Posted by Lion RP

πŸ₯¬ Kale πŸ₯¬ (#65142)

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Posted on
2023-01-02 16:15:19

Welcome to lion Role Play!

Honestly let’s just see where this takes us! Let’s be respectful and hove fun!

No limit to characters, just make sure that if you are done playing them they make a smooth exit.

Lions only please.

We are going off of the Lioden events!


Existing Pride: Sunset Pride

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Edited on 26/01/23 @ 22:20:47 by 🐘Joy🐘 (#65142)

Mina (#418315)

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Posted on
2023-01-24 19:22:09
Romana & Tyva | Sunset Pride |


Romana listens to the conversation as she takes a small chunk of meat, while Tyva helps herself to a generous amount, maintaining her same obnoxious attitude as before, while Romana had grown use to her, as the huntress had become like a sister to her after she lost near the entirety of her family. First, her ears flicker, then her tail, followed by an uneasy feeling as the three continue diving deeper into the dramas that occurred.

β€œ No need to bring it up at such a time. ,” Tyva seems confused at first, almost angered, as if the conversation about a rogue lion should go unheard ofβ€” before Romana nudges her hard enough to get the idea, gesturing towards the dozens worth of cubs. β€œ Besides, our king and his huntresses.. ,” she clears her throat, her piercing stare directed at Tyva as the lioness glared back at her, as if in a sort of petty gesture, β€œ should.. no, will be able to protect us. ,” her voice is calm, and sweet as honey, lined with lies that she uses both to calm the others, and more importantly, her nerves. β€œ Right, Tyva? ,” she questions, knowing the lioness was far to prideful to say her truth.

β€œ Yesβ€” never mind getting through us, whomever they are would have no chance going against the kingβ€” he’s probably just some wanderer. . . They’re called rogues for a reason, Y’know? ,” she shakes her head, as does Romana, as they settle into a normal conservation once more, speaking of the cubs, hunting, and the likes.

β€œ They were quite fine, Ny, thank you for askingβ€” they’ve been the handful, for sure, but, I do love themβ€” remind me ofβ€” ,” the lioness stops herself before continuing her words, making sure to place them wisely, as she did not want to have to create a scene in front of everybody, crying as she remembered the massacre that was her home pride. β€œ Reminds me of my early years as a brood mother. ,” she throws in a light-hearted giggle, biting down on the last bit of her zebra, as she listens to what the other two lionesses have to say.

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Edited on 24/01/23 @ 19:24:38 by Mina (#418315)

J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-24 19:32:30
Nyeusi(Mostly)|Sunset pride| lionesses
Nyeusi nodded a thanks to Romana, slightly amused by Tyvas rage. "Heshima will be a fine hunter when she grows, even I can't catch up to her" Nyeusi said, "Heshima is already planning to take over the pride, he tried 'leading' his siblings but they ended up climbing all over him, I think he too is tired of them" she stopped eating, smiling when she thought of her cubs. "He can be abit of a bully, he made fun of Amaris stump, I hope he doesn't grow up to be like that, Amaris seems to have more of his fathers gentleness then he does" Nyeusi finished eating, cleaning her face. "Anyways, how are the cubs doing with you?" She looked over to Romana, smiling. Tyva seemed bored, slapping her tail on the ground impatiently
(I made the cubs, look in Nyeusis profile)

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Edited on 24/01/23 @ 19:44:02 by J3llyfish (#212292)

Mina (#418315)

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Posted on
2023-01-24 19:54:39
(( Again, sorry for late response ))

Romana | Sunset Pride | Mentions: Nyeusi, Tyva

Romana nodded her head along as the conversation flowed, and time passed as stars could be seen overhead, and the cubs had finished up, β€˜cept for few , instead choosing to chase each other amok , roaring and laughing, a bellowing sound in the warm night. Breezes of hot air blew against her fur, as she were reminded of the warm feelings she felt when hearing Ny speak of her first liter, smiling as Tyva groaned with boredom, and Ny smiled with happiness.

