Posted by Rotting Skies (Rp Thread)

Davina {Hexa Feline
Primal} (#68950)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-23 18:25:39
Life has always been peaceful in the floating cities of Daear. That is, until a mysterious rot rose from the long forgotten world below. It started slowly, and then the rot spread, bringing illness in it's wake. And then, without warning, the skies began to fall.

Now, with one of the six main islands of Daear destroyed, the search for a solution has become desperate and the five remaining cities devised a plan. With two expeditions to the lower world already failed, far fewer citizens were willing to volunteer... That is, until a large sum of money was offered to anyone who put forth their name for a raffle. Hundreds entered, and compensation was given to all.

Fifteen names were drawn. Fifteen young men and women whose lives will forever be changed. Will they manage to find a cure for the rot? Or will they too succumb to the illness and mutation it brings?

This is the Rp thread. Don't post here unless you've been accepted.
Ooc/Sign-up Thread

Current Situation
After two weeks of preparation and many tearful goodbyes, it is time for the unlucky "winners" to make their way to their assigned destinations. It is early morning and clouds are hanging low, in thick blankets just below the islands. It is nice out, with only a few wispy clouds floating higher up as the sun rises in the sky.
Group A (comprised of Cara, Detton, Eric, Erin, Myani, Polaris and Xander) will report the the main sky port on Alstor.
Group B (comprised of Artemia, Aurelie, Draven, Katarina, Kritias, Obroox, Pitch and Varul) will report to the sky port on Riter.

Note: Please include your character's basic info at the top of your posts. Put the character's Name and Group at the very least, but feel free to also include gender, age, location, mentions and whatever else you want.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 24/06/16 @ 12:16:02 by Davina {Mottled|Hematite} (#68950)

Davina {Hexa Feline
Primal} (#68950)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-23 18:40:42
(reserving this post just in case i have anything else i need to put here)

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🌙 Morrígra
🌙 (#33027)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 06:50:02
(BOO! ON my side...i probably wont do posts like this very often...just an introductory post...)

Cara - 24 - Female - Group A

After spending a few days with her adoptive parents and visiting the farmers she knew on Kraen, all of them giving her tearful goodbyes, Cara headed out of the small town, swinging herself up onto Saiga. She patted her Runner's neck and looked down at her parents, smiling affectionately "Ill write everyday til we leave Arstal, and when i get the chance there ill update you as much as i can! Dont worry about Saiga and me, we'll be fine and we'll figure out this mess! I know it!" With a cheerful grin and tears stinging her eyes, she had set off at a brisk pace toward the Goliath loading dock that had once saved her life many years ago.

After a few scratches and words to the Goliath she was riding on, she had sat down beside Saiga and waited for them to reach Arstal. She loved this fresh breeze as they moved. The Goliath was slow but very careful in his flying, and got to Arstal before nightfall.

With a cheerful grin plastered onto her face everywhere she went and shown to everyone she saw, the girl settled in with Saiga at a place the government/raffle namers had rented for the winners to settle into with their drakes while they all gathered. Cara wondered what these people would be like. The government people seemed nice enough, but many of them treated her like you would a dying person, sympathetically and awkwardly. She insisted they treat her as they would anyone else, because - as she assured them - would find a cure no matter what it took.

The first morning was when more people seemed to start showing up. Or at least, when Cara realized there were more people than just her already there. She hadn't run into anybody last night when she got in, but she realized that there would obviously be people who had gotten here before her, as they mightve already LIVED in Arstal. She spent the morning listening to their conversations and being more than a little shy while she observed them for their nature. She loved new people, but rather than rush in let her timid nature show a bit. She spent much of the day with Saiga, riding around Arstal and looking at all the beautiful things and wonderous architecture, things she had previously never seen.

