Posted by -STUCK- Feedback Request: New Layout

Katze (#3)

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Posted on
2023-10-13 22:29:46
Quoted from the October Development Update #61:

New Lioden Layout

We previously shared a preview of a new layout that we had designed for Lioden's recode. There was a mixed reaction, and we've taken that on board. We went back to square one - we'd like to get your feedback on a new design that we've created, heavily inspired by the current layout - just spruced up a bit, and modernized to use more current web technology!

Some Notes:
* This is not the final iteration of the layout, it's a preview build - there may be minor issues that will be fixed, or things that we rearrange. Please don't worry about bug reporting or making suggestions for repositioning at this point - we're looking for feedback about how the layout as a whole feels to you!
* This layout should be fully mobile responsive, including the lion images and their layers
* We are about 99% of the way with color contrast accessibility, and the new accent colors (buttons, progress bars [hunger, energy, etc]) should be colorblind friendly.
* Alerts can cause a problem due to very similar brightnesses so icons have been added to alerts to counteract any bad interactions with colorblindness.
* Layout Preview Settings: At the bottom of the page there are two options for layout settings.
* Text can be resized to your preference within a range. The current default text size (90%) is the most similar to Lioden's current text size. 100% will be the new default when this layout launches, but we will automatically set everyone who is a member at the time to 90% so it's less of a harsh adjustment right away. The plan is that when the layout is implemented, this will be a setting on your account that you can change at will.
* The site's theme can be changed to the game's existing layout themes (Day/Default, Night and Desert) and there is a new Dark theme. We are still tweaking Dark theme, and it's important to note that Night and Desert are lower contrast themes and may cause accessibility issues.

Preview a Lion Page

View the Theme Elements Page

Bonus: Landing Page (Xylax is unhappy about the age of the art we've used, it will be updated ;D)

Please give any and all feedback within this topic! We may not be able to respond to all comments, but we will read everything and take your thoughts into account.

UPDATE: Post by Abbey (#1)
UPDATE 2: Post by Abbey (#1)

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Edited on 14/10/23 @ 05:31:04 by a Moderator

Vinny Claws :3 (#172263)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 13:06:10
Very excited to see some concepts of the new recode!

First Impressions:
- For lion page: it's very long. Lots of stuff. I first saw it on mobile so it was A Lot. I'm having trouble trying to figure out exactly what it is that's making the page that way - I think at least part of it is all the "fluff" up top i.e. the breeding item notifs and the layout settings. But even without that there's still an unexpected amount of scrolling. On desktop it's a bit better but still cluttered and long.

- All the buttons are very round and I get why people find that offputting. I appreciate the old layout's more frequent 90degree angles and more pointed round corners. I think much of Lioden's playerbase, myself included, really like the retro 2010s look of the site. I understand this change is necessary for both coding and accessibility reasons, though.

- Don't like that font. (on the titles/names)

- For landing page: looks great!

Current Thoughts:
- I really didn't like how the 10th marking was partly obscured by the expand button, but it seems from later posts that's going to be fixed, with the expand button still there to hide markings after #10. Perfect! :D

- After examining the lion page more I think part of the issue for why it's so long on mobile is:
_overall font size is larger
_the stats & currents tables are significantly larger
_the lion name is significantly larger
_the appearance and markings tables have been separated (good but does cause more scrolling on mobile)
_she has nursing cubs and the nursing cubs table has been expanded to have more info (good!)
_breeding info table has been reorganized and now some of its contents are independent buttons (makes sense!)
_lion settings besides chasing are now permanently open and don't need to be expanded before editing (good!)
I also noticed that certain boxes such as equipped decorations & reverse breeding are now smaller to compensate. Awesome!
My proposal: choose some tables to be squished into Hide/Show bars like the update lion info used to be, but only for mobile, if this is possible. If not, just have some tables be squished on both versions. Maybe the breeding info or lifetime hunting results tables? Nobody really looks at those often as far as I know

- Saw someone mention the landing page background colors (the dark brown, not the art) should be lighter. Seconding this!

- The tables on the lion page night mode have much less contrast than they do currently. I appreciate the darker header rows but the label columns (age, hunger, mood, etc) are significantly lighter. I think it ruins the contrast, especially when the header rows are nearly black. The desert & dark themes have the same issue, but desert is worse imo, I find it difficult to look at.

