surfacing.

Their head was slowly rising as the sound of Nina's screams hit their ears, revealing the face of a boy. A pretty one at that. His face was sickly pale; drained of any color it might've previously possessed. Those silvery eyes were blank and empty, holding a haunted, distantness to their gaze. His streaked hair was a tousled mess; tangled with gore and debris alike. He looked like he felt awful - but god be damned if his current state did anything to dim his beauty.

Slowly, that bleary gaze was finding its way to Nina. It took a moment, but irritation was gradually registering on his features. His lips twisted into some sort of sneer, eyes narrowing into they were but slits. "Hey, girl," His own voice wasn't much more than a raspy croak. Coughing followed his words, and once it ceased, he was repeating himself; louder this time, more assertive. "Hey, girl! Some of us are trying to die in peace here." Although his words were scathing, he couldn't bring his tone to match. For whatever reason, he was unable to force the disgust he so badly wanted to into his voice. So, instead, it remained weak and uncertain; heavily softening the initial blow of his words.

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Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-05 12:06:23
Luca Eberhart | 18 | Male | Health Status: Bruised, scratched up, and whiplashed| Mentions: Nina and Cris

Luca found himself absently nodding to what Cris said. They’d never know if his rib was broken or not- not that it mattered to him. He wouldn’t even know what a broken rib SHOULD feel like. The only thing he could liken it to was when he broke his arm. Charlotte was like a monkey- she could climb trees and other structures with ease. She was able to go get up to places that left one wondering, “How did a girl get up there?” Luca didn’t have the same talent. The tree that Lottie said would be “easy” to climb, was not. He’d misjudged a branch, and down he went. But the thing he remembered most from the fall was Charlotte’s scream of terror. He’d never heard her scream like that.

When Nina suddenly got up, Luca was somewhat startled by the weird change of energy in the air. Against better judgement, Nina hobbled off back to the crash to look for an item unknown to him. He wanted to say something, but his instead left it to Cris. There wasn’t anything else useful he could had. By her sigh afterwards, he could tell Cris was a little peeved. They’d grouped back up, and now Nina had to wander off. What if she never came back... what if..?

A comment from Cris to not scrub came as a relief to Luca. He eased up, let his arm just dangle in the running water, taking the blood with it. Though he was trying to relax, he was hyper aware that he was still shirtless in front of Cris. “Something on my mind?” He repeated back mostly to himself. “Hm. Not really. Just that it’s weird to be shirtless. It’s so stupid, but,” he paused to give an awkward smile, “A kid at the pool told me I had weird nipples when I was 8. I haven’t liked taking my shirt of since then.” OF course, what Lottie had said to “console” him also came to mind.

”Luca! No, don’t cry! They’re not weird... I mean, yeah, they are bright pink like two red traffic lights, but they’re not WEIRD!”

He’d only cried harder.

“But that’s just right now,” he said. “I have thought about what I’ll lose if I die out here. In just a few months, I was supposed to get my first guide dog. It’s so stupid to think about, but it’s just the regular stuff that you miss that’s the saddest,” he trailed off. His head turned to look up at Cris. His grey irises moved from side to side as he looked at her, “Is there something you miss, Cris? A memory? Or feeling?” His serious mood dropped a little to poke fun at himself, “I could say that I miss my vision, but that would be a big, fat lie. I’ve never had any real visual activity.”

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Ravenshadow17 (#72140)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-03-05 16:28:43
Aster Vanderee II 18 II Male II Bi II Bruised but ok II Mentions: Nina, Luca, Crisantha, and Enza.

"That's probably a good idea." Aster agreed, only to freeze when Nina ran off. He was instantly worried and followed her at a distance in case she needed help. He caught up and saw her crying to herself over what appeared to be a precious bracelet. Aster was just about to ask her if she was alright when he heard another voice from down the beach. Their tone was somewhat harsh but it sounded like they were in pain.