After nearly being mugged by a seemingly nice man and Saiga having to drive him off with a sharp snarl and snapping at the screaming man, Cara rubbed Saiga's head, gently thanking and apologizing to her. They went back to the buildings rented and waited to leave for the Lower World, Cara not knowing at all what to expect. Cara steered Saiga into the aviary-barn mix and relaxed, pressed against Saiga as both settled down in the straw. Cara stiffened slightly as she heard the outburst of a flier up above from a pair of ladders situated beside Saiga's stall.

Artemia - 20 - Female - Group B

After spending a few days doing a mix of teaching her sister the best paths to hunt, teaching her the best rivers to fish, and even bringing her into town to get her used to other people. Much of the time spent has been her sister hugging Artemia and crying. Surprisingly, Artemia herself wanted to cry, but she steeled herself so that her sister wouldn't worry so much.

At the end of the week, Artemia signed her sister up for school in Arstal, and after packing, Artemia and her sister went to Arstal to settle her sister into a private school's dorms there. After a tearful goodbye and a tight hug, Artemia left her sister for what might have been the last time, and headed for Riter.

Currently, Artemia is spending time with her newest friend, Aeros. Aeros is the drake Artemia picked when she met up with the raffle government namers (idk what to call them...) and they offered her a drake. Aeros is a Flier, and while smaller than most of the other drakes, is arrogant and domineering. Artemia has already gone flying with him, which apparently is uncommon for riders and drakes that are extremely new to each other; the drake experts weren't sure if they had extremely good trust early in their relationship, or if Aeros was stupid. Nonetheless, Artemia and Aeros seem to be getting along well, while the same cannot be said for Artemia when she sees other teammates or even any people.

After an hour of flying around Riter, with her 3 year old young Flier, Artemia landed Aeros down lightly at the top of a small hill as far as she could get from the most compact cities. She hated this place. Aeros didnt seem to care for it either, but she HATED it. It was constantly smoggy and hard to breathe, there was no open space ANYWHERE, and every normal person there were jerks, and she hated socializing already. For two nights now upon arrival, she had slept in the Fliers' aviary with Aeros, the wingless drakes in the barn below. It was the closest thing to nature and smelled the best and most like home out of this entire stinky isle. Artemia sighed contentedly as she leaned against Aeros' right wing, the wyvern-like drake puffing out his chest and keeping alert for any signs of other people.

(Choppy first few sentences for Artemia especially. Sorry I'm tired writing this and didn't know how to say it any better.)(source for Aeros-wiki dragon image wyvern

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Edited on 24/06/16 @ 18:59:57 by Cinder❄Blaze (#33027)

Roseadi (#54389)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 11:00:04
Detton-Male-Group A

Today was the day. The day that Detton had to meet on Alstor for the trek beneath the floating islands. Detton was a little scared to travel, there was no doubt about that, but he was also pleased with himself that he had won this raffle. Detton shoved his clothes inside of his scale bag. He zipped it with a cringed look on his face because it was packed so tight. It was probably going to be a while until he returned so he wanted to take whatever he could with him. Detton looked around his cluttered room, biting his lip in thought. There wasn't much else to bring with him, he had gotten all of the essentials. Detton stood up from kneeling on the floor and set his bag on his creaky bed. The last thing he grabbed before heading out the door was his water bottle, which he never went anywhere without. Detton took one last look at his home and breathed in. His house smelled of grain and meatloaf, which was his favorite mix of smells. He closed the door and turned around on his deck. His family was sitting on their large Draft named Dinkle. The poor thing was named by Detton himself when he was only five, so no wonder it was a little demeaning. Detton fed the beast a vegetable that he had stashed in his pocket for the exact reason. Dinkle sniffed the vegetable before wrapping his long, slobbery tongue around the object. Detton listened to his strong teeth chomp down on the vegetable, which he always thought was a satisfying sound. Detton took a seat behind his mother and father. His little sister sat at the front, her legs wrapped around the Drafts neck. Detton's father, Horashu, clucked his tongue and Dinkle lurched forward and headed towards Arstol.

