Posted by Rulers and Tyrants (RP)

Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-05-09 19:51:39
This is (LOOSELY) based off of my adoption thread located here!

This will be edited lots before I am satisfied with it, but ya know!

This is where the RP will happen, I request that we try to keep OOC chat in the OOC forum, but I won't enforce it too hardcore.

Some Rules:
- All 18+ actions are to be fade to black
- nothing involving minors and adults
- Please put a warning before any gore, mutilation, or descriptive harm (self or otherwise)
- Do not have a response that describes how someone else's character reacts UNLESS this has been previously okay'ed by the original player

Each pride will be listed with a link to their respective page in the R&T Prides Forum. It is up to the creator of said pride to update it as people join! However, if they are anything like me, they may need occasionally reminders lol. But don't be pushy!!

I will try to update this ASAP as people join and switch up their roles as well!! As a reminder, I would love people joining my pride just remember that the lion/lioness either HAS to have a mutation or fake it somehow to be allowed in the pride. That is just how my lore works for my pride

- Mongoose

- Turkey

- Alex

- Tea

- Frostblight

- Avi

Death's Escaper (Death) (Turkey)
Talus Joined Sunbaked
Knawbones Joined Sunbaked
Ꮺ Miles (Miles)
Jester (Self Proclaimed Prophet) (Rayb1rd)
Angus (Tea)
Milzos (Randomness)
Tiny Nutbar (Randomness)
Ghost (Tea)
Marlboro (Alex)
Bubbling Spring (Spring) (Ryoka)
Eagle (lilpeep)
Zebra (Zeb) (lilpeep)
Faron (Tea)

Major NPCs:
- Albion: a mandrill who keeps a few falcons and bats he has trained to help see if anyone has mutations and the size of the litter to be expected. He lives out near the Oasis that is unclaimable by any prides. That is monkey only territory.

For reference (in case it is needed) in this RP sizes go in this order:

Male Tigon --> Smilus ---> Male Primal --> Female Tigon---> Male Felis ---> Female Felis ---> Male/Female Ferus ---> Female Primal ---> Male Lion ---> Female Lion ---> Male Leopon ---> Female Leopon ---> Mal/Female Dwarf

Other Links:

Follow this link to post your Pride description!

Go here to post a character sheet!

This one will show you to the deities (and you may add your own!)

For the actual RP, go here!

To just chat and talk, maybe come up with plot points, the OOC Forum is the perfect place!

We'd appreciate it if you introduced yourself here!!

To get some help figuring out how to insert images, change font type, and more- this link is really useful!!

And this is a link to my adoption forum!

Our Google Docs:
Herbs and Uses made by Ray
Languages made by Frost
The differences between lions/prides made by Frost as well!
The Agate Family made by me!
Explaing the Sleekwater Head Grave Tender Role made by Frost

Character Sheets

View and Post Character Sheets

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Edited on 07/08/22 @ 18:54:17 by Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

Rayb1rd [G1 Overo] (#224266)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-06-10 21:46:36
Talus is a bit confused by his response. Something about this is just…unsettling. He can’t help but feel like there’s something lurking under all of this. But…his new friend is right. He’s been here longer, he knows this place. And if he wants to stay and help, he has to try and fit in.

He tries to laugh along with him, murmuring in response “Afyasi bless your health, new friend. You have been a great help.”

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-10 22:07:46
Harbinger purrs, "It has been a long time since I've hear of Afyasi praised here." His voice sounds almost wistful, as if he is remembering something. But there is definitely a sharp tang beneath the words, as if the memory has a horrid aftertaste that he can't get rid of.

"The day is coming to an end." Coy Fish gets to his paws, "Since you two must stay together, you will join Harbinger in the scouts den. He could use the company." There is a snide snip to his voice, and Harbinger stiffens involuntarily at the remark.

"There's plenty room." Harbinger shakes out his fur and begins to move toward the cave opening, "Come, I can show you to it. And perhaps one of you would like to become a scout." He smiles at Knawbones, "If you chose to stay, of course."

((Also!! Look at my pfp!! Rayb1rd drew it and I am in love ))
((I do need to go to bed now tho, I will respond as soon as I can in the morning!! Night y'all!))

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Rayb1rd [G1 Overo] (#224266)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-06-10 22:12:32
((Good night!! I’d like to give everyone else time to hop in and respond before I do, so I’ll respond tomorrow!))

((Also thank you!!! Lions are fun to draw))

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Ace (#289174)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-06-11 02:34:18
Jack gets to his paws when Coy does. He is silent as he shifts to leave, not really wanting to stick around for conversation. He’s exhausted, and just wants to curl up out of sight and try to get some sleep. Maybe he’ll pop a visit in to see Moogly while Coy is asleep, but probably not with Harbinger in camp.

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Scorpioness (#225561)

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Posted on
2022-06-11 06:05:21
((henlo! maybe someone goes fetch Aru from his small cave? in the end he didn't show up for the meal...

