Posted by Survivors - The Crash

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-01-11 18:12:37
Death. Imminent Death. That is the only though that crosses your mind as you frantically clutch the armrests of your chair, screaming at the top of your lungs as the plane nose dives towards the ground, the wind screaming past your ears. Through the window, you can see the sky flashing past, and the greens and browns indicating the ground growing ever nearer. You are aware that you are going to die.

But let us rewind for a second. Rewind back to a time where you didn't fear for your life. Back to a time, or THE time, that started this whole mess. You were just a normal person, a high school senior studying to get accepted at a decent college. Until that fateful day. That day where you received a letter in the mail that changed your whole life.

Dear Applicant,

After reviewing your submission, we have decided that your are the

person we have been looking for. Congratulations! You have been

accepted on MichaelReality, the hottest Teen Reality TV, hosted by our

very own Jorg Michael. Your attendance is required at Rio de Janeiro

Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on x/xx/xx. More information provided on

back of letter. Reply is not mandatory.


For a while, you couldn't even believe it. You and your friends, as a joke, had applied for a chance to be Reality TV. No one actually expected to be accepted. Once you had told your friends, they couldn't believe it until they saw the letter, and you felt so smug that you had been actually accepted and they hadn't. It had been so exciting. You had scraped together your savings to buy a plane ticket to Brazil, only to be more surprised when a second letter came, assuring you that the hotel you would be staying at was already paid for, along with a plane ticket to Brazil, so you wouldn't have to buy one. You would have to drive a couple hours to the specific airport though, as it wasn't one near you.

You packed your luggage, excited for the journey you were about the face, having no idea how it would really turn out to be. If only you had known. As you said goodbye to friends and family and boarded the plane, you also met with the other contestants, who had driven to the same airport from very far away, not willing to spend money for a plane near them when they had already been provided with free tickets. In all, there were fifteen of you.

Excited and nervous at the same time, you all put your luggage away in the cargo hold of the plane, which was very fancy and seemed built to hold exactly all of you. Each person had a specific seat, where they would find some toy or trinket that they could amuse themselves with. You all prepared yourself for the flight, awkwardly joking and attempting at flop conversations. Once you took to the air though, you all minded your own business, and the plane became quiet.

After many long hours, you found yourself flying over the most beautiful thing you had ever seen - the Amazon Rainforest. It was breathtaking, and you found yourself staring out as you flew past, admiring the beautiful landscape. Suddenly, the plane started to shake, and you were thrown back from the window, almost thrown out of your chair. However, you managed to stay in your seat, though were slightly shocked and now a little scared.

"Dont worry, everyone. I'm pretty sure it was just turbulence." One of the other contestants said, which calmed everyone down a bit, including yourself. At least until the shaking started up again, this time more violent, and you clutched to your seat, alarmed. When it settled a bit, you got up.

"I'm gonna check on the pilot. Just to make sure we're ok." You told the others. They nodded and watched you as you made your way to the door that led to where the pilot, a cheerful man with a blonde mustache, was flying the plane. You entered hesitantly, closing the door behind you.

"Sir? Um, I just wanted to see if everything was alright here..." You piped up, but was alarmed to see the pilot slumped over the controls, one of his arms dangling uselessly at his side. You approached cautiously, tapping him on the shoulder. "Sir, are you alright?" You asked again, but he did not reply, instead, he fell out of his chair onto the floor, and you screamed. His eyes were empty and his face gaunt. The stench of death covered him, and you almost threw up. You ran back out to the others, tears streaming down your face. They stood up, alarmed.

"Whats wrong? What did he say? Are you alright?" Many voiced concern at your appearance, but you just shook your head and pointed to the cockpit. "H-hes.. Dead! Dead!" You managed to choke out in a strangled voice before you started to cry. A cry of alarm rippled through your fellow contestants, but there was nothing anyone could do, because at that moment, the plane started shaking more violently than ever before, and it seemed to tip forward until it was in a nose dive downward. People started screaming, and one voice cried "Get to your seats!"

Unable to do anything else, you did just that, helpless against what was happening. And here you are, as the plane dives towards your death, your heart thumping violently in your chest. "Were crashing!" Someone screamed, and you closed your eyes, bracing for impact and for death to embrace you.


