Posted by Rotting Skies (Rp Thread)

Davina {Hexa Feline
Primal} (#68950)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-23 18:25:39
Life has always been peaceful in the floating cities of Daear. That is, until a mysterious rot rose from the long forgotten world below. It started slowly, and then the rot spread, bringing illness in it's wake. And then, without warning, the skies began to fall.

Now, with one of the six main islands of Daear destroyed, the search for a solution has become desperate and the five remaining cities devised a plan. With two expeditions to the lower world already failed, far fewer citizens were willing to volunteer... That is, until a large sum of money was offered to anyone who put forth their name for a raffle. Hundreds entered, and compensation was given to all.

Fifteen names were drawn. Fifteen young men and women whose lives will forever be changed. Will they manage to find a cure for the rot? Or will they too succumb to the illness and mutation it brings?

This is the Rp thread. Don't post here unless you've been accepted.
Ooc/Sign-up Thread

Current Situation
After two weeks of preparation and many tearful goodbyes, it is time for the unlucky "winners" to make their way to their assigned destinations. It is early morning and clouds are hanging low, in thick blankets just below the islands. It is nice out, with only a few wispy clouds floating higher up as the sun rises in the sky.
Group A (comprised of Cara, Detton, Eric, Erin, Myani, Polaris and Xander) will report the the main sky port on Alstor.
Group B (comprised of Artemia, Aurelie, Draven, Katarina, Kritias, Obroox, Pitch and Varul) will report to the sky port on Riter.

Note: Please include your character's basic info at the top of your posts. Put the character's Name and Group at the very least, but feel free to also include gender, age, location, mentions and whatever else you want.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 24/06/16 @ 12:16:02 by Davina {Mottled|Hematite} (#68950)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-06-27 16:00:22

Erin Clearwater | Female | 21 Years | Kraen | Group A
Location: Arstal - Winner’s Lounge
Mentions: Xander

Zoom didn’t appear to take kindly to being called cute. As soon as the word left his mouth the little Drake spat out a small ember of flame and black smoke billowed from his nostrils. If Xander’s hand had still been within range he likely would have snapped at his fingers.. Erin flicked Zoom gently on the side, giving the Runner her most disapproving gaze, not that he could really see it from where he was situated across her shoulders. “Sorry about that. He’s still a young Drake and hasn’t quite learned his manners yet. I’ve only had him for about five years now and he was practically a hatchling when I got him.”

As Xander began filling her in on his own Drake she listened with clear interest. “Fifteen years? That’s a long time. You two must be very close!” The fact that Fox was a Glider only further fascinated her. Zoom made a small grumbling noise as if he could sense her intrigue and soon after seemed more interested in slipping into the backpack strapped across her back to hide rather than meet another Drake, unzipping it himself and disappearing inside seconds later. “Don’t be like that. No Drake can compare to you,” she assured in a whisper, hoping Xander hadn’t overheard. She didn’t want to offend him, but of course it wouldn’t do to let Zoom wallow in jealousy.

“I’d love to meet Fox,” she confirmed, delighted that Xander had invited her along to fetch him. “It’s probably best you keep him close anyway. I’m not sure we’ll be spending much longer here.”


Draven Moore | Male | 23 Years | Riter | Group B
Location: Riter - Outskirts/Hills
Mentions: Artemia, Aeros

“You’ve got a good eye,” he complimented, not truly offended by her observation. Riter was his home. Always would be even if he ended up somewhere else after this was all over. He didn’t find any shame in admitting the Isle was his place of origin. Draven’s original comment had been more along the lines of subtle teasing. He was very well aware he was the embodiment of a stereotypical Riter boy from the slums. He hadn’t bothered to pretty himself up for his arrival. These people were sending him to die. He didn’t owe them a damn thing.

Her strange gesture had him almost snorting before noting his Draft seemed to respond in turn with a similar gesture, tilting her massive head forward and reaching out a clawed paw. He stared at the Drake quizzically for a moment before Artemia’s voice cut through the falling silence and pulled his attention back to her. “Yeah...something like that,” he muttered, forcing his fingers to still. He hadn’t even noticed they’d begun to twitch. “You too I’m assuming?”

