Posted by Rotting Skies (Rp Thread)

Davina {Hexa Feline
Primal} (#68950)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-23 18:25:39
Life has always been peaceful in the floating cities of Daear. That is, until a mysterious rot rose from the long forgotten world below. It started slowly, and then the rot spread, bringing illness in it's wake. And then, without warning, the skies began to fall.

Now, with one of the six main islands of Daear destroyed, the search for a solution has become desperate and the five remaining cities devised a plan. With two expeditions to the lower world already failed, far fewer citizens were willing to volunteer... That is, until a large sum of money was offered to anyone who put forth their name for a raffle. Hundreds entered, and compensation was given to all.

Fifteen names were drawn. Fifteen young men and women whose lives will forever be changed. Will they manage to find a cure for the rot? Or will they too succumb to the illness and mutation it brings?

This is the Rp thread. Don't post here unless you've been accepted.
Ooc/Sign-up Thread

Current Situation
After two weeks of preparation and many tearful goodbyes, it is time for the unlucky "winners" to make their way to their assigned destinations. It is early morning and clouds are hanging low, in thick blankets just below the islands. It is nice out, with only a few wispy clouds floating higher up as the sun rises in the sky.
Group A (comprised of Cara, Detton, Eric, Erin, Myani, Polaris and Xander) will report the the main sky port on Alstor.
Group B (comprised of Artemia, Aurelie, Draven, Katarina, Kritias, Obroox, Pitch and Varul) will report to the sky port on Riter.

Note: Please include your character's basic info at the top of your posts. Put the character's Name and Group at the very least, but feel free to also include gender, age, location, mentions and whatever else you want.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 24/06/16 @ 12:16:02 by Davina {Mottled|Hematite} (#68950)

SilverCy {Ornament
Primal} (#24815)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-07-01 12:28:47
Kritias - Male - 19 - Group B - Riter, Skyport - Mentions: Aurelie and Opal

Kritias looked up as he heard the arrival of another raffle 'winner' and his eyes landed on a girl with brown hair walking in with her drake. This was the very first person he had seen for a few hours - besides Varul - and he brushed off his clothes as he stood up, joints stiff from sitting so long and made his way over to the girl. Epoth lifted his head up from where he lay dozing when he felt Kritias move but a short gesture had him laying back down again. He heard another rustle of clothing behind him and a familiar presence following after him and realised that Varul had also silently stood up and was now walking behind him, probably wary of the girl. 'He really never changes, does he?' Kritias thought but quickly pushed it out of his mind as they neared the girl, holding out a hand as he introduced himself,

"Hey, nice to meet you. You must be one of the raffle 'winners' going to the Lower World. I'm Kritias and the one behind me is Varul."

Varul - Male - 18 - Group B - Riter, Skyport - Mentions: Aurelie and Opal

Varul watched mutedly as Kritias introduced them to the newcomer, content to be just listening. He didn't trust the girl much at all, no matter the fact they were supposed to be teammates. It had become almost second nature after he spent half his life living on Riter with virtually nobody to support him except for himself. You didn't go around trusting anyone that easily and escape with your life. Most of the time you died for your naivety and someone backstabbed you. He studied her, noting down her mussed up brown hair and green eyes, the almost ridiculously large clothing hanging off her frame and of course, the drake standing beside her in soft shades of silver, white and pink. She looked harmless enough, but appearances could be deceiving and he had no intention of being deceived.

((Wow Varul is such a prickly bastard, I can't wait for his character development. Also isn't Aurelie's drake named Opal or am I tripping?))

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Edited on 02/07/16 @ 21:07:55 by Joker (#24815)

Lassassin (#92225)

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Posted on
2016-07-01 12:33:08
((Ahh -cough- you're totally right -cough- xD I'm just a derp. Edited my previous post haha.))

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SilverCy {Ornament
Primal} (#24815)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-07-01 12:35:05
((Oh, haha, I'll edit my post as well then :P))

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Elenvalta (#17120)

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Posted on
2016-07-01 16:35:42
Xander | Group A | 24 | Winners Longue | Mentions Erin

"Great," he said, giving a small smile. It was nice to know someone at least that was going on the journey with him. Of course, it was unlikely that anyone he knew would have been chosen. Everyone was strangers it seemed, unless just no one was talkative. Walking past Erin, careful of the drake at her shoulders, he made his way out of the lounge with her. Thankfully, the stables wasn't too far off at least. They would be doing plenty of walking down below, he knew, so it was best he save his strength. They would be riding a goliath down, but it couldn't be that far of a flight. Maybe enough to get a small nap in, but he couldn't imagine that the giant beast would take a long while.