You slowly open your eyes, blinking for a few moments. You look around, but your vision is blurry, and you can't see. However, you can smell smoke, and hear the groaning of some people nearby. Your eyes slowly adjust to the light, and you look around. Miraculously, you and fourteen others have survived a crash in the Amazon Rainforest, hundreds of thousands of miles away from civilization. But the Crash was only the beginning. Will you survive, or will the Rainforest claim you as its own?

Alrighty, that took forever to wright! Howdy-do, you lovely person who has managed to read this far without falling asleep <3 So, lets get down to business!

As mentioned, there are only fifteen survivors, so including me, that means that there will only be fifteen people allowed to Rp here. Sorry for all you lovely beans who dont get accepted, your all great anyway! I'll state the rules, now, you you don't have to listen to me ramble ;3

Rules (Everyone's favorite Part!)
-All lioden Rules apply
-Your character might not be accepted, but be respectful anyway! We are all human here, and we all have feelings.
-Do not begin Rping unless I have accepted your character. This means you will have to wait, as I have to look other other character sheets as well, so please be patient.
-If your character is chosen and accepted, you may begin Rping!
-Only 1 character max, to make it fair for others.
-This is a semi-literate to literate Rp, which means a head title to each post and at least 5 sentences, each with 3+ words in them, per reply. If you dont know what a head title is, it looks something like this;

Name~Age~Gender~Sexuality(Optional)~Health Status(Optional)~Mentions:

-Please, please, please be active! I cannot stress this enough!
-Please try to reply as quick as you can so that the Rp can move forward.
-Thats it for now, but I probably will add more in the future.

The Rp will be in this thread. If your talking out of character, simply put what your saying in parentheses (())

And thats it!

Accepted Characters - Our precious beans whom we've thrown into a life threatening situation because we love them so much <3
-Nina Highmark (Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)
-Aster Vanderee (Ravenshadow17 (#72140)
-Luca Eberhart (Pembroke (#717)
-Crisantha Cheyne (。BlazeRed。 (#27478)
-Enza Relic Pierce (Telle Tilla (#152266)

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Edited on 05/03/19 @ 05:36:59 by Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)

Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-25 04:13:59
Luca Eberhart | 18 | Male | Health Status: Bruised, scratched up, and whiplashed| Mentions: Aster

Luca modded his head at Aster. “Try not to go too quickly,” Luca said. As long as I can see the shape of you, I think it’ll be okay,” he said. In reality, Luca wasn’t to sure about that. He’d never walked through a rainforest. Even while hiking and adventuring, he’d always had a human guide to walk with him and let him know about any changes in the terrain. He considered whipping his cane out, both what good what it do here? A cane was only good for open places like roads and sidewalks.

Yet, it had been many years since Luca had walked without a cane. His birth mother put it off and forbade him from using a cane as long as possible. She told him it was to protect him- so other people wouldn’t think something was wrong with him. She’d pull him along places, taking him by the arm as he stumbled behind, waving his free arm about, scared she would run him into something. It wasn’t until he was adopted by his distant aunt that Luca was given his first cane and was taught how to use it under the careful guidance of a blind military veteran. He’d always been the first one to hear Luca’s chants of, ”Steeeeeve! I got taller! I’m going to need a new cane soon!”

Luca sighed. Why did he have to think so much about the past now? He tried to shake those thoughts from his head as he lumbered to his feet. The wobbliness has left his legs a bit, so he was luckily able to balance himself out a bit better. He took a few tentative, shaky steps forward after Aster. His hands were in front of him, knowing there were trees around, but not wanting to run right into them. Luca had heard it a thousands times over- he looked like a zombie without walking with a guide or a cane. He could poke fun at it now, but in the past, it had hurt him. He chose the numerous route now, “ Don’t mind my hands. I’m not going to eat your brains or anything,” he said light-heartedly, feeling the rough bark of a tree against his right hand as he shuffled on.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-02-25 04:56:22
Crisantha Cheyne - 18 - Female - Bisexual - Suspected Mild Concussion - Mentions: Nina

Crisantha nodded as she listened to Nina, starting to fold up the tarp again. The bandages would definitely come in handy, many of the members in the groups had some cuts, and even if it wasn't that bad right now, she wasn't sure how long it would take before someone injured themselves. She glanced over at the broken pickle jar when Nina placed it down beside her, sighing softly. Those would need to be eaten quickly or they would dry out. She placed the tarp back in the bag and continued rummaging through it, finding a pocket watch, a roll of tape, and a pair of binoculars. She gave a low whistle, thanking whoever's had packed this bag. Surely they were some sort of survivalist.

