Posted by Rulers and Tyrants (RP)

Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-05-09 19:51:39
This is (LOOSELY) based off of my adoption thread located here!

This will be edited lots before I am satisfied with it, but ya know!

This is where the RP will happen, I request that we try to keep OOC chat in the OOC forum, but I won't enforce it too hardcore.

Some Rules:
- All 18+ actions are to be fade to black
- nothing involving minors and adults
- Please put a warning before any gore, mutilation, or descriptive harm (self or otherwise)
- Do not have a response that describes how someone else's character reacts UNLESS this has been previously okay'ed by the original player

Each pride will be listed with a link to their respective page in the R&T Prides Forum. It is up to the creator of said pride to update it as people join! However, if they are anything like me, they may need occasionally reminders lol. But don't be pushy!!

I will try to update this ASAP as people join and switch up their roles as well!! As a reminder, I would love people joining my pride just remember that the lion/lioness either HAS to have a mutation or fake it somehow to be allowed in the pride. That is just how my lore works for my pride

- Mongoose

- Turkey

- Alex

- Tea

- Frostblight

- Avi

Death's Escaper (Death) (Turkey)
Talus Joined Sunbaked
Knawbones Joined Sunbaked
Ꮺ Miles (Miles)
Jester (Self Proclaimed Prophet) (Rayb1rd)
Angus (Tea)
Milzos (Randomness)
Tiny Nutbar (Randomness)
Ghost (Tea)
Marlboro (Alex)
Bubbling Spring (Spring) (Ryoka)
Eagle (lilpeep)
Zebra (Zeb) (lilpeep)
Faron (Tea)

Major NPCs:
- Albion: a mandrill who keeps a few falcons and bats he has trained to help see if anyone has mutations and the size of the litter to be expected. He lives out near the Oasis that is unclaimable by any prides. That is monkey only territory.

For reference (in case it is needed) in this RP sizes go in this order:

Male Tigon --> Smilus ---> Male Primal --> Female Tigon---> Male Felis ---> Female Felis ---> Male/Female Ferus ---> Female Primal ---> Male Lion ---> Female Lion ---> Male Leopon ---> Female Leopon ---> Mal/Female Dwarf

Other Links:

Follow this link to post your Pride description!

Go here to post a character sheet!

This one will show you to the deities (and you may add your own!)

For the actual RP, go here!

To just chat and talk, maybe come up with plot points, the OOC Forum is the perfect place!

We'd appreciate it if you introduced yourself here!!

To get some help figuring out how to insert images, change font type, and more- this link is really useful!!

And this is a link to my adoption forum!

Our Google Docs:
Herbs and Uses made by Ray
Languages made by Frost
The differences between lions/prides made by Frost as well!
The Agate Family made by me!
Explaing the Sleekwater Head Grave Tender Role made by Frost

Character Sheets

View and Post Character Sheets

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Edited on 07/08/22 @ 18:54:17 by Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

-𓀰 (#258201)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-09-13 21:09:23
Aneesha | Bath

She smiles at the kind gesture, taking his paw as she carefully stepped into the hot bath as the steam cleared her senses with a content sigh. Walking in the water she took her seat beside panya, sinking into the water with a sigh as she took in the mixed smells of lavender and Honeybush.

Looking in the water she noticed the tinniest of color change in her coat, her fur turning from a darker gray to a much lighter one. With a disapproving whine, she grabbed the soap nearby as she started to lather the soap suds on her paws before starting to scrub at her fur. Aneesha scrubbed and scrubbed at her coat as she saw the dirt wash off, beginning to wash and lather her mane. Massaging her scalp she lets out low happy purrs, washing off the soap with a quick dunk of her head into the water.

"Here, let me wash you." She offered to panya as she grabbed his own soap as she moved behind him, its scent earthy but lavender hinted. Making sudds again she massaged it into his coat and back, kneading at the muscles on his back before starting to wash his head.

"We have to make a funeral for jade, maybe ask advisor hyena for help. And then maybe days after that well think of a date, but just to warn you I'm a terrible flirt so don't expect a seductress." She joked to try to lift the sad mood and tension, the feeling heavy when passing by the others in the den.

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Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-09-14 11:19:22

Panya helped the she rub in the soap as she bathed him, nodding along to her words.

" Right.. I'm the Advisor already has a plan of sorts." He hums, perking up at the idea of a date.

" Well I'm no casanova" He jokes lightly, dunkinging himself below the water to clean himself of any suds. He chuffs, shaking out his pelt a bit before asking another question.

" Say.. uh- I guess I never asked but.. what role do you want now? Do you still wanna be a broodmother? Or a mother for that matter?" He asks curiously, starting to comb through her mane gingerly with his claws, helping rid of any tangled knots or trapped debris.

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-𓀰 (#258201)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-09-14 18:15:35
Aneesha | Bath

"I haven't really thought about it lately, with everything going on it hasn't really crossed my mind." She mumbled as she leaned into panyas combing, as she closed her mind and softly purred.

"I still think I want to be a brood mother, I like cubs and I can teach them things and care for them. As for being a mother, I don't really know...I've never really had proper lessons or had a mother figure or even just a mother to teach me. But it's also not my sole choice either panya, you have a vote too. If you don't want any we won't and if you do well we will figure it out." Aneesha turned her head over her shoulder to speak to panya, turning it back to enjoy the combing.

'What brought up the sudden question, I'm curious."