β€œ The cubs . . . Have been swell ,” she pauses in between her words, her eyes twitching and tail thrashing about as the cubs play β€œ whack’a’friend” where they each take turns, respectively, and begin thrashing at each other, and of course, makeshift weapons were allowed. The smarter cubs used sticks which they grabbed with their tails, while others used small pebbles and rocks, while the larger cubs just brute forced their way to winning. The lioness sighed, shaking her head as she let out a harrowing laugh , and then sigh as her breath disperse in the air.

β€œ They’ve begun to grow, personalities, strengths, the likes . . . Little Zafia and her friend Nilou over there want to explore outside of the pride once they grow of ageβ€” and Tobi wants to become a huntress for the pride. ,” she points at three she-cubs, all different in size in appearance, Zafia a tiger-lion mix, with beautiful shimmering red fur, and Nilou similar in appearance to Romana, with beige fur, and glossy blue eyes, that appeared a stormy-grey color. Tobi was one of the larger cubs, which so happened to be playfully beating another cub senseless as it yelped and laughed, although clearly agitated. Romana sighed once more.

β€œ I love them, I do, but.. ,” the sound of yelling and a thud interrupts her as a new cub is crowned victor of whack a friend, β€œ sometimes a break is needed. ,” she laughs playfully , knowing full well she could never leave the cubs behind. Tyva had long since lost interest in the talks of. . . Well, adult stuff, and returned to her immature ways of betting on who would win the games with the other cubs, whom gleefully smiled as they bet whatever silver beetles they had on a victor and loser, their laughs filling the area with happiness and warmth.

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Edited on 24/01/23 @ 19:56:31 by Mina (#418315)

J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-24 20:19:44
Nyeusi(Mostly)|Sunset pride| lionesses
(You're good)
Nyeusi smiled widely, watching them play, "They have..." she watched them all with love, but there was sadness in her eyes, thinking about her first litter, who never managed to experience the world, drinking her sickly milk and doing nothing but cry, suffering because their mother was too weak herself to care for them. The details made Nyeusi close her eyes, trying to forget it, but was interrupted by a loud 'oof!' on her back. Nyeusi smiled, looking back to see Heshima, proudly standing on her back, "I'm king of the rock!" he yowled. the black lioness smirked, "Well this rock is gonna eat you up!" she rolled on her back, surprising Heshima and he toppled over. "It's alive! Attack!" cubs at all angles began climbing ontop of Nyeusi, biting and knawing, Nyeusi realised how bad their little teeth actually hurt. "Careful, they're teething" Mlinzi said, coming over. He greeted everyone, rubbing against them and giving them affectionate licks, before walking away, "I want to patrol again, I'll back in a few hours" the king licked his nose. A few cubs noticed, "Let us come, pleaseeeeeee" they all slowly walked towards Mlinzi, but Nyeusi stopped the majority of them, distracting them while Mlinzi made his getaway. Kituko walked past the king, giggling at him. When the cubs spotted her, they sprinted over, excitingly jumping at the lion. Kituko wrinkled her nose, but crouched down to play with them
(I took awhile too lol-)

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Edited on 24/01/23 @ 20:36:59 by J3llyfish (#212292)

Mina (#418315)

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Posted on
2023-01-24 20:41:21
Romana | Sunset Pride | Mlinzi, The trinity ( β€˜cause why not give them a name )

Romana paused for a brief second as to listen to what she had to say, her tail pausing from its eruptive behaviors, no longer creating a swirl of dirt and debris behind her, coming to a still as she settled, her nerves lowering as her eyes grew glossy, understanding the Ny had been saddenedβ€” nearly bringing a paw to her face as to tell her, β€œ it’s all right ,” as her sisters and brothers had to years ago, when they were abruptly taken from her. She laughed, now feeling as though Ny’s sadness was being carried onto herβ€” shaking her head as she brought herself up, Tyva to busy playing a game with the dozens of silver beetles she had managed to obtain after betting with the cubs time and time again, nearly being trampled by the stampede of cubs that came rushing into swarm Ny.

