Posted by Rulers and Tyrants (RP)

Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-05-09 19:51:39
This is (LOOSELY) based off of my adoption thread located here!

This will be edited lots before I am satisfied with it, but ya know!

This is where the RP will happen, I request that we try to keep OOC chat in the OOC forum, but I won't enforce it too hardcore.

Some Rules:
- All 18+ actions are to be fade to black
- nothing involving minors and adults
- Please put a warning before any gore, mutilation, or descriptive harm (self or otherwise)
- Do not have a response that describes how someone else's character reacts UNLESS this has been previously okay'ed by the original player

Each pride will be listed with a link to their respective page in the R&T Prides Forum. It is up to the creator of said pride to update it as people join! However, if they are anything like me, they may need occasionally reminders lol. But don't be pushy!!

I will try to update this ASAP as people join and switch up their roles as well!! As a reminder, I would love people joining my pride just remember that the lion/lioness either HAS to have a mutation or fake it somehow to be allowed in the pride. That is just how my lore works for my pride

- Mongoose

- Turkey

- Alex

- Tea

- Frostblight

- Avi

Death's Escaper (Death) (Turkey)
Talus Joined Sunbaked
Knawbones Joined Sunbaked
Ꮺ Miles (Miles)
Jester (Self Proclaimed Prophet) (Rayb1rd)
Angus (Tea)
Milzos (Randomness)
Tiny Nutbar (Randomness)
Ghost (Tea)
Marlboro (Alex)
Bubbling Spring (Spring) (Ryoka)
Eagle (lilpeep)
Zebra (Zeb) (lilpeep)
Faron (Tea)

Major NPCs:
- Albion: a mandrill who keeps a few falcons and bats he has trained to help see if anyone has mutations and the size of the litter to be expected. He lives out near the Oasis that is unclaimable by any prides. That is monkey only territory.

For reference (in case it is needed) in this RP sizes go in this order:

Male Tigon --> Smilus ---> Male Primal --> Female Tigon---> Male Felis ---> Female Felis ---> Male/Female Ferus ---> Female Primal ---> Male Lion ---> Female Lion ---> Male Leopon ---> Female Leopon ---> Mal/Female Dwarf

Other Links:

Follow this link to post your Pride description!

Go here to post a character sheet!

This one will show you to the deities (and you may add your own!)

For the actual RP, go here!

To just chat and talk, maybe come up with plot points, the OOC Forum is the perfect place!

We'd appreciate it if you introduced yourself here!!

To get some help figuring out how to insert images, change font type, and more- this link is really useful!!

And this is a link to my adoption forum!

Our Google Docs:
Herbs and Uses made by Ray
Languages made by Frost
The differences between lions/prides made by Frost as well!
The Agate Family made by me!
Explaing the Sleekwater Head Grave Tender Role made by Frost

Character Sheets

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Edited on 07/08/22 @ 18:54:17 by Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

-𓀰 (#258201)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-09-09 16:40:03
Aneesha | Double Den

"She won't have any, but it wouldn't be us telling her jade. We gather the girls and watch the fight to wait for a signal. One of us will get advisor Hyena and bring her here to show that Lady Hadleigh isn't stopping the fight and shell demand to know what is happening, and then we'll expose her."

Aneesha whispers as she paused her talking when hearing some of the girls pass by, following them with her head before looking back to jade. It was a semi-foolproof plan and if everything went right it might work, but variables always can change.

"Hyena is the only one besides the king that Lady Hadleigh doesn't have power over and can't hurt unless she wants death which I'm sure she doesn't. The fight starts in only a few minutes, jade I need you, the girls need you. Help be the leader I'm sure your meant to be."

She takes a stray blueberry, its side turned to show a stem with a little, bright, green leaf as it had strayed and fallen from the bowl. Taking the berry Aneesha carefully places it on top of the other berries, its leaf shining with beauty as she adjusted it towards jade. And with a small smile she gave jade a final squeeze from her paw before leaving into and out of the hallway as others prepared for the fight.

