Posted by Warrior cats- Broken Pines

The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 14:13:42

Welcome to the Broken Pines! I was a little bored, so I whipped this up.

-No arguing or fighting, hate the character not the other person.
-If there is an actual problem, please contact me or the mods.
-Mates and stuff are allowed, but you need to work it out with me if you want to have kits. Also, fade to black for 18+ stuff, or just avoid it entirely.
-If you are a kit, you can't go out of camp on your own, or go hunt prey, or fight a badger, or any of that. You are a child.
- Please don't write names with an apostrophe in between the prefix and suffix (like this: Fire'star)
-You need to PM me your character sheet, plus a roleplay sample for ANY RANK.

Please Pm me if you have questions.






OOC chat

[Please get your character sheet approved and posted before replying]

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Edited on 09/05/24 @ 20:25:41 by The best snek (#274274)

Dragon404 (#461657)

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Posted on
2024-03-20 18:33:23

She had to force her fur the stay flat, but couldn't hide a purr. "I enjoyed our outing, we should do this more often." Her tail brushed his as well. "We should head back to camp though, I'm sure there's some things we could help with around there." She hadn't spoken to any cat this much in a while. Leading the way, she went to where she buried her catch, taking it. "So, do you have any plans on getting an apprentice?" She was asking because she wanted to see if he would have time for a mate potentially. If things kept going how they were, it would definitely be in her consideration.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-03-20 18:40:08

He nodded as he rose to his paws." I don't think so, I don't think I would make a good mentor, but perhaps in the future, but then again I hope to have a mate and kits some day." he stated as he looked at her with a smile. As he began to make his way back to camp.

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-03-21 14:27:28

'I would hope.' The tom replied nonchalantly, his gaze drifting over the cats as he took everything in. There wasn't much to take in, thankfully. Just a few cats scattered over the place, sometimes engaging in a mild conversation that, by their expressions, weren't that inspiring. Jay sat his haunches down on the smooth tarmac, welcoming the familiar feeling on his paws compared to the odd ferny bits of grass he had to walk on to get here. He suspected his housefolk would be gone for a lucky few hours, so he had time to kill. Though he did want to get back for his third meal, and didn't trust that seal whiskered dog not to rip up all his toys while he was away. Jay shakes his mane out with a huff as if that'd brush off his concerns, re-directing his gaze to the strange cats, then Toby, then back at the cats. 'Are they friendly?' The large tom meowed, a hint of fear arising in his voice. He had never interacted with other cats much, aside from his own littermates.


You know what, maybe he wasn't going to stay up here that long.
The leaves kept blowing against his ears, as it had been for ten minutes now. If he believed in starclan he'd have cursed them for not giving them any trees with good hiding spots. With a frustrated huff the tom leapt down onto the floor below him, almost crumpling upon contact when he was rather rudely reminded of his injured leg he had used whilst landing. mousedung. Nettlesnap bit his tongue and turned, looking at his wounded leg with a look of hatred. stupid injuries.
He had been waiting for it to heal for ages, and now he was pretty sure he had just worsened it and restarted all its progress. He wanted to slam his paws against the ground in frustration, but he was better then that. Mostly.
The tom limps precariously, a whisker away from falling over and clawing at the ground in a meltdown. His leg hurt. a lot of things hurt. Mostly his pride.
Nettlesnap slunk into the camp and clung to the sides, looking around for somewhere to lie down and tend to his injury that now burned with pain. A shred more of maturity and he might've asked for help, but starclan knows when that'll happen. He padded cautiously underneath a growing bush, large enough to partially cover him but not that visible in camp. He was small enough to fit underneath, a thing he couldn't admit.
The last thing he wanted was to talk to anyone right now.
Atleast, not anyone he disliked. And he disliked most cats here other than Palewind, and he was sure the she was busy with other things.
Honestly.. as soon as he learned how to fight he'd be off, walking far away from this stupid clan..
How did nobody notice anything was wrong? Or maybe they did, and just didn't say anything. Leaders arguing with medicine cats, weirdly dangerous challenges.. and Morningecho? there was something scary about that cat he didn't like; too stiff, too... mature? was that the word? She was the pure embodiment of stuck up, in his opinion. Maybe clan bloods were taught like that. either way, Almost everyone here had a problem.

