Posted by Warrior cats- Broken Pines

The best snek (#274274)

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2024-01-28 14:13:42

Welcome to the Broken Pines! I was a little bored, so I whipped this up.

-No arguing or fighting, hate the character not the other person.
-If there is an actual problem, please contact me or the mods.
-Mates and stuff are allowed, but you need to work it out with me if you want to have kits. Also, fade to black for 18+ stuff, or just avoid it entirely.
-If you are a kit, you can't go out of camp on your own, or go hunt prey, or fight a badger, or any of that. You are a child.
- Please don't write names with an apostrophe in between the prefix and suffix (like this: Fire'star)
-You need to PM me your character sheet, plus a roleplay sample for ANY RANK.

Please Pm me if you have questions.






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[Please get your character sheet approved and posted before replying]

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Edited on 09/05/24 @ 20:25:41 by The best snek (#274274)

The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 15:07:08
Intro post

Dappled sunlight shone down upon the Pineclan camp, burning off any residual traces of the foggy mist that often blew in from the sea. Birds chirped softly, and a chilly breeze wound its way through the trees, carrying with it the last few days of leafbare. Pineclan has managed to make it through the winter, and all of the clan cats are ready to greet their first newleaf in the new territory with open paws. The camp was tucked away in a sheltered grotto, protected from the elements by towering pines. The dens were made out of twisting brambles and ivy, given shape by fallen branches the cats had managed to scrounge up. It was a peaceful, shady place, the dens ringing the remains of a large fallen tree that was used as the meeting grounds. Already, some of the Pineclan cats were beginning to rise from their nests. Owlstar had promised a special ceremony that would take place that very morning, and no cat wanted to be late.

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 15:08:28

He squinted, slitting his eyes against the bright morning sun as he left his den, making his way towards the clan's gathering place. It still felt strange to wake without the fear that they had been found, that the other clans were about to arrive in a fury of teeth and claws to tear him from his homeland. Even after three moons, Owlstar had to face the fact that this would likely be a fear he would carry for the rest of his life.

A powerful leap easily landed him atop the fallen tree, claws unsheathing to grip the rough bark. It wouldn't do to slip off right before the ceremony. Making sure all of Pineclan's members were present, he glanced around the hollow, quickly picking out Thrushtail and Morningecho sitting in the group. His deputy, and one of the more experienced warriors. Loyal cats he could depend on. Hemlockshade was sitting a little off to the side, and Owlstar acknowledged his friend with a slight dip of the head. It was far past time to begin.

Clearing his throat, Owlstar began to speak, looking at each one of his cats in turn, making sure they felt recognized and included. He might be blunt, but he had learned a thing or two about swaying opinions from his mentor, Houndcry. "Cats of Pineclan." He paused for a moment, letting his words ring out around the hollow. "We have overcome much since we left the old territory, and it's only thanks to you all that I'm here today." He shifted his weight slightly, raising his tail and standing straighter. If he wanted to lead, he had to look the part.

"Arriving here in leafbare, we were a group of sad, bedraggled cats, no better than loners that had banded together out of necessity. But in just three moons, we've been able to form a clan our ancestors would be proud of. Today, one of the first few days of newleaf, I've decided to celebrate that." Owlstar didn't have to fake a purr, as his eyes shone with genuine emotion. "The preypile is full, our borders are safe... As you all know, a beaver den was found on the territory. So, I propose a challenge! The first cat to bring a beaver back to camp, will be rewarded!" Owlstar flashed a smile at the gathered cats, unsheathing his claws once more. "We all need a bit of fun, so me and Thrushtail have organized plenty more competitions for everycat to take part in."

He vaulted back off the fallen tree, landing almost silently on the grotto floor. With luck, it would all go well. Whispering a quick prayer to his ancestors for luck, he padded towards his clanmates, determined to make sure everyone had a good time. The clan needed to be at it's best if they were going to keep their pawhold on the land, and with everyone still recovering from escaping shadowclan, a little laughter was just what the healer ordered.