Detton's family owned a very large farm with multiple species of animals. Detton would have taken their old glider but his parents didn't trust the old thing because of its age. They wanted to make sure Detton had a decent ride where he was going and not something that was going to die on him. Detton was going to get his own glider or flier but he hadn't yet reached the age where his parents bought him his first one, and when they heard that he would be given a free one when he got to Arstol they decided that he could just use the one given to him rather than going out and buying one since theirs were either older or too young. Detton's body swayed back and forth with the movement of his Draft. His family didn't say much as they traveled through town towards Arstol. A few people in Kraen recognized him and waved him goodbye. He waved back, a sad smile on his face. It took a few hours for him and his family to reach Arstol, which was why they had left early in the morning. In Arstol, Detton watched as many people began to gather around in the sky port. Detton didn't recognize any of them, they all looked so foreign to him. He didn't have many friends, and he friends he did have didn't put their names in for the raffle. Detton's father steered Dinkle to where others were tied. The family hopped down from the big beast and stretched their legs from sitting for so long and having the blood rush down their legs. Detton stretched and as he did so his little sister, Eyla, wrapped her arms around his waist. Detton smiled and ruffled her curls with his hand. His mother and his father followed suit and they all wrapped their arms around him since they couldn't stay long.

Detton breathed in the sweet smell of his family as they held him. He was going to miss them. There probably wouldn't be any way to contact them on his journey. His family was pretty much all Detton ever knew. He had a few friends but mostly spent time with his family. Detton's family finally released him. They all had watery eyes as they stood back and looked at him for what could be the last time, but of course they didn't expect something like that. Detton said his final goodbyes with his family after giving his sister his drake-tooth necklace and his father giving him his scale and bronze watch. He patted Dinkle, giving him the last vegetable that was in his pocket. Detton smiled and waved his family goodbye and then turned on his heel and headed in the direction of where the hosts were. He shook hands with one of them, a tall guy without any hair. He introduced himself and then was given a slip of paper with a box number on it. "That is the number for your flier," the man said. "The stockhold is right down the hill. Get acquainted and then come right back." Detton nodded his head and took the paper. The paper read box 12, which was where his loaned flier was. Detton walked out of the building and headed down the hill. He made his way to the stockholds and could hear the squawking of many drakes. Detton entered the stockhold and headed down the aisle towards box 12. When he came to it he looked inside to see a jet black, winged creature with bright yellow markings. He read the name carved into the box door, it read 'Dyret' [which means Beast]. Detton clucked his tongue lightly. The creature snapped its head up and and lunged at the box door. Detton fell back and watched as the creature tried to grab his pant leg before he realized and moved his leg. 'They gave me a crazy one,' Detton thought to himself. Maybe this was the last of their stock and he got the worst of them all. That was okay though, Detton knew how to work with animals, he lved on a farm after all.

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Edited on 24/06/16 @ 18:00:22 by Midosaurus (#54389)

Roseadi (#54389)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 11:25:00
Pitch-Female-Group B

Pitch stroked the soft, colorful scales of her flier, Yune. Pitch had owned Yune since she was ten years old, so Yune was only ten, she was in her prime. Pitch's parents got her Yune so she could help Pitch with her blindness. Pitch would always run into things and never liked traveling since she couldn't see. She had no confidence and was terrified of doing anything without her parents. When she got Yune, her confidence grew. Her parents had made their home more accessible for a creature with wings so Yune could accommodate her when she was in the house. Yune was always there for Pitch. If Pitch couldn't find something all she had to do was click a certain way and Yune would find it for her. Yune also made sure Pitch didn't run into anything or fall from any heights. The two were inseparable. They had been flying together for nearly a decade and had great trust for each other. Pitch didn't know it since she wasn't able to see Yune, but Yune was a stunning mix of colors that looked like a sunset with white spots [vitiligo.] Pitch reached into her sweater pocket and picked out a fat yam. She leaned over the neck of her flier and handed it to her. Yune chirped and crunched down the yam. Pitch grabbed the handle at the front of the saddle and shifted her weight. She was headed to Riter since she had been chosen for the raffle. She was going to have a laugh when they realized that she was blind. Luckily Pitch didn't have to take a Goliath to where she was going, that would have taken hours, but being on her flier she should get there within the hour.