It took nearly everything in her control to not immediately start cursing out each cub individually and explain as to why each of them were dropped off with the den mother all day instead of being with their parents , but Romana gave her a stare that said- β€œ you do one thing out of line, I’ll tell Mlinzi that you’ve sustained a massive injury and can’t hunt from the rest of your lifetime, and that you’ll be in my care for the rest if your years & have to be raised with the cubs you hate despise, β€œ which helped keep Tyva’s nerves under control, long enough until Mlinzi appeared and spoke of patrolling, or something, nothing that peaked Romana’s interest to much- but emend to spike Tyva’s as she nearly jumped out of the small ditch she lay in.

β€œ W-well, I make preparations for our next unit the minute you return! ,” the huntress said gleefully, as if it had been something she had been wishing to say all day. β€œ Speaking of which, β€œ Romana cut in, scooting beside Tyva as she lightly thrashed her tail against Tyva, ignoring her small grunt and hateful stare. β€œ The rogue? ,” she mentions, saying nothing else before she carries on with her warning. β€œ Please, just. . . Stay safe? Don’t do anything. . Well, dumb, please. ,” she seemed almost desperate, as if scared one small thing would go wrong, and suddenly er whole world would be turned upside downβ€” she still had mini heart-attacks every time Mlinzi returned with a bloody maw, wondering how Ny could ever keep up with him and the way he appears like. . . That. . . Around the cubs.

After she said her peace, she let the king make haste, and looked over to Ny, as Tyva was already making her escape towards the path that lead to the huntresses den, right next to it, a den where carcasses were stored, with dead, or dying, shrubs spread across the front of the den. a few other huntresses were already preparing as Tyva entered the den, although none other seemed as excited as her as she told them the new of the patrol, and how they would soon have another hunting party, this time, with much more zebra to attend to.

Romana returned her attention to Ny, gesturing towards the cubs as she began to speak. β€œ Looks like we all have our hands full, but it seems Tyva is the only one enjoying it. . . ,” she turned her head to the huntress den, a clear image of Tyva excitedly speaking to the other huntresses, you could practically feel her excitement from a mile away. The cubs began to grow even more rowdy, all chasing each other, or pawing at the brood mothers before them. Romana slighted, looking over at Ny. β€œ they’re all growing so quickly, especially yours. ,” she says with a laugh, trying to ease the lioness, remembering how she had paused earlier, as if something had saddened her from before, her tail flickering behind her as she awaited her response.

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Edited on 24/01/23 @ 20:44:03 by Mina (#418315)

Tullus ButtermilkG2
HIATUS (#363520)

True King
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Posted on
2023-01-24 20:55:50

. . . n i r e & t a l e n . . .
| Location - Grasslands | Company - Themselves |

Good morning. Talen said as he felt the lioness stirring beside him. Nire however froze, looking at this random lion laying beside her. She was about to yell at him but was stopped instantly by a terrible tasting paste in her mouth. What. did. you. She growled pawning her face trying her best to get the substance out of her mouth. Talen, however, roared with laughter before smacking a paw of her to the ground. Don't worry, dear. It is just aloe. You had a fever in the night so I couldn't outright pour water in your mouth. He tamed his laughter as he spoke before leaning up and pulling a bag full of water to her. Drink up. It is clean. He wrinkled his nose a bit. Mostly. Nire didn't hesitate, pulling the bag close and lapping up the water like she had never had before. Not so much because she was thirsty, just to get the nasty bitter plant taste from her mouth. She glared at the lion even though he continued to laugh quietly at her expense.

Licking her lips, feeling a bit embarrassed by her behavior she sheepishly gave the lion side eye before looking out to the expansive grasslands. Talen is my name. You're welcome. He said suddenly after they sat together in silence for a bit too long. She couldn't exactly leave because he had her pressed against the bushes. Nire. She sighed. Now could you move, I need to get going! She wouldn't thank him for help that she never asked for. Much less that terrible aloe which taste continued to linger in her mouth. Mhmm. Yeah, no. Talen said lazily, not moving an inch. Hey! I said move! She snarled at his stubborness. And I said no. He sighed before looking right at her. I didn't help you to just let you run back out into the and die from heat stroke! Growling at each other it took a bit before Talen conceded to Nire's bullheadedness. You have no supplies, you are injured and are being stupid. I am in no rush and I will keep you here, if only to ease my own mind. Reaching out he placed his paw on hers and looked at her earnestly. His tone was sharp but his intention was good. Arching her neck and thrashing her tail for a bit Nire finally nodded, he was right. Plus if he wanted to hurt her he would have done it while she slept. With a deep sigh she laid her head back down, it took a while staring at the grass blowing like waves over water before she drifted off back to sleep.