//You guys can post now, I'm super exited for this roleplay, and I hope you'll like it

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Edited on 30/01/24 @ 00:08:50 by The best snek (#274274)

Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 02:38:39


Nightmares haunted the sleeping mind during the hours of the night, with the echoing screams begging for mercy, the cries of kittens who had been separated from their mothers, the sound of claws ripping through flesh and teeth breaking through bone. Restlessness had become a familiar friend, with the breaking of dawn meeting tired eyes, the chirping bird songs above in the rustling pine as a new morning crept into this new land. It had almost become a routine, waking up before the sun had risen, eyes widened, heart thundering and fear squeezing her chest in a vice. It felt acidic as the terror coursed through her veins, her paws clawing helplessly at her nest as vicious, ice-blue eyes glared down at her with a hatred and vengeance, accentuated by a ringlet of claw-pricked scars above. Memory had become an enemy, sleep had become a war, and nobody could know when this supposed peace would feel more like a reality.

With a shaky breath, Morningecho pulled herself from her ruined nest, suffocating a sense of shame for destroying yet another one, as she padded out of the new Warrior's den and into the clearing, answering the summons of her leader. The she-cat wasn't certain as to what ceremony they would all be witnessing today, but she could only hope that it wouldn't be what she expected it to be; bad news. Swallowing down her concerns that threatened to stick themselves in the length of her throat, Morningecho found a place to sit, near the cat who had become the clan deputy in what felt like the last sunrise. Despite the time that had passed since they had last seen ShadowClan territory, it had all felt so fresh and raw, as if everything had happened so swiftly towards the end, and it was taking time to adjust to. Flicking her right, tufted ear, Morningecho sat to her full height, hiding away all her vulnerabilities behind a mask of indifference, her elegant figure painting the picture of the very definition of a Warrior. 

Lavender-hued eyes watched as Owlstar made his way up to the fallen tree, pulling himself up to the precipice where he would announce his intentions to the entirety of PineClan. As his eyes scanned over each of them, the she-cat tilted her head down in a subtle nod, showing due respect to the named leader of the clan. Her tail flicked against the earth, teasing the dead pine needles and dust that threatened to tangle into her silky white fur. 'Cats of PineClan', Owlstar began his announcement, ensnaring Morningecho's focus entirely on her leader. 'We have overcome much since we left the old territory, and it's only thanks to you all that I'm here today'. Morningecho's left ear twitched this time, a subconscious reaction to her conscious suppression of memories that threatened to taunt her, images of her mother attempting to haze over her eyes, but she blinked it away.

'Arriving here in Leafbare, we were a group of sad, bedraggled cats, no better than loners that had banded together out of necessity. But, in just three moons, we've been able to form a clan our ancestors would be proud of. Today, one of the first few days of Newleaf, I've decided to celebrate that', Owlstar continued in a heartfelt purr, his voice echoing throughout the clearing. Morningecho's ears perked forward in keen interest, uncertain as to where the brown tom was heading with his idea. Celebration seemed like a foreign concept to the she-cat, she scarcely had a moment to truly celebrate anything in her life, not even her ceremony from an apprentice to an experienced warrior newly named could warrant much joy.

'The preypile is full, our borders are safe... As you all know, a beaver den was found on the territory. So, I propose a challenge! The first cat to bring a beaver back to camp, will be rewarded!' Morningecho's gaze narrowed in consideration of the leader's words, after all, a beaver wasn't an easy quarry, especially not for a singular cat to take down on it's own. Formidable creatures, often capable of taking down an entire hunting party on an unfortunate day, beavers weren't to be underestimated. Morningecho's claws dug into the earth beneath her paws, determination coursing hot through her veins. Nor was she. She took a moment to wonder what the reward could be, after all, their stomachs were filled, and their newfound territory was protected, just as Owlstar had announced, so what else could they possibly crave? Morningecho was determined to find out.