Entering the stables, he found a lot more people here than in the lounge. It was probably more comfortable, being around their drakes than in that empty room they'd likely never see again. The stables, even though high-class like most things in Arstal, were just homey enough to maybe calm the nerves. After scouting his drake's stall, he walked past the group and their drakes to let his own out. The tall drake arched its neck down, rubbing its scaly check against the top of Xander's head and then gazing a golden eye down at Erin, or more specifically, her drake. Fox stiffened a bit, but parted his mouth and peered at the small drake before lifting his head as Xander placed the polished leather halter over it. The drake snapped its jaws irritably although held no signs of aggression. Instead, it furled its dark wings and waited as he placed his belongings on its back.

Xander scratched the drake under its chin, opening his mouth to speak to Erin but getting cut off when someone shouted into the stables. He looked across as the man got his own drake and then left. He didn't know who he was, but assumed it was the one in charge of their trip to the lower world. Forgetting that he was going to say before, he turned to Erin and said, "I guess that's our cue."

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-07-02 05:11:58

Erin Clearwater | Female | 21 Years | Kraen | Group A
Location: Arstal - Stables
Mentions: Xander, Fox, Kylin

Erin followed close behind Xander as they made their way down to the stables, though she kept what she considered a respectable distance between them. Despite their previous conversation going well they weren’t exactly friends yet and she didn’t want to mess up what was perhaps one of the few times she’d had a successful social interaction that didn’t end with her stuttering or running off in embarrassment by appearing overly needy. ’You have to prove you can handle yourself. No one is going to look after you in the Lower World,’ she reminded herself silently.

As they drew closer to Fox’s stall Zoom finally made a reappearance, poking his small leaf green head out of the backpack. Erin was clearly in awe of the Glider once Xander released him, trying her best to remain calm even though she felt ready to burst with excitement and enthusiasm. “Can I touch him?” She blurted out, realizing a moment later neither the Drake or his owner probably wanted a strange girl touching him. “My apologizes. I’ve never seen a Glider up close before,” she admitted sheepishly. Zoom snorted, peering up at the larger male with unimpressed silver eyes before disappearing back within the depths of the pack for a nap. Erin jumped a bit at the snap of jaws, but when Fox didn’t express any further aggressive behavior she quickly returned to her relaxed, admiring stance.

"Get your drakes, get your shit, and meet me at the docks."

Erin quite nearly fell over, so focused on Fox the abrupt shouting startled her. “He sounds...polite,” she muttered under her breath. “I guess we better go,” she agreed, automatically heading in the direction of the docks.


Draven Moore | Male | 23 Years | Riter | Group B
Location: Riter - Outskirts/Hills
Mentions: Artemia, Aeros

Draven rolled his eyes at the Drake’s overemphasized returning gesture, but a genuine smile pulled at the edges of his mouth regardless. Artemia’s laughter was a pleasant sound he found and made his own heavy heart feel just a bit lighter. “Wouldn’t it be our luck if it is. inhabited down there? We assume people couldn’t adapt to the circumstances, but how do we know for sure?” Draven couldn’t help imagining hostile, grotesquely mutilated humans tracking them through the forests with nefarious intentions in mind. “They might be cannibals,” he embellished dramatically. “Or want to study us.”

As they began making the journey back to the skyport Artemia introduced herself at last and distracted him from his wandering imagination. “Artemia,” he repeated the name softly, as if memorizing it. “Nice. Sounds very...lyrical. What do you call your beast?” He asked, nodding his head in Aeros’ direction. He doubted Artemia was as tactless as himself in that regard. Her Drake likely already had a name. It wasn't long before Riter's looming buildings and factories became more apparent on the horizon. Their last moments of freedom were quickly coming to an end.

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-07-02 13:33:07
Cara | 24 | Group A

Cara watched Eric regarding his new Digger from the back of Saiga for a few more moments before two new surface-goers entered the barn, passing them to open the stall of a large Glider a few doors past Eric's Craft. She waved to the other two "You two, come join us. Sounds like its time to head out right now." She patted Saiga's head, who made a guttural barking-like sound to get the attention of the other drakes. She glanced at another man coming down with a flier (Detton). "Do you....need some help..?" She counted the people {Six...counting the man from the doors, seven...that's everyone.} Aloud, she said "There's seven of us in total, so we're all here and the guy from before is our seventh. Let's head out to the Goliaths before the light of day disappears. We don't want to go to the Lower World in the middle of night, it'll be too tiring to keep watch. We need to be as alert as we can be down there, right?" She smiled politely, trying to make sure she hadn't angered or frightened anyone by trying to round them up.

