Posted by Newbie Agent - Criminal Minds

Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-10 10:19:00
The Newbie Agent
A new team member joined the unit,It was a woman with black hair down to her back and pulled back in a braid with highlights.She was Reid's age,she was pretty smart as well but she was diagnosed with Autism,Making her act almost anti-social towards almost everyone but Reid.Who notices this.She is 23,everyone noticed something odd about her she was qiuet and if she think she figured something out she'd say it as she figured it out.She be came friends with Reid
Name: Lianna Anne Roleson
Looks: Pale skin,one silver eye the other is blue.Has short layered black hair with streaks of blue and green.Wears Skillet Tee,Ripped jeans,bike boots,and she has a leather jacket on when she;s outside.
Bio: She grew up with an serial killer for a adoptive father,He had killed her pregnant mother,The child had survived as it was taken out of the womb,BUt Lianna had many other siblings and would often take them all out to a different place when her father drank,She grew to despise her father.She got out of school at age 15,and went to college and everything needed for FBI.She used to be NCIS,But she had quit after seeing her team die ((only the boss and her survived)) from a terrible bombing incident.The team had been two other single fathers and only childs.So she ended up taking in 3 kids. 1 14 yr old,and 10 yr old twins.
Perso:Kind,Sweet,Caring,Protective,She is a fighter,She's crazy at times,She loves music,SHe loves to draw and to read.

Needed: Reid

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-09-17 11:18:21
"It's a precaution. If any of his agents are targeted, he automatically takes them out of the field. It's not personal, it's so he doesn't lose two in one day." Spencer replied, glancing at the picture. That was a dark time in his life, and he honestly did not want to relive that. It was bad enough he remembered everything that happened.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-09-17 12:02:13
{Yea,Like I care.I grew up with an killer for a father,No mother and alot of siblings.And I survived a damn bombing} She thought,and let out a sigh.They were on a hill,she felt the mud move under her feet and she slipped,and was frantic as she reached out to grab a branch.Which she failed at,with a yell she nearly lands in the nearby river.grumbling she walks back to the crime scene,She was covered head to toe in mud and soaked.Yet the envelope was dry.She looks at the phot of Reid studying it.Then looks at the photo of herself,She closed the envelope.
"I guess we should get going then" She says.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-09-21 12:54:33
Spencer glanced at her, she didn't know what he went through at the hands of a sociopath with dissociative identity disorder. He heard about the bombing, and he was sorry that her team was killed. He sighed softly, turning toward the SUV. "We can tell Hotch what we found so far."

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-09-22 06:43:29
"....Fine" Lianna says,her hair covering her eyes.She turns towards the SUV and walks towards it,Her hair stuck to her face and mud was in her hair.Her jacket was covered with rain and mud,She hands the envelope to Reid so she didn't lose it or get it wet.
"I wonder how that envelope stayed dry,While I'm covered in mud and soaked" She mumbles,As she climbs into the driver's seat of the SUV.and turned her phone on,Searching through her music until she found some old music from Lyrnd Skyrnd ((I have a feeling,I misspelled that) and 38 Special.She hits the play button and lets out a sigh.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-09-22 12:01:24
Spencer took the envelope before getting into the passenger side. He would probably have to get used to her music taste, which was similar to Derek's. He still preferred classical over the other types of music out there.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-09-22 12:32:31
Lianna was driving towards their destination,and the song from Skillet "Everything Goes Black" came on.Lianna looks at Reid then back at the road.

"So....uh Reid,Do ya mind my asking.Y'know the photo of ya in the envelope,It looked like you'd been kidnapped or something.What case was it from" Lianna asks,She softly hums along with the song.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-09-24 06:37:41
"I was..." Spencer spoke softly. "We were working a case in Georgia, where someone called in a murder that they were about to commit. We arrived and the people were already dead in the houses. JJ and I followed an address, then we went up to the house. We split up..."

Spencer sighed, knowing he couldn't forget anything. "I ended up in a corn field, and the man we were looking for cornered me. Last thing I remember was lying in the corn field, then when I woke up I was tied to a chair in an old barn."

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-09-24 09:48:39
"Woah,That had to be scary.I kinda know what it's like to be through something like that,I was kidnapped a few times back when I worked for NCIS.And I'm sure you noticed the burns on my arms,Those are from the bombing incident that killed the other two members of my team.Only the boss and I survived" Lianna says,And the song switched to "Never Gonna Be Alone" by Nickelback.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-09-26 09:24:51
"I heard about that." Spencer spoke softly, glancing at her before focusing back on the road ahead. "But that wasn't the worst of it... I was also drugged and beaten. I actually did die, and my team watched me get abused and then brought back from the dead."

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-09-26 09:38:40
Lianna seemingly went quiet,As if she had not heard him correctly.She really felt bad for him now,And the thing was she didn't even know about the childhood he had.But she was sure it wasn't as bad with a drunken murder for a father,lots of siblings and dead mother. She kind of regretted asking about that case,Thinking that it brought back bad memories that were unforgettable for Reid,and you could kind of tell she regretted it if you looked at how she acted.
"Wo-woah...." Lianna says,Staying focused on driving to where the team was.The song switched again,and her phone acted glitchly.As when the song changed,The beginning of it sounded off.She only shrugged it off thinking either she was going crazy or her phone was just acting up/

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-09-26 10:53:59
"I can't forget it, but it's okay. I've been... tempted, a few times after that. But I haven't done anything for a long time." Spencer spoke softly, glancing out of the window before he glanced over at Lianna. He knew she didn't know about everything, and some things he preferred to keep to himself. Even though it was a well known fact about him being a genius and everything else. But she didn't know about his mother, and his absent father.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-09-26 11:05:07
Lianna looks at Reid again,and spoke.
"You know,When I first walked in the BAU today.You looked annoyed-ish,and was kinda seeming like I was gunning for ya job. Well I'm not,And I can tell that you think I'm not the most mature person.I may look like I belong in high school with the band tee shirts and dyed hair,But I'm doing this job because.I had a pretty difficult childhood,and want to stop monsters like my father." She says,saying what she had thought.They soon arrived to whereever they needed to be.and she got out of the SUV,and almost forgot her phone .But realized it and grabbed it

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-09-26 11:36:03
"You aren't the only one who had a difficult childhood." Spencer spoke, shaking his head as he headed out of the SUV with Lianna. "Try graduating at 12 years old."

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-09-26 12:30:45
"Try having no mother,11 siblings and a..........." She had trailed off,As memories that were not the best flooded through her mind.She closed her eyes to keep the tears from flowing,That's how bad some of the memories were,One of the memories was her mother being killed by her dad.She remembered that like it was yesterday.She opened her eyes and felt a tear run down her face.She reached up and quickly wipes it away.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-09-27 00:50:41
Spencer shook his head, he did feel sorry for her but he technically had no mother himself because of her illness. But it was best not to have a mini war about absentee parents, or deceased as the case was with his partner. "I'm sorry for your loss. I know your father was not exactly the best father figure, neither was mine. I was pretty much everything to my mother. Son, caretaker... when I turned 18 I had to put her in an institution. I couldn't keep caring for her and work on my studies and my degrees."

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