Posted by Newbie Agent - Criminal Minds

Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-10 10:19:00
The Newbie Agent
A new team member joined the unit,It was a woman with black hair down to her back and pulled back in a braid with highlights.She was Reid's age,she was pretty smart as well but she was diagnosed with Autism,Making her act almost anti-social towards almost everyone but Reid.Who notices this.She is 23,everyone noticed something odd about her she was qiuet and if she think she figured something out she'd say it as she figured it out.She be came friends with Reid
Name: Lianna Anne Roleson
Looks: Pale skin,one silver eye the other is blue.Has short layered black hair with streaks of blue and green.Wears Skillet Tee,Ripped jeans,bike boots,and she has a leather jacket on when she;s outside.
Bio: She grew up with an serial killer for a adoptive father,He had killed her pregnant mother,The child had survived as it was taken out of the womb,BUt Lianna had many other siblings and would often take them all out to a different place when her father drank,She grew to despise her father.She got out of school at age 15,and went to college and everything needed for FBI.She used to be NCIS,But she had quit after seeing her team die ((only the boss and her survived)) from a terrible bombing incident.The team had been two other single fathers and only childs.So she ended up taking in 3 kids. 1 14 yr old,and 10 yr old twins.
Perso:Kind,Sweet,Caring,Protective,She is a fighter,She's crazy at times,She loves music,SHe loves to draw and to read.

Needed: Reid

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-10-09 13:46:12
Spencer glanced over at her before he turned to look at the maps. For once his mind wasn't focused on reading a book not written in English, he had to figure out where the unsub/ unsubs were. He marked the dump site, and where he and Lianna went. But that wasn't the actual scene of the crime. There had to be a secondary location.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-10-09 14:40:54
Lianna's mind was going wild with all of the theories on the case running through her mind.She suddenly realized something,Her blue and silver eyes going wide. She had dropped the pen,and was looking for it.She found it,Picked it up and quickly wrote this down
"The Unsub may have known of the murders my father commited,This may mean that the Unsubs are copycats" She wrote down quickly in her neat cursive handwriting.She looks up
"Reid,Do we know the date of when the victims were killed" Lianna asks,Having a feeling that the victims might have been murdered on a certain date.She remembered the first time her father came home covered in blood,That had been the first kill.And that day had passed about 4 days earlier this month.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-10-11 13:39:18

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-10-11 21:33:16
(Sorry... again I'm hitting a snag with this RP. And I was busy over the weekend, and I don't really know what month it is in RP. The early seasons confuse me because I'm used to Reid being in his 30s now)

"We were called after they noticed there were the killings. I don't know the exact date, but I'm thinking about a week ago." Spencer replied, turning toward her.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-10-12 05:04:35
((Well...This RP would take place in Season Three,So that's why Rossi is in the RP.And I say it's towards the beginning of the summer,So maybe in May this RP takes place.And If ya need help with the earlier seasons of the show,I can tell ya slightly about the episode or season.Also it's fine,I don't mind that ya busy.I just bump this thread so I don't lose it)

Lianna looks up,Shaking her head.And had to think for a minute
"The victims look like they were killed about 3 days ago,I asked if we knew when these victims died.As I believe that the unsub must have known about the killings my father commited.And that this Unsub may have a apprentice.............I still remember when my dad came home the first time after he had killed his first victim,He was covered in blood and had the murder weapon in his hand." Lianna says,Then quickly glanced at the paper she had and scribbled down a few more things about her theory.Her writing became sloppy,And she started to hold the pen in hand tightly.Which was bad as the only thing holding it together was tape,She had quickly stopped when she realized she'd broke the pen and had red ink on her hand.Grumbling she stood up and disposed of the now broken pen and washed the ink off her hand.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-10-13 13:14:06
Spencer watched her, but just listened to what Lianna had to say. "It seems to fit. The apprentice would be unsteady with his hand at first, showing how nervous they are. But as their confidence grows you can't tell them from the person teaching them how to kill."

(And I usually ask the month in my mpreg RPs. If that bugs you I apologize)

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-10-14 05:55:01
((Oh it's fine,I usually forget the date if it's like unneeded(

Lianna looks at him,And nods.She went over to her bag and pulled out a pen that she wouldn't break,Then picks her paper with all of her notes on it up.
"Should we tell Hotch about the Unsub and the Unsub's Apprentice." She says,Sitting down on the bed that all of her stuff was on.She pulls her laptop from her bag,and turned it on.She typed in her password,Then logged onto Skype.She had told Hotch before they left,That she would most likely use Skype to communicate with him and the rest of the team.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-10-14 13:22:30
"We should." Spencer nodded, moving over next to her. He still hated this, he wanted to be out in the field or in the precinct with the map and the team. He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to think about the unsub and the apprentice.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-10-15 10:17:49
Lianna's fingers raced across the keyboard,And she taps the mouse sending a video call to the team.And within a minute,Morgan and the others answer the call.

"I take it,You've found something on the case" Hotch says. Lianna nods a quick yes,And grabbed the paper with her notes.She was able to explain her theory,She didn't seem uncomfortable talking about it.As her past brought up the worst memories.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-10-18 11:48:59
Spencer listened to Lianna, putting in his own statistics and information when he could. But he let Lianna tell Hotch and the others most of the information since she had some experience in this.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-10-18 12:32:34
Hotch and the others listened to Lianna's infomation about the Unsub,Lianna finshed it after a few minutes and looks to Reid as if to say that it was his turn to talk about the locations.Memories that were good started to flash through Liannas mind as she listened to what the others had to say.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-10-20 01:15:17
Spencer glanced over at Lianna, clearing his throat lightly as he looked over the map he had in the room. He had told the others about the locations of the bodies so far, and where the unsubs could possibly be located. He just hadn't established a comfort zone yet.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-10-20 10:19:04
After a little bit,They end the video chat.Lianna sighs as it ends,and looks up at the ceiling.She had a feeling her theory was correct,As the date that she has guessed the victims had died on.Had been correct,Now she just had to figure the rest out.She wanted to go back to the crime scene,She thought that evidence would be there.And maybe,Just maybe she could pay a little visit to her father who sat in prison where he belonged.She lost her balance on her perch on the bed and fell.And got back up and sat back on the bed,She was very clumsy.She realized she was sitting next to Reid,and had to restrain herself from blushing,She had found that in the short time she had know the genius she had started to fall for him.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-10-24 13:02:11
Spencer looked up, then over next to him as he saw that Lianna had ended up sitting next to him. He turned back to his map, not really sure what to say or do around her. The last time he spoke up with her, she didn't seem that thrilled with what he had to say.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-10-24 13:02:11
(Sorry, double post)

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Edited on 24/10/15 @ 20:02:27 by Mots - Lights Off (#5378)

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