Posted by -STUCK- Feedback Request: New Layout

Katze (#3)

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Posted on
2023-10-13 22:29:46
Quoted from the October Development Update #61:

New Lioden Layout

We previously shared a preview of a new layout that we had designed for Lioden's recode. There was a mixed reaction, and we've taken that on board. We went back to square one - we'd like to get your feedback on a new design that we've created, heavily inspired by the current layout - just spruced up a bit, and modernized to use more current web technology!

Some Notes:
* This is not the final iteration of the layout, it's a preview build - there may be minor issues that will be fixed, or things that we rearrange. Please don't worry about bug reporting or making suggestions for repositioning at this point - we're looking for feedback about how the layout as a whole feels to you!
* This layout should be fully mobile responsive, including the lion images and their layers
* We are about 99% of the way with color contrast accessibility, and the new accent colors (buttons, progress bars [hunger, energy, etc]) should be colorblind friendly.
* Alerts can cause a problem due to very similar brightnesses so icons have been added to alerts to counteract any bad interactions with colorblindness.
* Layout Preview Settings: At the bottom of the page there are two options for layout settings.
* Text can be resized to your preference within a range. The current default text size (90%) is the most similar to Lioden's current text size. 100% will be the new default when this layout launches, but we will automatically set everyone who is a member at the time to 90% so it's less of a harsh adjustment right away. The plan is that when the layout is implemented, this will be a setting on your account that you can change at will.
* The site's theme can be changed to the game's existing layout themes (Day/Default, Night and Desert) and there is a new Dark theme. We are still tweaking Dark theme, and it's important to note that Night and Desert are lower contrast themes and may cause accessibility issues.

Preview a Lion Page

View the Theme Elements Page

Bonus: Landing Page (Xylax is unhappy about the age of the art we've used, it will be updated ;D)

Please give any and all feedback within this topic! We may not be able to respond to all comments, but we will read everything and take your thoughts into account.

UPDATE: Post by Abbey (#1)
UPDATE 2: Post by Abbey (#1)

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Edited on 14/10/23 @ 05:31:04 by a Moderator

Fazbear Pride (#138983)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-10-14 23:55:01
[Accidental double post]

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Edited on 15/10/23 @ 00:04:26 by Fazbear Pride (#138983)

Fazbear Pride (#138983)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-10-15 00:03:10
Ahh the updated one is a lot neater. One question for the lion page's layout. Will there still be a Save/Cancel button for the bio, or will it just save automatically?

For the landing page, this looks great. But at the bottom of the page, maybe replace either the Lion Wardrobe or Battle Beetles with something related to Events and/or Lore. I feel like the presence of events might attract new players more, especially if there's any indication of event-exclusive items.

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Edited on 15/10/23 @ 00:04:02 by Fazbear Pride (#138983)

NoobOfDoom - Fulvous (#122536)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-10-15 00:36:27
There are rounded edges in the old layout?

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senua (#206138)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 01:20:37
ngl it looks even more outdated, idk what it is tho i cant rlly put my finger on it

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🌈 (#31963)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 01:41:04
Not a fan, I don’t like how much I have to scroll to see everything, the current lay out is simpler and easier to read imo

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❄️Winterden Side
❄️ (#435459)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2023-10-15 04:39:57
Really nice so far! Does feel a little bit small - so would have to use the zoom in thing on pc. but other than that its amazing! Maybe a bit too cluttered on the lion page (a bit overwhelming feels too much is going on?) but I like the "Find the stud" button. - will be very usual and easier to breed your lionesses when they are in heat and you want to find a stud. (Also I think if I was on mobile there would be a lot more scrolling I'm assuming)

I love love the landing page. - maybe add some of the characters u encounter during events.

I would recommend giving new players a revamped tutorial - which kind of makes sense. - Will help new players get into the game. - Also have tutorial tips that pop up after the new player has finished the tutorial quests. - Which they can easily turn off in their den.

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Fuego (Bandit Tsavo) (#41825)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 05:00:40
I think it's fine. What some users need to understand is that the code upgrade is very necessary. The option to just stay in an old format with the "old look" most likely means you would be looking at having 2 completely separate games running on different code. The old look is a hindrance code-wise. If they want to be able to make very much needed updates in the game something is going to have to give. The addition of 2 new themes is awesome. It reminds me of back when I had to update my forum's software several years ago. It was a change, but in the end it became more user friendly with more opportunities to customize the look and layout to what users wanted.

