Posted by Rotting Skies (Rp Thread)

Davina {Hexa Feline
Primal} (#68950)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-23 18:25:39
Life has always been peaceful in the floating cities of Daear. That is, until a mysterious rot rose from the long forgotten world below. It started slowly, and then the rot spread, bringing illness in it's wake. And then, without warning, the skies began to fall.

Now, with one of the six main islands of Daear destroyed, the search for a solution has become desperate and the five remaining cities devised a plan. With two expeditions to the lower world already failed, far fewer citizens were willing to volunteer... That is, until a large sum of money was offered to anyone who put forth their name for a raffle. Hundreds entered, and compensation was given to all.

Fifteen names were drawn. Fifteen young men and women whose lives will forever be changed. Will they manage to find a cure for the rot? Or will they too succumb to the illness and mutation it brings?

This is the Rp thread. Don't post here unless you've been accepted.
Ooc/Sign-up Thread

Current Situation
After two weeks of preparation and many tearful goodbyes, it is time for the unlucky "winners" to make their way to their assigned destinations. It is early morning and clouds are hanging low, in thick blankets just below the islands. It is nice out, with only a few wispy clouds floating higher up as the sun rises in the sky.
Group A (comprised of Cara, Detton, Eric, Erin, Myani, Polaris and Xander) will report the the main sky port on Alstor.
Group B (comprised of Artemia, Aurelie, Draven, Katarina, Kritias, Obroox, Pitch and Varul) will report to the sky port on Riter.

Note: Please include your character's basic info at the top of your posts. Put the character's Name and Group at the very least, but feel free to also include gender, age, location, mentions and whatever else you want.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 24/06/16 @ 12:16:02 by Davina {Mottled|Hematite} (#68950)

πŸŒ™ Morrígra
πŸŒ™ (#33027)

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Posted on
2016-06-26 15:11:53
Artemia - 20 - Female - Group B //Draven, Aeros//

Artemia dozed lightly, leaning against her Flier Aeros. Moments before some crashing footfalls could be heard, she opened an eye and looked around, suddenly putting Aeros in a protectively cold mood. A moment later and Draven crested the same hill she was sitting on, and she let her other eye open slightly //For Goddess' sakes! I come all the way out here for peace and quiet and get a random Riterian guy to bother me awake.// After straightening up into a sitting position with her knees coming up to her chest, she continued to watch him for several moments, animalistically examining him for signs of anything other than curiosity and surprise. Finding nothing, she shut her eyes again in a long blink, giving a small sigh before opening her eyes and leaning forward "How may i help you, Riter boy?" For all her cold personality, she wasn't against polite first impression. As long as it - or the conversation that usually followed - wasn't a waste of her time.

While she seemed to be trying to feign politeness, Aeros had no qualms not casting a filter on his arrogance. The Flier straightened up from his knees and planted both wing elbows on the ground with a rumbling growl. Though still smaller than other species of Drakes, Aeros was above average sized for a male Flier and his wings were slightly thicker, making for easy control and maneuvering but sometimes less stamina if he overdoes it. He puffed up his chest and opened his mouth to reveal his fangs and forked tongue. He had curling horns on either side of his head, and though they weren't very useful, they proved to be a nice intimidation advantage for most of his drakian 'brawls'. His slitted purple eyes bore into Draven's and he let out a fierce hiss. Without turning away, Artemia reached up behind her head and started scratching the scales under his wings, which he happily accepted as Artemia murmured "Easy Aeros."

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Davina {Hexa Feline
Primal} (#68950)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-26 17:12:41
Katarina Hawthorne | Female | 22 | Group B | Riter/Stables

It had been early, almost before sun up, that Kat left her apartent. Refusing to see her sister's tears, Kat had left everything of worth that she owned sitting on the kitchen table, along with a note, sealed tightly in an envelope. As she slipped out the door and shut it quietly behind her, a single tear rolled down her cheek. The streets of Rier were quiet as the smog settled down over the streets as people started to go about their days. She wandered the streets for awhile, feeling oddly like a stranger in her own city. She felt so distant to the people bustling around her, and the flask of whiskey firmly grasped in her hand wasnt helping any.

