Posted by Lion RP

🥬 Kale 🥬 (#65142)

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Posted on
2023-01-02 16:15:19

Welcome to lion Role Play!

Honestly let’s just see where this takes us! Let’s be respectful and hove fun!

No limit to characters, just make sure that if you are done playing them they make a smooth exit.

Lions only please.

We are going off of the Lioden events!


Existing Pride: Sunset Pride

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Edited on 26/01/23 @ 22:20:47 by 🐘Joy🐘 (#65142)

J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-24 16:50:26
(that's the thing there's no actual prides in this roleplay)

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Mina (#418315)

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Posted on
2023-01-24 16:52:29
(( I guess just a random one, then, I don’t think it really matters what pride she’s in, just that it’s near the other characters, whatever helps the plot make sense. ))

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ImKindaJustHereMan (#330495)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-01-24 17:12:23
Cobra caught up to them, huffinf for a breath of air. "I didnt want to be a burden if I tagged along, thank you." he said with a small bow, he knew his presence caused the twos annoyance so he stay quiet on the journey, kicking a pebble every now and then.

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J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-24 17:32:47
Mlinzi approached her, his jingling chains alerting the cubs. They came over, playing around him. The grey lion purred and licked one, before approaching Romana, "How are you?" He asked gently. The smell of prey wafted over. Nyeusi came over, face bloody from a successful hunt. the cubs came over, excited. Nyeusi purred, "We caught something, but cubs must eat first" she guided the cubs to a zebra carcass, letting them eat.

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Edited on 24/01/23 @ 17:38:13 by J3llyfish (#212292)

J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-24 17:35:20
Nyota|Near Lyla|Nikos, Cobra
Night began to fall, and Nyota was tired. she slid into a lay, "I think we should rest for now, tomorrow we'll catch up" she said, and began grooming herself. Her stomach growled, but she didn't want to admit it, not wanting to explain how bad she is at hunting. "so, since you're our king now, what's your name?" she asked, looking over to the black lion.
(making them rest because I forgot where Lyla is-)

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Skies (#412215)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-01-24 17:37:42
Nikos | Following Nyota, Cobra

She just nodded at the male, nudging Nyota. The small group were now looking for the lioness named Lyla, while walking Nikos stayed alert. While no small predator would ever dare cross them she knew that anything larger than them would try to. She got more bored the more they walked. She sat down when she heard the word rest come out of Nyota's mouth, she was barely listening to the large lioness now.

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Edited on 24/01/23 @ 17:55:03 by Skies (#412215)

Mina (#418315)

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Posted on
2023-01-24 17:40:42
Romana | Sunset Pride | Mentions: Mlinzi |

Romana pauses as she sees the deep-red liquid that oozes from the jaw of the king ahead of her, before picking herself from the ground, shaking the dust and debris that her fur had picked up from the ground that she had lay on before, which now had a small imprint of lioness and the cubs many paw prints.

She watches as the cubs go, waiting for them to leave before her eyes begin to take a squint, directed at the king. She speaks with a harsh tone in her voice, as if she were scolding the king, although she laughs at the end of her speech as if she were telling a joke of some kind.

“ I’m fine— but, I must say, I find it funny that you’re asking me how I am, when the entire lower half of her face is covered with blood. ,” she giggles, for a moment, clearing her throat as she studies the king more intently, with a saddened look brought upon her face, now. “ You should wash up, I’m not sure how the cubs aren;’t afraid of you when you come in the den like you just killed something, all the time. ,” she pauses, as if to think, before laughing to herself . “ Well, you do, but that should frighten them all the more. ,” her tail flickers behind her as she laughs, the sound echoing throughout the otherwise empty den, as she leaves for a moment, before reappearing with a leaf in hand, filled with droplets of water.

“ Here.,” she says, her head pointing towards the leaf. “ Sit, let me help, so it doesn’t look like you’ve just ended someone’s bloodline.. ,” she sits herself down, waiting for her king to do the same as her tail sways behind her.

