Posted by Rotting Skies (Rp Thread)

Davina {Hexa Feline
Primal} (#68950)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-23 18:25:39
Life has always been peaceful in the floating cities of Daear. That is, until a mysterious rot rose from the long forgotten world below. It started slowly, and then the rot spread, bringing illness in it's wake. And then, without warning, the skies began to fall.

Now, with one of the six main islands of Daear destroyed, the search for a solution has become desperate and the five remaining cities devised a plan. With two expeditions to the lower world already failed, far fewer citizens were willing to volunteer... That is, until a large sum of money was offered to anyone who put forth their name for a raffle. Hundreds entered, and compensation was given to all.

Fifteen names were drawn. Fifteen young men and women whose lives will forever be changed. Will they manage to find a cure for the rot? Or will they too succumb to the illness and mutation it brings?

This is the Rp thread. Don't post here unless you've been accepted.
Ooc/Sign-up Thread

Current Situation
After two weeks of preparation and many tearful goodbyes, it is time for the unlucky "winners" to make their way to their assigned destinations. It is early morning and clouds are hanging low, in thick blankets just below the islands. It is nice out, with only a few wispy clouds floating higher up as the sun rises in the sky.
Group A (comprised of Cara, Detton, Eric, Erin, Myani, Polaris and Xander) will report the the main sky port on Alstor.
Group B (comprised of Artemia, Aurelie, Draven, Katarina, Kritias, Obroox, Pitch and Varul) will report to the sky port on Riter.

Note: Please include your character's basic info at the top of your posts. Put the character's Name and Group at the very least, but feel free to also include gender, age, location, mentions and whatever else you want.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 24/06/16 @ 12:16:02 by Davina {Mottled|Hematite} (#68950)

🌙 Morrígra
🌙 (#33027)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 18:56:39
(((Omg. Wtf. I work on a post for 15 minutes and my fucking phone deletes the entire tab. Well ok im not getting that back in the next 10 minutes. FUCKING PISSED. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. Excuse the shortness im about to edit in here.)))

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Edited on 08/07/16 @ 16:02:36 by Cinder❄Blaze (#33027)

🌙 Morrígra
🌙 (#33027)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 19:05:50
Artemia - 20 - Group B

Artemia smiled slyly, "I dont doubt that you could protect me. But i bet you couldn't do better than Aeros." She smiled mischievously and glanced back at the flier, who still looked like he'd flay Draven if he stared at him long enough to catch him doing something with ill will.

"I dont doubt that they know 'not to mess' with you." Artemia gave him a wry smile "I'll squeeze that story out of you later." After walking a bit longer, he finally named his draft and she smiled "Kapa, huh? Only a bit more creative than 'serenity'." She teased, still scrstching the great beast's soft furred shoulder and neck.

Artemia's eyes met Draven's in a dark green look full of gratitude. But after only a moment she had been blindsided and was sent flying backwards before nearly splitting her head open with the landing. For a few moments she felt her consciousness slip away, only to be brought back by a quiet remark and roaring, snarling drakes. Artemia re-opened her eyes slowly to see a gentle, outstretched hand and lots of light at the edges of her vision. "Yeah yeah, I'm alright.. just a little unsteady." She clutched his hand with a firm grip and hauled herself up, her head throbbing. After blinking a few times to clear her vision, she swung her head to where she had once been standing. There, jogging up, was a man whom she felt she recognized for some strange reason. She was still holding onto Draven's hand to steady herself as she shut her eyes and shook her rattled head slowly. Opening her eyes again she nodded to Draven gratefully before retracting her hand slowly. She looked again at the man, and her smile faltered, then dropped from her face. Lips forming a tight line and her voice taking on a reserved, neutral tone, she hissed out through half gritted teeth "Roox?? Obroox Buile, right?"

Suddenly, at the sound of what reminded Artemia like a hissing steam pipe - in other words, it sounded like a living hell to anyone listening - she swung her head to where she had been standing before. It was Aeros. Aeros had gained an aggressive stance over the strange little drake, his wings raised ominously and his legs (only two legs remember lol) were spread apart intimidatingly. He looked like at any moment, he'd tear into the little beastie, and right after realizing such, Artemia watched, horrified, as Aeros thrust his wings down and threw himself into the sky, a ferocious battle cry raising from his hissing throat as he parted his jaws in a roar.

