Posted by Rotting Skies (Rp Thread)

Davina {Hexa Feline
Primal} (#68950)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-23 18:25:39
Life has always been peaceful in the floating cities of Daear. That is, until a mysterious rot rose from the long forgotten world below. It started slowly, and then the rot spread, bringing illness in it's wake. And then, without warning, the skies began to fall.

Now, with one of the six main islands of Daear destroyed, the search for a solution has become desperate and the five remaining cities devised a plan. With two expeditions to the lower world already failed, far fewer citizens were willing to volunteer... That is, until a large sum of money was offered to anyone who put forth their name for a raffle. Hundreds entered, and compensation was given to all.

Fifteen names were drawn. Fifteen young men and women whose lives will forever be changed. Will they manage to find a cure for the rot? Or will they too succumb to the illness and mutation it brings?

This is the Rp thread. Don't post here unless you've been accepted.
Ooc/Sign-up Thread

Current Situation
After two weeks of preparation and many tearful goodbyes, it is time for the unlucky "winners" to make their way to their assigned destinations. It is early morning and clouds are hanging low, in thick blankets just below the islands. It is nice out, with only a few wispy clouds floating higher up as the sun rises in the sky.
Group A (comprised of Cara, Detton, Eric, Erin, Myani, Polaris and Xander) will report the the main sky port on Alstor.
Group B (comprised of Artemia, Aurelie, Draven, Katarina, Kritias, Obroox, Pitch and Varul) will report to the sky port on Riter.

Note: Please include your character's basic info at the top of your posts. Put the character's Name and Group at the very least, but feel free to also include gender, age, location, mentions and whatever else you want.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 24/06/16 @ 12:16:02 by Davina {Mottled|Hematite} (#68950)

SilverCy {Ornament
Primal} (#24815)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-06-25 03:07:35
((Everyone's having so much fun in the stables and Kritias & Varul have barely set off, also where are all my group B mates at yo?))

Kritias - Male - 19 - Group B - Riter, Slums

Kritias breathed a small sigh as he hopped off the Goliath, happy to be back on land after hours of flight. His tears had long since dried and he had steeled himself to be strong for Varul and Riysen as well as his future companions. No sense in dragging them all down with fear and indecision that could cause a life or two in critical moments. Epoth landed with a soft click of claws on the cobblestone beside him and a light shuffle told him Varul had dropped down on his other side - that was one thing that had always puzzled him, how did Varul even manage to move so quietly even when not trying?

Shaking his head as if to clear it of all unnecessary thoughts, he whistled lightly and Varul perked up, giving a chirp as he followed behind Kritias and Varul who had begun walking into the densely packed city, being extra cautious of their surroundings. They probably looked rather odd, dressed differently than most citizens of Riter with the bulk of their luggage strapped to Epoth's saddle. Said drake was with his gaze fixed on a juicy-looking fig sitting innocently on a table that served as a stall, the owner of which being distracted at the moment. Kritias looked back to see what was the hold up and sighed, knowing what was surely going through the drake's mind. The drake had a strangely strong liking for figs considering they hardly had any back when they previously lived on Nar.

He tugged on Epoth's bridle and Epoth gave a low, sad whine before hurrying to trot on beside Kritias again. They continued on their way but not towards the stables. Instead, they headed deep within the city, past the glamour and bustle to the dirty slums concealed behind tall buildings. Varul led the way, a grim look on his face and Kritias was content to follow, one hand on Epoth's neck and he subtly looked around in curiosity. There were stick thin children peeking out from behind street corners and shadowed figured watching them from the windows of rundown houses. It unnerved him quite a bit actually. Still he trusted Varul to not lead them into any danger and continued following his closest friend, down the dirty brick path.

Varul - Male - 18 - Group B - Riter, Slums/Drake Stables

Varul had a whirlpool of thoughts swirling in his brain at the moment but the ones at the very forefront were all about his parents. 'How were they doing? What were they like? Did they ever regret chasing him away?' Those were some of the most pressing concerns in that timeframe. He quickly slipped into the habit of scanning around for danger as he had always done when he still lived in Riter, taking note of everybody and everything. It was only after around ten minutes of walking that they read their destination, a seemingly innocuous building tucked away in some back streets. The door they faced was currently boarded up and Varul frowned slightly before rapping his knuckles sharply on the rotting wood, the sound echoing loudly in the streets but there was no response. He tried again a second and third time but had to concede defeat, thinking that his parents probably didn't want to see him or they had moved and could not be there to see him. However, an uncomfortable niggling caused him to ask another nearby resident for answers and the woman with her eyes darting around frantically and wringing her hands told him something he'd never have expected.

