Posted by Newbie Agent - Criminal Minds

Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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2015-08-10 10:19:00
The Newbie Agent
A new team member joined the unit,It was a woman with black hair down to her back and pulled back in a braid with highlights.She was Reid's age,she was pretty smart as well but she was diagnosed with Autism,Making her act almost anti-social towards almost everyone but Reid.Who notices this.She is 23,everyone noticed something odd about her she was qiuet and if she think she figured something out she'd say it as she figured it out.She be came friends with Reid
Name: Lianna Anne Roleson
Looks: Pale skin,one silver eye the other is blue.Has short layered black hair with streaks of blue and green.Wears Skillet Tee,Ripped jeans,bike boots,and she has a leather jacket on when she;s outside.
Bio: She grew up with an serial killer for a adoptive father,He had killed her pregnant mother,The child had survived as it was taken out of the womb,BUt Lianna had many other siblings and would often take them all out to a different place when her father drank,She grew to despise her father.She got out of school at age 15,and went to college and everything needed for FBI.She used to be NCIS,But she had quit after seeing her team die ((only the boss and her survived)) from a terrible bombing incident.The team had been two other single fathers and only childs.So she ended up taking in 3 kids. 1 14 yr old,and 10 yr old twins.
Perso:Kind,Sweet,Caring,Protective,She is a fighter,She's crazy at times,She loves music,SHe loves to draw and to read.

Needed: Reid

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-08-16 03:30:10
Spencer had been reading over a few files from the last case they had, he knew he'd get done faster than his teammates. And of course that meant that he also got their files as well, which he didn't entirely mind. But it also got repetitive and slightly more than annoying, he just didn't show it. He ran his fingers through his hair while he waited for the others to arrive.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-17 10:55:29
Lianna walked into the building,Her bikeboots making a noise as she walked to her destination which was SSA Aaron Hotchner's office.She had earbuds in,Blaring Pain by Three Days Grace.She had three or four books in her right hand along with a fe sketchpads and pencils,In her left hand a cup of coffee.She walks into the bullpen,Softly humming the lyrics to the song.And walks to Hotchner's office.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-08-18 01:06:16
Spencer glanced up, watching Lianna walk up the stairs that led to Aaron's office. He wondered what she was doing here, but then again the only reason to be talking to Hotch was to start working here. He wasn't sure if she was ready, but people have proven him wrong in the past.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-18 08:25:04
The rest of the team had arrived in the bullpen,And neither Lianna nor Hotchner had walked out of the office.Rossi looks up
"I wonder why that girl is in Hotch's office" He questions
"My guess is she's a new agent" Morgan says.
After about 10 more minutes,Hotch walks out of his office with Lianna following.Hotch looked out on his team,His team was the best it seemed,And this new addition was gonna be a great member of the team,
"Team,We have a new Agent joining us.This is Lianna Roleson" Hotch says.He had told her where her desk was,And It was near Reid's.{Great,Put me next to what looks like Super-Geek} She thought,Her dark hair covered her silver-colored eye.She looked at the rest of the team,Each of them introducing themselves.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 02:54:10
Spencer looked up as Hotch introduced Lianna to the team, he gave her his usual wave instead of handshake before he turned back to his files. She didn't look like an agent to him, but he would pass judgement in the field. Right now it was really hard to tell how she would fit in with the rest of the team. "Be glad this is a slow time right now. One of our rare off days."

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 05:38:53
Lianna had a burn on her arm that was visble it was from the bombing incident.Letting out a soft sigh,She walked over to her desk.Her footsteps were silent basically,She sat down at her desk setting her books on her desk along with the sketchpad.She nearly fell out of her seat as Penelope Garcia appeared near her,Looking up at the bright tech analyst she smiled.
"I'm Penelope Garcia,The team's Tech Analyst.I take it your Lianna,The new agent" Garcia said.
"Nice to meet you Garcia.." Lianna said.And watched as the woman walked to Hotchner,and told him that they had a new case.Lianna brushed her hair out of her face,Showing her different colored eyes.She took one of her books titled "Rose Madder" by Stephen King ,She was almost finshed with it though.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 06:46:47
"And I spoke too soon." Spencer sighed, reaching for his go bag before he glanced over at Lianna. "Do you have a go bag? If not, I advise you to get one soon."