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OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 16:46:36
Marula | DU den | mentions: open, Neesh
: Marula glanced to Neesh as they walked out:
“How is she?”

Hog | Afyasi’s | mentions: Open
: the maneless male paced, his brow knit with worry and frustration:

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Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 17:12:53
Lady Hadleigh+ OTHERs| Afyasi

Currently people were gathering on the rim of the old adol pit, chittering nervously as a mangy looking young lion took the center of it. He sighs, closing his eyes and centering himself. And he remained like that throughout the rest of the introduction.

Havrick strutted in with a roar, a few of his buddies cheering for him on the sidelines. One of the guards and Domino were sitting in the pit with them, making sure they didn't begin before the Lady and her girls had arrived.

Lady Hadleigh roars into the den, her voice oddly chipper.

" Alright girls! Gather up! We're headed to the fight!" She chuckles through her words. Humming to herself as she helps the girls group up.

" Come on! Come on! We don't want to keep everybody waiting!" She nudges those still on the floor, peering to Jade with narrow sights. Jade gulps- not meeting her gaze. Hadleigh huffs before moving to Aneesha with a warm smile.

" My dearest.. are you ready? I'm sure you're simply bursting at the seams!" She giggles- morbidly childish about the whole ordeal.


Shy had been running herself ragged. She was glad the goddess had blessed their lands, but at the same time keeping up with all the changes was exhausting. She stretched, looking through her files before another new trader entered the Advisors den.

They seemed to be a Smilus of some kind, carrying bits and bobs of all kinds in a cart behind them. She spares no time with mindless chat.

" State your name and wares please." She demands dully- the large male jumps slightly, smiling nervously before responding.

" U-Uh, Siren Sun miss! I specialize in decors." He remarks, showing off one of his pieces of work. The advisor hums and stamps her paw in some red dye before placing it firmly on a piece of birch bark.

" Right, You have this pride's approval to trade. Please keep this with you." She instructs. The primal grins sheepishly and takes the permit before scampering out of the office.

Shy yawns- running a paw down her face slowly.


She was wandering around, helping the others build the new ward before spotting an old face.

" Petra! I've been meaning to speak with you-" She exclaims, trotting over to the miss and greeting her with a headbutt to the shoulder.

" I've noticed you've been helping out everywhere recently- I'm sorry I couldn't promote you sooner but with my brother having kids, the king getting sick, and the new ward Things have been rather hectic. I was wondering, since I put more of my time into more intricate things nowadays, would you like to take charge of the royal guard? They still come to me for help and while I love them I just don't have time.." She chuckles.

" But! If that's not something you're interested in.. I do have another idea" She continues.

" Ya see ever since the party traders have been coming around much more often and doing business with us. But a lot of them have scammed or stolen from us. I was thinking maybe you could become a bounty hunter of sorts?" She sheepishly suggests.

" Maybe even both? Guard during the day and take a bounty hunter pack out at night? It's up to you really."

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Jay (it/he) (#286384)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-09 17:18:56
Lily | Afaysi | Lady Hadleigh, others, open

At Lady Hadleigh’s call, Lily of the Valley clambered down towards the pit. She didn’t like watching fights, but she didn’t want the Lady’s wrath either.

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-𓀰 (#258201)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-09-09 17:56:09
Aneesha | Afyasi

"She's in better shape than yesterday, gather the girls but make sure no one sees and let's pray to any gods that this plan works."

Aneesha closes her eyes and does a quick prayer as she nodded to Marula as she gathered with the other girls to the old adol pit, eyes scanning across the crowds of lions trying to trample each other to see the fight. She flinched slightly when Lady Hadleigh suddenly came up beside her, holding her breath as she was quick to fix her stance.

"Yes Lady Hadleigh, I am anxious to see what will happen. It's sooo...exciting to see the fight" she responds as she hoped to see panya there, scared he would leave. She loved him, yes but she wasn't sure if he returned the feelings as well as it could have just been a part of their plan to not have her married which is going terribly.