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Skies (#412215)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-01-24 17:44:32
Amaris | Pride | Romana & Mlinzi

The cub was hidden behind the tall dry grass, his little tail wiggled as he watched the older lions talk. Amaris decided it was time, the little cub jumped out with a squeaky roar. He stumbled a little but he was able to grab Mlinzi's tail, batting it with his tiny paws. "I got you! I got you!" He said in a loud cheerful voice. The little cub continued to bat at the Kings tail, Amaris thought it was a pretty good toy. Well, better than chewing bones.

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J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-24 17:46:03
Mlinzi|sunset pride| Mlinzi
Mlinzi chuckles, "Well, they gotta get used to it, anyways." he smiles, sitting down to allow the broodmother to help him. "Besides, i'm their father, I would hope they aren't afraid of me" he heard the cubs fighting, and Nyeusis voice, "Hey! This is the time where you eat, not fight!" she growled. Mlinzi couldn't help but smiled, "They're growing fast, they're growing strong. You're doing a pretty good job with those troublemakers" he purred, before being interrupted by little paws grabbing hold of his tail. He looked behind him, narrowing his eyes to the little cub, he smiled, teasingly waving his tail around, "Gave me quite a scare, young one" he purred more. Nyeusi bursted through the bushes, "Hey, have you seen-" she stopped looking down, "i'm sorry, Mlinzi" she bowed her head, before taking the cub, scolding him. "It's quite alright" he replied. Nyeusi walked back to the zebra carcass, still scolding Amaris

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Edited on 24/01/23 @ 17:48:31 by J3llyfish (#212292)

Skies (#412215)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-01-24 17:54:39
Amaris | Pride | Nyeusi

His ears flattened, looking down guiltily. He didn't like it when his mother scolded him, he didn't even do anything wrong! He pouted. "But ma, I didn't do anything wrong" he was still looking down, he mewed sadly. Now he knew it probably won't work, but acting cute might save him from the punishment he'll receive.

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Mina (#418315)

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Posted on
2023-01-24 18:06:42
(( Sorry for the late response, I had to handle something real quick! ))

Romana | Sunset Pride, Brood mothers den | Mentions: mlizi
_________ ____________________________________ _________________

Romana rolls her eyes as Mlinzi speaks, brining a paw to her face as she sarcastically giggle to herself, bringing the leaf to the lions face, letting a small splash of water onto his bloody maw as the mix of water and blood dips below, onto another leaf she had prepared. She continues the cycle, speaking of the cubs and how the day had been— hearing of the huntresses successful hunts, and seeing an abundantly large arrival of plants the pride had gotten from their allies.

Her tail grabs at the dirt below; swinging as she tells of her day; before suddenly stopping as a small cub appears out of seemingly no where and grabs at the kings tail, before being escorted away. She can’t help but laugh at the situation, letting out a small giggle as she tries to keep a straight face, which looks odd as she laughs in her throat, before resuming with their conversation.

Sincere is her tone, and light-hearted her voice, as she speaks fondly to the king. “ Thank you, I try my best with them— and so does Nyeusi, as.. well, you can see… ,” she gives him a small chuckle, bringing a paw to the now cleanly face that she looks into, having to keep her head held high in order to get a good look at the king. “ Done. ,” she says, with a satisfied tone. “ They do grow fast, it seems it was only a day ago I helped their mothers with their pains, soothing them through their brith, and held them as new-borns as their mothers had times to themselves. Now, they’ve grown up so strong and quick, I’m always on my paws trying to keep them all at bay. Nyeusi is to thanks for all the help she’s brought me over the time we’ve known each-other. ,” her eyes twinkle and glaze a bit as she thinks of the past, before they return to the king’s gaze.

“ But, enough about me, I’m sure you had an eventful day— I would be of honor to hear about it all! ,” she picks up the two leafs, spilling their contents in a small ditch nearby, where ‘most water waste was kept, before being buried over with dirt, not like much would grow out of the infertile soil, anyways. Her tail begins to sway behind her as she mentions towards the dining area, where the cubs feasted ahead of them. “ I would love to chat over a dinner, if you will enlighten me so. ,” she offers a kind smile, as well as a warm gesture, her eyes gleaming as they turn into crescent shapes, small wrinkles under her eyes from the amount of times she offered her kind smiles.