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🌙 Morrígra
🌙 (#33027)

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Posted on
2016-06-27 17:38:03
(Potato, Idk how old the drakes get, but I can say that for what has been stated for how many years old the drakes so far have been addressed are, 5 is as old as a few of the other adult drakes. When Davvy is able to, let's find a common age to be considered adult/baby, because the lack of common age ideas will end up being confusing.)

Artemia - 20 - Female - Group B

Artemia nodded almost imperceptibly and pulled her attention back to the boy "I do. I grew up in the wilder areas of Janra. Whether you're offended or not, I hate these closed off industrial places. Hence why Im here." She waved her hand around them at the hills. Aeros chirped quietly and stuffed his head towards her, making what seemed like disappointed whines at being disregarded. With her head tilting, she grabbed his large head in her arms and tucked it under her armpit, wrapping her arms around his scaly head with a short whistle.

Artemia turned her attention back to the Riter man as he addressed her again "Yeah. I guess you could say I am. More nervous about leaving my sister in Arstal alone than my own death. I've accepted that maybe one of us will survive this, but we'll never be able to come back until we find a cure. Its die or do the improbable - no - impossible." Artemia smiled a bit, trying to hide her giggle, at his quizzical expression "You try it too. Ive found drakes like respectable gestures like that. You know they respect you as well when they return it. I believe they can tell when we mean it or not by our own body language, like they can read us as if we were talking to them in the same kinds of tones we talk to each other with." Artemia gazed at the Draft, admiration shining in her eyes "Theyre much more intelligent than we give them credit for, aren't you Aeros?" She hummed, the Flier pulling back his head from underneath her and giving an affirmative roar.

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Edited on 28/06/16 @ 00:38:44 by Cinder❄Blaze (#33027)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-06-27 18:17:18
((I didn't say he was a baby though? Just that he's young. I already have an explanation in mind for why he's smaller than other Runners. I don't re-call seeing anything about Drake ages yet so I guess I missed that, but yeah. I suppose it would be best to agree on a common age.))

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🌙 Morrígra
🌙 (#33027)

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Posted on
2016-06-27 18:28:16
(Yeah that's what i mean, there isnt anything about ages. A few sign ups and post have ages mentioned, including mine. But yeah we should figure out a common age :). Dont overdo it with your hands. How are your fingers feeling?)

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Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-06-28 01:03:02
Obroox Buile | Male | 22 Years | Janra | Group B
Location: Riter - Winner's Lounge

Obroox's mum had been the one to get the letter. It stated that he had 'won' the lottery for going down to the surface. The people organising it had really talked it up, how they'd be saving everyone and it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and anyone would be lucky to be in their place, but if they were so lucky why did people have to be selected by lottery? Obroox had spent the next few days preparing. He'd cleared out his rooms, both at his mum's and dad's. Most of his stuff had gone to his fellow band members who'd thrown him a "happy death day" party. True to their nature, they knew there was nothing they could do about the lottery so they might as well make their friend happy.
Of course, that was yesterday, and now on the day they were meant to go down, Obroox was instead lying in a bed very hung over. The organisers had arranged a hotel of some sort with lots of security to make sure none of the winners tried to run. It was a nice gesture considering they were going to die either today or tomorrow. Nobody had been down to the surface in ages for a reason. It wasn't exactly a resort, all the information painted it as radioactive and covered in dangerous toxic waste and all sorts of horrible things. Obroox sighed. He wouldn't be able to get out of this, but hopefully he could meet someone, maybe make a friend. It'd be easier to die with someone he knew. So, he picked up his bag and headed down to the lounge.