Pitch had said goodbye to her parents before she left for Riter. They would have gone with her but she insisted to let her go alone with her flier, she didn't want to be late since they would have all had to take a Goliath. They had packed her food for her trip. Pitch wasn't sure if it was allowed, but she would most likely hide it from others. Pitch took her pack off of her pack and set it underneath her head so she could rest a little while before getting to Riten. She hadn't slept at all the night before since she was so excited and nervous for the trip.

[Having writers block now -.-]

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Lassassin (#92225)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 11:35:05
Aurelie – Female – 19 –Riter - Group B

Aurelie slung her bag over her shoulder, looking grim as she left the alley she had called home for the evening. There were no tearful goodbyes to say, no family members to promise a return to. Wiping her face with the back of a long sleeve, she wandered off towards the port. Luckily she lived on Riter, where she had been told her group would be meeting. She met with the men and women organizing the journey; handing out drake information, loading supplies, directing what she assumed to be the other raffle "winners". Aurey took her ticket and glanced at the number before stuffing it into her breast pocket, nodding her head in thanks before finding her way to the stocks.

Her drake was a calm young Glider in soft shades of silvery white and shimmers of pink throughout. Aptly named Opal, the lanky blonde extended her hand in greeting. The drake lifted her head, taking in the girl's scent before approaching and pressing her head into her palm. Aurey smiled wide, admiring her. They would have to get used to each other - their lives might depend on trusting one another. She leaned over the stall door and admired her drake for a while, just taking everything into consideration. In a matter of hours everyone would arrive, they would most likely be briefed and then...she would say goodbye to all of this. She wasn't sure whether to be excited or nervous. Maybe she was both.

Satisfied with the greeting, she left the stocks in the hopes of finding something to eat - something she wouldn't have to pay for. Maybe she could swipe an apple or something from the supplies. Surely it wouldn't be missed too much? Wary gaze darted around her, instinct keeping her defensive. Growing up on Riter, you learned to always watch your back. She started to hover around the workers once more, in the hopes of snatching something away from prying eyes or maybe even someone taking pity on her scrawny figure and puppy dog eyes.

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Edited on 24/06/16 @ 18:35:44 by Lassassin (#92225)

SilverCy {Ornament
Primal} (#24815)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-06-24 12:52:15
Kritias - Male - 19 - Group B - Nar

Kritias's knuckles tightened further around the strap of his worn rucksack, a bright but fake smile stretched across his lips as his free hand ruffled his younger brother's hair. Riysen looked to be on the verge of tears as his two older brother figures were simultaneously chosen in the raffle and there was a good chance neither of them would come back. Epoth crooned comfortingly where he was standing beside Kritias, rubbing his head against Riysen's cheek as if to say 'don't worry, I'll bring them back safely.'

Kritias bade goodbye to his younger brother and forcing a cheerful tone into his voice, called back,

"I'm going to come back safe and sound, don't worry. I'll make sure Varul comes back too!"

However, as he raised a hand to wave and turned away, walking down the gravelly, dusty path, tears began streaming down his cheeks as the fear of what was going to happen consumed him.

I don't want to die.

Varul - Male - 18 - Group B - Nar

Varul watched in silence the interactions of the two Beorun brothers, only opening his mouth to murmur a few words to Riysen in a serious but nonetheless warm voice,

"We may both die but I'll try to bring one of us back at least."