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J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-24 18:46:15
Mlinzi|sunset pride| Mlinzi
Mlinzi watched as Romana cleaned his muzzle, "you sure you want to waste our water on me?" he half-joked. "Yes, everyone in the pride works hard, feeding eachother, protecting our land, and raising our cubs" He looked down quite sadly, "It's a shame Nyeusis last litter didn't quite make it, but It's a relief this litter is doing a wonderful job." He listened to Romana talk, before she invited him to talk about his day. "Oh, well, it was a pretty good day. A zebra herd has been spotted in our territory, but I smelt a rogue lion near our borders, he seemed sickly, though, so I doubt we have to worry about him." Nyeusi came back, carrying the cubs, "Romana, it's our turn to eat" she said, dropping one of the cubs. Mlinzi looked over at Romana, nodding his head, "go eat, I'll take care of them" the cubs spotted the king, and ran over, playing with his soft, thick fur and biting at his paws and tail, Mlinzi smiled, gently batting and wresting with them.
(sorry my internet went out)

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Mina (#418315)

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Posted on
2023-01-24 18:58:11
(( it’s fine! ^^ ))

Romana | Sunset Pride | Mentions: Mlinzi

Romana nodded her head along intently as he spoke, her ears perking up as she hears of the zebra herd nearby in their territory— then, once more, as she hears of the rouge along their borders. Her tail flickers with interest, while her mind is also boggled with worry. “ What if he wants to hurt us— or worse, the cubs? What ill intent does this rogue abhor? ,” she shakes her head, trying to rid herself of her worries, and continue to listen as Mlinzi spoke.

“ yes, I can remember how sad she was— I hope she shall be blessed, if she ever were to try again, I can remember how excited she was.. it was a painful experience for us all. ,” she sighs, shaking her head once more as she remembers the saddening memories of the past.

She had known Nyeusi at the time, and she could fondly recall on how the lioness’s eyes glimmered she spoke of her litter, what she would name them— everything among the likes. . . Until, she lost the litter. Her heart still aches thinking of the tragedy that ensued, so she made sure to quickly forget of the sadness that had occurred, and continue her conversation with the king.

“ And, of course I have to help— you’re our king,, my friend,, overall. ,” she gives him a warm-hearted smile, before their conversation is once again interrupted, and she leaves for food.” Thank you, “ she mutters, nodding her head towards in a bow-like gesture, before leaving to the cubs, where some smile at her, while others are to busy stuffing their face for of carcass to even acknowledge her.

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J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-24 19:06:20
Nyeusi(Mostly)|Sunset pride| lionesses
Nyeusi waited for them to depart, and walked side by side, "How were the cubs?" She asked, eyes glinting in amusement, "they've become quite the handful" she recounted, greeting Tyva, who was waiting for them. "thanks, Tyva" she said, crouching down and began to eat what was left of the zebra, different parts were ravaged by the hungry ankle-biters, so it was difficult getting a good spot. Nyeusi sighed, "Oh they were only weaned last moon, I think I preferred them when they only suckled." She joked. Tyva was growling in frustration, having to maneuver around the zebra. "so, what's our plan with the rogue lion. Nyeusi looked up, shrugging, "Mlinza doesn't seem too worried, he said the lion would probably be dead by now" she replied, taking a bite. Tyva stopped to think, "Well, they're still dangerous, right?" Nyeusi looked at Romana, then at Tyva, "Mlinza won't ever let a male lion close to our pride, quit worrying" everyone could tell Nyeusi-like everyone-was worried, but she pushed it away, not wanting to scare the cubs

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Edited on 24/01/23 @ 19:06:31 by J3llyfish (#212292)

🥬 Kale 🥬 (#65142)

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Posted on
2023-01-24 19:07:04


3 years, 6 months | Bi |Location: Baobab Tree (between old den and mountains)| Mentions: Everyone’s scent, the Cubs, Pride

She awoke as the sun was rising. Time for them to move on. She carried each grumbling cub down the tree. They were not ready to wake up.

She slung the bags over her shoulders and made a makeshift sled of sorts out of some rope in one of the bags and a large elephant leaf. She placed each cub on the leaf and they drifted back to sleep. She placed the rope on her shoulders and began to pull the cubs. This wasn’t a very fast mode of transport, but it was better than nothing.

Padding on, she could barely smell Nire anymore, but she could smell something new. It seemed that they were wandering into a pride’s territory.

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