With all the liquid courage Kat could muster, and her flask running dry, Katarina made her way to the docks. The air was slightly cleaner here, but it smelled of drake dung and the body odor of hundreds of sky-men and traders hauling goods too and from their Goliaths. She was able to feign some semblance of sobriety as she approached the officers in charge, waiting for the 'winners' to check in before their departure. Almost immediately she was directed to the stables where she would find her assigned mount, and one of the officers grumbled as he shifted through some documents, handing her a small slip of paper. With a short nod of understanding she took the slip of paper reading "8" and shoved it into her pocket, knowing she wouldnt need to look over it again.

Reluctantly, Kat wandered into the stables, noting at east two other people inside. The young men seemed to be wrapped up in their own situations, that she hoped she could simply slip past them and remain unnoticed, but she soon realized her stall was right next to the one young man who was reluctantly patting the head of a small spikey beast. With a weak smile and a wave, she greeted the two, feeling a bit nervous about the whole ordeal. She'd have plenty of time to say 'hello' later... for now she just wanted to get this uncomfortable meet and greet over with.

Intrigued, kat opened the latch to her own stall, only to be met by a similar looking creaure. The lowbearing beast was roughly 16 feet long, though its small legs with sharp claws only held it a few feet off the ground. It looked almost like an overgrown lizard, and the strange looking beast craned its neck up so it's muzzle met her face, sniffing her with the same ammount of interest and confusion as she was giving it. The male digger's scales were almost golden, though in the dim light of the stable they appeared a much darker, almost rusty black. Grinning, she stroked the row of spines along his head, admiring the little beast before she led it back out of the stall. It would be time to leave soon, and each 'winner' would have to meet up at the docks before they all left out on their insane venture.

((haha. horrible post. I'll finish ky's post as soon as i feed my pride >.< ))

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-06-26 17:13:40

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πŸŒ™ Morrígra
πŸŒ™ (#33027)

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Posted on
2016-06-26 17:18:50
(ooh thank you for the length measurement for runners(?)/diggers. The tails are probably around 6 ft then? The head/neck would be about two feet (being that the necks were more vertical than horizontal in your sample doodle), the body about 8 ft, plus the tail 6ft? Does that sound about right for your idea of their proportions, Davvy?)

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Elenvalta (#17120)

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Posted on
2016-06-26 17:45:38
Xander | Group A | 24 | Winners Longue | Mentions Erin

The lounge was quiet. Not very many people were in it to begin with, and those who were in it didn't speak all that much. Those who were speaking seemed hushed, dreading their fate that would soon take place. Xander dropped his hand, realizing he was messing with his shirt collar, and focused on observing those he would spend likely the rest of his life with. Someone walked through the door and he looked over, watching out of the corner of his eye as a girl around his age made her way over and leaned on the wall similarly to him. Since she came over to him, he expected her to say something first, but it was an awkward moment of silence for at least a few minutes. Just as he parted his lips to say "hello", she spoke.

Finally being able to turn and look at her without it being awkward for not speaking, the first thing he noticed was the small drake lying across her shoulders. It was strange to see a drake that wasn't a glider, since that was the only beast he owned himself, and to see one lying across someone's shoulders like that. If his drake tried to do that, it would likely throw him to the ground or smother him with its wings. After getting over the strange sight of the drake, he noticed Erin herself, mostly her frizzy blonde hair and green-hazel eyes. She was short, almost a foot shorter than he was, so he had to look down to make eye contact with her.

"I got here about five minutes ago. You're fine, we're still waiting on a few more I think." Eyeing the drake, he reached out a hand to her. "I'm Xander."

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SilverCy {Ornament
Primal} (#24815)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-06-26 23:08:55
((Here we go, another post! I'm trying to limit myself to one per day or I'd clutter this whole thread xD Also I'm kinda assuming that there is at least a day before they set off so I put them in rooms by the sky port))

Kritias - Male - 19 - Group B - Riter, Drake Stables/Sky Port

Kritias chuckled slightly upon seeing Varul's increasingly infatuated look as he scratched the scales on his drake's underbelly, Yuva giving a contented purr as she nuzzled against him. Varul's drake seemed to be quite gentle and loving, a perfect match for Varul who was usually so cold towards strangers. It was rare to see a smile, no matter how small on Varul's face, even Kritias himself had only seen it a handful of times when Varul was truly contented and happy. A rattle from the stable's entrance caught his attention and he turned on instinct, eyes landing on a girl, looking maybe slightly older than him rushing towards the stall adjacent to Varul's, flashing himself and Varul a faint smile and a small wave before opening the door and entering the stall, exiting shortly after with a drake by her side as they made their way out of the stables Kritias flashed her a replying smile but with the speed at which he left, he didn't know if she saw it.