(so flipping short for her. Could not think of another thing to do for her XD)

Artemia | 20 | Group B

Artemia let her smile stay on her lips. Normally, she wouldn't like to talk to anybody - maybe make a nice first impression here and there, but mostly hated to talk or even associate herself with others - but this person, Draven, didn't seem so bad. He seemed genuine enough, she figured; but hell, facing death in the face would do that to people. With his comments she shivered inwardly "You'd better be lying through your teeth and trying to freak me out! 'Cause it's working pretty well and I kind of want to punch you for jinxing us!" She scrunched her face at him and stuck out her tongue a little to emphasize her distaste at his comments.

Artemia surprised herself by smiling when he spoke her name, feeling her chest tighten a bit when he repeated it. "Lyrical? Psh, it's probably something my parents thought of last minute..." she trailed off a bit sadly, which could easily be mistaken as longing for her home on Janra. As they walked, Aeros' tongue flicked in and out as he stared at Draven, his eyes narrowing slightly as he examined him. "Aeros. HIs name is Aeros. It means 'flight-going'. Really unoriginal, huh?" she grinned and nodded at his Draft "What's her name?" Moments later, the buildings came into view, and her previous cheery confidence disappeared to be replaced with fidgeting fingers and hesitant steps toward those towering buildings. By the time they entered the town area, Artemia was hovering behind and to the side of Draven, using a mix of him and Aeros to hide herself from - virtually - both the buildings and people.

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Lassassin (#92225)

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Posted on
2016-07-02 13:58:17
Aurelie – Female – 19 –Riter - Group B
Mentions: Kritias & Varul

Aurelie froze like a deer in the headlights when she realized there were people coming towards her. Not just coming towards her, but meaning to interact with her. She brushed a few strands of hair behind one of her ears, recoiling from the offered hand like one would a venomous snake. Old habits die hard, and growing up on Riter put a person constantly on edge. She was as weary as Varul, narrowing her gaze at him as he hovered behind Kritias.

Eventually, she would extend her own hand. After deliberation, she decided it would be best to try and get along with the others she would be fighting to survive with, even if she didn't necessarily trust them. Nodding her head, she produced her sketchbook from her backpack and flipped it open to the first page. It read "AURELIE" in big letters, with an arrow pointing up at her crooked smile. She was used to these kinds of messages, too afraid to speak to anyone since she left her original home, destroyed by the rot.

Aurey scribbled something else down in sloppy cursive: "Let's try not to get killed out there." With that, she rolled the book up and stuffed it into her back pocket.

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Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-07-02 17:55:17
Obroox Buile | Male | 22 Years | Janra | Group B
Location: Riter -stables
Mentions: Danger (drake)

Obroox had been notified by a few guards to go collect a Drake. Honestly, he wasn't excited by this. Most people loved drakes but he was... a little frightened by them. His mum worked with drakes a lot, mostly the draft kind which were huge and towered above him. His dad had borrowed a digger to help carve a stream by their house too. Besides this he hadn't had any interaction with them. Whenever he had to travel he'd avoid the goliaths and gliders, choosing aircraft instead. But now he'd have to choose one to go down onto the surface with. He readjusted his bag and walked to the stables.
The building itself was pretty big. It'd have to be, to keep so many drakes inside. Obroox walked through, peering over the doors now and then only to be met with empty stalls or a scaly face peering back. All of the drakes so far had unsettled him. He was reaching the end of the line when he found a runner. It was smaller than the others with odd slightly hooked claws. It had a short mane that ran from head to tail and long flowing fur on the tip of its powerful tail. The strangest part was its scales. Between each of them was small tufts of fur. Obroox had heard that some of the drakes had weird mutations from crossbreeding and wondered if this was a mutant. Either way, he liked it.
He wondered if it'd been claimed and had a look outside the stall at a small notice that all of them had posted. It usually just contained their designation, breed, and any real history. The notice stated that the drake was actually a draft, just mutated. It was going to be scheduled for termination. That settled it and he opened the stall and walked in. The drake growled softly before cautiously sniffing his hand, the short hairs on its face tickled and Obroox found it hard not to laugh. Oh yeah, this one was totally his. He petted its head, making sure to go along the scales. The pointed ends looked sharp and dangerous and Obroox didn't want to find out if they actually were.
"I'm calling you Oobie Junior," he whispered. The drake snorted and butted his hand. "Ok! Not Oobie Junior... Maybe... Keytar?" Another headbutt. "Come on! It's a good instrument! What about... Danger?" A small chirp sounded out and a more loving rub against his hand. He grinned. Danger Schmanger had been one of his band's best songs. It almost seemed like fate that the drake would like it. He led it outside and towards the docks. "If we get back how about you be on the next album, hey?"