With that, he patted Riysen on the shoulder a few times and turned away, joining Kritias as they both walked away from their home, their safety and towards death, danger and despair.

For Varul though, he had to face something else before said death, danger and despair. Going back to Riter and finally putting to rest the old ghosts of his past. He was going to confront his parents.

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Edited on 24/06/16 @ 20:02:10 by Joker (#24815)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 15:07:45

Erin Clearwater | Female | 21 Years | Kraen | Group A
Location: Alstor Skyport
Mentions: None {Open}

Anxiety crashed over Erin with the force of a freight train as she approached the building the raffle winners were to be housed in until leaving for the Lower World, hands shaking as she pushed the doors open and entered the common room area. Miraculously she had managed to get through the past week or so without thinking about it all that much. Pushing it to the back of her mind. Ignoring the sound of her mother’s sobbing late at night or her uncles’ saddened gazes aimed in her direction when they thought she wasn’t looking. Somehow she had kept all of her emotions locked away until this moment and now she was overwhelmed by its intensity. She immediately made her way to her assigned room, slamming the door behind her before crumpling to the floor. Her back against the wall, she took in deep, gasping breaths as a panic attack forced her to the floor, arms wrapping around her knees as green eyes scrunched shut.

’Get a hold of yourself.’ Erin scolded herself, ashamed of her inability to handle the situation with grace. She was already so much later arriving than the other ticket holders. She had spent every last minute with her family that she could before reluctantly packing her bags and deciding to make the journey from her apartment in Kraen’s only city to Alstor’s skyport alone. She had deliberately requested her mother and uncles not to accompany her. It was already hard enough saying goodbye. If they had come she would have ended up bursting into tears and the thought of crying in front of the other ‘volunteers’ was very unappealing. Not that this was much better. Erin could only hope no one had seen her come rushing in here on the verge of a breakdown.

A wet feeling on her cheek calmed her nerves enough for her to sit up fully, her Runner Zoom having squeezed himself between her trembling knees and now washing her face with his forked tongue. Erin reached out to scratch beneath his chin in thanks and the small drake made a raspy sound similar to a cat’s purr. Zoom might not be a Glider or Flier, but he had been her closest companion since she was sixteen years old and always seemed to know what to do to bring her back to reality. She was forever grateful for his presence in her life. “We should go greet the others now, don’t you think?” Erin asked, wiping a few stray tears from beneath her eyes before getting to her feet. The drake made a clicking noise before climbing up her body until he lay draped comfortably across her shoulders. He nudged her cheek again with his nose in encouragement and the smallest of smiles lit up her face before she opened her door and headed back out to the common room.


Draven Moore | Male | 23 Years | Riter | Group B
Location: Riter Skyport
Mentions: None {Open}

Draven walked hand in hand with his youngest sister Keller as they approached Riter’s skyport. His mother had stayed behind in their home downtown, lacking the strength to make it much further than a block. She’d fallen ill in the past few years and barely had the will to get out of bed most days. It was likely for the best she hadn’t come, being rather weepy since discovering Draven’s ticket had been chosen. He tried not to worry too much for her care while he was...away. She need never worry for money again and his boys would make sure no harm befell any member of his family. Or at least they better or there would be hell to pay when he got back, because, of course he would come back.

As they reached the doors to the building Keller began to wail, drawing attention to the pair as she desperately tugged at his arm and begged him not to go. He found her uncontrollable sobbing somewhat over-dramatic, but managed to keep calm despite her carrying on, which normally might have had him calling her a brat and snapping to knock it off. Things were different now. Only God knew when he’d see her next. Draven was painfully aware now that he hadn’t been the best brother he could have been to either of his sisters. He’d started the Shadow Strikers to protect them and all the families struggling in the slums, but somewhere along the way he’d gotten caught up in his new...occupation. He didn’t spend much time at home anymore.