Kritias reckoned that it was about time to leave for the Riter Sky Port (he squashed down the fear bubbling up in his chest again) so he exited Epoth's stall, and knocked softly on Yuva's, waking up Varul from whatever daze he was in and motioned towards the door. Immediately after he interrupted him, Varul's face smoothed into his usual impassive expression and Kritias internally sighed at the short-lived smile. He'd have to work on getting Varul to smile more, five years and hardly any progress had been made so he didn't have much hope for this. Shaking, his head, he turned back into Epoth's stall and flashed a hand signal. They had been in there for half an hour or so already and Epoth should be rested enough. Epoth understood straight away and stood still as Kritias strapped his flight saddle on him, lightweight to reduce the burden and mounted him.

'Well,' he thought darkly, 'let's head off to hell.'

Varul - Male - 18 - Group B - Riter, Drake Stables/Sky Port

Varul loved Yuva already, as uncharacteristic of him and he ran a hand over Yuva's back. Faintly he registered a silhouette walking past him - a girl? - but ignored them in favour of touching the sharp-looking spikes on Yuva's head, the Digger patiently accomodating him. A knock on the door startled him and he found his face twisted up into a smile without him knowing. Habitually the corners of his lips dropped down again and he looked up to see Kritias jerking his head towards the door, an unspoken time to go hanging in the air.

But go where?

Glancing around, he noticed that the girl from before had already left, the stall she went to already emptied and Kritias also beginning to saddle up Epoth. He reasoned that they were probably about to set off or something similar (maybe a briefing?) and turned around to Yuva, giving her a soft whistle. She perked up and he quietly spoke to her, saying,

"When I need you to stay still so I can get you saddled or so I can get on your back, I'll whistle this. Do you understand?"

Varul didn't know how intelligent she was but considering Epoth's almost human-like awareness, he would assume plenty. Yuva nodded, whether by sheer coincidence or she actually comprehended the order and turned her back so it faced him. Varul retrieved a saddle and strapped it onto Yuva's back before gesturing with a hand for her to follow and hurried to catch up with Kritias, who was waiting by the entrance while sitting on Epoth, the drake tilting his head in curiosity at the new addition. Yuva stared back and a moment of understanding seemed to pass between them before Yuva bumped her head against Varul's legs, as if wanting him to get on. Varul acquiesced and swung into the saddle, silently marvelling at the feeling of smooth scales beneath his legs. It had a different texture compared to Epoth's scales, the latter being a bit rougher.

He relished in the feeling of the wind against his skin as they rode towards the Sky Ports, the journey taking maybe a few minutes. Reaching it, they found a spot away from all the traffic and sat down, beginning to wait for this complementary trip to death to begin.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-06-27 04:40:05

Erin Clearwater | Female | 21 Years | Kraen | Group A
Location: Arstal - Winners Longue
Mentions: Xander

A relieved expression crossed her face upon being told she wasn't as late as she'd first imagined and when Xander reached out a hand to her she was quick to shake it with perhaps a bit too much enthusiasm. "My name's Erin. It's nice to meet you Xander. This is Zoom," she added, nodding to the Drake perched on her shoulder. The small reptile appeared to be eyeing Xander warily. "I would say you could touch him, but...he's a bit nippy," she explained with some embarrassment, noticing Xander's eyes seemed drawn to the little beast. "Are you familiar with Runners?"

Most people she met seemed more interested in the flying type Drakes. She had to admit there was something inherently fascinating about Gliders and Fliers, but Erin would never trade Zoom in for another species even if her life depended on it. Zoom was her closest companion. Her best friend. She couldn't count how many times he'd pulled her out of a panic attack or helped her through her social anxiety. "What kind of Drake do you have? Where are they? What's their name? Is it a male or a female? How long have you two been together? What color are they..." She began to ramble. If anything could get her talkative side showing it was Drakes, or animals in general really.