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-07-04 00:26:55

Eric Deux · Male · 19 · Group A
Location: Skyport · Mentions: {Directly} Craft, {Indirectly} Everyone else

When he finally arrived at the docks, a massive Goliath floating there waiting for them, Eric was surprised to find that he and Craft were really the only ones there. Save for the man he recognized as the one that had rushed them all along and told them to 'meet me at the docks'. He glanced at Craft, who looked back at him with narrowed, but just as confused eyes. "Did we go too fast or something?" he wondered out loud, glancing back to the stables.

He could just make out the silhouettes of a few people there, one of which he knew was Cara, riding atop the massive Runner he could never forget. He unhooked a small scope from his sling of trinkets, bringing it to his eye and closing the other, and twisted a few of the knobs on the side. Apparently more people had arrived while he was walking off, because not only were Myani and Cara there, but about four other people had arrived along with them.

Well, that was troublesome. He could handle just Cara and Myani, but more people meant more socialising, and more socialising meant more anxiety for him.

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SilverCy {Ornament
Primal} (#24815)

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Posted on
2016-07-04 00:49:14
Kritias - Male - 19 - Group B - Riter, Skyport - Mentions: Aurelie and Opal

Kritias noticed the girl's eyes narrow as she galnced behind him, towards Varul most probably and he sighed inwardly, knowing that Varul was almost definitely reverting to his cold self that he showed in front of strangers. She seemed to deliberate for a moment before she shook his hand and took out a sketchbook from inside her backpack. Did she like to draw? Kritias liked her already.

She flipped open the cover and displayed the first page to him, on which was written 'AURELIE', which Kritias took to mean her name, seeing as there was an arrow pointing from it up towards her. He wondered why she didn't speak though, maybe she was mute? Or maybe she was just shy. She flipped the page and scribbled a line of words down before flashing it in their direction and then replacing it into her backpack again.

'Let's try not to get killed out there.'

Kritias smiled before saying, "Thanks for your concern. We should work together when we're down there. It would increase our chances of actually making it back home. Also, don't mind Varul's standoffishness, that's just who he is. By the way, your drake is lovely, does it have a name?"

Varul - Male - 18 - Group B - Riter, Skyport - Mentions: Aurelie and Opal

Varul didn't miss the way the girl's eyes narrowed at him and he could tell from her bearing that she was much like himself, most probably having grown up in the poorer parts of town and forced to distrust most people to ensure her survival. He noticed her tensed figure and the way she eyed Kritias's hand warily and gave a mental nod of approval. Caution was always good, especially when you didn't know is the person was friend or foe. Varul understood that very well, having only two people (and maybe two drakes) he would even consider trusting his life with.

He watched how she didn't speak a single word and communicated only with writing, musing to himself. She probably couldn't speak or didn't want them to recognise her voice or something of that manner. No matter, it wasn't any of his business anyways. He focused his attention on the surroundings instead, habitually scanning the sea of people coming and going, vaguely registering Kritias speaking again.

When Varul suddenly heard Kritias mention him, his attention snapped back to the duo in front of him and he mentally rolled his eyes at what Kritias said. Just then, Yuva bumped his hand with her head and he turned to look at her, noticing how she seemed to be restless, her tail whipping back and forth. Was something about to happen...?

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 02:33:49

Draven Moore | Male | 23 Years | Riter | Group B
Location: Riter - Outskirts/Hills
Mentions: Artemia, Aeros

Her reaction was honestly rather priceless and he couldn't help laughing a little at her displeased expression. "Well, I don't know for sure...but it could be true. Don't worry, I'll protect you from the mutants." he promised in a teasing tone. He meant it either way. Draven didn't usually take to people so quickly, but it was hard to dislike the girl floating just above him. It didn't hurt she was fairly attractive either. He couldn't re-call the last time he'd had the chance to speak with such a pretty girl. Nice to know even in the face of an uncertain future he still had the time to checkout his future teammates apparently.