His parents had died two years ago in a random break in and people had come around to board up their house due to the frightening blood splatters and two decomposing corpses lying in the middle of the rundown house. Varul's thoughts were sluggish and he seemed to be in a daze. He couldn't ever bring this incident to a close, ever since his parents were dead.

His parents were dead.


The walk to the stables and housing for raffle 'winners' was an even quieter one than usual, Kritias not piping up with some small thought or other and Varul not responding with his usual few word replies or an acknowledging grunt. However, he didn't really feel much affection towards his parents and the long walk had cleared his head plenty. He couldn't afford to stew over his parents' death when he himself was almost surely going to be sent to die in a few short days. A moment's inattention would prove fatal at some point. With that in mind, he decided that the first course of action would be to bond with the drake he would be assigned, Epoth not being able to sustain the weight of two young men for long periods of time. He reported in for them while Kritias headed over to the stables to bed down Epoth and received two room keys plus a sheet of paper with the name of his new drake.


Running a hand along the wood walls of the stable, he smiled to Kritias as he passed by him and Epoth and tossed him his room key before walking on, eyes trailing along the name plates before stopping before the door with 'Yuva' carved on a small plaque in neat letters. Taking a deep breath to calm himself -tension in the rider caused tension in the drake - Varul pushed the door open and was met with an intelligent pair of green eyes, attached to a scaled body coloring in dark shades of blue, purple and black. It's - her - arms ended in wickedly sharp claws and Varul felt a smile come onto his face as he reached out to stroke the head of the drake, a series of soft coos being emitted from the Digger before him. He felt instantly attached to the drake and murmured softly to her, not even looking up when another drake a few stalls away gave a loud screech. Dimly, he laughed at the coincidence that Kritias, who had such a sunny personality would have a drake coloured in warm shades of yellow, green and orange while he who was anti-social, cynical and frosty would be paired with a drake sporting cold colours of blue, purple and black.

The world worked in strange ways and now that they had reached their temporary destination - earliest, by the looks of it - all they could do was patiently wait for the next one to arrive.

((Sorry for the long post! >.< I had too much to say this time!))

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 04:18:03
((Erin is technically in the common room. I planned on moving her over to the stables next response if no one spoke to her directly anyway so it's no big deal. Also, my group B dude is just kinda chilling near the front of the raffle winners building. Feel free to go bug him.))

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Asa (#26857)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 07:26:26
(Posting for Cinder)
Cara - 24 - Female - Group A

Cara clicked her tongue gently at the Draft in front of her as the girl answered "Aww how cute! It very much suits her". She took in the girl's dresswear and blinked in surprise before she smiled "Well it's very nice meeting you, Myani and Princess. I hope we can get along and be friends on this crazy trip." She contemplated asking Myani if she wanted to go get some... more practical clothing, but right then someone suddenly squealed and ran up to Saiga.

After a moment, Cara's surprise was replaced with questioning curiosity "She shouldn't mind too much. Just don't touch her nose, she doesn't particularly like when others touch her vulnerable points." She smiled gently at Saiga who looked displeased about being called vulnerable. Saiga gingerly touched her forehead against Eric's hand in a polite greeting and gave a rumbling thrum in her throat.

(Artemia is in a more suburban area of Riter...basically as far away from the factories and industryas she can get xD so wherever a hill is, artificial or not, is where she is)

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-06-25 08:10:23

((i imagine runners as raptor-like creatures, with similar anatomy. correct me if I'm wrong <3))

Eric Duex · 19 years · Male · Group A
Location: Drake Stables · Mentions: Myani, Cara & Saiga

Blinking when a girl he could only describe as less than fashionable and very over-the-top spoke to him, Eric turned and nodded. "I've only read books on them," he answered, turning back to look at the large Runner before him and smiling even wider when she leaned forward in what was apparently some sort of greeting. She was much more interactive than the kinetic sculptures he had built at home, though she didn't smell quite as nice, or perhaps that was just the stench of other drakes in their stables, going about their business.

