Posted by Newbie Agent - Criminal Minds

Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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2015-08-10 10:19:00
The Newbie Agent
A new team member joined the unit,It was a woman with black hair down to her back and pulled back in a braid with highlights.She was Reid's age,she was pretty smart as well but she was diagnosed with Autism,Making her act almost anti-social towards almost everyone but Reid.Who notices this.She is 23,everyone noticed something odd about her she was qiuet and if she think she figured something out she'd say it as she figured it out.She be came friends with Reid
Name: Lianna Anne Roleson
Looks: Pale skin,one silver eye the other is blue.Has short layered black hair with streaks of blue and green.Wears Skillet Tee,Ripped jeans,bike boots,and she has a leather jacket on when she;s outside.
Bio: She grew up with an serial killer for a adoptive father,He had killed her pregnant mother,The child had survived as it was taken out of the womb,BUt Lianna had many other siblings and would often take them all out to a different place when her father drank,She grew to despise her father.She got out of school at age 15,and went to college and everything needed for FBI.She used to be NCIS,But she had quit after seeing her team die ((only the boss and her survived)) from a terrible bombing incident.The team had been two other single fathers and only childs.So she ended up taking in 3 kids. 1 14 yr old,and 10 yr old twins.
Perso:Kind,Sweet,Caring,Protective,She is a fighter,She's crazy at times,She loves music,SHe loves to draw and to read.

Needed: Reid

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-23 10:12:19
"Are we sure we don't have two........unsubs" Lianna says,Finally speaking up for the first time on the plane,The others look at her as if to question how she figured that out. She didn't speak,And went back to looking at the photos until the plane landed.She was the last one to get off the plane,Her hair covering her eyes again.She was glad it wasn't raining,It was somewhat cold out though.THe cold didn't bother her,When she was a little kid her dad had locked her out of the house while he had been drunk.She pulls her hair back into a ponytail,Leaving her blue and green bangs in her face,She may not have looked mature,But she was.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-23 10:16:25
Lianna looks at Reid,she was dead silent as she walked over to one of the SUVs,She had been paired up with Reid to go to the crime scene.Her eyes said "Y'know you can sit in the front", It looked like she would have to drive to the crime scene.Which she didn't mind,She had been in Gloversville before to visit her Aunts and Uncles.She quietly climbs into the driver's seat of the SUV.She moves her bangs out of her face like she always did when driving,As she didn't enjoy her hair in her eyes when she drove.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-08-23 12:43:37
"Force of habit from when we are all out in the field." Spencer spoke, moving to the passenger side before Lianna drove to the crime scene. He figured he could get some clues about where the body came from, or if it was dumped from another location.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-23 14:10:57
"My old job,I worked for NCIS.The boss would send me and the most annoying agent on the team,I always wound up driving.Cause the guy's driving was freaking scary,He always sat in the front.I always had to drive,He'd also playfully annoy me cause of my eyes being different colors" Lianna says,Saying a little bit about herself.Memories of the days when she was with the NCIS team flashed in her mind as she drove to the crime scene,Where the police waited for them.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-23 14:19:07
((THis posted itself twice sorry)

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Edited on 23/08/15 by MusicisourHeart (#59243)

Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-24 10:15:05
((Hey,What's your favorite Criminal Minds pairing)

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-08-26 11:32:58
(I had in my avatar for a little before I started my current Kingdom Hearts RP, but it's Morgan and Reid)

"So we had somewhat similar experiences." Spencer spoke as they headed to the scene. "Morgan likes to 'vibe it' when he drives, and I rarely do."

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-26 11:53:36
"Think Morgan's annoying,Ya should've been on my team when I worked for NCIS.There was a computer geek,and the most annoying and vain agent ever.You would've been driven insane" Lianna says,a soft smile on her face.She stops when they get to the crime scene.She unbuckles the seat belt and cilmbs out of the car,She was followed by Reid.The sheriff walks over to them
"Are you two part of the BAU" The sheriff asked,Lianna decide to let Reid answer that.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-08-26 12:08:19
"I'm Dr. Spencer Reid, and this is Lianna Roleson. We are from the BAU, yes." Spencer replied. "What can you tell us?"

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-26 12:31:52
The Sheriff starts to tell them who found the victims,Until one of the officers at the scene walks up to the Sheriff and handed him an envelope that had Lianna's name on it.The Sheriff nods,and looks to Lianna as he hands to her.
{What in the heck?} she thinks as she looks at the envelope that had her name scrawled on it messily written in what looked like blood.She was freaked out by this,It was odd to find something like this left at a crime scene.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-08-28 07:29:47
"What is it?" Spencer asked before he looked at the envelope. That wasn't good, someone had to have known her by name. But who? He looked over at the Sheriff before walking over to him. "Who gave this to you?"

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-28 08:31:23
"One of the officers found it and gave it to me" The sheriff responds.Lianna looks at the envelope,Then slowly opens it finding two pictures inside of it.One of her from what looked like last weekend when she had been hanging out with her siblings,The other photo was of Reid. There was a paper that said
"You're both next" it looked like it was written in blood again. Lianna had to force herself not to drop it or throw the items far away.She begins to feel cold rain pouring from the sky.They were standing on a hill,With mud on it.And it was very slippery.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-08-31 08:32:33
"That can't be good... Well, I know it isn't. Hotch will be taking us out of the field." Spencer spoke, glancing up at the sky before he turned back to Lianna. If they could save the note from getting too wet, they could DNA from the blood and see who they were after. Or if it was from a victim.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-08-31 14:41:57
"Great....First Day and already get taken out of the field" Lianna says,glaring at the stupid envelope.She let out a sigh,and dug around in her back pocket and fished out her Ipod and earbuds and plugged the earbuds in and put them in before turning the Ipod on with her background that had her and her adoptive little ones.She scrolled through the music until she found the song "I Will Not Bow" by Breaking Benjamin.She sighs again and let the song play,Softly humming the lyrics she looks at both photos she held in hand.The one of her was from last weekend when she had been at her younger brother's house for a fire,And the picture of Reid looked like it was shortly after the Tobias Hankel case.

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Johnny 3 Tears (#59243)

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Posted on
2015-09-03 13:34:56

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