Aneesha couldn't help but imagine what her life would be if Havrick won her paw, a shiver going down her spine. Stuck inside a dingy den, not allowed to venture outside unless he was there, and only used to pop out cubs left and right. She couldn't even start to think about his parents, probably just as terrible as him or worse.

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Edited on 09/09/22 @ 18:22:08 by Raya (#258201)

- Avi - (#303308)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-09 18:09:39
Izel | Du Den |

Izel continued to yawn, now shivering a little, the cool winds continuing to make her health worse, every bit of herself slowly deteriorating with the otherwise normal temperatures, although it felt freezing to her. Despite this, she still payed mind to the lioness's words, slightly nodding hear head along, becoming absent minded half-way through as she felt as if she might have dozed off, feeling annoyed as she realized she had to do some walking, groaning, her voice raspy and cracking half-way through.

Petra | Afyas’s Oasis |

A bit stunned a first from Hyena’s sudden appearance, she quickly regained her calmness, grieving the large lioness in front of her a soft smile, although the buzzing happiness she felt inside of her was, as she felt, to much to truly show. She felt proud of herself for gaining the attention of the lioness, even more that she was gaining the title of royal guard- taking the rank she wanted, back. Although it would be hard for her to get used to, she felt as if there were no other place she would be.

Instead of saying the stuttering, elated mess she felt she was, she instead remained calm, keeping her calm-looking composure, nodding as Hyena finishing her speaking, feeling tense as she readies herself to speak. “ T-thank you, Hyena- of course, I’m fine with becoming guard. ,” she stops herself from speaking anymore, not wanting to tire the liones in front of her.

Kabir | Lunar Pride |

Noticing the large surge of tradesmen and other lions, and the occasional animal of another kind, Kabir looked over to the source of it all, slightly groaning upon realizing Shy had been left with the work, all by herself. He smiled, waving goodbye to the lion whom he had been talking to, making way over to his advisor with a slight, small smile, trying his best to give comfort to his tired-looking advisor.. “ Shy! ,” he pauses, giving whomever Shy was speaking to, giving them a small wave, before returning his attention to his advisor. “ I’m sure you need a break- Fox is free, now- I think, “ he mumbles the last few words, returning to his clear, loud voice. “ I can go get him,, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. ,” waiting for his advisor’s words, he gives her a smile, a tight-lipped one, bringing up his face.

(( Apologies for any mis-spellings, again, this was a little rushed- and I’ll be switching to mobile for responses. ))

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Edited on 09/09/22 @ 18:16:46 by Avi - Quinn (#303308)

Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 18:26:18
Panya+ OThErs|Old pit

Panya was still unmoving. Despite the Taunts and screaming that Havrick threw his way. He was too focused to care. He tried to drown out the cheering and chatter, centering himself as he waited for the go ahead.

Lady Hadleigh spoke up, the girls sitting neatly behind her as she began to talk to the small crowd that had formed.

" Thank you all for coming! Tonight these two males will battle it out to see who will take home our most prized Double Uterus girl!" She announced, the crowd whooping and hollering.

" Now then. May Co-" She clears her throat, trying to pass off her mistake as a cough.

" May Afyasi protect you both. " She calls down to the two Males.

" I'm gonna tear that pretty face right off your body twiggy." Havrick sneers, lowering himself into a fighting stance. He growls, his pupils expanding to the rim of his iris. His large primal fangs jutting out slightly as he snarled and snapped at the air.

Panya took a breath- looking to the crowd to find only one face. Hers. He stared at her for a while- the sight of her settling his mind before he turned back to face Havrick.

" BEGIN!" Lady Hadleigh cries out.

Havrick lunges towards the maneless male, only to throw himself face first into the nearest wall as Panya swiftly dodges him.