He did as he was told, careful not to touch her nose, and mumbled this and that absentmindedly. "Smaller arms than legs, presumably walks on two, larger and stronger hind legs..." he shifted somewhat awkwardly around the drake, careful of her talons and long, winding tail. "Tail likely long to help balance, perhaps prehensile, judging from the numerous joints and muscles connecting it to the spine..."

Giving the drake's talons a brief, experimental touch and deciding if was okay to examine them, Eric gently sifted through each individual toe, brows furrowed in concentration. "Certainly similar to Diggers, just without the large claws... Are her vulnerable points individual to her, or do all Runners have certain, more soft or less comfortable areas?" he asked, turning back to look at the girl he assumed was the owner.

In his mind he was taking mental notes, all of which he would record in one of the many empty notebooks he had brought along with him, just in case. He would also need to properly sketch the drake before him. Certainly he had diagrams made by various professionals, but it just didn't feel the same as when he made his own recordings.

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Asa (#26857)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 10:19:17

(-- " --)

(They are similar to massive lizards. I have Saiga's appearance on cara's form on pg 2. Davvy is currently making doodles.)

Cara - 24 - Female - Group A

Cara smiled "I haven't met a lot of Runners. I mainly deal with Drafts and Saiga herself back at home. But i think her nose is just a more personal spot. She likes when i rub her nose, but when its someone she doesn't know she's closer to snapping at you then purring about it." Saiga puffed out her throat a bit and made a grumbling hiss before rising to her feet and looking down at Eric, seemingly evaluating him. Cara clicked her tongue quietly and tapped Saiga's jaw, which she obediently opened. "I figure you'll want to see her teeth as well. Sharper and much realer in person", Cara gave Eric a wide grin and picked up a large front foot of Saiga's. "Of the Runners i have seen, none of them have this spot. I think it might be similar to a birthmark." What she was addressing was a grayish blemish at the outer edge of her talons, shaped like to a crescent arc.

Cara scratched under Saiga's chin and the Runner closed her slitted eyes with a chirp. "As for individual or general points, I'm sure every Runner has some of the same weaknesses. Maybe a few have different spots than the nose."As for her tail, it's definitely a force to be reckoned with. Like a stationary whip i guess" she giggled quietly as Saiga gave a grunt, surrounded by people she didn't know and keeping herself and Cara from being conned or attacked. She didn't seem to think Myani was any trouble, but Cara kept noticing her glancing warily at the trinkets Cara only then noticed on the man's back. "What is all that?" She hummed brightly, curiously stepping to one side to look at his things.

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 13:13:36
(however draft drakes look I imagine Princess as a breed that has fur instead of scales lol! but if they must have scales that is fine too :D)

Myani | Group A | Mentions Cara and Saiga

Myani quietly stepped forward, keeping in Saiga's direct line of vision so as not to alarm her, and reached out a hand. She lay it on the drakes shoulder lightly and stroked, enjoying the texture of the scales beneath her finger tips. She'd never had a runner drake as a pet but one of her friends had had one, and she'd pet it on occasion. She liked the intelligence in Saiga's eyes, though it unnerved her at the same time. She loved Princess with all her heart but the drake had a thick skull she could be proud of and had only learned the most basic of commands. Myani let Cara and the newcomer speak, happy to listen and find out more about them without giving up too much about herself. The Kastello name had a bad reputation in some parts of the island and she'd learned that to some people, just bearing the name was good enough reason to judge. Not that Myani could complain considering she did the same herself at home.

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-06-25 13:44:41

((i thought of them as like...those feathered dinosaurs xD *thinks of all the drakes as prehistoric lizards*))

Eric Deux · 19 years · Male · Group A
Location: Drake Stables · Mentions: Cara, Myani, Saiga

"I see..." Eric murmured, eyes narrowing a little in curiosity. He almost had the urge to touch the drake's nose, if just lightly, just to gauge her reaction. Though he decided against it when she growled. From the research notes he had read over, runners were not as dangerous as gliders when it came to bites, though their hind legs certainly packed a massive punch. But from what he could tell, the runner before him was large enough and strong enough to at least take his arm off. And he definitely wasn't prepared for something like that.