(THAT looks MUCH better xD ugh. Finally. I am so bad at explaining though gotta work on all that. My 'storytelling' writing skills are so terrible.)
(Also. Yes. Yes you did write 5 paragraphs xD they looked and came out very well :3)

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Edited on 08/07/16 @ 16:02:18 by Cinder❄Blaze (#33027)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 15:42:31

{ Erin Clearwater }
Female | 21 Years Old | Group A
Location: Arstal - Docks
Mentions: Xander, Fox, Eric, Kylin, Cara, Myani

As Erin made her way to the docks she lost Xander and Fox somewhere along the way, standing a bit dumbfounded on the wooden steps and staring around her in confusion. How did one lose sight of a Glider anyway? Fox wasn’t exactly hard to miss. Self-consciously wondering if Xander had just been eager to be rid of her, she hesitated for a long time before Zoom slipped out of her pack to perch upon her shoulders once again, giving her cheek an encouraging nudge with his snout. Taking a deep breath, she collected what little courage she had and forced herself onward to meet the other people gathered around the massive Goliath.

Only two men and their Drakes awaited her, the first being the fellow she’d caught a brief glance of in the stables as he shouted for everyone to join him on the docks. She hadn’t been there long before several more raffle winners began filling up the docks. Erin shifted anxiously, steering clear of the other people. She wasn’t as keen on approaching anyone else after getting separated from Xander and automatically assumed no one would want to speak to her regardless. Her hazel gaze slipped to the Goliath waiting to carry them down to the Lower World and she edged a bit closer to examine him more thoroughly. “I think you’re probably the biggest Goliath I’ve ever seen,” she admired aloud. “I wish you could stay with us for the full journey. I’d feel safe with you around.”


{ Draven Reyes }
Male | 23 Years Old | Group B
Location: Ritter - Docks
Mentions: Artemia, Aeros, Obroox, Danger

“Of course. I’m sure no man could compare to Aeros when it comes to being your number one watchdog,” he teased back. “I’ll be glad to take second place though,” he added, risking another glance at the Flier behind him. He should probably watch it around a creature that could so easily ruin him, but Draven had always lacked a filter concerning the things he let come out of his mouth. “We’re going to be friends someday. you and I. Just wait and see,” he claimed, winking at the Drake before his attention returned to Artemia.

“You might not like what you hear,” he warned when Artemia mentioned getting the full story out of him later, but soon after let the prospect of her potentially rejecting his friendship over his former...occupation slip from his mind. They had far bigger problems to consider for the timebeing.

Moments after Danger sent Artemia flying Draven still felt the distinct need for bloody retribution and it showed in his tense body language and the fiery glare he aimed Obroox’s way, but he held himself back from taking action...for now. “You don’t look fine,” he commented a bit dryly as he helped Artemia to her feet, noting how disoriented she was. “We should have you seen by a medic before we leave.”

As it became clear that Artemia knew the newcomer Draven’s eyes narrowed slightly. She didn’t sound happy to see him. ‘You want me to get rid of him?” He asked, loud enough for both of them to hear and with a hint of threat in his tone. He didn’t get the chance to say much else before a bloodcurdling roar split the air and as expected Aeros turned on the offending Drake.

Kapa’s gaze switched back and forth between both males uncertainly, a low growl rumbling in her throat. She would of course defend the humans if Danger proved more of a threat, but after knocking Artemia down Danger hadn’t many another move to harm the twoleggers. Further brutality seemed unnecessary and left her feeling mildly uneasy.

{{Forgot to mention I changed his last name. Also forgot to actually edit that change in until now. Go me. Also thank you friend. I wouldn’t worry too much about your storytelling. It all looked marvelous to me!}}

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Edited on 08/07/16 @ 22:43:23 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

🌙 Morrígra
🌙 (#33027)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 15:49:17
(Im gonna wait for Obroox before posting Artemia again. I WANTED to post again but i feel like if i post again itll be leaving Danger and Obroox behind the NOW >_>)

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Edited on 08/07/16 @ 22:49:33 by Cinder❄Blaze (#33027)

SilverCy {Ornament
Primal} (#24815)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-07-08 16:00:32
Kritias - Male - 19 - Group B - Riter, Skyport - Mentions: Aurelie, Opal, Obroox, Danger, Artemia, Aeros, Draven, Kapa