- At first the buttons really rubbed me the wrong way but now that I've actually looked at them they're not that differently shaped than current buttons, they just lack texture + are more brightly colored. I'm sure the bright colors were specifically chosen for accessibility, so I'm not going to comment on that. Overall it's not bad and I think I'll get used to it. I will miss the old buttons and their little highlights and shadows though.

- Again, the new font being used. Is there a specific reason a new font has been chosen? Like it being dyslexia friendly or something? If so I understand, if not I strongly suggest it be changed back. It will really help with adjusting to the new layout, cos I think the font has been a big factor in the "off"ness that's making people go ew. At least for me it has.

- The lion name being on the left is weird. Why not keep it centered over the lion art? That's where eyes are going to automatically go, anyway.

- I like having the king's picture with its stat bars! That's one feature from Wolvden I really missed over here.

- I noticed the "Journal" button now makes a text box pull out on the right side - I LOVE that! It's kinda tedious to always have to open an extra tab if you want to record info and reference a certain Lioden page at the same time, this would definitely fix that! One suggestion though - how about having it so that the width of the box can be adjusted? It's suitable now, but I'm sure many people would prefer to have a full page to type on if they don't need to be referencing anything.

- Why is everyone complaining it's too much like Wolvden? I've been cross-referencing the new stuff with Wolvden so far and I'm suspecting those complaining don't actually play Wolvden that much, lol. I think many of the similarities come from Wolvden already having an updated code + devs learning how to design things more efficiently & accessibly when they worked on it, so some design techniques are being imported to here. But it's not Wolvden Layout 2: Electric Boogaloo. And anyway, why shouldn't it look like Wolvden? They're sister sites designed by the same people, you silly geese, of course they're going to have a lot of similarities!

- I like the little icons next to the menu headers! They do make the menu bar a little crowded on desktop but I don't think it's bad at all.

I don't remember all the changes in the update posts so sorry if this is harping on features that aren't the same anymore.

Overall a fantastic concept put forward! Thank you devs for all your hard work!

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2023-10-15 13:35:01
Ah, Vinn pointed out there's supposed to be a Journal opening - but it does not open for me, nothing happens when I click the icon. So this part is not old-browser friendly, any chance the code could be adjusted to fit old devices/browsers better?

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🎩Fancy fork [12
days BDAY] 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 13:36:45
There's too many boxes- like a lot, I prefer our current layout

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✧|Tacatto|✧ Haze
RLC (#25830)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 13:42:43
The journal opens for me, pc and mobile. The mobile it opens for the pen/pencil icon and not the book(which might be the wiki)

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2023-10-15 13:55:16
I have an old browser, but every other element seems to be working fine for me, AND Wolvden layout is also working fine for my old browser - so its not an "browser outdated" thing, its a "this particular element is too new" thing. Im sure there can be ways to use a different code to make it support older browsers, because Wolvden layout is 100% supporting mine with no bugs!

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Edited on 15/10/23 @ 13:56:06 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

Auris (#229394)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 13:57:29
On the subject of it looking "too big"- could a solution be to make the sidebars wider, the way they are now? I'm 70% sure that's the problem with it looking so zoomed in, since IIRC it's all about the same size except for those.

Edit: also seconding moving energy to be the topmost bar again, I don't pay attention to or care about hunger since it fills when exploring anyways so I'd rather energy be the first thing I pay attention to.

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Edited on 15/10/23 @ 13:59:29 by Auris [#2 recode fan] (#229394)

Maro (9BO
Lilac/Daisy/Scound) (#167078)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 13:58:25
Journal thing works for me and its honestly a great idea :D

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才藤 (#389089)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 13:59:41
After giving it a longer look another thing that bothers me is the size of experience/mood/hunger bars.
As was brought up before, it feels like everything has gotten bigger but those specific bars got downsized instead. Curiously the bar text doesn't increase in size even if you set the font to 110%, either.

Feels like it would be better to allow these elements to completely fill their tab similar to the way we have now:

Font size and type is obviously up for debate (I'd personally use something completely different as I agree that the font seems off in some way), but it is just a hastily made mockup. The main point is bars themselves.

Tinkered with it some more, the font size could probably be kept as is (or increased just barely), since it looks somewhat better that way.