He glanced over at the book, he was familiar with it of course and had finished it awhile ago. But he mostly liked books that weren't in English, then he spotted JJ walk up to them with a smile on her face. "Lighten up, Spence. She's new, so just keep her under your wing. I doubt she's gunning for your position."

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 08:03:46
Lianna looked at him,She had a silver pullstring backpack slung over her shoulder.She gathered up her books and sketchpad which was flipped open to a drawing of a Phoenix.She looked over at Hotchner

"We'll brief the case on the jet" Hotch says,before heading out to the jet with the rest of the team.Lianna follows,She was behind most of the team.She wasn't being that talkative,She let out a soft sigh as they walk to the jet.The cold wind and rain which soaked her hair yet again,Kind of felt nice.She winced a little bit as the rain poured down on her arm with the burn on it.

"Ouch,That hurts:" She mumbles,placing a hand over the burn to keep it from getting anymore wet.Her eyes seemed to have an erie glow to them.She quietly boards the jet,Distancing herself from the rest of the team.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 12:03:52
((Hey,Sorry that my replys have alot of spelling errors.Sometimes I can't spell for the life of me))

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 21:24:00
(It's alright. Sorry if I seem slow in posting to this. Like I said over PMs, it's hard with me having Reid with a girl.)

Spencer looked over the file once he sat down on the couch, he didn't like the looks of this case as it was. He would do the usual when they get to the precinct, go with someone to the crime scene and then work on the geographical profile. He figured he might be paired off with the new agent to see how it went.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-21 01:09:18
((It's fine,One time someone completey ignored the RP.Even If I typed a good amount for a reply))

Lianna was reading over the case file,wincing everynow then from the burn on her arm.She also had a bad headache from earlier that morning,Which involved her adoptive kids fighting with each other.She listened as they briefed on the case,from what she heard it had been two siblings murdered and found in a forest nearby a town Gloversville in New York.They'd had their throats slit,One had been hanging from a tree.Lianna noticed something quickly,That on the first victim the slash had been quick and clean,While on the second victim the slash looked hesitant and messy.She looks up as Hotch tells the team where they'd go once they landed,He'd paired Lianna and Reid up to go to the crime scene.Lianna let out a soft sigh,And put her earbuds back in,and put a song called "Miss You" by Nickelback on.It was one of Nickelback's newer songs,It was a mix of pop and rock.She liked the song,Just didn't care that it was a pop-rock song,she hated Pop.She'd made an exception though,She would listen to Nightcore,Big Time Rush,or even One Direction.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-22 07:32:22

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Edited on 24/08/15 by MusicisourHeart (#59243)

Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-08-23 09:12:37
Spencer noticed the marks on the victims necks, and slashes. That meant that either one was killed first, and the unsub was showing hesitation before the kill. And the cleaner cut was made by someone who was comfortable in what they were doing, or there were two. Which made things harder.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-23 09:56:20
"Are we sure we don't have two........unsubs" Lianna says,Finally speaking up for the first time on the plane,The others look at her as if to question how she figured that out. She didn't speak,And went back to looking at the photos until the plane landed.She was the last one to get off the plane,Her hair covering her eyes again.She was glad it wasn't raining,It was somewhat cold out though.THe cold didn't bother her,When she was a little kid her dad had locked her out of the house while he had been drunk.She pulls her hair back into a ponytail,Leaving her blue and green bangs in her face,She may not have looked mature,But she was.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-08-23 10:08:46
"I was thinking the same thing." Spencer nodded, watching Lianna as she headed off the plane before they headed to the waiting Suburbans. He wondered how she figured that out also, almost as quickly as he had. He shook his head before getting into the backseat of one of the SUVs.

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