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Edited on 28/06/16 @ 08:11:29 by Ser Isles (#57298)

Davina {Hexa Feline
Primal} (#68950)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-28 06:01:27
Kylin | Male | 26 | Group A | Arstal | MENTIONS- Everyone on Arstal, really

It was already bright and sunny out by the time Kylin woke up, his eyes flickering open as the light from the window finally passed over his face. He should have been up hours ago, helping recruits find their way, but he knew a good night's sleep would be hard to come by in the comming weeks. Groaning, he rolled out of the bed he'd been provided and stumbled over to the other side of the room. As soon as he was dressed, and covered fom head to toe, he pulled the hood of his jacket pulled up over his mess of orange curly locks and put on a pair of leather gloves. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he picked up the small backpack that held all of his belongings and left the room, knowing he wouldnt be back any time soon.

He walked down he hall with porpose, his face covered with some sort of grim determination. Entering the 'winner' lounge he didn't even take the time to look at the few faces there before he barked out the words, "Come on. Time to go!" There wasn't a reason to delay; waiting any longer to leave would just be delaying the inevetable.

Ky paused for only a moment, letting the recruits take a moment to process his words before he made his way back out of the building. Squinting against the bright sun, it took a moment for Kylin to locate the docks. He hadn't really realized how much he'd gown accustomed to the darkness on the lower world, untill he'd come back to find the floating isles almost blinding to him, the sun so painfully bight as it reflected off of the smooth white stone buildings. He stopped by the stables, unlatching the first door and throwing it open. A large but thin glider emerged, nuzzling he young man's hand as if greeting an old friend. Grinning he patted his head and turned to the small group there.

His voice was calm and stern, but not harsh as he adressed them, "Get your drakes, get your shit, and meet me at the docks." And with that he and the glider turned and left the stables.

He continued out the the dock, barking out orders to several other men as they loaded supplies on to two massive goliaths, and telling one other officer to round up any of the remaining recruits who had not yet made it to the docks. Waiting expectantly, he stood nearby the smaller of the two goliaths, waiting for the 'winners' to finally catch up to him.

((So Kylin has started rounding up group A. Group B, people will be coming by to direct you to your docks as well. Both groups will be heading out shortly))

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-06-28 06:05:18
((when he says get ur drakes but eric doesn't kno how 2 do that, poor bab))

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-06-28 20:37:59
Myani | 19 | Group A | Stables | Mentions Eric and Cara
Myani blinked in surprise as the large stable doors suddenly swung outwards, bathing them in sunlight. She squinted and waited for her eyes to focus on the man that stood there, reaching out to a glider that moved to greet him. From the way he spoke to them and the authority in his tone she figured they should listen to him and double checked Princess' saddle to make sure it was secured properly. She hadn't expected them to be leaving so soon after arriving but what to do, it's not like they were waiting around for anything in particular. A rush of energy send tingles of electricity through her blood, making her heart beat faster and a flush to rise to her cheeks. It was happening! This was the greatest turning point of her life. Greater than deciding to go blonde when she was 15. Greater than getting that tattoo when she turned 18 in a questionable area. This would probably even top the time when she went draft tipping with her friends and got expelled from her first high school. Turning to Eric, she said "You'd better hurry with picking out a drake. Didn't sound like that guy wants to wait for us." Ordinarily she would have gone on without Eric and Cara, but seeing as they were the only winners she knew, she wanted to go to the Goliath with them.

(can drafts be tipped? hilarious if they were that kind of animal, if not I'll change it lol)

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Edited on 29/06/16 @ 03:41:42 by Sunfire (#26490)

Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-06-28 23:45:51

Eric Deux · 19 · Male · Group A
Location: Drake Stables · Mentions: Kylin, Myani, Craft (his new drake c;)

When the stable doors suddenly slammed open with a massive bang, Eric was pretty sure he had a mini heart attack. He leapt into the air with a frightened cry, turning to look at the person that had so loudly arrived and even more loudly began yelling orders. He already didn't like him very much. But he didn't seem like a person that he should go against, so with a sheepish glance toward Myani he stalked toward a few of the other drakes, all of which were giving him a look that sent shivers down his spine.