Draven Moore | Male | 23 Years | Riter | Group B
Location: Riter - Outskirts/Hills
Mentions: Artemia, Aeros

The girl stared up at him in silence for at least a minute or so, not a word passing between them. Draven raised an eyebrow and was about to speak first when she finally offered a curt greeting. "What makes you assume I'm from Riter?" He asked almost causally. "I could be from anywhere." His eyes shifted to the Flier so valiantly guarding Artemia and the edges of his mouth turned up in an amused smirk. "I'm not here to hurt anyone," he assured, speaking to Aeros directly rather than his owner. Despite the Drake's rather imposing image Draven didn't appear particularly impressed or worried. Just as he finished speaking heavy footfalls signified the approach of his own Drake. She came up behind him, blocking out the sun with her bulk as she twisted herself around him in an almost protective stance. She shot Aeros a gaze full of warning, but otherwise her body language remained non-aggressive.

((My replies are pretty lame this time. Sorry guys. Writer's block is not fun.))

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Edited on 27/06/16 @ 11:40:19 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

πŸŒ™ Morrígra
πŸŒ™ (#33027)

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Posted on
2016-06-27 05:25:32
(Lol, dawww paz <3 its ok :3 with your braces on now; are you feeling any better?)

Artemia - 20 - Female - Group A

Artemia slowly stood from where she was, the man now acting a bit huffy. "Your body language. And your ruffled appearance. You know this isle well, I'd say. As he continued speaking, Aeros gave an irritated growl and chirped innocently at Artemia, who turned slightly to stroke his neck with both arms. "Stop being a baby. You started it." She murmured, the scolding almost inaudible. Within moments, another drake had arrived, as Artemia could tell from the footfalls and shadows creeping up towards her. She turned back around to look at the Draft and smiled a bit before extending her hand and lowering her head in a respectful gesture. Aeros started grumbling about it and his tail started whipping around like an unhappy cat's. Artemia raised her head and looked at the man "Are you...going to the Lower World?" She gazed at his fidgety fingers, feeling as though he was incredibly worried.

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-06-27 05:59:26
((*gentle cinder poke* ;o not to rush, but could you post for cara? <3 I would v much appreciate it))

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Edited on 27/06/16 @ 12:59:47 by Trash Panda (#69500)

πŸŒ™ Morrígra
πŸŒ™ (#33027)

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Posted on
2016-06-27 06:26:00
(What's cara replying to? >_> ill edit her in to this post as soon as i know. I didnt notice her being spoken to but ill look, one moment <3)

(I found your post, but i didnt think it was enough to reply to. The curiosity with the trinkets was the last thing Cara had to say. Myani spoke after to Eric though :/)

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Edited on 27/06/16 @ 13:29:50 by Cinder❄Blaze (#33027)

Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-06-27 06:28:58
((Eric mostly just asked her stuff about Saiga c; ))

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-06-27 07:36:46

Eric Deux Β· 19 years Β· Male Β· Group A
Location: Drake Stables Β· Mentions: Myani & Princess

Turning his attention to the other girl and her Draft, now disregarding Saiga since he'd already gathered plenty of information on her and Runners in general, Eric nodded slowly and cracked a small smile in the fluffy white drake's direction. "She's soft. Fur instead of scales? Or is her skin still leathery like a typical drake's?" As he spoke, he stood up, realizing it would be incredibly hard to examine the large creature while he was kneeling down.

He reached out a hand, not completely touching the drake before him but instead lightly running his fingers through her snowy coat. It was lovely, and he wondered faintly if Drafts had come from a cold area. He certainly couldn't think of a perpetually frozen area in the islands that would require such a thick coat to remain year-round. Perhaps they had evolved to be that way long ago, before the islands became the way they were, and had kept the fur despite no longer needing it? Well, whatever the reason, it intrigued him. He would need to find a book on the history of drakes so he could perhaps research it. That is, if he managed to return from the surface.

"An engineer?" he asked, raising a brow and giving the girl a strange look. What a peculiar thing to say. He'd met many engineers, and with the projects being worked on these days, all of them were rather burly and large, so they could carry hunks of metal around all day. Only the latter was true for him. "More of a tinker, really," he corrected with a shrug, looking 'Myani' over for a moment. "I'm Eric."