Kritias turned his head at Varul's hissed alert and watched as the silhouettes of a pair of drakes and their riders drew closer. Suddenly, from the side, another drake seemed to collide into the girl and knocked her over. Her own drake then pounced on the other, hissing up a storm and looking more menacing than any other drake Kritias had seen before it took to the air, wings spread out and hovering over the smaller drake. A man hurried up to the fallen girl who looked mildly disorientated and was being helped up by the young man at her side. From his body posture, he seemed to be apologizing though the other two seemed to want none of that. A particularly loud screech from the girl's drake showed that it was planning to attack the smaller drake it had pinned beneath itself and Kritias felt a bubble of worry rise up inside him. If the situation wasn't resolved quickly enough, there was a high chance blood would be shed. He called out a sharp command to Epoth and watched as the glider leapt to his feet, speeding towards the two drakes. Kritias wasn't worried in the least that Epoth would get into any unnecessary trouble since the drake knew how to handle himself but he wanted to help settle things before it degenerated further

Exchanging a quick glance with Varul and murmuring out a short, "We should head over." to Aurelie, he hastened his footsteps as he made his way towards the group of three, throwing out a quick question of,

"Are you alright? Nobody got hurt right?"

Varul - Male - 18 - Group B - Riter, Skyport - Mentions: Aurelie, Opal, Obroox, Danger, Artemia, Aeros, Draven, Kapa

Varul felt himself tense up as the sudden influx of commotion and noise put him on edge. He felt Yuva tuck her head under his arm and purr soothingly and forced himself to relax, feeling a small burst of affection for the drake which had curled herself around him protectively. He heard a familiar command shouted to Epoth who, in the next second, had already leapt away from them, rushing towards two drakes, one on the ground and the other hovering threateningly in the air, occasionally flapping his wings to increase his speed. He skidded to a sudden stop mere metres from any of the drakes and growled lowly. Varul could only hope it would serve as an ample enough distraction so that their owners could regain their bearings and bring the drakes under control. Honestly, the mess of a situation made him feel on edge and he couldn't wait for it to be over and done with.

Varul trailed behind Kritias, one hand on Yuva's bridle as the older boy made his way towards the group of three, ready to interfere should any of them make a move towards either Kritias or himself. Yuva bared her teeth slightly and her long, sharp and dangerous front claws flexed threateningly. Time to see what all this hubbub was about.

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Edited on 09/07/16 @ 00:25:18 by Joker (#24815)

Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-07-09 13:01:18
Obroox Buile | Male | 22 Years | Janra | Group B
Location: Riter - Skyport
Mentions: Danger (drake), Artemia, Draven, Aeros

Oh boy, everything had gotten out of control very, very quickly. Obroox wrapped his arms around Danger's neck and tried to pull the slobbering drake back. Only problem was that drafts were made to pull heavy things and Obroox, although not exactly thin, didn't really count as heavy. His feet dug into the dirt and left a trail as Danger tugged forward trying to lick Artemia again. The big dope seemed unaware of the fliers and really angry guy.
Obroox grinned nervously at Artemia and her apparent bodyguard. "Whoa! Art! Hey! Fancy seeing you here, haven't seen you in yonks." His feet had finally dug in enough to slow the drake down and it stood, straining to lick his old friend. "I'm real sorry about this idiot bowling you over, I just got it and it's huge and strong and stupid an-" Danger pulled harder, almost making Obroox fall. He cast a very desperate look to Artemia. "Oh my god please help this thing is out of control I don't think it's seen the sun in years and I don't even know what it eats and how do you tell if it's a guy and I'm so sorry this is ridiculous."
He really didn't want to get eaten by a flier right before they got sent down to get eaten by all manner of awful things. Although, from the look Art's bodyguard was giving him, he mightn't live long enough to get eaten by the flier. He regretted picking this huge dumb mutant over literally any other drake, he regretted being picked in the lottery, he regretted not having talked to Artemia in ages, and most of all, he really regretted this entire situation.

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🌙 Morrígra
🌙 (#33027)

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Posted on
2016-07-09 14:42:43
Artemia - 20 -Group

Artemia smiled wryly at Draven "Yeah...friendsss...with Aeros...hopefully we'll both be around for that time" she teased, with a bit of dry humor. She glanced back to see Aeros giving him the stink eye, before he turned into a tongue-lolling dog version when she furrowed her eyebrows at him in a scolding manner. When he mentioned her possible displeasurs at his former workings, she smiled gently and pat his shoulder, "Hey, whatever you used to do, you grew up in Riter. No offense but this is the thievery capital of the isles, I already have an idea of what you might've done. Some people might consider what I'VE done to be just as bad as stealing. Plus, whatever you've done, if it has any fighting or strategic thinking involved, I'm glad to have you on my team when we go into strange territory. Your quick thinking might be just what we need in a tight spot down there."