Havrick snarls, scampering back upwards and darting towards Panya again. Only to be met with the same results. Yet this time he lands square in the lake.

Like a snake, Panya takes a deep breath and slinks below the surface of the water. His thin fur did not weigh him down, unlike Havrick who sputtered and thrashed about.

He managed to regain his footing on a slight upward slope at the bottom of the lake. Which made an underwater platform of sorts. He screams, embarrassed and agitated.


There's stillness for a good moment. Havrick starts to smile- wondering if he had ran off. Only to feel his heartbeat choke him as he felt Panya latch onto his back. His fangs were almost lethal- not because of their size but because of the young male's jaw strength. Years of biting into bone for the marrow and crushing rocks between his molars to try and find bugs surely helped.

He rapidly struck down his back like a viper- his balance being well enough that he didn't even need to dig his false claws into his back.

Havrick was Screeching at the top of his lungs, inhaling water every time he tried to suck in a breath. Panya managed to stay on his back the whole way back to shore. Where he leaped off of him and back into the water like a frog.

Havrick gasped- shivering and coughing his lungs out. Eyes wild and distraught as he tried to find the lion.

He saw a small splash of water near the shore and leaped for it- Screaming and fumbling backwards when a large crocodile snapped through the surface of the water. Hissing and barring its many fangs.

Panya's damp form rose from the back of the reptile, Having agitated it by disturbing its slumber at the bottom of the lake. The Croc was too blind with rage to realize that Havrick hadn't been the one to disturb it. And Panya was light enough that it didn't notice he was standing on his back.

Domino was grinning ear to ear. In awe of the pit males cunning and calm.

Lady Hadleigh watched, utterly befuddled. And pissed that Panya was winning. But she watched helplessly- her face twisted in anger as the crowds cheered and laughed at the display.

" ENOUGH! DOMINO! GET THAT BOY OFF OF THERE!" She snaps down to the Healer who doesn't even turn to look at her, simply flipping her off in response to her rage. Lady Hadleigh stomps her paw with a growl.

" PANYA! STOP THAT THING BEFORE IT KILLS HIM!" She commands the young male. Panya slips off its back, and pushes Havrick out of harm's way before the Crocodile snaps its jaws around him.

The reptile grows disinterested, shuffling back underwater. Leaving only the scene of Panya pinning a weak and soaking wet Havrick.

" Are we done here?" He asks tirely towards Lady Hadleigh. She bites her lip, eye twitching at his blazze comment. She wants to say no- but the crowd roars in response. Declaring him the winner.


*mention of a misscarrige*

She smiles faintly before starting to place back a few papers and blank permits.

" That's very kind of you.. but I'm not sure Fox would understand all of.." She gestures to the cluttered(ish) Den before sighing.

" This. But it's not a problem. I enjoy my work- even if there's a lot of it. How's the miss and kids? It must be exciting to see the start to bloom into their own people hm? She grins.

" I almost became a mother myself once." She reminisces slightly- not trying to turn the mood sour. But she did always wonder what her failed litter would have been like.. what names she would have given them. But she was still happy to celebrate cubs. No matter whos they were.

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OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 18:31:06
Marula | DU den | mentions: open, Neesh
: marula had gone with the girls to watch:

Hog | Afyasi’s | mentions: Open
: Hog watched the fight with a huff, but he was smirking:

Calista (Neoma) | Afyasi’s | mentions: open
: Calista had become more relaxed with the cubs being older, she laid with the sun and let her cubs be, though most stayed at her side:

Alaric | Afyasi’s | mentions: open
: Alaric having wandered off he had squirmed his way to the edge of the pit, having been watching the fight with a borring gaze:

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- Avi - (#303308)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-09 19:03:58
Kabir | Lunar Pride |

He nodded- sympathetic as he listened intently to his advisor’s past, having never heard of her speak of herself as she was now, giving her a soft, empathetic look, trying to help the lioness feel better. “ I’m sorry to hear of that, Shy. I’m sure you would have been a great mother. ,” although unsure of how to help comfort others- as he had only ever been the one to revive comfort, he continues to try his best. “ They’re good, the twins have been healthy, luckily- and they seem to have inherited my strength, and Tzipora’s kindness… ,” he pauses, looking over to shy with a slight smile, still wary and unsure of how to give the lioness the comfort and kindness he knew she would need, now. “ I’m sure- I hope, “ continuing to mumble his last words, he raises his voice once again, “ They’ll be great leaders in the future. ,” he smiles as he thinks of his cubs, growing fond of them, and his memories.