Only one seemed even moderately nice. It was a Digger, large claws clinging to the stable door and looking up at him with wide, curious green eyes. It looked like a tiger, almost, leathery amber skin covered in darker stripes and spots. And with its small-ish size and the way it stood, he was pretty sure it was a female. "Am I...allowed to have her?" he asked.

He wasn't sure if he was just supposed to pick a drake and walk off with it, or if he had to ask permission or sign some sort of document or something. Gods, he hoped he wouldn't need to pay for her. He didn't have any money, and all of the trinkets he'd brought with him were valuable and could potentially be used for something.

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-06-29 00:51:45
Myani | 19 | F | Group A | Location: Stables | Mentions: Eric and Craft

Myani followed a few paces behind Eric, curious to see which drake he would choose. He noticed his interest towards a digger drake, and peeked over stall at her. She couldn't say she found the scaled creature cute. She had been terrified of snakes since finding one in the garden when she was five years old, so anything with scales didn't really catch her fancy, though she didn't unreasonably dislike them either. She just had no particular preference to them. This digger seemed alright though; her pretty hide pattern and big eyes betrayed a softer side to drakes that Myani often had trouble seeing unless it was Princess or her father's drake. She glanced sideways at Eric upon hearing his question, not knowing if it was rhetorical or not. "We're leaving soon for the Lower World. Not much they can do about it if you do take her," she said suggestively and grinned. "And this one is totally nicer looking than the others!"

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-06-29 03:55:32

Draven Moore | Male | 23 Years | Riter | Group B
Location: Riter - Outskirts/Hills
Mentions: Artemia, Aeros

“Well, no worries there. You won’t be here for long,” he pointed out. “Think it’ll be wild enough in the Lower World for ya?” Her mention of having a younger sister had him shifting uncomfortably however, the growing cockiness in his body language fading out entirely into something more somber as his own sisters came to mind. Artemia’s suggestion that he should try the formal Drake greeting gesture himself quickly snapped him out of his depressing thoughts. Even if he found it a bit ridiculous, it was a welcome distraction. “Yeah, they’re a lot smarter than I was expecting for a bunch of oversized lizards.” Brown eyes focused on Aeros thoughtfully for a minute or so before he attempted the gesture. He lowered his head, perhaps too much, and extended a hand. The action was awkward and a bit forced, but not lacking in genuine intentions. Draven simply wasn’t used to handing out respect so freely.

“We should probably head back,” he muttered after straightening back up into a standing position. “I’m all for being a rebel, but we’ve got a job to do and I don’t think the people in charge are happy about us being out here.” His gaze lingered on the young woman and her Flier for a moment longer before moving closer to his own Drake, clumsily climbing back up onto her back. It finally crossed him now he had no idea what her name was or if she even had one. He would have to think of something good. A name that fit her perfectly. Speaking of names… “I’m Draven by the way. Nice meeting you.”

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Edited on 29/06/16 @ 10:56:44 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

🌙 Morrígra
🌙 (#33027)

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Posted on
2016-06-29 05:35:25
Cara - 24 -Female - Group A

Cara listened to Myani and Eric chat while brushing Saiga's scales with her calloused palms. Suddenly the door slammed open, and the loud voice came rumbling into the stables. It set a few drakes into a grumbling frenzy and made Saiga snort in discontent, while Cara simply cut her hand a bit going backwards over Saiga's sharp scales. The Runner noticed quickly and cooed at Cara reassuringly, who patted her scales with her left hand and smiled "No big deal. Just needs something to keep out infection Sai," she whispered. She patted the saddle on Saiga and swung into it in one well practiced motion, the tall Runner not needing to bend down for Cara had mastered grabbing the tail end of the saddle and the base as Saiga's neck to swing herself up and over. Flattening herself down a bit, she clicked her tongue and Saiga headed out of the stall, both glancing over the stalls to see where Eric and Myani had gone.