When the drake's owner stepped forward and urged her companion to open her mouth, Eric heard the voice of conscience inside his head telling him how great of an idea it was to not touch her nose. Those teeth were so sharp, he could barely imagine how it would feel to be bitten. In fact, it probably wouldn't feel like much of anything. They were probably sharp enough that they would great a decent wound before the mind could register them even piercing the skin.

Shaking his mind free of those thoughts when he felt a presence closer to him than before, Eric jumped slightly and scooted himself a bit away from the second girl. It wasn't like he was socially awkward (he was), he just didnt Or closeness. Or anything having to do with other people. But of course, the realisation that he was in a room full of them came when the owner of the Runner asked him a question.

"Trinkets," he immediately answered. "They're my trinkets. I use them to make stuff. Like him," he pointed to the small automaton balanced on his shoulder. "His name is Todd." If he didn't seem crazy before, he probably did now. He certainly had a screw loose somewhere. He just didn't care enough to tighten it back up.

He gave a hesitant glance to the girl that, previously, he had thought would just be an annoyance. Instead she was being rather quiet, and seemed perfectly content just stroking the drake before her. She was probably rather nice, and he almost felt guilty making assumptions without actually getting to know her. Well, he didn't know her yet. "What's your drake like? The Draft. She seems kind of..." Dumb. That was what he was going to say. But he decided against it; he doubted anyone would take kindly to him insulting their drake. And it was only his first day, he didn't want to make any enemies so soon.

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 16:49:27
Myani | 19 | Group A | Mentions Eric and Saiga

Myani arched an eyebrow, noticing how he moved away from her. What am I, a leper?, she thought to herself and sighed inwardly. She knew not to expect the behaviour she was used to from her friends and neighbours when they spoke to her but even so, the difference was apparent. Folks from the other islands or even just not from the capital weren't necessarily raised as dolls to look and sound good no matter what. It would take some getting used to, for sure.

She let her fingers linger on Saiga's scales for few moments longer as she moved her gaze to the trinkets he was talking about, Todd in particular. It seemed that he liked making these little toys. And naming them. She held back a smile, thinking of how the last time she'd named a toy was when she was nine. She hoped that was his quirkiest personality trait, building these toys. Adjusting to, well, dirt would be hard enough without having to get along with companions who were a sandwich short of a picnic.

Princess approached the two girls, boy and the other draken, her footsteps surprisingly quiet for her size. She pushed her nose into Myani's back and keened quietly, not liking her owners proximity to another drake. When Myani's hand scratched her cheek, Princess made a humming sound in her throat and half closed her eyes, glad to have contact with her again.

"This is Princess. I know, the names a bit ridiculous. I named her during the most embarrassing time of my teenage years," Myani replied to Eric, turning to cuddle her draft drake. "She's harmless though a bit shy. And you can say that she's slow in the head. There's not really any hiding it," she grinned and tapped her index finger on Princess' forehead. "So you're kind of like an engineer?" she asked, motioning with a hand to the small automaton on his shoulder. "The only thing I can make is a decent latte and that's on a good day. I'm Myani by the way."

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Roseadi (#54389)

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Posted on
2016-06-26 02:19:49
[Anyone open? Both my characters are open.]

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-06-26 02:34:44
((you can probably just pop in with anyone cx Its the beginning of the rp and people need to meet each other, so I doubt anyone would really mind))

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-06-26 03:18:21
((Both of my characters are open. Someone please talk to me. :'D I'm always afraid I'm intruding so characters always just end up standing around until someone talks to them.)

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-06-26 03:46:06
((I just throw my characters at people like "inTERACT WITH ME."))

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-06-26 03:46:55
((I need to learn how to do that. :'D))

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-06-26 04:30:51
((xD Yes you do. And we should probably move our idle chatting to the sign ups thread so we don't spam the rp c; ))

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-06-26 14:37:43

Erin Clearwater | Female | 21 Years | Kraen | Group A
Location: Alstor Skyport
Mentions: Xander

As Erin re-entered the common area the sight of so many people crowding the room suddenly sapped all of her newfound confidence away and she lingered in the doorway. A low growl from the small drake wrapped around her shoulders and neck urged her forward regardless of the growing anxiety threatening to overtake her. She had to do this. Might as well try and get to know the people she would be working with for the foreseeable future before they were all shipped off to the Lower World. She stopped near the center of the room, gaze seeking out anyone else who might be standing around looking for someone to talk to. Most of the gathered people were already speaking in groups and she was reluctant to intrude.