“ Along with that, Tzipora’s grown close with them, she’s quickly regained herself after giving birth, despite I having given her a break for herself after the cubs birth- she seemed to insist to be by their side, they’re quite energeti. ,” he buffs a small laugh, clearing his throat once again. “ Well, then, I’ve gone on for long enough, I’m sure you need a break, I’ll go give Fox a call. ,” he gives Shy a smile, once more.

Izle | Old pit

With each hit- each yell, it seems to beckon her, reminding her of the past. How lions outside of her den would fight, not for other lions nor lionesses- but, for necessity, for life. Be it for food, their lives- it was always something extreme, or, sometimes, she would find herself watching fights break out daily from the guards and higher-ups of her pride picking on the lower rankings, sometimes even stealing their cubs or food. She remembered when they began beating her mother, this had happened before, although it was never as bad as it was now.

Her mother called out, for her, for her father whom she didn’t know. “ Izel. Izle. ,” she would cry of pain, or sadness. Izel couldn’t tell the difference, either way, it was a cry of pain- hoarse and broken, desperate. “ Izel- you worthless bitch. ,” it hurt to hear her say that. “ You ungrateful- ,” her cries and calls remained like that, the same, harmful words, again and again, the young Izel would only sit there, sometimes sobbing, or just.. just.. sitting there.

Finally, the guards would stop- and, although it felt like an eternity of just sitting there, listening, and crying, they finally took her. But, they didn’t hurt her. They just took her. She couldn’t remember what happened after that, just waking up back in her den, with her mother by her side. She told herself it was a dream. A horrible, nasty dream. But, overtime, she could no longer cop herself. Not now, especially, as she stared at the fight in front of her, being reminded of the two desperate lions from before, but, she no longer looked away as she use to. Now, she sat there, staring at the fight intently, as if infatuated.

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-𓀰 (#258201)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-09-09 19:12:41
Aneesha | Afyasi

Aneesha watched with a racing heart as she watched the fight, the yells and chants of other lions ring in her ears as she watches panya fight. Her gaze never left him, only following behind and silently cheering him on to win and stay alive.

The battle was ferocious and thrilling at the same time, the slashing of claws and the crunch of jaws breaking bones. The most exciting and unexpected part of the fight Aneesha wasn't ready for was the panya disappearing in the water only to come back up riding a crocodile while he stood on its back.

The snap of its jaws and the low grumbling hissing noise it made frightened her, an instinct to back away from the large beast was overwhelming. She practically could see its jaws snapping just inches away from her face as she took a step back, bumping into another lion who was quick to shove her forward.

Snapping out of the daze as the people around her roared, shouting out panyas name is when she realized the scene in front of her. Her heart soared and fluttered with happiness seeing that panya has won the worries of being a trophy mate vanished without a trace. With fits of laughter, she made her way through the crowd, weaving and turning between lions,

Aneesha neared the edge of the pit, calling out panya's name as she slid down the rocky walls not caring about the dirt that stained her pristine silver-white fur. Standing in front of him as she tried to catch her breath she pulled him into a tight hug which soon turned to her nuzzling and licking him on his cheeks, holding his face in her paws.

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Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 19:17:43

She smiles- feeling a little awkward at his attempt at comforting her. But she appreciated the sentiment. She yawns again before talking.