ooc - Lol be thankful Talen is giving Lyla a chance to catch up lol
Theme - Ship in a bottle


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Edited on 24/01/23 @ 20:59:13 by Tullus BlackRose (#363520)

πŸ₯¬ Kale πŸ₯¬ (#65142)

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Posted on
2023-01-25 04:53:53


3 years, 6 months | Bi |Location: Close to Nire| Mentions: Everyone’s scent, the Cubs

The cubs were definitely weighing her down. She paused for a moment, thinking about waking them up. No no, they’ll just complain the whole time. I can do this. she padded on, searching for the scent of Nire.

She stuck her nose into the air, There! She could smell her! Picking up the pace she followed the scent and it grew stronger and stronger. β€œNire?” She was so close, but still couldn’t pinpoint where she was.

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J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-25 14:31:51
Vera & Ronan| with Lyla| Everyone
Ronan slowly looked up, yawning. He found himself on a small sleigh, being dragged by his mother. He rubbed his eyes, before looking up, "Mother? Where are we?" the heat woke him up, panting. Vera was also very hot, getting up more easily then her brother. "I'm just thirsty" she complained, licking her nose a few times
Mlizni|Sunset pride territory| Everyone, Lyla & cubs
Mlizni sniffed the air, smelling a faint scent of cubs and a lioness. His instincts kicked in, immediately walking to the scent, which got closer and closer. What were they doing here, in this hot climate? Surely they would dehydrate. the thought that kept creeping into Mlinzis mind is persuading them to join the pride, surely, he wouldn't mind more cubs that weren't his, right?

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Tullus ButtermilkG2
HIATUS (#363520)

True King
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Posted on
2023-01-26 00:31:42

. . . n i r e & t a l e n . . .
| Location - Grasslands | Company - Themselves, Lyla's Pride |

Yawning, Talen was drifting in and out of sleep himself while watching over the bullheaded lioness at his side. The cool of the night was starting to be overtaken by the unrelenting heat of the day. Both of which were equally dangerous for different reasons. Shaking his mane, forcing himself awake the lion took to grooming himself instead of embracing the comfort of sleep. After all, his wouldn't put it past his charge to simply disappear while he was dead to the world.

Picking a pest from his fur, his ears caught the sound of a foot fall not too far off. Flicking his tongue he spat out the bug and crushed it beneath his pawn before turning his head and looking through the small openings the in bush. Another lioness. From what he could tell she was carrying a lot of baggage and her pace was brisk, bordering on desperate. His ears flicked when he heard her call out his spicy new friends name. She didn't seem like she had any companions and seemed to have left in a rush, with how woefully unprepared she was. While this other lioness overburdened. Watching for awhile more he continued to groom his mane, deciding on what to do. In the end he decided it wasn't his choice to make.

As the lioness continued to grow closer Talen grabbed onto Nire's scruff, shaking her roughly. To which Nire, woke up, snarling and smacking the lion hard with her unsheathed paws. Letting go, arching away from her onslaught while weathering her blows Nire growled. What was that for? She hissed, pushing him against the bushes. There is someone tailing you. Talen grumbled, peeking through his closed eyes, his whiskers pursed. She is close, I didn't really have the time to wake you gently. He gestured towards the strange lioness while Nire spit at him, clawing over the lion and laying on top of him while looking through the foliage.