He was not unaware of the fact he became everything he’d once hated in the process of furthering the goals of his gang. Suddenly he wasn’t a well intentioned kid just trying to keep his loved ones safe anymore and instead a brute who solved his problems through slitting throats or coercing people into doing what he wanted. Somehow his family still loved him anyway. How he didn’t know, but it made his heart ache as Keller so clearly thought making a fuss could change anything. He leaned down on one knee so he was closer to her level, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I have to go. You know that.”

Keller stared at the ground, avoiding his gaze as her bawling quieted down into a few sniffles, snot almost comically dripping from her nose, getting a crooked grin and a soft laugh out of him. He wiped her nose on his sleeve and kissed her forehead before rising back to his full height. “Go on home kiddo. Mom will be waiting for you.” Keller remained where she stood. Feet planted to the ground stubbornly. Typical Keller. “Hey, you know, now that I’m not going to be around I’m gonna need you to look after mom and Damaris for me. Think you can do that? Lord knows what Dama will get up to without me there. You gotta keep her in line for me.” The mention of their somewhat rebellious sister brought an almost mischievous grin to Keller’s face.

“I can do that,” she confirmed, raising her chin a bit.

“That’s a girl. Now run along. I’ll be home before you know it,” he encouraged, sensing the worst was over. They could have a proper farewell now. She lunged forward and gripped him in a hug much tighter than one might expect from a ten-year old girl and as he wrapped his arms around her in return he found himself reluctant to let go. Damn it all. He was going to mess this little pest. She released him from her sisterly death grip a few minutes later, soon after turning to run back to the house.

“Don’t die Draven. If you die I’ll never forgive you,” she called without looking back.

“I’ll see what I can do,” he responded in turn, his tone unworried.

He watched her until she disappeared behind the smog that forever hovered over Riter, turning swiftly to join the other raffle winners. Might as well get this over with.

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Elenvalta (#17120)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 17:18:49
Xander | Group A | 24 | Arstal Downtown/Winners Commonroom

They would all be in their rooms, he knew it. Getting settled in, meeting everyone else thar would accompany them on their journey down, and hopefuly back up, and making awkward small talk about how overcast it was or who got what drake from the stables. Undoubtedly someone would cry eventually and they were probably already making bets as to who it would be. And while he had met none of them yet - hell, he wasn't even on that side of town -, Xander could make assumptions as to how the social interactions and structure of the group would go.

Instead of the ice-cream social, he stood observing his once grand condo. The lavish place, once decorated in with furs, artwork, and even a statue or two, now stood desolate of anything aside from him and his luggage he was taking with him. It had all been sold, or at least most of it. That way, he could make more interest while his money was locked away during his absence, and it allowed for him to give his great aunt some spending money. Although she did have access to his account should he not return, she refused to use it until she was certain he wouldn't need it later. It was a trouble to get her to accept part of the money he made from selling the furnishings, but she did that at the very least.

With a last look at his hard-earned home, Xander made it out to the stables to meet his glider. The winner's lounge wasn't too far from where he was currently, but taking a glider would make the trip much faster. The beast was large enough to carry both him and the luggage he carried, and after a short period of flying they landed at the building. It wasn't impressive, at least to him, but just one of the usual buildings spotted in Arstal. Although, almost every building in Arstal was nice compared to the other isles, especially the sky ports.

He wasn't sure what he expected of the other winners, but those in the long us if the building seemed to fit what he had imagined. They looked as though they came from all over the isles. If any were from Arstal, he didn't recognize them at least. Instead of making useless small talk in the lounge, he walked around the building to the stables, leading his drake beside him. Certainately drakes weren't allowed in the building, he assumed, and this would be the place to leave them until they departed.

After dropping off the glider, he made his way back to the commonroom, where most seemed to be waiting. Upon entering, he saw a few others wit their drakes and thought about returning to grab his glider, but the beast was likely to take up too much space and decided against it. Most of those in the room looked like runners anyway, and they weren't quite as large. He settled himself leaning against a wall, not feeling peachy about talking about the weather or how nervous everyone was. Subconsciously, he tugged a bit at the collar of his shirt, realizing that just maybe the nice clothing he owned wouldn't be ideal for the journey they were about to face.