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Edited on 15/10/23 @ 14:18:40 by 才藤 (#389089)

Hart (#265350)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 14:22:37
I really like the layout, though I am used to the sandy color instead of white. I hope there will be an option to still have the sandy color as a background for everything

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Vinny Claws :3 (#172263)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 14:23:39
@Hart that would be the desert theme I think. You can preview the concept in desert theme by choosing it in the drop down menu at the layout settings in the top

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Delyth (#264722)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 14:26:47
First Impressions on the lion page most specifically, is that it looks much too busy. I don’t particularly like having to scroll to see all the markings, and everything seems a bit too compartmentalized. I could see myself as a newbie being very overwhelmed by the design, ESPECIALLY on mobile.
I also didn’t really like to see the lion picture shrink, it looks even more teeny tiny on mobile which I think takes away from the game visually - since the art shrunk and words, boxes, and symbols took over the majority of the screen space. Decorating your lions is one of the things most people who play this game really enjoy doing, and can spend a lot of time and currency on, it would be a pity to minimize it.
Honestly I like the current layout as is, the lion image is sizeable, there’s enough information without it being too much to take in, and it’s generally all in one place with minimal scrolling.

That being said, tweaks like making bars colourblind friendly, as well as colour coding and differentiating some of the buttons more would be a change I’d welcome.

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Edited on 15/10/23 @ 18:56:59 by Delyth (#264722)

🔆solace (#148835)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 15:19:14
the recode looks stunning, and i'm looking forward to its release.
as a pc user, the landing page is miles better than what we have now, and overall it looks cleaner and much easier to navigate.
i disagree with some of the criticism on here, going along the lines of "it's too bubbly." put simply: it's not. i prefer the buttons to regular text x100 better - the old(current) lion page is a pain to look through and very disorienting.
for example, it's easy to miss the "use the equipper" link because it just doesn't stand out. those "bubbly and child-like" buttons catch my eye much faster than the former.
i've also seen a few mention it looks too much like other sims - and besides the fact that it....really doesn't, what's wrong with that? it gives a much more welcoming/familiar atmosphere to any new players, while still keeping the elements that make lioden what it is. it's unfair to compare it to other games when this recode brings us 1. a more convenient layout, 2. easier navigation, and 3. heavy QoL improvements (like the find a stud/reverse breed segment. absolutely beautiful. never change.)

there is very little to criticize, but that's likely because i've been navigating this hell of a layout for so long that anything else feels like heaven. but i still have a few pointers.

-the journal pulling up on the side is a wonderful change, but i'd still like it to have its own page, that way it can keep the HTML options as it has now. a little redirection link next to the save button would be nice
-under the lion page, the "settings" segment is entirely separate from the lion's in-game details. i'd like this to be emphasized by making that section collapsible.
-"total stats" being in the same column with the rest makes it harder to differentiate. i prefer the total stats being centered like it is now. it's just easier to read.
-if the chatroom character limit isn't being increased as it appears in the preview, then i implore you to reconsider. our current character limit is a pain.

there isn't much more to say, but that's because we only have 2 pages to actually look at for feedback. i hope you continue to let us look at future changes. i'm curious what the den page will look like now that the settings/profile management has been moved.
i also saw the background art update - and wow. that is absolutely gorgeous. it makes me wonder if you're also updating the site icons (dry/wet season, currency, etc) to match the resolution of the new icons? because compared to them they look, well..ugly. they stand out in a bad way.
i will update this post if i notice anything else, but this recode is looking very promising and i cannot tell you how excited i am for it.

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Edited on 17/10/23 @ 12:10:30 by 🔆solace (#148835)

FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 15:23:31
I honestly wasn't aware of the jounral per say til someone mentioned it XD

I actually like how it is honestly as it makes it more accessible and easy to pull up enough to use real quick (for me anyway) As i keep forgetting that the things we have right now exists. Plus it takes me elsewhere thus making me stop what i'm doing to write then i ferget what i was about to do when i had to stop to write and save. ^ ^;

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💛🤍 Rue
💜🖤 [Zumiez!!] (#415172)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2023-10-15 16:11:41
i really like this layout! theres a few things that would be too long for me to scroll through, as im a mobile user in a way, i wish there was a way to let players chose a “layout theme”, but the coding would take forever and be complicated. i think itd be nice tho! just needs a lot of time getting used to

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Posted on
2023-10-15 18:52:31
The only big issue I have with this is the size of the lion and the length of the page. I like how neat it is, but the lion picture is fine currently and how long the new pages are would be super inconvenient; and the placement of the chat box seems a little odd to me. Well done, though!

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