"It's unique at least. Not something you hear every day even if your parents did just make it up," he pointed out, quickly picking up on her sorrow. Unsure how to console her as he assumed she was missing home, he fell into an uneasy silence before she answered a previously asked question "It fits him at least," he replied, glancing back at Aeros and flashing him a grin. He could practically feel the Drake's eyes watching his every movement even when he wasn't looking back at the Flier. Someone had trust issues. "Oh, her, uh...I haven't quite thought of one yet," he admitted when asked his Draft's name. "Any suggestions?"

As they plodded back into the city he noted Artemia hanging back, attempting to hide herself from view. Guess she wasn't kidding when she mentioned hating heavily populated areas. "We're almost there," he called back, surprisingly gentle for such a rough-looking lad. Some of the people in the market recognized him and were sure to clear out of his way without prompting so that made getting there a bit easier at least. Before long his Draft slowed to a stop along the docks of the port, the wood creaking beneath her massive paws.

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🌙 Morrígra
🌙 (#33027)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 03:37:22
Artemia - 20 - Group B

Artemia chuckled "Thanks! But hopefully I won't be needing too much 'protection'. You seem well enough off with protecting me from people though, I'm glad for that." She grinned, situated just behind him now so he could hear her better. She examnied him from behind, not missing the rippling of his muscles under his shirt as he walked or the steady gait he kept, it had stiffened a bit as they walked through the town and the people had gotten out of his way. When he was around the people of this town he seemed to get a very authoritative air about himself and he walked steadier.

Artemia listened in her lapse of sorrow and smiled slightly "That's true. I havent been around many people since i was young, so I honestly didn't think about that." She glanced around him, having noticed the people leaving from the side, she wanted to glimpse the people in front of him. Seeing the way he cleared most people out of the street, she punched him lightly "What IS the deal with you in this town anyway?" She laughed gently, her eyes shimmering like molten jade. Aeros sneered down at Draven, (i have to add this, its only a humor thing but it's totally what he's thinking rn) //You bet your ass it fits me, I'll fly off with her and leave you in the dust, two-legger.//

Artemia thought for a moment, and watched the Draft carefully "Honestly I'm not surr you WANT me helping to name her" she chuckled lightly "I just recommend coming up with a few names and suggesting them as you find them. She will like it better if you name her, I think." She scooted into more into view of the people around so that she could walk with the Draft, and patted her shoulder gently before stroking her fur. "If you want a starting idea though, when i look at her i think of 'serenity'. She's a very serene presence, and that's about it for my creativeness." With this foolishness she burst out in a muffled giggle as she covered her mouth with her hand, trying to stifle it. Only a few moments later they had reached the docks, and while it was less than heavily populated and more open here, there were a lot more intimidating government presences, and she slipped back behind Draven and Aeros, the drake making a reassuring chirp and bringing his tail around to rest beside Artemia protectively. If any government guards were close he gave them a death stare at their backs - or heads. Three teenager looking people were gathered near them, and as Artemia - behind Draven - approached, it was obvious they were other winners and weary of each other. It seemed ok in this occasion to get used to a few more people, but she still hung close to Aeros, just giving Draven a bit more room to interact of he liked.

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Edited on 06/07/16 @ 10:37:58 by Cinder❄Blaze (#33027)

Lassassin (#92225)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 08:03:27
Aurelie – Female – 19 –Riter - Group B

Aurelie glanced sidelong at her Glider, reaching over to scritch along the top of her head affectionately. The drake was shy it seemed, having hovered uncertainly at her heels up to this point, peeking out at the duo across from them. Or perhaps she just sensed Aurey's tense energy and was reacting to it; animals could sense that kind of thing, couldn't they?

The brunette nodded, scribbling "OPAL" across the page, along with a silly rendition of the drake. She said nothing about the suggestion to work together, but rolled her shoulder in a shrug, still reserved to buddy up to any of the group members right away. Because when it came down to it, in the end, you were always alone. 'We'll see', her expression seemed to say. She tried not to stare back at Varul as he seemed to size her up, though she did straighten her posture and hold her head up a little more. She had noticed a lot of herself in him as well, after sizing him up. When you grew up on Riter, you tended to have a certain 'look' about you.