Once she was sure she'd found everything she placed the pickle jar in the duffle bag and zipped it up again, picking it up by the handles and walking towards where she'd last seen Nina. She hadn't even made it to the wreckage before the girl came back out again, holding a dagger. "That's perfect," she said. She herself already had a pocketknife, but if any of the others didn't have a weapon on them it would come in handy. She walked further on, towards the wreckage, and set the duffle bag down. "Put anything you find in the bag. I think there'll be enough space." She glanced around, spotting a backpack that had been torn, its contents spilling out on the ground.

She knelt down beside the bag, pouring out all its contents before taking a look at what she'd found. There was an assortment of fruits; a lemon, an orange, and a banana. A handful of change and a bar of soap had also fallen out of the bag. She gathered all the items in her hand and went to put them in the duffle bag with everything else. She was happy she'd decided to check out the wreckage; their chances of survival were looking much better now.

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-25 06:21:49
Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~Possible sprained wrist, damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee, Luca Eberhart, Crisantha Cheyne

Nina nodded, placing all she had in the bag. An apple, a candy bar, the dagger, the scarf, the dress, the coat, and the two bandage roles. She glanced back at the bandage roles for a second and decided she would need to check everyone for serious injuries. If anyone's injuries got seriously infected... they might not make it. Nina shivered at the thought. She went searching through the wreckage for more supplies, wondering how much food they would be able to gather.

Nina found a hand basket, which was intact except for a small hole in one side. However, she didn't find anything else that was really useful, so she turned back and hobbled over to Cris. "I can't find anything else, except for this basket. I saw a broken teacup, but i can't imagine what we'd use that for." Nina said. "If your done, we should take this stuff back to the boys."

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Ravenshadow17 (#72140)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-02-25 16:50:48
Aster Vanderee II 18 II Male II Bi II Bruised but ok II Mentions: Nina and Luca, Crisantha

Aster chuckled at Luca's joke. "I won't. If you need me to help at any point, just ask." He offered, thinking the unique terrain of the forest could pose some problems for his blind companion. Aster began to make his way into the forest, making sure that Luca was always just a few steps behind. He didn't want them to lose track of each other. With how dense the forest was, he doubted they'd ever find each other again.

"I think I see a break in the trees. Let's check it out." He called after they had been walking for a bit. Aster could also distantly hear what sounded like water, and he hoped that they had found a suitable place to camp for the night.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-02-26 01:42:13
Crisantha Cheyne - 18 - Female - Bisexual - Suspected Mild Concussion - Mentions: Nina, Aster, Luca

Not seeing other supplies around them, Crisantha stayed sitting down for a while, deciding that, if she could, she should rest as much as possible. Hopefully her concussion wouldn't last very long; this was possibly the worst situation for her to have a headache in. Hearing Nina coming back, she looked up, nodding at what she had said. Her gaze drifted over at the other girl's injured leg. "I'll carry the bag," she said as she got up, slinging the duffle bag over her shoulder.

She walked towards where she'd last seen the boys disappear into the trees, glancing back every now and then to make sure Nina was behind her. She stopped, peering through the forest. Aster had said they would stay within shouting distance, and they hadn't taken long. They couldn't have gone very far. "Luca? Aster?" she called, waiting to see if she'd get a response.

(Very sorry that my posts have been so short recently, they'll become longer once the group has been reunited and I'll have more to write about )

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Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-26 03:19:58
Luca Eberhart | 18 | Male | Health Status: Bruised, scratched up, and whiplashed| Mentions: Aster

Luca pushed on- knowing he had to continue further to keep up with Aster. While he would have liked to just sit down and wait for everyone to regroup, it was much too late for that. Sitting down now would mean he could get lost in the sense ungrowth. After all, he was already stumbling over some plants and tripping over thick, exposed trees roots. He would be fine... he hoped, as long as he could heard Aster shuffling through the leafy plants just a few paces in front of him. If he could hear that sound, he’d know which way to follow.

After a while, Aster called out that he’d seen a break in the trees. A break? Could it really be? he thought. He could smell the damp earthiness, which meant that somewhere close by, the ground had been saturated with with water. Whether it was a still pond, or a fast moving river, he did not know. But a clearing? At least that was better for navigating around, as opposed to stumbling through the rainforest. “Hopefully there’s some flat ground nearby,” Luca commented with a panting breath. It had been a while since he’d been very active... or, he was just exhausted from the day’s work. “Maybe then we could camp near the water... but maybe not too close to it. If it’s a river, it could swell with the rain and drown us all. Not to mention, where there’s water, there’s animals.”