'We all need a bit of fun, so me and Thrushtail have organized plenty more competitions for every-cat to take part in'. Owlstar wrapped up his speech with those parting words, and Morningecho's tongue darted over her lips, raising to her full height as she padded towards the leader confidently, meeting him halfway on his path towards his clanmates. "An arduous challenge, Owlstar." Morningecho meowed, a touch of amusement lilting her tone as she blinked at the larger male. "I am sure the reward to be reaped will be a prized morsel indeed." Tilting her head, her tufted ears focused entirely on the tom, Morningecho flicked her gaze behind Owlstar, peeking out towards the Healer's den before returning her iris eyes to the brown tabby's leafy greens. "Will you be partaking alongside us?" The question wasn't made of accusation, rather curiosity, after all the cats of PineClan more often than not owed their life to this tom, and undoubtedly would be distracted if his life would be at risk as well during this competition.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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2024-01-30 07:30:17

She yawned and stretched out of her nest. She didn’t sleep near Morningecho but knew the fellow she cat suffered from nightmares, she couldn’t help but feel bad about it. Some of her fellow clan mates had gone through much more traumatic and painful times in Shadowclan. She sighed softly shifting her thoughts to the side as she listened to Owlstar speak. A competition huh? She thought to herself as she continued to listen with her ears perked up. She let out a soft sigh, knowing she would participate be competitive and still probably not win. So she debated just not participating at all. “There we go again with the indecisiveness.” Palewind muttered to herself. The warrior glanced at where Morningecho was now talking to Owlstar and she perked her ears to listen a bit better. Hearing Morningechos question she did wonder will he be participating with us? She sat quietly awaiting Owlstars response. She glanced at Morningecho, would she really be able to cooperate with such a skilled senior (well at least senior In her eyes.) warrior? She asked herself as she stared at the she cat before realizing she was staring and moving her gaze somewhere else.

(Sorry mines a bit shorter trying to reply before I go to class lol)

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Edited on 30/01/24 @ 07:36:31 by Ash167 Queen of Raccoons (#137584)

The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 08:38:42

He dipped his head in greeting to Morningecho, thinking quickly. "I have something special planned." He smiled, but he seemed somewhat distracted, the tip of his tail twitching idly as he considered her next question. "I was planning to intervene if there was trouble, but having nine lives might make the whole idea of a dangerous, challenging hunt a little cheap, if that makes sense." Owlstar's whiskers twitched as a small pine needle drifted down from the trees, poking his muzzle as it fell. He returned his gaze to Morningecho, looking into the lavender colored eyes. "I wasn't sure how long the beaver hunt would take, so I was planning to use some of that time to get the prizes in place."

He scrutinized the she-cat standing before him, taking in the slightly ruffled fur. He hadn't noticed it before, but Morningecho was usually the picture of a shadowclan warrior, one from the older times before it became over run by kittypets and fools, but today she seemed slightly off. Perhaps she had been having nightmares? Owlstar turned towards the healers den, casting a quick glance at the entrance. "If you've been having some trouble sleeping, you should see the healer. I don't want any cat working with any less than a full night of sleep. Especially when hunting down beaver." Owlstar's voice had lowered slightly, so other cats wouldn't attempt to eavesdrop. "I should go get the prizes ready." With a half smile still lingering on his muzzle, he went off towards his den, glancing back at his warriors, most of whom were still in the clearing.

//It's totally fine, I also have school to go to, and I can't do lioden while I'm there

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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2024-01-30 09:14:45
(wow there's so many paragraphs I'll have a lot to read whenever I am inactive for a bit)


The tom stretched out his paws lazily, his tail flicking from side to side and brushing at the feathers of his nest. The warm sunlight dappled the ground, peeking into the den from little holes in the leaves above. He waited for a moment and just watched the small movements of the leaves around him, completely oblivious to the meeting going on. It was still early morning, he could tell from the slightly annoying chirps of birds. Birds? there weren't birds at the barn..
Nettlesnap's pupils slitted as he remembered where he was. in Pineclan. Not his barn.

He hissed softly to himself and wearily lifted his tired limbs, feeling as if he hadn't moved in moons. The small tom parted his jaws in a yawn and shook his scruffy pelt, swallowing a lump in his throat as he continuously glanced out from the den entrance. was there a meeting? He caught his breath between his teeth and patted his moss nest back into place before padding out of the warrior den, dragging his paws over the ground.