Cara whistled sharply to get their attention "Come on now kiddos. Time to get moving. Bring the kind Digger and lets get out of here. This entire barn is supposed to be rented out for the government raffle today anyway - if it's in here and doesnt have someone looming over it to take it to the docks right now, it means it's up for grabs." Cara patted Saiga's right shoulder a few times and clicked her tongue, the great beast spinning around to her right and heading towards the door. After Cara had situated her saddle earlier, she had fitted her packs to the end of Saiga's saddle and she now reached back to fish out a rag. Wrapping it around her palm, she now realized how many rudimentary medical kits she had brought enough things for. She had rags, scissors, a sterilized knife in a bag to keep it that way, herbs to help stomach aches, to help headaches, and to dull pain a bit, among other things like sterilized bottles of water, and something she's used many times that behaves like sterilized vinegar, which is good for cleaning out wounds and, as she figured out before, making a scaly drake slippery and dirt free when their scales shift and ache from pebbles and dirt getting caught, hurting the poor babs to no end. She had brought a good 3 bottles of that, taking up a good third of one whole pack, the rest of the medical supplies in the same bag with the other bag containing a comb, something to brush her teeth with, a few pairs of clothes, a dagger her father had given her for protection, a few things for both Saiga and her to snack on, and bottles of drinking water. She had a few other things in there just in case and a sleeping bag overtop both bags, wrapped around a pillow with everything attached with a few wires and hooks.

Artemia - 20 - Female - Group B

Artemia listened to him speak for a moment, nodding quietly at his words. When he attempted the gesture, she heard Aeros burst out in a chuffing snort before returning it, exaggerating it as Draven had. Artemia couldn't stifle her giggle this time and a wide grin appeared on her face before she shook her head in exasperation. "Yeah, we better get going soon. The Lower World, huh? Well it sure isn't inhabited i can say that's a plus, but I'm not sure what to expect down there. Murky isolation, trees, rivers, mountains, or smog and shadow. The possibilities are endless for a practically unexplored, unknown world."

As he swung upon his Draft and readied himself, she turned to Aeros, who had already lowered himself down onto his wing talons once again for her to rise up. With one graceful movement, she quietly swung up into her own saddle and patted his neck gently. "Let's hope we're leaving quickly. Or i might just take this one and go home and go into hiding." She murmured, quietly wondering if she really could pull that off. Now that the boy before her - Draven - had completely lost his confident movements and way of acting, the prospects ahead scared her much more than before. Leaning over, she whispered to Aeros "Can we walk with them? Or fly slow and low?" Aeros gave an affirmative duck of his head and tilted at her curiously, worry clear on his face. Artemia shook her head slightly as not to worry her companion. Raising her head, she brushed a stray black lock of hair back behind her ear so it didnt nag at her face and tickle her nose before speaking in reply, "Im Artemia. Call me anything you like, really. It's nice meeting you as well."

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-07-01 00:33:49

Eric Deux · Male · 19 · Group A
Location: Docks · Mentions: Cara, Craft, Myani

When the two girls told him to just take the creature, Eric did so with some amount of hesitation. He felt like a thief, and though he'd had his moments back when he was younger, he was above doing illegal things. Mostly. He slid open the wooden door that held the Digger inside, running a hand along her spine as she walked her way out into the hall of sorts between each stable. She gave a series of clicks and coos, green gaze settling on her new companion and snorting softly, as if reluctantly accepting that he would be her partner on this adventure.

Well, he could deal with that. Hopefully.

Following her out of the stables, having to weave past Myani and her Draft with a bit of trouble, Eric decided to think of a name.

"Um...Clockwork?" She growled.
"Tiger." She hit him with her tail.
"...Gears?" She stopped in place and turned around, her massive claws at the ready.

Eric let out a long sigh, rubbing the back of his head. "Okay, okay, none of those, then. What about...Craft?" At this name, the Digger perked up, eyes wide and dilated in an adorably innocent way. He said it again. "Craft. You like that name?" She nodded aggressively, a new hop in her step, tail almost wagging eagerly behind her as she led the way toward the Skyport.