" I guess a little break could do me some good.. I got news from Sleekwater, they just had their first Sleekwater born cubs. I sent the pigeon with a little gift of pride."

She informs him, quick to turn the conversation back to business. She always felt odd around the king. Other Advisors seemed to know their rulers like the back of their paws. But she truly.. didn't know anything about him. Not that it mattered, she supposed.

" I'm quite pleased that the goddess has shown us mercy.. after the last event." She sighs- thinking back to that disaster of a night.

She starts to follow beside Kabir out of the advisors den and into the pride. It certainly has become more lively in the past month. She couldn't say she was unhappy. But it did mean she had less time for herself.

" But besides that. Have things been well? I hope nobody has given you too much trouble." She hums thoughtfully.

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Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 19:28:51

He chuckles- feeling a bit shy now that everybody seems to know his name. But his worries soon melted away as he was embraced by his mate. He laughs as she peppers him with affections.

Looking at her with a great fondness.

" Can we not pretend anymore? Can we.. Can we be mates? For real this time?" he asks sheepishly.. he hoped this was an alright time to ask. But he truly was clueless when it came to these things.

" I think NOT." Hadleigh snarls- yanking Aneesha back, much to the confusion of the crowd. She pushes Paya backwards with a snarl- speaking in a hushed tone.

" You were not supposed to win... not after your words towards me." She hisses, watching as he takes a few steps back. Yet his face doesn't change.

" What are you saying?? I won fair and square!" He demands. Hadleigh raises a brow, turning back to the crowd.

" THIS FIGHT IS OVER! RETURN BACK TO YOUR DENS!" She commands. Many follow her wishes- only a few being brave enough to stay and watch.

The old lioness turns back to Havrick- panting and tired. Weeping as he tries to catch his breath. He yowls at Lady Hadleigh yanking his mane and throwing him at Panya's paws. Panya flinches before Lady hadleigh circles him. Speaking in a vile tone.

" I declare the rules of this fight.. And so.. If you truly want me to give you Aneesha. Kill. Him." She demands- making Panya go pale.

" W-What??" Havrick whimpers, feeling dread fill his heart. He was too fatigued to stand.

" Go on. It should be easy for you.. right? Warrior?" She purrs cruely. Panya looks to Havrick with pity then back to the old lioness.

" No." He states softly. Lady Hadleigh shrugs before speaking.

" So be it. Then Havrick will have Aneesha's paw-"

" N o." Panya cuts her off- striding towards her, still dripping with water. She sputters on her words, appalled.

" Excuse me?? And what makes you think you have a choice?!?" She snarls at him. Panya seems unphased as he draws closer to her. She flinches slightly- the look he gives her shooting waves of terror down her body.

He looks at Aneesha and asks in a soft and loving tone.

" Aneesha.. do you want to be my mate?" He asks, disregarding Lady Hadleigh's slack jawed expression


" Great!! I look forward to seeing how you train the new guards!" She chuckles, gesturing over to some young looking lions who seem determined yet clueless as they spar with one another.

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murderthistle |
they/it/any (#230278)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 19:46:52
Callahan | Somewhere | Shiva

Callahan's jaws opened in a giggling laugh as the warning fulfilled itself. The wind too, gave a whistling rush; Callahan could tell that the dream god was amused. The Priest reached down, placing nimble paws around until he was in the right position to help shove Shiva up to her paws. "Never doubt the Dreamer," He said in a mock-sincere voice, referring to both himself and Motaji.

Callahan could feel the god's mirth bubbling along his bones; Motaji was apparently having a good laugh. The cheetah felt himself giggle again as he picked his way out of the thorn patch. "Yes, the sun. Don't want to have our skin and fur on fire now, do we? Come on, I'll help you get rid of those prickles." he ushered his siter forward.