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-26 06:10:36
(Sorry.. I needed some more to write about, and what's better than a kluzty little bean?)

Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~Possible sprained wrist, damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee, Luca Eberhart, Crisantha Cheyne

Nina had prepared herself to carry the bag, and was surprised when Cris took it. She shrugged and nodded, following behind her quietly. As they trekked through the jungle to find the boys, Nina concentrated on not tripping, worried that if she did, she might reopen some of her healing wounds. When Cris started shouting for them, Nina looked up from her feet. She might as well join in. "Luca?" She shouted. "Aster?"

"Eeek!" Nina squealed as she tripped over a large root and tumbled to the ground. "Ah!" She gasped as she quickly scrambled to her feet, only to slip and land on her rump, wincing in pain. She took a few short breaths to calm herself, clutching her leg in pain. Her jacket, which she had tied around her leg, was almost completely stained red, and when Nina took her hands off her leg and jacket, her palms were slightly red as well, making Nina look a little queasy. She wiped her hands on a nearby tree trunk, found her stick that she had dropped and struggled to her feet. "I re-opened the wound. Aster better had found some water by now, if there's any mercy in this world." She said bitterly to Cris, looking up at the sky to make a point.

She continued on, her stick now supporting almost all her wait. She muttered under her breath, though her words were incomprehensible. She tried to focus on walking and breathing, so that she didn't notice her leg, which had completely bled through and was very painful and uncomfortable.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-02-26 07:42:22
Crisantha Cheyne - 18 - Female - Bisexual - Suspected Mild Concussion - Mentions: Nina, Luca Aster

Though they hadn't gotten a response yet, Crisantha continued to walk tentatively forward. She would have gone on to call out again had she not been shocked by Nina's yell. Her initial thought being that something horrible had happened, she quickly spun around, her brown eyes darting around before finally finding Nina pushing herself up from the ground. Imagining how painful that must have been on her wounds, Cris winced. She walked back, falling into step at her side.

"You can lean on me if you need to," she offered, figuring that another person would provide more support than the stick she was currently using, "don't exert yourself." She hoped they'd find the boys soon. Nina's wound need to be properly treated and wrapped up again - quickly. But if them calling out hadn't grabbed their attention, she was sure that Nina's scream would have.

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Ravenshadow17 (#72140)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-02-26 15:06:37
Aster Vanderee II 18 II Male II Bi II Bruised but ok II Mentions: Luca

Aster slowed down as they drew closer to the clearing. It wouldn't do any good to rush into anything. He cautiously began to approach. "Animals could mean food, but hopefully nothing too dangerous." He responded to Luca as they stepped into the clearing.

As they stepped out bright sunlight rained down from the open sky, making Aster blink. As his eyes adjusted his mouth dropped.

"Oh wow." He whispered. He then glanced at Luca and began to describe what he was seeing.
"It's a waterfall. A beautiful one to, lots of plants and open banks. It's probably not the best place to camp. You're right about us not wanting to be too close. But hopefully the water is fresh." Aster glanced around once more. "I don't see any animals apart from some tropical birds either. I'm going to test the water. If it's fresh, maybe we can come back and grab some to boil. To get rid of any bacteria." He explained.

He carefully made his way to the shore of the waterfall and dipped his hands in. Bringing the water to his lips he smiled widely. "It's fresh! At least we have a source of water, and maybe a place to bathe too if we go further downstream. Do you think we should follow it so see if there's any suitable camping grounds nearby? After a quick rest of course." He asked Luca, slightly worried that if they didn't' rest first they'd be too tired if they ran into any serious danger. Regardless, Aster was honestly enjoying this excursion. Being out in nature and exploring was something he had always enjoyed.

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-26 17:31:50
((Sorry about how short my responses are, i'll do better when theres more to write about :p))

Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~Possible sprained wrist, damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee, Luca Eberhart, Crisantha Cheyne

Nina, as reluctant as she was, realized they wouldn't get very far with her like this. She accepted Cris's help, leaning on her for support. "Shouting distance my ass." Nina hissed under her breath, clenching her teeth every time her foot touched the ground. "Thank you, Cris." She said after a few beats of silence. "We'd better find the boys, and when we do I swear i'll-" Nina was cut of by her own gasp of pain as she set her foot down.

