Posted by Newbie Agent - Criminal Minds

Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-10 10:19:00
The Newbie Agent
A new team member joined the unit,It was a woman with black hair down to her back and pulled back in a braid with highlights.She was Reid's age,she was pretty smart as well but she was diagnosed with Autism,Making her act almost anti-social towards almost everyone but Reid.Who notices this.She is 23,everyone noticed something odd about her she was qiuet and if she think she figured something out she'd say it as she figured it out.She be came friends with Reid
Name: Lianna Anne Roleson
Looks: Pale skin,one silver eye the other is blue.Has short layered black hair with streaks of blue and green.Wears Skillet Tee,Ripped jeans,bike boots,and she has a leather jacket on when she;s outside.
Bio: She grew up with an serial killer for a adoptive father,He had killed her pregnant mother,The child had survived as it was taken out of the womb,BUt Lianna had many other siblings and would often take them all out to a different place when her father drank,She grew to despise her father.She got out of school at age 15,and went to college and everything needed for FBI.She used to be NCIS,But she had quit after seeing her team die ((only the boss and her survived)) from a terrible bombing incident.The team had been two other single fathers and only childs.So she ended up taking in 3 kids. 1 14 yr old,and 10 yr old twins.
Perso:Kind,Sweet,Caring,Protective,She is a fighter,She's crazy at times,She loves music,SHe loves to draw and to read.

Needed: Reid

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-09-27 05:10:06
"Your father walked out,Mine was a murder. He wasn't nice either,He killed my mom.and would lock me and my siblings out of the house" She says,her voice was soft.And she starts to walk into the building and to where Hotchner was,Her hair covered her face which had a few tears streaking down it.She raised her arm to her face and wiped the tears and slightly smudged silver eyeshadow off her cheeks.She waits for Reid,as he had the envelope.Her eyes kinda said she was sorry for bringing up the whole parent/case thing.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-09-29 02:38:27
Spencer shook his head, heading in the precinct after her with the envelope. He placed it down on the table before heading to the map that was tacked onto the board. He was truly sorry that her mother was killed, and having a serial killer for a father was definitely not the best thing that could happen. "He walked out because he couldn't handle a genius son and a paranoid schizophrenic wife. But your mother knew who you were... be glad for that."

He decided to end the conversation there, it was just ending up like a chess match and right now they were deadlocked. There was no true winner in this debate, they both had pretty crappy childhoods. Hers with her mother being killed, and a serial killer for a father. And he was forced to grow up far too fast.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-09-30 06:32:18
Lianna shakes her head,Managing to pull herself together and walks over to Hotch.She picked up the envelope careful not to touch the letters that spelled out her name in blood.
"Sir,Reid and I were given this envelope by the Sheriff.It has my name written on it in blood,And Has pictures of both Me and Reid.And a note saying "Both of you are next" written in blood along with pictures of both of Reid and I." Lianna says,Trying to keep focused.Hotchner looks at the envelope.
"Since you two are being targeted,I'm taking you out of the field.You'll be able to help us out by videochat,You two need to stay at an hoteli considering we've just arrived here." Hotch says looking at the envelope.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-09-30 11:45:35
"But you need me for the geographical profile." Spencer spoke, looking over at Hotchner. He couldn't believe it, he would be safe at the precinct along with Lianna. "Unless they have maps in the hotel, there won't be much I can do to help out."

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-09-30 12:42:41
"We have a copy of the map Reid." Hotch says,looking at the young agent.Lianna looks at Reid
"I can also help out,I grew up here.I could tell ya about the convience stores that have been around for ages. or why this place is called Gloversville." Lianna adds.And looks at Hotch,Her eyes having a faint glow to them.She then looks at Reid.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-10-02 09:08:24
"Alright." Spencer nodded, reluctantly gathering his belongings. He wasn't sure if convenience stores would be even useful, but if it was a small town then that might be a path to look at. Even if they were confined to the hotel room instead out in the field.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-10-02 11:20:49
Lianna looks at Hotch,Before quickly grabbing her silver drawstring backpack.She opens it quickly,and made sure everything was in there. {..Laptop Check,...Sketchpads/art supplies check,Books...check,Spare outfits.....check} she says quietly.
"I guess we should get going then" Lianna says,Looking at Reid.And slowly heads outside back into the SUV,and patiently waits for Reid.She noticed something,Even though she hadn't known Reid long.She'd come to find the genius quite well,and that she was crushing on him slightly {Snap out of It Li!He may not even like you that way!} She thought

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-10-03 10:27:15
Spencer made sure he had his go bag in his hand and his messenger bag over his shoulder, along with the maps and everything else he'd need. He glanced over at Lianna before he got into the SUV.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-10-03 14:16:50
Lianna grabs her phone from her pocket,and switched it on.And went to music and tapped on her Nickelback playlist.The phone started to play the song "Photograph" somewhat loudly.She smiled and starts to drive towards the hotel,They were supposed to go to.
"The song that's on right now,Is kind of how I feel.It describes looking at these pictures of your childhood or something and seemingly being brought back to all the times." Lianna says,Giving her reason why she had chose that song.She related to the song,She had to shake her head to refocuse on where she was going and clear her mind of everything.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-10-06 01:16:02
Spencer just nodded, glancing out of the window. He had photographs of his childhood every day in his mind, even if he wanted to, he couldn't forget everything that happened. Especially not the goal post incident, or coming home at midnight the same day and his mother not even aware he was gone.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-10-06 05:50:58
"Something wrong Reid?" She asks,Noticing that Reid had gone quiet. She sighs,and pulls into the parking lot.Dark black hair covered her eyes,She hated her eye colors they had gotten her picked on really badly in school.And when she stood up for herself she'd get in trouble.That had been annoying,Considering she had kind of liked school.History and Science had been her best classes.though

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-10-08 07:16:16
"I'm fine." Spencer nodded. He knew he wasn't, but his old fall back was always saying he was fine. He got out of the SUV once they pulled in, deciding to head toward the room.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-10-08 09:10:38
She sighs as she watches Reid walk to the room,She quickly follows.She had a feeling,That the genius was lying to her.When they get inside of the room,She sat on one of the two beds.She took her bag off her back,and opened.She pulled out a large 3-In-1 novel,The novels were part of the series.The titles were
A is for Alibi
B is for Burgalry
C is for Corpse. She was finshed with the first one,and moving onto the second one.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-10-08 10:41:58
Spencer glanced over at her, deciding to pull out the map before putting it on the wall. He dug through his belongs and pulled out a couple of books and his notes on the case so far. He'd be done with the books faster, so he figured he would work on his notes before turning to the map.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-10-08 10:48:39
Lianna tried to read her book,But found the case was distracting her far too much to even concretate on reading a book.She puts her book on the bed,before rummaging through her bag and pulled out a sheet of lined paper and quickly wrote down what she knew.
"There May Be Two Unsubs,As the killing styles look different"
"The Unsub(s) most likely know who I am,And must have been able to stalk both Reid and I to get the pictures."
"They appear to leave messages written in blood." She had managed to write that down,Mumbling to herself as she did.She wound up doing a small design on the corner of her paper,making it look like it was on fire or had been on fire.

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