It wasn't long before her gaze settled on a young man around her age and after a moment more of hesitation she risked venturing closer, leaning against the wall a few paces away from him. She glanced at Xander out of the side of her eye, meaning to introduce herself, but the words died on her tongue before ever getting a chance to leave her mouth. Seconds ticked by, swiftly turning into minutes and her heartbeat quickened. Lord. He was going to end up thinking she was some sort of creeper at this rate. Just standing around staring at him. "Er...hi," she finally managed to squeak out. "Did you just get here too? I thought I might be late."


Draven Moore | Male | 23 Years | Riter | Group B
Location: Riter - Outskirts/Hills
Mentions: Artemia

Draven paced around the perimeter of the port, quickly growing restless. It was never wise to leave him unoccupied for long and he absolutely loathed being left without some sort of task to complete. Even back in the slums he was never idle for long. The truth today was not so much that he had nothing to do and more so he was trying to make up an excuse not to go inside. Eventually one of the people in charge caught on to his aimless wandering and, with a great deal of exasperation, finally convinced him to sign in before handing him a binder detailing the building, stables and giving him the number to not only his room, but his assigned drake's stall. Draven had never had any particular interest in drakes and animals tended not to like him, especially dogs, but at the least it would pardon him from hanging around the lobby with the other raffle winners.

He made his way to the stables, stopping at a stall at the very end. For a brief second a sense of uneasiness made him pause before unhooking the gate and pushing it open. Before long he found a Draft waiting for him. Most of her body was covered in luxuriously soft looking white fur. Black flecked her pelt in spots and her eyes were a striking shade of emerald. Her paws and legs were decorated in black scales rather than fur, white speckles lining the edges, and long gray claws jutted from her toes. Her frame was large and imposing, but much lither than what Draven might have expected of a Draft Drake. Compare that with her strong legs and she looked as if she might prove as quick and agile as any Runner. The Draft greeted him with a friendly chuff and he found himself almost frozen in time, unsure how to act around an animal he'd never had the chance to encounter up close before in his entire life.

The beast seemed to sense his uncertainty and closed the distance between them herself, nosing his palm with her snout and snuffling nosily as if trying to breath him in. He snapped out of his stupor quickly after that. "Well, ain't you something." His eyes drifted to the drake's back and as if sensing where his thoughts were going she did what could only be described as a happy dance, shaking the ground a bit with her joyful movements before kneeling so he could climb on with an encouraging gurgle. She had no saddle and he wasn't interested in getting off to find one, instead grabbing fistfuls of silky fur to steady himself. "What do you say? How about we blow this place and go for a run?" Draven had always found it odd when he overheard people speaking to their pets, but this Drake wasn't just any animal. He could see the intelligence in her eyes and knew she understood what he was saying. Draven had never been interested in drakes, but it had only taken one to change his mind.

She must have been pent up in the stables for awhile because the Draft needed no convincing, galloping out of her stall with a speed he hadn't quit expected. It was really a miracle he hadn't gone flying off. The drake ran past the port and Draven was aware of someone shouting after him. Something about not leaving the city. They must not remember who they were talking to. The Draft ran and ran until the city and the smog were far behind them, leaping cheerily over rolling hills before she abruptly collapsed on her side panting and Draven slid into a thankfully very cushioned pile of tall grasses. Upon closer inspection she appeared to be fine, just in need of a rest. Draven rolled his eyes. "You overdid it you dope."

While the Draft rested he decided to explore a bit. He'd been out here a few times with his sisters. It was a shame they were stuck in the slums so often. Both girls seemed to enjoy the open space. He always told himself he would move them all somewhere nicer someday, but he felt glued to Riter for reasons he could never hope to explain. Now with their mother so sick moving wasn't an option anymore, not until she.... The sound of shuffling close by had his attention snapping to a hill only a few inches away. He headed toward it, eyes narrowed slightly and upon reaching the crest found himself staring down at a girl and her flier, who appeared to be guarding her. The Drake didn't look all that friendly. Hopefully he didn't get fried. It would be a shame if he died before even setting foot in the lower world.

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Edited on 26/06/16 @ 21:38:04 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

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