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Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-09-14 19:16:18

" Hm. I mean- I don't know really. I shouldn't get to have a say in what your purpose is. I'm simply here to adore and suport it. " He chuffs, soon flushing at her second question.

" Ah well- I'm not too sure honestly.. I just figured that since you've been training to be a mother and all.. I'd ask?" He rep[lies sheepishly- trying not to come off as pushy

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-𓀰 (#258201)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-09-14 19:38:47
Aneesha | Bath

"Its alright panya, we would have had this talk sooner or later. What about you, do you want cubs or a role in the pride? I wouldn't mind if you didn't, that would make you the den wife, and I would come to the nest after a long day of herding cubs and melt in your warm embrace." Aneesha half joked as she moved to face panya, smoothing down her semi-wet mane to look faltered as it would surely spring right back up after drying.

"We could even build the mice tiny homes near our own, making them look like their own pride with dens small enough for faries. And if I would become a brood mother I could teach the cubs about them and show them there are friends, not food!" She excitedly said as she imagined the little mice village in her head, their houses made of moss and small tunnels or perhaps even mushrooms.

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murderthistle |
they/it/any (#230278)

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Posted on
2022-09-15 00:38:43
Callahan | Afaysi's Oasis| Shiva, Domino, Hyena

Callahan ushered Shiva forward with him, following the feline named Domino to the 'Healer's Den'. He cast an anxious glance back at the other felines, concerned. He hoped it was just a misunderstanding and that no one would get hurt. As Domino spoke to Cal and Shiva, he shot them an alarmed look. "I'd never seek to cause harm to you or your pride. Neither of us would." he reassured.

His tail flicked nervously (what if they were in danger, no matter what the Advisor lion said, how would he keep Shiva safe?), and the breeze blew sharply, flinging a leafy herb in front of the cheetah's nose. One of his narrow paws flashed out and caught the plant. He sniffed it cautiously, then, recognizing the pungent smell of calming thyme, rolled his eyes. "I'm not panicking," he whispered to the god under his breath, "I'm just worried. It is perfectly reasonable." The breeze whispered along his spine; Callahan felt doubt and what he figured was the mental equivalent of a shrug.

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Jay (it/he) (#286384)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-15 18:47:54
Shiva | Afaysi's Oasis | Callahan, Domino

Shiva followed alongside Callahan, just slightly behind him. Nodding her head when Callahan reassures Domino that either of them wouldn't hurt the lions. I mean, what could a single leopard and a cheetah do to a pride of lions. Shiva scoffs to herself at the thought.

Noticing the wind get brisker, she looks over at her beloved brother, making sure he's okay. Watching him grab a leaf that blew out in front of him, Shiva figures that he and Motaji are having a conversation. Gently touching the tip of her tail to his flank, she smiles at Callahan in reassurance.

Tzipora | Lunar | Chiku, Kabir

Tzipora watches as her daughter toddles off to go be a menace to the next unsuspecting lion. She felt bad that Chiku didn't have a litter mate to play with at the moment, but the young prince's health was of the utmost importance. Looking over to Kabir, she smiles wistfully. "Everything good, Kabir?" She checks. Tzipora loves Kabir with her whole heart, but she always feels that there is something troubling him. The spotted lioness can only fix so much when there is not much she knows.

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Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-09-15 18:54:35


He hums as he lets the two into his den. A few stray lions perk up at the sight of them, only to lay back down to rest. He guides them to the back where a few empty nests lay and gestures to them with a smile.

" Well! Make yourselves Cozy and whatnot! " He chuckles, shaking out his mane after his words. Hyena should have it handled. Are either of you injured?" He asks next- eyes flitting over both of them, taking note of the few scratches and bumps they had.


She sighs- glad that this stranger isn't going to be an issue. Yet she wasn't sure if she could understand her. She clears her throat, still a good few paces away before speaking again.

" Uhm.. Hello. I'm Hyena Hop.. do you understand me?" She speaks clearly, gesturing to herself in an attempt to try and communicate with her.


Panya laughs a bit- covering his muzzle when he snorts. " I think that'd be lovely. I'd love to be your little den wife. Perhaps I can even make you some sort of honeycomb treat for when you get home after a long days work" He teases lightly, not fully joking.

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Valkyrie (#285871)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-15 19:41:52

Nyx was fidgeting with the meatless bone when Hyena had asked if she could understand her. Nyx still couldn’t find any words to answer with, so instead she slightly nodded. She wanted to apologize for intruding on her pride’s lands, but once again, she couldn’t find the words. Oh well, she would apologize later.

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Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-09-15 19:54:25

She smiles, nodding her head before speaking again.

" Right.. Good. So- Uh. Why are you here?" She laughs akwardly- it wasn't everyday that a guest tried to attack her pride. She wasn't about to scold this girl- but she was still slightly on edge from the whole interaction,

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Valkyrie (#285871)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-15 20:06:53

Nyx didn’t think she’d be able to answer with a head nod this time. She thought for a bit, the she started writing in the dirt.
“I had wandered into your territory by accident at first, but then I had seen a bleeding lioness yelling about someone named Coy.” She thought for a moment.
“Then a little adolescent interrupted me and started demanding to know why I was in their territory. After sundown, I decided to follow the adolescent back into her territory when I smelled a leopard.” Nyx wasn’t going to get into why the leopard mattered.
“I came this way and here we are.” Nyx had finished writing in the dirt. She thought she could squeak one word out.
“S-sorry.” She mumbled quietly. Hopefully this answer would make Hyena not want to attack her.

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