This whole clan cat schedule was still new to him despite him having been here for a while now. Nettlesnap slunk out from the shade of the trees and sat himself near the other cats, the fur on his scruff stood on end. Not of fear, these cats were stubborn mousebrains in his opinion. But the fact he had missed a meeting. It would be humiliating if he was the only one in the clan who didn't know what he was doing. The tom lowered his ears and forced his fur to flatten onto his shoulders, brushing his tongue over his chest and trying his best to act unbothered.

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Edited on 30/01/24 @ 09:15:01 by Fancy fork [Cutlery] (#427147)

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 09:18:33

The she cat noticed Nettlesnap coming out of the den. Had he missed the whole meeting? She laughed a little and trotted over to him.” Good morning Nettlesnap. Are you participating in the competition?” She asked her tail swaying side to side her ears perked up as she stared at the Tom. She knew he probably had no idea what she was talking about but would inform him if he wanted her too. She stared at him as she thought about how many of the cats would participate in this competition? Would all of them? Who wouldn’t Owlstar was offering a reward that most would probably want.

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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2024-01-30 09:22:54

He stopped, his ears pricking up as he heard the familiar scuff of pawsteps on the floor. 'Competition?' The tom stared at Palewind for a second, confused. '..Yes?' Nettlesnap flicked his tail against the ground uncomfortably, his claws flexing into the firm soil. He had no idea what this competition was about, but he was always up for a challenge. And he wasn't going to admit to sleeping in was he? Whatever it was he was sure it'd be fairly easy.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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2024-01-30 09:27:17

She smiled a little noticing his confused yes.” I know you’ll do well finding that beaver.” She stated as her ears twitched at the thought of finding the beaver. Where would she even start? She knew finding the beaver was going to be the hardest part of the challenge at least for her. She had never really hunted beaver before, as a matter of fact she wasn’t sure if she had even seen one before. She was sure that would probably put her at a disadvantage but she didn’t really care as long as she tried.

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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2024-01-30 09:32:16

'Mhm, beavers..' the tom paused, swiping his tongue over his upper jaw briefly. 'Where are the beavers?' He glanced at Palewind, putting on a confident guise. He had no idea where anything was in this territory. He tended to stray away from patrols, and whenever he did have to go on one he'd never pay much attention. why would he need to know the territory? If anything the clan was putting him in danger of being eaten by a.. monster, or something. Nettlesnap's snout ruffled subtly and he thought about how it'd be to hunt a beaver. He hated beavers, those vanilla smelling rat things ate his favourite tree back at the barn. and he was pretty sure they were bigger then him. Not that he was small, just that beavers were big.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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2024-01-30 09:36:13

Palewind shrugged.” I’m not entirely confident I know where any beavers are.” She stated her tail lashing a little bit with annoyance at the thought that she could just completely humiliate herself by simply not knowing where any beavers were. She didn’t even know where to start looking, perhaps somewhere with water would make sense but then again she could be wrong. She felt the indecisiveness take over as she debated with herself where to even begin looking. Though now looking at Nettlesnap she couldn’t tell if he did or did not also know where to begin looking.

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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2024-01-30 09:44:30

'Well, what did Owlstar say?' The tom huffed a little impatiently, turning to look over his shoulder at the trees above camp. He flicked his ears, opening his jaws slightly to try catch a scent on the roof of his mouth. Nothing. He was hoping there'd atleast be that familiar vanilla scent that'd help him track down any beavers. the thought of being beaten by one of his clanmates in this competition annoyed him, and the more he thought about it the more his paws itched to get going and win this.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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2024-01-30 09:48:36

She huffed at little back at him.” The den was found by one of the clan mates.” She stated as her ears twitched and her tail swished. “The first one who brings the beaver back gets a reward.” She stated as she stared at the Tom for a moment. Such a mr huffy pants she thought to herself as she looked towards the entrance of camp. Well at some point she might as well start maybe here soon but not right now just to be sure there is nothing else she needs to know.

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 10:06:36

'uh huh.. that doesn't help much.' The tom sighed, his voice exasperated. He blinked the last shreds of sleep from his eyes and stretched out his front paws, his joints cracked satisfyingly before he sat up, adopting a softer tone and turning to face the she-cat. 'You wanna go look? Maybe there'll be two prizes.'