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 17:55:49
Myani | 19 | Group A | Location: Arstal drake stables for volunteers | Mentions: Cara ish

Myani hefted a thick leather riding saddle onto Princess' back and secured her luggage to the straps provided. She had been told upon arriving at the port that the riding gear she had brought along was not suitable for the trip they would be undertaking, and to swap it out for the spare gear in the stables. Well. Just because Princess had been raised to look good, not like a merchants draft! Myani sighed and wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead. Ew... the last time she had sweated was at Jameson Moore's jacuzzi party when his parents had left for a couples retreat at the other end of the island, certainly not from exertion. She made sure her old saddle was labelled and stored away in the tack room neatly before returning to her snowy draft drake. The beasts liquid onyx eyes seemed to share in Myani's revulsion. Myani wrinkled her nose and parted her lips to breath through her mouth. She hadn't been in a space that reeked of drake dung and old hay so much. In her neighborhood your drakes were kept inside or in private stables, not crowded together to offend the public eye!

Princess suddenly gave a deep grumble, like the first rumble of thunder that preluded a storm, and gusted a hot draft of air onto Myani's shoulder as she tried to lead her drake from the stables. "What is it now?" she grumbled, and stopped. Though she wanted to get out and into the winners apartments as soon as possible she also knew not to ignore a drakes warning. Princess was fine in the company of other drakes, considering the amount of time she had spent at pedigree shows, but she wasn't fond of strangers in strange environments. The white draft drake snorted and tossed her head, her eye rolling to meet Myani's.
Myani stood on tip toe, trying to see over the stalls. "Hey, is anyone here? It's not cool to spy you know!" she called out.

She creeped around the corner of a stall, designer boots sinking into the hay, before catching sight of a girl lying against her drake. The girl looked pretty harmless so Myani let out a deep breath, and crossed her arms against her chest. "Hey girl, you awake? If you're another volunteer you should probably come meet the others right?". Is she even awake?

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Edited on 25/06/16 @ 00:58:51 by Sunfire (#26490)

🌙 Morrígra
🌙 (#33027)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 18:22:24
Cara - 24 - Female - Group A

Nearly dozing off in the warm hay and to Saiga's steady breathing, Cara was nearly asleep when she heard muttering and then an angry growl. The Runner had raised her head as company entered the stables before. First there had been a boy going up to the aviary to get a winged drake, then another boy leading his winged drake up above to the aviary stables and exiting, and finally there was now a girl and - based on the footsteps - a Draft drake entering the barn stables.

At the sound of the Draft's unhappy grumbles, Saiga gave a grunt of warning to the other drake. Cara, eyes still closed, stifled a smile at the thought of her companion getting all motherly and scolding the other drake for being too noisy while there was a "baby" trying to sleep. When a girl, still young - or spoiled - by the sound of her tone, spoke out impudently, Saiga gave a growl of indignation before Cara put her hands up to stroke the Runner. "I'm here. Barn stall 3. Don't mind Saiga, she's mad because your Draft's growling woke us." With an audible yawn she pushed herself off from the straw and rose to her feet, walking out of the stall. She left the door open but gave a wave of her hand directly downward, a hand signal she had taught Saiga when she was young 'Stay'. Not turning to see if the Runner seemed offended at the elementary commands or not, Cara walked around the stall's outside and looked at the stall immediately beside her, with a dirty - but no doubt pure white - draft drake standing there with a young girl scoffing irritably around the other stalls.

Cara's appearance wasn't exactly great either. She had normal clothes, not quite nice but not ragged either, but had a noticeable line of hay on her back and some on her side. She wore a pair of black shorts and a dark blue tank top. With a small smile she leaned on the stall wall, observing the draft's movements and inclining her head in a respectful greeting. "She's gorgeous. My name's Cara, and you?"