Aurey turned her head as the rest of the group seemed to be filtering in at the beckon of the guards. She eyed up each one in turn, even more wary of these strangers who had not yet introduced themselves. Opal brushed her head against her palm, causing fingers to twitch and idly scratch at her scaly face once more. So, these were the unlucky few chosen to risk life and limb to find a cure for the disease that had destroyed her home and her life. To be honest, she wasn't very optimistic about the outcome, judging by her fellow members. She even doubted herself. But she couldn't let that show; she was a stone. Show any weakness, and you're already dead.

She turned and gave each one of the boys a nod, setting her features in a determined line. 'Let's do this'.

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Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-07-06 16:10:50
Obroox Buile | Male | 22 Years | Janra | Group B
Location: Riter - Skyport
Mentions: Danger (drake), Artemia

It took a while for Obroox to arrive at the skyport. His drake had spent most of the walk sniffing things and scampering over to flowers and eating rocks. At one point it even attempted to dig a hole. This also led to most of the walk being accompanied by Obroox saying things like "slow down" and "no that's a trash can" and "please don't pee on that". Which would have been pretty entertaining for anyone except Obroox who was out of breath from running after this scaly pain in the butt. As the port came into view, Obroox took a second to catch his breath. However, Danger had other ideas and ran forward towards the other drakes and people, tongue hanging from the side of its mouth like a puppy. Obroox could only look on in horror as his drake ran amok, jumping at other drakes, headbutting people, and generally causing trouble. He started a slow exhausted pace towards the port and wondered how likely it'd be that he could pretend it wasn't his drake. Unfortunately, Danger yet again had other plans. It bowled a girl over and Obroox realised with horror it was someone he knew. He picked up his pace as much as he could, hoping they didn't remember him.

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Edited on 07/07/16 @ 00:02:23 by Ser Isles (#57298)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 17:37:07

Draven Moore | Male | 23 Years | Riter | Group B
Location: Riter / Port
Mentions: Artemia, Aeros, Obroox, Danger

"Protecting people from other people is what I do best," Draven replied with a wry smile, sliding back down off his Draft's back so he could walk beside her the rest of the way across the port. The light punch on his arm only had the grin growing. He wondered briefly if Artemia would have warmed to him so quickly if she knew the truth about why people scurried out of his way so quickly or if she'd been in any hurry to join them once she did. "You could say most of the people around here know me," he answered with an idle shrug. "I don't put up with anyone's shit so they know to steer clear and not start trouble."

"Trust me, you're bound to think of something more creative than I would," he assured, keeping her considerations in mind. He'd never had many pets growing up. It was honestly a bit odd to have the well-being of a non-human creature in his hands all of the sudden. "How about Kapayapaan? It means peace in one of the old languages," he suggested, but the expression on the Draft suggested she was uncertain. "I could call you Kapa for short," he insisted and after a moment longer of thought the Drake made a soft purring sound that seemed to signify acceptance. As Artemia moved to walk with the spotted Draft her purring seemed to increase, clearly pleased with the girl's compliments and touch.

As soon as they fully approached the docks Draven immediately noticed the presence of other people, both guards and fellow raffle winners. One guard in particular sent a pointed glare his way and he snicked softly, recognizing him as the man who had shouted after him not to leave the city. He sent the disgruntled government official an overly friendly wave just to rub it in that his orders had gone unheeded before turning back to Artemia, noticing she had gotten awfully quiet in the last few minutes or so. She looked anxious. No wonder. Once again they were surrounded by unknown people. She seemed to be giving him enough space to potentially greet the other winners, but he was content to remain with her until the moment they got the go ahead to board the Goliath that would transport them to the Lower World.

The sound of rushing pawsteps had Draven's head snapping to glance behind them in slight alarm, but he wasn't in time to snatch Artemia out of the way before a charging Drake knocked her right off her feet. It wasn't long before another man came rushing after the beast and assuming it was his, Draven turned on poor Obroox with an expression that would suggest if looks could kill he would be six feet under. "What the hell is wrong with you!? Get your animal under control before mine does it for you!" He snarled, motioning a thumb back at Kapa who had suddenly taken on a far more fearsome appearance now that a friend had been harmed, snapping her teeth at Danger in warning. Of course, Draven expected Aeros' reaction would be far worse.

The anger coursing through his veins had his blood running hot and fists clenching before he concluded fighting the dude wasn't worth it. Not when there were guards with guns watching their every move. He wasn't looking to get shot today. Jerking away from Obroox, his attention swiftly returned to Artemia instead. "You alright?" He asked, holding out a hand to help her up.

((Did I just write five paragraphs? Is this really a thing that happened?))

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Edited on 07/07/16 @ 00:41:22 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

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