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-11 06:59:09
((Imma copy Ray and give others a chance to respond first! And does anybody know about Aru's cave?))

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-11 10:56:40
Harbinger began to trot towards his own den, turning back every so often to be sure Knaw and Talus were still following. It was a smaller den, big enough for at most five other lions to comfortably live together, and full of dried ferns and moss that Harbinger had gathered during his scouting trips. He looked a bit sheepish as he scratched at his ear.

"Well," He started, "Welcome to my humble den. I know it is quite small but, hopefully it is good enough for you both." He then turned back to Talus, "If you wish, I can show you the only place where herbs flourish here." He didn't say it, but he had never even shown Coy this place, it was where he went when the guilt got too much. He could handle killing, but eating other lions? There was a difference between scavenging, as Knaw had done, and killing to devour, as Coy always had.

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Rayb1rd [G1 Overo] (#224266)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-06-11 11:42:31
((Giving others a chance to answer! Also sorry I just woke up. This booster shot is kicking my ass lmao))

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umage] (#144162)

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Posted on
2022-06-11 13:04:04
After watching the interaction between Talus and Harbinger he begins to relax, 'maybe all the lions here arent crazy' he thinks to himself. "THank you forthe meal Coy Fish, it more meat than ive had in a long time," he says with a nod to the King, "And well sleep whereverthere is enough room for the both of us, thank you." After Coy offers to let them sleep in Harbigers den he follows the other lion noticing that away from the King he seems to relax. 'HUh, i wonder if all that bloodthirstiness is an act.' he thinks to himself.

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Rayb1rd [G1 Overo] (#224266)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-06-11 13:12:57
Talus follows behind Harbinger to his den, still ill at ease at Knawbones' speaking for him. He keeps some distance between them as they walk. However, as they arrive he is comforted by the ferns and moss, enjoying the smells of the plants and Harbinger's apparent shyness "It is a fine den, thank you, Harbinger. I would appreciate seeing the herbs you have found. It certainly would be easier than traveling to collect them. I'd like to be able to see to the other lions first thing in the morning."

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-11 13:36:03
*Prior to harbinger leading them to his den*
Coy stares at Knaw, "I would assume so, despite how fierce of huntresses my lionesses are, the prey here is still few and far between." He rolls his shoulders, "Now, if you'll excuse me." Without waiting for a response, the king trots away, off towards the den that was practically outside of the territory it was so separated from the rest.

Harbinger stretches out, yawning in a display of fangs and barbed tongue, before looking first at Knaw and then at Talus, "I don't have much for bedding, but you're welcome to come with us, Knaw, if you wish. There's usually more greenery and such where the herbs are." He's doing his best to hide his stutter, but the words still wobble and his voice still cracks with anxiety.

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Ace (#289174)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-06-11 15:18:01
Jack sort of slinks over to Moogly. His eyes are downcast and its clear he's remorseful for... well, something. He sits down outside the cave, far enough away its not suspicious, but close enough he can talk to Moogly quietly.

"He made me kill today, Moogly. I had to kill a cub... It was horrid... Forgive me for what I have done." He murmurs, almost pleading with the motherly lioness to see that he is truly sorry for what he has done.

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Rayb1rd [G1 Overo] (#224266)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-06-11 15:25:56
"Is...everything all right, friend?" Talus looks him over, noting his struggles to speak.

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umage] (#144162)

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Posted on
2022-06-11 15:47:23
"I might join you on those trips." He says setteling down a bit away from Talus, facing Harbinger. "So, tell me truly Harbinger, how is this pride? id liek to know more if im to settle down here." He says, looking at Harbinger intently.

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-11 16:02:36

Moogly creeps closer to the opening of the den, only her dull eyes visible from the shadows, "Oh, Jack." She whispers, tears evident on her voice, "I am so, so sorry." She's trying to think of what to say, how to make the pain lessen just the tiniest bit, "If Coy had done know it would have lasted far longer." It's the only thing she can think to say. If Jack is risking speaking to her during the day, then he must have been truly heartbroken. She yearned to go out and nuzzle the poor lion, she viewed him as her own cub.

((Has Jack told her about Silver yet?


The Smilus nods at Talus with a nervous grin before looking at Knaw. He runs a paw over his face, one of his claws nicking his snout and drawing the smallest pearls of blood. He gets up and moves closer to Knaw, so close that his mouth is right next to the primal's ear.

"Do not ever ask such, such questions in the pride, pridelands. You may think you a-are alone, you may sus-suspect that you are, that you're safe, but you never really you?" His stutter becomes more pronounced and it seems he hates himself for it as he nicks his snout once more with his claw. He pulls back then, a faux look of excitement on his face, "Let's, let's go look at those herbs, sh-shall we?"

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Edited on 11/06/22 @ 16:03:23 by Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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