I think what is most jarring to me is the edge bevel. There seem to be full 90 degree angles on most blocks in the layout currently and those with a bevel appear to be smaller edges. I could be completely wrong because A) I'm tired and B) the right side menu has visible blocks now where before everything appeared to share the same background, so bevel edges weren't as noticeable. Now that they are separate blocks they are catching my eye so I wanted to mention it. I do LOVE the gradient background behind the blocks. It's gorgeous. Oh, the font: what would it look like if you unbold the header texts on the right, and change the font color to more align with the theme? (ie for the Night theme the header texts are the same color as the progress bars (which I know the separate colors are also jarring but it's also nice to tell them apart)). As someone who exclusively uses the Night theme, black text isn't often seen in the game and with it utilized so much in the new layouts it's definitely noticeable.

If any of the above was already mentioned, sorry! Either way I acknowledge and respect the update and know it will only bring awesome changes to the game going forward!

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Maro (9BO
Lilac/Daisy/Scound) (#167078)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 06:40:04
I LOVE the new look and I think Lioden definitely needs it. Everything looks more like a game now, I really like how lion status bars (exp, hunger etc) look now, and I am so happy there will be a dark theme!

There are two things that I think should be changed. I am not really happy with new markings frame, please consider making it longer or making the text inside it smaller! The reason is, I often use search feature to find lions with 10 or more markings, and I always open many tabs and then I browse them quickly to find the best 10 marking heir to send the stud request to. After years of playing I know how markings look and which ones I want, so I just check the marking frame for a moment and go to the next heir if the one I looked at doesn't have all 10 breed-only markings. I would be really really happy if I wouldn't have to scroll everytime to see the last 10th marking! Now I see only 9 of them at a time, no matter what size of page I set in my browser!
I think scrolling to see more markings after the 10th one is okay, but first 10 are the most important because they always pass to visible slots.

Another thing is, I think a desert theme should get more contrast. Here's the comparison- current desert theme and a new one:

While the basic white theme has similar colors in both current and new version, I think the desert theme is completely different. I love the vibe of the new one, but I think such pastel and toned layout will be confusing and I really would prefer these frames to stay dark brown, or to be colored like the menu bar!

Thank you for reading <3

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Edited on 15/10/23 @ 06:45:08 by Maro (G2 DorsalFur Ukame NRLC) (#167078)

TheClassCalico (#88888)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 07:36:52
Regarding the comments about the more rounded look looking childish, personally, I disagree, although I can kind of see where that sentiment is coming from—softer aesthetics are commonplace in children's media. I, however, don't think that it in itself makes something look childish, and it's a feature that I like as somebody who likes generally softer aesthetics.

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Edited on 15/10/23 @ 07:43:10 by TheClassCalico (#88888)

Mad Hyena (#29080)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2023-10-15 07:46:29
ALSO remember that the bright default layout colors arent the only option, you can preview the page in other colors from the options on top of the page. Default layout looks very bright and colorful on old layout too, that's why theres Night and Desert themes with darker/duller colors

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Eddy_Gremlin (#348396)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 09:03:50
I personally strongly prefer the proposed new layout. It is easier to navigate and is much more accessible to those us of with limited vision.

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Ghost (#180958)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 10:11:42
the new layout looks amazing! it feels a lot more clean and easy to grasp, as well as looking more like a game and less like a browser. All the buttons also look a lot better in the feed/interact/breed and settings menus for the lions. The addition of icons in the nav bar is also great!

I've been looking forward to getting a more decent Dark Theme for a while now, and the little icon of the king next to his stats (energy, hunger, etc) is a good addition. It might look a bit better if there was a bit more space between the icon and the actual stat bars though or if the icon was above them.

All in all i'm really looking forward to seeing the new look implemented!

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harvey (at least
69GB) (#350256)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 11:34:30
Posting to have a post to edit with my feedback.

First impression: Why are the main content tables smaller than they are currently? On desktop, my main monitor is 2560 x 1440, and I still feel like there's a lot of wasted space even while zoomed into 140%. Everything is so small, both on the current and the proposed layout.
I do like the Dark theme, though I wish that the background selected was different from Night (though I get this is a work in progress.)