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- Avi - (#303308)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-09 19:55:26
Petra | Afyasi’s Oasis |

Feeling herself flush, a bit, Petra is quick to follow Hyena, looking around the unknown grounds as Hyena seems eager to introduce her- feeling as if she were an adol again, starting all over from the beginning, only now, it was a fresh, new- clean page, and Petra was every bit determined to do better, to do more then she had before, despite the little attention she was given by the other lions, she continued to feel eager and tense, glancing around the unfamiliar grounds, gritting her sharp teeth against each other.

Izel | Old pit - Du Den |

To the eager, infatuated adol, the fight seemed to be over and soon as it began- and every thing else was a flash, blur of events, that took time for her to recall, having to be brought up by reminders, just like her other, locked memories of the past, only to be remembered by random things that happened to serve as keys to these memories. She groans, feeling sick all over again, annoyed at the coldness that made other lions and lionesses of the pride feel all so much better with the usual, unbearable heat of the pride.

The entire scene seemed as if it had been faked or acted out- a large act she had been unprepared for. She groaned, once again, at the thoughts, again at the scene in front of her, although, she admitted, it did interest her, so despite the lioness’s demands, she stayed at the pit, hidden until she was bored, returning to the den, flopping onto the stiff, “ comfort “ of her nest.

Kabir & Fox | Lunar Pride, main area - Fox’s Den |

Kabir seems to notice Shy’s unease, cringing at himself before returning to guiding his advisor, making sure to pay attention to his surroundings, sometime he would find himself lost if he wandered for to long, stopping at one of the many, confusing- twisting turns of his pride, stopping at the entrance of the trail that lead to Fox’s den.

Before entering the den, he did a soft knock, smiling at his messenger as Fox walked out, mumbling incoherent words and noises, ruffling his fur, long before noticing that Kabir and Shy had awoken him, changing his composure and look, more so out of spite for Shy. “ What? ,” he questioned, returning the smile Kabir gave him, although it appeared to be more of a sly grin. “ It’s time to switch swifts! ,” Kabir says as if it is a usual occurrence for the two, quickly guiding Fox back to the main area upon convincing him to cover for Shy.

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Edited on 09/09/22 @ 20:09:26 by Avi - Quinn (#303308)

-𓀰 (#258201)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-09-09 20:01:19
Aneesha | Afyasi

She couldn't tell if it was her stomach twisting or she suddenly ate butterflies and they were fluttering, her face getting hot and her heart fluttering. Throughout these past days, she's become infatuated with panya, believing he is perfect and wanting to be with him all the time. The amount of joy she felt was euphoric, moving her paws down to gaze into his eyes.

"Yes, I lov-" Aneesha's response was cut short as a pair of sharp claws dug into her back and threw her onto the ground with a cry of pain. her elbows and legs getting scraps from the hard, rough stone and pebbles. Looking to who had thrown her she gasped, seeing a seething Hadleigh as her burning gaze could bury a lion in seconds.

When she demanded others to leave Aneesha was filled with anxiety as she watched some of the lions leave. Standing up to do something she groaned in pain, clenching her jaw as she hissed looking at the scapes that had rock and dirt on them already. But the sight she saw was truly extraordinary, panya stepping up to Hadleigh as the lioness herself seeming to cower under his gaze. With a shaky laugh, she hobbled back over to the two, the sting of the scapes beginning to fade as she took panyas side.

"But I do! I have every right to choose who I want to have as a mate, to choose if I should bear cubs and keep them mutated or not! I have a right to be upset, to be angry at you for you never cared for any of the girls in the den. You only controlled us and manipulated us!" Aneesha yells in anger as she turned to the crowd and then to Hadleigh.

'You worship a cruel, dead king! You harm your daughter in hopes to sacrifice her, you are the one who has no right to speak!" She finishes as she took in deep breaths, the bottled-up emotions she had now gone. With her last word, she turns to payna, a loving gaze on her face.

"I would be honored to be your mate Panya. I love you, I want to do everything with you. I love you so much that whenever we are apart my heart breaks only for you to come back like the sun greeting the morning sky. I will love to be your mate, my Panya."

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