Lyla? She said, unsure how to feel about it. Why was she here? Where was that male? She couldn't see him anywhere. No one else was with her either, did she miss those three other lions who wished to join her? What the heck. She grumbled, getting off Talen but intentionally stepping all over him as she crawled out from under the Spekboom to which he took a few hairs from her tail in response. Whipping her tail Nire gave one good back kick of dirt at Talen before walking out to be visible to Lyla, where she sat down looking at her but did not approach her.


ooc -
Theme - Ship in a bottle


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πŸ₯¬ Kale πŸ₯¬ (#65142)

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Posted on
2023-01-26 05:25:32


3 years, 6 months | Bi |Location: Close to Nire| Mentions: Nire and Talen’s scent, the Cubs

She stopped for a moment as the cubs began to wake. β€œJust a little farther my loves.” She broke open one of the last water roots she was carrying and gave it to the cubs. β€œDrink up, this will help with your thirst.”

She continued on, calling for Nire as she went. And suddenly there she was. She stopped in her tracks and stared at her. β€œNire…” She looked to her once companion and gave her a sad smile. β€œI’m glad I found you. I can’t lose another. You can be mad at me all you want, but they need you.” She gestured to the cubs. β€œLike it or not, you have become our family and I don’t just give up on family.” She took a step forward, hesitated and then stopped. β€œI’m sorry Nire, I should have warned you or even just said anything.”

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J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-26 14:38:53
Ronan & Vera|With Lyla
The cubs looked at the water root, before Ronan grabbed it, squeezing the juice into his moth (I'm not sure how water roots work) "Mmm" he said, closing his eyes, as if savoring it. "Give me some of that-" Vera grabbed it, carefully squeezing it into her mouth, too. The three cubs , as if knowing all their lives depend on it, started taking turns drinking it up until it was a dry pulp.

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Tullus ButtermilkG2
HIATUS (#363520)

True King
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Posted on
2023-01-26 20:40:59

. . . n i r e & t a l e n . . .
| Location - Grasslands | Company - Themselves, Lyla's Pride |

Nire remained sat back as Lyla spoke but looked away. Her excuses and attempted reasoning rung hollow with her with her wounds still fresh, figuratively and literally. It was not something she wanted to think about. Not now. Yawning dismissively, she eventually looked back at Lyla when she hesitated to approach wish her tail swishing at the sound of her apology. I... She sighed, annoyed and deciding against saying what she originally wanted. So, where is he? She said instead, gesturing behind Lyla and taking notice that the cubs were all with her. She didn't like to admit it, but she was relieved to see they were OK.

As for Talen, he remained quietly in the Spekboom taking his time to gather and pack his supplies. It was pretty awkward out there and he didn't want to interrupt, not yet anyway. It seemed the two had some sort of falling out but it didn't seem like it was the other lioness that was responsible for Nire's wounds.


ooc - Bleh, not a great post either. Drew a blank. I changed up Talen a bit. Made him healthier looking and decluttered his accessories
Theme - Ship in a bottle


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Edited on 26/01/23 @ 20:48:36 by Tullus BlackRose (#363520)

πŸ₯¬ Kale πŸ₯¬ (#65142)

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Posted on
2023-01-26 22:31:56


3 years, 6 months | Bi |Location: Close to Nire| Mentions: Nire and Talen’s scent, the Cubs

She soon her head at the question. β€œGone.” She looked down, β€œWhatever that was, it wasn’t Kyran, or at least the Kyran I remember.” She stood and looked to Nire, β€œI’ve heard rumors of what the gods can do, but I pray that Apedemak had nothing to do with this change… I watched Kyran die… There is no doubt in my mind that the fire took him from this world. And yet there he was. Whatever happened, that is not Kyran.”

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J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-28 08:38:45
Ronan and Vera exchanged looks, before turning to their mother, "Who's Apedemak? Who's Kyran?" Vera asked rather nervously.
Nyota yawned, stretching her limbs out, how long have they rested? She looked up, it looked like it was the afternoon, which wasn't good. She went over to her companions, "Wake up, wake up" she'd whisper

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πŸ₯¬ Kale πŸ₯¬ (#65142)

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Posted on
2023-01-28 08:49:25


3 years, 6 months | Bi |Location: Close to Nire| Mentions: Nire and Talen’s scent, the Cubs

She chuckled at the cubs. β€œOne day I’ll teach you the stories of your ancestors. All you need to know about Apedemak is that you should never trust him. And Kyran…” she paused for a moment, β€œKyran is an old friend. But I’m not sure if he’s a friend anymore.”

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