(well shoop. Do you want to keep your added in para or delete that? I go to preview what i have and go *facepalm*)

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-06-25 00:10:37

((witness the total nerd that is eric))

Eric Deux · Male · 19 years · Arstal · Group A
Location: Drake Stables · Mentions: Cara & Myani (mostly their drakes)

The second Eric hopped off of the small car-like device he had made for himself, he folded the strange skeleton of gears and jointed metal into a much smaller, more manageable form and hooked it to the shoulder strap that draped over his back, which was covered in various trinkets and collections of...stuff. He probably looked insane to the passersby, considering that not only was he holding a large number of what looked like metal scraps, but there was a small automaton resting on his shoulder, eyes glazed over for he had yet to learn how to make it move. And he was covered in grease and oil, and probably smelled like a rusty old car.

Well, that never stopped him.

He headed immediately toward the drake stables, because his priority was not only finding himself a drake but also observing the others, preferably the ones with wings. However, from what he saw, not a single one of the people inside - there were only two girls, from what he saw - had a winged drake. Well, that was disappointing. He decided instead to indulge himself in the anatomy and physiology of the pair of drakes, one Runner and a Draft that scared him just a bit. Besides Diggers, whose massive claws and sleek, hole-fitting bodies intrigued him to no end, Runners were one of his favorite wingless drakes, though a Flier would beat any of them any day.

Without really thinking of mentioning that he was going to touch either of their drakes, Eric stepped forward and kneeled before the smaller of the two drakes, the Runner, not touching her as he took in the sheer largeness of her frame, and the leg muscles rippling beneath her leathery skin. He was pretty sure he squealed once or twice, a grin plastered on his face as he gazed over the drake. It was so much different than observing sketches and research notes, all of which he had brought with him in the bag he had hanging loosely from his shoulders.

He glanced back at the pair of girls, who no doubt were probably questioning what the hell was wrong with him. "Would she mind if I touched her?" he asked, unsure of how drakes acted. He had studied their bodies and how they worked, but not their psychology. He was less intrigued by how their minds worked than he was by their bodily functions.

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Edited on 25/06/16 @ 08:19:44 by Trash Panda (#69500)

Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 01:00:08
(I'm confused, is Erin in the stables or the common room? halp!)

Myani | 19 | Arstal stables | Mentions Cara and Eric

Myani reached up to rest a hand on Princess' soft nose, a delicate smile lighting up her face at Cara's comment. She wasn't sure how exactly to approach this girl but being friendly right off the bat was usually the safer way to go. "Thank you. My name is Myani and this is Princess." Her green gaze swept over the hay sprinkled girl in front of her, taking in the outfit and way of standing she had. While Myani would never let herself get so messy she had admit that Cara could pull it off, and her drake had a charming air to it as well. She fingered the edge of her fur coat self consciously, suddenly aware of how out of place it must look. She had tried to pack practically but there were only so many outfits in her closet that were suitable for more than avenue strolls and cocktails. At least she hadn't had her hair styled this week so it wasn't even lavishly curled. It hung as straight as wheat, though she kept it tied up now to try to add some character to it.

She opened her mouth to ask about Cara's origins but was distracted by the entrance of another person; a boy who showed no hesitation in approaching and touching the larger drake. He held no reservation in expressing his delight either, considering the sounds he was making. Myani cocked her head slightly and clucked her tongue at Princess who was shifting with discomfort at all the sudden strangers approaching her and her human. "Never seen a drake before?" she finally asked, amusement colouring her tone, the speechless surprise of the boy having worn off.

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-06-25 01:01:36
((stables I think ;o))

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 01:12:33
(Nah I think she went to the common room?)

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-06-25 01:17:57
((idek everyone's posts r jumbled up))

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