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Edited on 30/01/24 @ 10:07:06 by Fancy fork [Cutlery] (#427147)

Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 10:56:51


Calculating eyes studied the tom, noticing each ripple of muscle or twitch of his whiskers as he spoke, a trait that had been drilled into a youthful, developing mind. Survival was a game of predictability, and awareness was crucial to winning, especially when trust was a luxury in these times. 'I have something special planned', Owlstar's words were illuminated with a smile, almost enough to distract the she-cat from his seemingly half-focused mind, his tone drawing away. 'I was planning to intervene if there was trouble, but having nine lives might make the whole idea of a dangerous, challenging hunt a little cheap, if that makes sense'. These words brought a frown to the features of Morningecho, disapproval glimmering in her eyes as she studied him. 

After all, the nine lives of a leader were a hefty gift, and shouldn't be considered expendable. Each life should be treated as if it was their last, and not as a crutch to rely on for any small, menial thing. 

If StarClan can give, they can take away, after all.

Pushing away her concern for her leader, the worry that the tom might be serious in his words nipping at her, she allowed the reassurance that the cat before her wasn't some reckless kit to settle her fears. Morningecho scarcely could be considered a cat that was designed for comprehending a simple joke, or anything that borderlined on silly playfulness, as that side of her mentality was reserved for the rare moments she had in the ShadowClan nursery, purring playfully at the kits that ran around, their innocence and naivety akin to a drug for the she-cat who hadn't truly had the chance to enjoy such freedoms. 

'I wasn't sure how long the beaver hunt would take, so I was planning to use some of that time to get the prizes in place'. Morningecho listened to her leader carefully, mulling each spoken syllable, though the burning sensation of eyes staring at the back of her pelt nagged at her attention. Someone was staring a little longer than comfortable. Raising her head, straightening her back, shifting herself into that poised air of confidence, Morningecho subconsciously bore her teeth as she hid her vulnerabilities deep inside of herself, away from prying eyes. Let them stare, she had nothing to hide, and she wouldn't be intimidated by any cat here. 

"It's alluring, the mystery of this challenge. The reveal will make the win that much sweeter." Morningecho purred the words, swishing her fluffy tail low behind her rump as those periwinkle eyes blinked slowly, staring into his own. It wasn't out of deluded confidence that the she-cat believed she had a shot at claiming at least one of these hinted prizes, but assurance in herself and her abilities. Her entire life had been a fight; spitting and clawing for the very right to live another sunrise. Nothing would stand between her and a goal, not even a beaver would make her second guess herself. As the burning gaze behind her removed it's attention from her coat, the she-cat visibly relaxed, but not entirely. Image was everything, once upon a time, as to look weak could be the very reason of an early death, after all.

But, as the prying eyes from behind lost interest, she soon was under the close studying of the tom before her, and her gaze squinted. Morningecho was guarding herself as those roving green eyes sought out their mark, seeking something within the she-cat to come to some, unknown conclusion, and it unnerved her. 'If you've been having some trouble sleeping, you should see the Healer. I don't want any cat working with any less than a full night of sleep. Especially when hunting down beaver'. From the maw of any other cat, the insinuation would have been offensive to the she-cat, but it was as clear as the rising sun that the intentions of the cat before her were of a leader wishing to ensure the healthiness of his warrior. 

Tilting her head down, her ears pinning against her skull, Morningecho swallowed the spitting words that threatened to leap off her very tongue. Thankfully, before Morningecho felt the obligation to open up, and reveal the rawness inside to the cat, he changed the subject and took his leave. 'I should get the prizes ready'. A breath escaped the she-cat, but the stubbornness within her heart didn't relent. Sleep wasn't a friend to her, and she wasn't going to lay down like some broken elder, incapable of providing for and proving herself to PineClan. Tilting her head back, the she-cat glanced up to the sky before she began padding towards the exit of camp, the very muscle and sinew of her body burning with power and determination.

The civil war might've ended, but to Morningecho, they were still very much on the battlefield. 
And it was her move.

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Edited on 30/01/24 @ 10:58:48 by Lupa (#50745)

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