Nina looked up as the sound of water reached her ears and got louder as they continued on. Soon, they came to s break in the trees and found a gorgeous waterfall. At first, Nina couldn't speak, as she was awestruck by how lovely the sort of clearing was. However, it didn't take her long to spot two familiar figures a few paces away. "Luca! Aster!" She shouted.

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Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-27 06:23:29
Luca Eberhart | 18 | Male | Health Status: Bruised, scratched up, and whiplashed| Mentions: Aster, Nina, and Cris

Luca followed Aster out of the brush and into the light. The bright light stung his eyes when he looked up. His right hand- injured and painful, still went instinctively to to his right pocket. Wait. He’d always kept his sun glasses case in his right pocket. Luca was sensitive to bright light and his sunglasses filtered out most of the offending rays. And now, he was without them. Dammit! My glasses must have fallen out of my pocket during the crash. That’s a real shame. They were so expensive... not to mention my laptop and braille display, which were already thousands of dollars... lost. He sighed a defeated sigh as Aster announced that there was a waterfall and that he was going to sample some of the water.

Luca shuffled after him, taking in the sounds of the waterfall and the brief slurp from Aster as he tasted it, and announced that it was fresh. Thank god, we won’t die from dehydration in 2 days. Luca thought. When Aster mentioned his plan, Luca was a bit more hesistant. “I think we should mark this place before we go any further. We can go find the girls and bring them here for them to have a look. Bring a stick to drag behind us would help us keep a trail.” Luca offered. He sure didn’t want them to run into any danger when they were tired, and it was only the two of them. If something did happen, how much help would he be? Luca sure hated thinking of that... of being useless.

A sudden shout of his name made Luca jump a bit. Loud, sudden sounds would often take him by surprise. He turned around, eyes looking for something in his vision. The sun provided good lightning, and he could see two vaguely human shapes next to each other. The girls. But why had they come so soon? Was there danger? How long had they been away? And were they really that slow? Luca slowly walked closer towards the shapes, just so they weren’t screaming back and forth at each other. “Nina? Cris? What are you guys doing here? I thought you were going to stay by the crash site and look for stuff?” Luca asked, confusion apparent in his voice.

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Edited on 27/02/19 @ 06:23:54 by Pembroke (#717)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-02-27 06:43:55
Crisantha Cheyne - 18 - Female - Bisexual - Suspected Mild Concussion - Mentions: Nina, Luca, Aster

Crisantha's heart jumped at the sound of running water up ahead, suddenly excited about the prospect of them having found a source of water already. She might have ran forward to look ahead had she not been supporting Nina. Instead she calmed herself and walked forward, her breath taken away from her as soon as they came through the foliage. A waterfall! Under different circumstances she might have actually enjoyed being here, the view was gorgeous.

Nina's shout snapped her out of her thoughts, reminding her of the current situation. She had yelled out the names of the boys, and she followed the line of her gaze to see the two of them up ahead, at the shore of the waterfall. "You should go sit down near the water, we need to clean and bandage up your wound," she said to Nina before turning to address Luca's questions. "We've already found a bunch of stuff. You had a good idea to search the crash site; we have some supplies, a bit more food, and we found a tarp as well. Looks like we won't have to sleep out in the open." Saying it out loud now, Crisantha was aware of the strange convenience of how quickly they'd found the items they needed. Almost too good to be true...

She pushed the thoughts out of her head. She needed to focus on helping the others right now. "We found a couple rolls of bandage as well. Would you like me to take a look at your arm?" she offered, walking towards him and glancing over the cut. It didn't didn't look terrible, but left exposed in such an exotic environment it might get infected.

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-27 16:02:05
Nina Highmark~17~Female~Heterosexual(Straight)~Possible sprained wrist, damaged leg, cut on forehead, some other scrapes and cuts~Mentions: Aster Vanderee, Luca Eberhart, Crisantha Cheyne

Nina let go of Cris and eased her weight back onto her stick. "I'll be alright, since we've found water. I can properly clean and bandage my wounds." Nina replied. She felt much more calm now that the group was together again. She hadn't realized she was feeling anxious until it had gone away. She turned back to Cris. "Speaking of wounds, I need to look at your head. You might have a concussion, and I have training for that. Though, if it's really bad, I don't know if there's much I can do." Nina said, then turned to Luca. "Same goes for you. Cris is right, we should bandage your arm. Also, don't think I didn't notice that you hurt your ribs or something. You'll have to let me see that as well, you might've cracked or even broken a rib." Nina barked. She felt a little bossy, but, well, what she said was true. Everyone was pretty banged up, and it would do no good to not address everyone's wounds.