Eric smiled. "Alright, then. I'll call you Craft."

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Lassassin (#92225)

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Posted on
2016-07-01 05:24:55
Aurelie – Female – 19 –Riter - Group B

Aurelie snatched an apple from one of the many crates and bags of goods milling around the docks; surely they wouldn't miss one apple, right? She meandered through the throngs of workers, taking rapid mouthfuls of the fruit before she was caught with her pilfered goodie. Her gaze darted around, seeking out faces, wondering who else had the (mis)fortune of being selected. Before long, she heard the call that they were preparing to depart for the lower world.

Tossing the apple core away as she walked into the stalls, she scritched her fingers under Opal's chin, her brow furrowed with worry. What were they going to find down there? The prospect of coming back alive was not looking very promising; everyone knew what happened to those parties that dared to go investigate the rot before. Shaking these thoughts away, the brunette steeled herself and lead her drake out of the stocks.

They hovered around the port together, waiting for the other winners to arrive so that they could depart and leave their old lives behind...

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Edited on 01/07/16 @ 19:32:21 by Lassassin (#92225)

Roseadi (#54389)

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Posted on
2016-07-01 08:10:06
Detton-Male-Group A-Open for interaction

Detton looked up at the silky, black and yellow beast that was hissing at him behind the box door. He stood up from the ground and brushed the dirt from his pants and furrowed his brow at the creature. Had it been abused or was it just a naturally angry critter? Detton didn't know much about fliers since he mostly worked around gliders and other drakes, so perhaps that was just how fliers were. Dyret, his assigned flier, hissed and tried to nip at him again but luckily he had put some distance between him and it. Detton turned his head to look out the door of the stockholds and saw people and their drakes moving towards the docks. Detton rubbed his palms together before taking them through his curly hair. What was he going to do? He too needed to get down to the docks but his flier wasn't exactly cooperating. He bit his lip as he turned to look back at Dyret. Detton looked up and down the aisle, hoping that there was someone else in the stockholds with him, but there didn't seem to be. "Okay you awful creature," Detton said as he returned his gaze back to the hissing beast. "You are going to need to listen to me. Because you and me both have a job to do." The flier looked at him, snakelike head cocked to the side, and gave him a look that said "Try me." Detton sighed before looking around for a halter or some sort of lead he could put on the damn thing. All he could find was something sort of like baling twine. He picked it up and quickly turned it into a slipknot. He had created many slipknots in his lifetime when trying to catch the drakes around his property so he was quite good at it. Detton looked up again and began swinging the line in his hand. The drake looked at him and back further up again'st the back of the box. Detton swung the line, trying to get it around the fliers neck, but came short and it fell to the ground in front of it. Detton quickly pulled the line out of the box, just as Dyret came to try and bite down on it.

"Okay let's try this again," Detton murmured to himself as he repositioned the knot and tossed it back into the box. This time it slipped over the drakes neck and when it moved the line tightened. Dyret hissed and tried to bite Detton but luckily his reflexes had woken up from the first time the beast tried to bite him. Detton held onto the end of the line and looked around for something he could lure the flier out with. He found a bag of yams which was said to be a real treat to many drakes. Detton waved one yam in front of the fliers face and its eyes widened and its nostrils quivered. "Yeah you like that huh? Well you're going to follow it," Detton murmured as he slid the lock from the box door. Detton was going to try to lure the flier out with yams by creating a little path. He hoped that the flier would be too interested in the yams so it wouldn't try to attack him. The line was really so it wouldn't try to fly away, but he was sure if it tried it could easily drag him along with it. Detton slid open the door quickly and then tossed part of a yam to the left. Dyret had had his attention on Detton but when he threw the yam it quickly changed. The flier hopped over to the yam and gobbled it up. Detton threw another chunk as he slowly led the beast out of the stockholds. It was going to be a tedious task to get him down to the dock but luckily he was able to find a way to transport him because he knew he wasn't going to be able to fly with him just yet.

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