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-06-27 12:47:44
Myani | Arstor Drake Stables | Mentions Eric and Cara
Myani rubbed Princess' shoulder comfortingly, telling her it was okay and she was in a safe situation so the draft wouldn't become frightened of the unfamiliar human touching her. "Her skin isn't all that tough. It's similar to cow hide I've heard, but I've never been close to a live cow so I wouldn't know." She met his gaze and was taken aback by the strange look he was giving her. Like he was in any position to give strange looks! Sure, her ignorance of the world could surprise some people but it wasn't that bad was it? She bit her bottom lip and averted her eyes again. "Well, I'm sure a 'tinker' will be useful in the Lower World. Who knows what we'll find."

A snort from above made her jump. Speaking with Cara and Eric had distracted her from the fact that they were in a public barn, and surrounded by unknown drakes that could be carrying any number of diseases. Her father's pet digger had gotten sick once and the thing gave everyone a rash that lasted weeks. With a rising sense of nausea, Myani shut her eyes and forced those kinds of thoughts away. "Are you here to pick out a drake, Eric?" she asked quickly, turning to face the boy again. She plastered a false look of amiability on her face, not wanting her expression to be one of disgust or fear towards the possible lack of hygiene in the barn. (She's such a prissy thing. Ugh. Can't wait for her character development)

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-06-27 13:07:22

Eric Deux Β· 19 Β· Male Β· Group A
Location: Drake Stables Β· Mentions: Myani

When his gaze, which he hadn't even realized was almost a confused glare, was returned with a similar, defensive look, Eric turned away quickly. Even if he tried to stare Myani down, he was pretty sure she could do it better. And she was rather intimidating to him. Perhaps it was the obvious wealth she had, or the confident and somewhat stuck-up personality. Either way, he didn't like her very much. But her drake was nice.

As a very sudden and very loud grunt sounded from up above, shocking Myani and making Eric nearly jump out of his skin, the boy let out a slow sigh. "...yes," he answered once he had collected himself and gotten over the embarrassment of being so frightened by a simple sound. "I'm supposed to be. But I don't know what I have to do or where I have to go to get one. So here I am."

((super short, sorry ;; Its late and I'm distracted))

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Edited on 27/06/16 @ 20:08:01 by Trash Panda (#69500)

Elenvalta (#17120)

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Posted on
2016-06-27 13:22:24
Xander | Group A | 24 | Winners Longue | Mentions Erin

As she explained the drake had a tendency to bite, he retraced his hand once she had shaken it. It was a runner, a strange little thing. He'd seen them before, of course, but never up close. Both he and his mother owned gliders back on Alstor, and his great aunt didn't own a drake at all because she didn't leave the house much aside from to work in her small shop downstairs. The beast was a curious thing, so different from his glider in the stables but similar all the same. Most noticeably, its size was much smaller, small enough to fit around the girl's shoulders. The drake he owned, Fox, was large enough to carry both him and another, although often he traveled alone. Honestly, he didn't know drakes came in that small of a size, unless they were young of course. Perhaps that was what this one was, but it was strange all the same.

"Zoom," He said, repeating the drake's name and then looking at Erin. "He's cute. I've never been close to a runner before." Xander listened as she began to ask questions about his own drake, a lot of questions. Pausing a moment to gather all the answers, he began, "I own a glider. He's an orange-brown thing called Fox, darker on his legs, face, and all that sort of like points. Actually, he was my mom's first, but I've had him since I was old enough to take care of a drake on my own, so about fifteen years." He left out the reason for the name "Fox". Although it seemed like the animal would be named that for its similarity to the sly creature, Fox was actually the name of his mother's experiments. What those experiments were, he hadn't the slightest idea. But being the little boy he was when he got the drake, and hearing that word over and over among his mother and her colleagues, Fox sounded like the best thing to name the reddish drake.

"I just dropped him in the stables, but I don't know if we're going to leave soon or not. Want to head over there with me to grab him?" Xander asked, deciding that it probably would be a good idea. If they left soon and he didn't have time to get his drake, he didn't exactly like the idea of being without protection and transportation down below the isles.

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