Nina hobbled over to the waterfall river and carefully sat down. She set her stick next to her and turned to gently un-tie the jacket around her leg, which dripped with blood. She set the jacket next to her and examined the damage. She winced. Her biggest wound had re-opened, and walking had made it worse. She huffed and set her leg gently in the water and started washing off the dry and the new blood. "You two should wash off your wounds too. They need to be clean before we can bandage them." Nina said to Cris and Luca. "Aster, you too. " Nina said, looking over to Aster, who seemed to have been tasting the water.

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Edited on 27/02/19 @ 16:03:49 by Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)

Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-01 03:27:35
Luca Eberhart | 18 | Male | Health Status: Bruised, scratched up, and whiplashed| Mentions: Nina, and Cris

Relief flooded over Luca when Cris told him that they had managed to salvage some stuff from the crash. At least some stuff made it out and hadn’t burned up in the failing engines. The tarp caught Luca’s attention, and he raised a surprised eyebrow. It looked like they would be able to slap together some sort of a shelter before the night crept upon them. The night would bring new challenges and problems, and Luca coudn’t help but worry. Could any of them start a fire? It would be cold, wouldn’t it? No one has a flashlight, do they? And as for Luca, what residual vision he had did him no good at next. At night, the darkness swallowed him.

Cris’s next words snapped him out of her reverie. She offered to take a lot st his arm, and Luca reluctantly agreed. He wasn’t always fond of others touching him too much, as he couldn’t gauge what their intent was. But reluctantly, Luca nodded his head and offered his right arm to the vague shape of Cris in his vision. He didn’t think it was too bad, but then again, he couldn’t see it. From time to time while he was walking with Aster, he could feel warm liquid sliding down his arm. Raindrops, he’d hoped. But he knew it was blood. “I don’t think it’s too bad. The pain feels deep... but I think it might be okay,” he said, reaching his hand hand over to gingerly trace the gash.

Nina added that he’d also bruisedup his ribs. No one had seen it yet, but Luca agreed to letting Nina check it. He heard her hobble away to the sound of the rushing water to clean her own wounds off. Luca looked to Cris, his irises turning circles anxiously. “Nina’s right. I think we should go to the water and clean this off. She’s right that I really bruised up my chest, but, I don’t know how bad it is,” he shook his head slightly. “Can you take time to the water?” He asked. “I can sure hear it, but I’m really not ready to take a swim yet,” he said, trying to be at least a little playful.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-03-01 08:08:44
Crisantha Cheyne - 18 - Female - Bisexual - Suspected Mild Concussion - Mentions: Luca, Nina, Aster

Crisantha folded her arms, listening to Nina's orders. Under normal circumstances being bossed around would anger her, but Nina was likely just out of her element and worried out of her mind. Getting snappy back at her wouldn't do them any good. "Okay, mom," she said, her tone light-hearted, "I don't have formal first-aid training, but I know how to properly bandage up a wound. Just relax, take care of your own wounds for now, and I can deal with Luca's arm and ribs. Aster can help you with your leg if you need it." She gave the girl a small smile before turning her attention back to Luca.

"Your arm could definitely be worse, but I'd rather have it covered. If it gets infected we'll have a much bigger problem on our hands," she said to Luca, now able to have a better look at his arm. She agreed that he should wash the wound out, especially if there had been any debris from the plane crash in the wound originally. There was nothing there now, but Cris didn't need a medical degree to know that foreign objects in wounds, for any amount of time, were not good. At his comment about not wanting to go for a swim, she'd roll her eyes to herself, but was unable to stop herself from smiling slightly. How he managed to joke around this often in their situation was a mystery to her, but she appreciated it nonetheless. Everything else so far had been so serious.

She walked around him, taking his good arm and leading him towards the water's edge. She kept her hand on his arm in case he stumbled, but walked slightly ahead of him so that he could follow her steps. She stopped once they reached the water, standing in front of him. "You can sit down right here, opposite me." The water was just at his right side, but she didn't think she needed to tell him that. He'd be able to hear it.

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