Artemia shook her head "No - no medic - I'm fine honest. I just got the wind knocked out of me and hit my head. And no, don't get rid of him. He's a childhood friend." She glanced at Obroox again with an exasperated sigh and rubbed her temple "Why is a farm boy(it was farming right??) so bad with drakian socialization, Obroox?" She grumbled. She waved at Aeros, who was about to attack Danger, but not sure what would happen if he ended up attacking the man as well. Uneventfully he hovered a moment more before noticing Artemia's wave down, and descended slowly, his eyes trained on the slobbering, mentally challenged draft. With a glance at his partner, Aeros made a whining sound that was answered by Artemia's scoff "No you may not eat it!" She growled out through gritted teeth.

Artemia listened to the oncoming group of three and waved dismissively "Yes i believe we're all fine. Aeros - my flier - is backing down." She grumbled in annoyance and stepped toward the draft, Aeros close at her heels. Slipping around him in a wide half circle, she regarded Obroox with a skeptical glance and gestured at the draft "Soo...choosing a mentally challenged, mutated draft - er...runner? - drake is your idea of a good partner for a harrowing journey into the unknown?" She narrowed her eyes and sighed before watching the drake analytically. "If I wasn't worried about being mauled again, I would try and help you reign them under control."

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Edited on 09/07/16 @ 22:03:18 by Cinder❄Blaze (#33027)

Lassassin (#92225)

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Posted on
2016-07-10 08:59:51
Aurelie – Female – 19 –Riter - Group B

The mute turned to watch all of the commotion unfold at the other end of the dock; but while everyone rushed in to disarm the situation, she stayed back. She hovered uncertainly a few yards away, just watching and waiting, rubbing her palms against the thighs of her pants. Opal stayed by her side, leaning into her and giving a soft rumble of reassurance. Like she could read the way Aurey's brows furrowed and the way she rubbed her hands. A nervous tick she acquired when she was young.

Luckily, the situation seemed to diffuse pretty quickly, which made Aurelie sigh with relief. It even appeared that the two knew each other. Still, she hung back. Was it worth it getting to know these people? It's not like she could actively participate in a conversation, anyway. So there she stood, the odd one out, lips drawn into an uncomfortable line. Opal nudged her hand, forcing her to stop rubbing her palms and instead scratch along her nape. This made the drake shut her eyes happily and forced the girl's expression to soften into a shadow of a smile.

Yeah, whatever. She didn't need to make friends with all these strangers. She had Opal to keep her company, and no doubt she could understand her better than any of these people ever would, no words needed. Of course, that still didn't stop those deep green emeralds from glancing longingly at the group.

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-07-10 20:50:27
((ill wait for the other group A members to gather before posting again :o))

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Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-07-12 18:26:17
Obroox Buile | Male | 22 Years | Janra | Group B
Location: Riter - Skyport
Mentions: Danger (drake), Artemia, Aeros

Obroox felt more at ease now that the flier was less inclined to eat his drake, but this whole situation felt... uncomfortable. His hands gripped around Danger's neck a little tighter at the mention of being a farm boy. It wasn't a phrase he particularly liked, lots of the merchant kids had looked down on him because his parents were farmers. He didn't want to start a fight though, he never wanted to start fights. Instead, he laughed and patted his drake's back, much to its surprise.
"Yeah well, I was always scared of them as a kid and mum didn't use them on the farm. Got a digger to help build the house once but man that thing was scary," he petted under Danger's chin which brought out a number of pleased rumbles. "This guy's just... weird. Sure he's a bit mutated but maybe that's a good thing? Maybe he spits fire or something!" He pointed jokingly at Artemia and called out, "sic em boy!" The drake simply drooled a little more. Obroox grinned. "Ok, so he can't spit fire, but you gotta admit the fur is cool."
Obroox's eyes glanced over the flier. He'd actually never seen one but they were pretty fascinating. Big wings, little legs, like a freaky bat. He turned to Artemia. "So... what's the deal with your drake? It's a flier right? I didn't think they'd be giving us those considering we're supposed to die down there." He paused, then went on, his voice more thoughtful. "Maybe it means they don't want us to die?"
He turned to look at the small gathering around them. It seemed... almost unlikely that they'd send all these people down as fodder for monsters. They'd been given a guide, supplies, even rare drakes.
"We're not doing to die down there!" He called, ecstatic at this realisation.

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Edited on 13/07/16 @ 21:08:39 by Ser Isles (#57298)

SilverCy {Ornament
Primal} (#24815)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-07-13 00:56:56
((I would post but I literally have nothing to say so enjoy Kritias and Varul hovering over your shoulder as you RP out a conversation XD))

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-07-13 01:01:00
^ s a m e))

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Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-07-13 14:06:27
wait hek gimme a bit

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