I also still want the wiki button to be more prominent, personally.

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TwoFace (#229669)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 11:34:56
I really like that there is an attempt being made to make the game more mobile friendly since I play entirely on mobile!

No complaints at all for the landing page! I always thought it was a bit plain for what you would first see. Though maybe an inclusion on basic game instruction for new players may help?

I expect the theme elements page to be a bit overwhelming due to the amount of info you're trying to convey, so I wasn't too surprised by that, tho I do think a lower saturation would better match the cite.

I like the inclusion of the stud and reverse breeding buttons on the lion page, as well as the breeding items. I do not like the roundness of everything though, especially with how the percentage bars are set up. I feel like a slightly blockier, or at least blocky outlined, look fits the theme of the cite better, even if it doesn't have that modernized sim look. I like the separation in style that makes this feel more like the website this is, rather than a game you would download in the AppStore. I think keeping the slightly more condensed look while including a lower saturated version of the new colors would be a nice in between. The dark mode is definitely easier on the eyes, but I feel like an inclusion in the use of more shades of grey is needed to take away the slightly startling contrast. If it makes any sense, the darkness of it holds the same startling saturation as the bright new colors, makes it feel a bit more playful and app like. I really like the chase, send to reserve, and kill buttons at the bottom though, I think the emojis fit for those. I also like being able to scroll through the slots, but I feel like it needs something on the side to almost ground the markings, like how it is on the current layout. It feels as if everything is almost floating and independent, rather than grounded to the site with something simple on the left side of it- I think this may be the leading factor in the complaints about it feeling very cluttered, especially on mobile. I feel it is a bit redundant to have the heat cycle included at the bottom, it is much quicker and easier to simply see it at the top- I use this to quickly check on my lions very often.

If I think of any other way to explain things I'll leave an edit, but these are my first thoughts. I definitely appreciate all the work and trying to make things colorblind friendly! I hope you guys are able to find a solution that is satisfactory for everyone!

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Vampire (#56355)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 12:53:23
I specifically held off on posting for a day or so to give myself a chance to adjust to the new layout, change takes time lol

I'd also like to add that I am mostly a desktop user, I only use mobile on rare occasions when it wouldn't be appropriate to have a laptop out. I have not looked at the mobile version yet.

Overall, given the updates from Abbey, I like it well enough. I could definitely get used to it and I really appreciate the staff taking the time to review player feedback.

I love the night and dark theme options. The day theme is much too bright and colorful for me. I do think some of the colors on the dark and night themes need to be adjusted a little, however, this is something small that can be tweaked over time even after the new layout is rolled out.

I love the addition of the king's picture in the side bar next to the energy/hunger/experience/impression. This is adorable and super helpful to remind you which account you are on (when switching between accounts). I do think "energy" should be the top bar though, it is the thing I look for first and most frequently. Also, I think "view your cooldowns" needs to be added back to this box - I use this all the time.

Some things I'm not fond of:

Everything is HUGE. Why is everything so big? I changed my font size on the preview to 80% and still feel like everything is enormous. I literally rolled my chair back to get further away from my laptop because everything just seemed unnecessarily large. The size of everything seems like it overpower's the lion's image, which should be the centerpiece of the page. Changing the font size can't completely make up for this.

Please center the lion's name on the lion page.

The setting's box should be collapsable just like "update lion" currently is.

My initial impression was that the vibe was a little "childish" and "bubbly" but as I sit here trying to put into words "why" exactly I feel this way, I find myself at a loss for a constructive answer. Never the less, I see this sentiment echoed in many other comments here as well, so its not just me.

I find the icons added to the navigation bar/etc to be unnecessary and cluttered.

I quite like the new landing page, though I am happy that different art will be used instead of what is currently showing. One thing I will say about this page - I believe somewhere on this page it should be expressed that Lioden is a 16+ site. Right now the page looks very child-friendly, which Lioden is not.

Overall, I have a positive outlook of the new layout/recode. I am extremely appreciative of this thread where staff and players can openly discuss ideas. I think this is exactly what the game needs more of. Lastly, I know there is never a way to please everyone and some people don't tolerate change well, but at least there is an attempt to find common ground.

Thank you!

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Edited on 15/10/23 @ 13:01:33 by Vampire (#56355)

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