Aster followed the sound and found another boy who appeared to be seriously injured, if the amount of blood was any indication. Aster instantly quickened his pace to their side, curing under his breath.
"Well guess one of us had to be unlucky. How bad is the damage to your arm? It's hard to tell with all the blood." Aster asked, crouching down a few feet from the stranger.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-03-05 17:54:58
Crisantha Cheyne - 18 - Female - Bisexual - Suspected Mild Concussion - Mentions: Luca

Finding out what had been bothering Luca, Cris put a hand to her mouth in an attempt to hold back her laughter - it didn’t help much, and it managed to escape anyway. She ended up biting down on her lip to stop herself. “Oh my God, Luca,” she began, still smiling, “don’t worry about that kind of stuff, seriously. Kids are just jerks.” She let her hair down from the messy bun it had originally been in, attempting to comb through it as best as she could with her fingers. “All nipples look weird.”

She’d stop when he started talking about home, her gaze wandering off to watch the ripples in the water. She probably should have expected it when she asked what he was thinking about, but she was horrible with talking about serious topics. She wanted to tell him that it wasn’t stupid to be sad about missing out on meeting his guide dog, but she wasn’t used to talking about emotions, and wasn’t any good at empathising with people, so she stayed silent until he asked her if she missed anything.

“Me?” She asked, racking her brain for something to talk about. She wasn’t ready to talk about her father or brother, since just thinking of them had made her upset. “Well, I have a dog, if you’d like to hear about him,” she eventually started to say, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “He’s a tiny brown poodle mix and a complete idiot. He knows two tricks: ‘sit’ and ‘lay down’, and he still mixes those two up. His name is Frodo. He’s really short and has curly fur, so my dad and I thought it would be funny to name him after the Hobbit.” She wasn’t sure if Luca had ever read The Lord of the Rings (considering it would have to be in braille) or would understand the reference, but she still felt like she had to include that fact. “He has a small stuffed pig that he’ll follow me around with when he first sees me after I wake up. I don’t know why, because he just carries it, he doesn’t let anyone touch it. I think he just likes showing it off.” She let out a small laugh and felt her eyes tearing up again. Out of all the stupid things to make her cry, of course it would be her dog. “So, yeah, I guess I’ll miss waking up to that every morning.”

She quickly regathered herself, wiping her eyes and taking a deep breath in. Wanting to move on before she actually started crying, she held out her hand. “Give me your arm. I think it’s clean enough to bandage now.”

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-03-05 18:56:23
Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee, Luca Eberhart, Crisantha Cheyne

Nina jumped up at the sound of another person's voice, making her wince in pain. It was male, but certainly not Aster or Luca's. "Hey, girl. Hey, girl! Some of us are trying to die in peace here." Came the person's words. They were meant to be snappy, but his voice didn't match his words. She immediately started rubbing her face, trying to rid herself of the tears, but her face was flushed and tinged pink. "Sorry, but some of us are trying to live in peace, without the snarky comments of a stranger." Nina snapped back at the boy whom she hadn't seen before, though her voice cracked as her heart wasn't in it. He was short, but taller than her, a pleasant face and grey eyes.

Nina sniffled a few more times. "How are you alive? Me and Cris searched the wreck for supplies and we didn't see you." Nina asked, hiccuping once and rubbing her eyes. "I thought- I thought everyone else- everyone else was dead..." Nina said, sniffling a few times in between sentences as she forced herself to stop crying in front of this stranger boy. However, her heart was soaring. Another survivor! It was a miracle. She looked around for her stick, realizing she had been standing completely on her legs and the tears streaming down her face were from the blazing pain she was feeling. She snatched up her stick and leaned on it, exhaling quietly as the pain was relieved slightly.

Nina started walking towards the boy, as he was several feet away from her, and seemed to be covered in blood. "Are you alright-eek!" Nina squeaked as she tripped once more and landed face first in the burnt grass. She hissed and rolled onto her back, clutching her leg. Some of the larger cuts had reopened and were bleeding again. She cursed under her breath. "i just cleaned it up.." She muttered. She sat up, sighing, and looked around for her stick again.

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