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Edited on 22/03/24 @ 08:06:07 by 🎩Fancy fork [Cutlery] 🍴 (#427147)

The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-03-29 22:52:19
//So, just in case you don't read the ooc, I'm back! I'll probably be rolling over at least 4-5 times a week, most likely more but it'll depend on my school workload and things like that )

He flicked his ear slightly, wondering what Hemlockshade would do next. Despite the interruption, the spar still needed a winner. He had the size advantage, but if he wasn't careful, that could quickly be turned on its head. Baring his teeth in a slight smirk, Owlstar shifted to a stalking pace, a clear signal the spar was still on. Probably best to end this quickly, if he could. He kept a careful eye on Hemlockshade, who had taken up his position on the opposite side of their little area, while he tried to ignore his adrenaline and make a decision. Should he strike first? Hesitating like this was rather uncharacteristic, something he had only really done during his early days as an apprentice before his mentor had trained it out of him. He needed to strike, and now, before Hemlock made his move. Ears flattening slightly, Owlstar shifted his weight ever so slightly. He suddenly broke into a run, more of a charge, really, before transitioning into a leap with a powerful thrust of the hind paws. If he could get Hemlockshade pinned again, he could win. He knew it.

He stretched, shaking out his paws a little, frowning a bit at a small pebble that had been lodged in his pawpad. This was why he usually kept to walking on or close to the carefully manicured lawns, despite the alluring warmth of the hardstone paths. Jay seemed to be taking the park well, but he did seem a little nervous, which was weird, especially for a cat of his size. Every cat had their faults, he supposed. Perhaps he hadn't been socialized very well as a kit, or was taken too early from his littermates. It probably wouldn't be very polite to pry, so Toby kept his mouth shut as Jay watched the lounging cats. His thoughts wandered pretty easily, and he found himself thinking about Gentlebreeze. Was she doing all right? The more he thought about it, the more it made him nervous. She had never been gone for her group, her clan, for that long before, and from what she had told him about her clanmates, they probably wouldn't like it. He couldn't go check on her, obviously, but he didn't feel like sitting in the park for much longer. He needed to do something that might distract him. "They're friendly enough, but most of them don't like to talk much."

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Ivy (#291155)

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Posted on
2024-04-01 16:42:58
The hesitation in Owlstar's pawsteps makes Hemlockshade give a taunting sneer.

"What's wrong, scared?" He teases, while also straightening his spine. Something was coming, and he was going to be prepared for it. That was, in his head at least, the only reason the other would be faltering instead of doing something. For the most part, Hemlockshade is sure that he can take whatever the other throws at him.

Except maybe not the others entire body. It's not that Hemlockshade doesn't know how to fight against cats larger then him, it's something you learn as an apprentice. But dear Starclan, is him hitting the ground going to hurt. And with the way the other suddenly leaps, his main concern is protecting himself.

The cream coated tom let's out a grunt as he falls, the other on top - a bit winded from the fall. Though it doesn't really hurt all that much, a fact that's most likely due to the adrenaline pumping through his blood.

Front paws free, he swats at the others face, tucking his hind legs in an effort to push the other off; kicking like he was part rabbit.

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-04-01 21:48:01

"I'd never be scared of a little scrap like you!" He shifted his weight a little, trying to avoid the oncoming blows and still keep the other tom pinned firmly to the clearing floor. For all of Hemlockshade's talk, he certainly hadn't been expecting that sudden lunge. Perhaps it was something he should try more in the future. His thick fur kept some of the weaker blows to his face from hurting, but he had never been the most agile cat, and he had to let up his grip for a moment to avoid the more aggressive strikes aimed at his back legs and chest.

"You won't be able to knock me off with a move like that, especially once I've already got you pinned like this." Owlstar's tail was held high, and his ears were perked, showing his clear expectations of victory. Once the spar was wrapped up, perhaps he'd better gather up some of the clan. Make sure they didn't all wander off right before he wanted to start training. He'd better talk to Morningecho as well, make sure she knew about the training before they started. If she was awake, it wouldn't hurt to get his deputy's advice on a couple of the finer points of the skirmishes he had planned.

//which one of them should win? I'm honestly not sure

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Ivy (#291155)

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Posted on
2024-04-03 20:58:53
"If I'm little, then you must be a dwarf mouse." Hemlockshade retorts. Granted there was indeed a size difference, but trash talk didn't always have to make sense.

Aiming a few more kicks at the other, Hemlockshade squirms a little - just to cover all his bases. Typically he can squirm like a fish out of cats grips, but he finds that Owlstar is holding on pretty tight. Besides, he can't help but feel just a little tired.

"Ugh." The tom groans, slumping against the ground, falling limp. "I yield, you giant stone wall of fur." It was clear that his kicks wouldn't be able to do much, and he was in a pinned position.

"But surely, I don't need to spar. This was already the spar, and I've proved enough." If he was younger, he might've tried his paw at some rounded kit eyes, the ones that make the queens ignore all wrong doings and let the little ones off lightly. Unfortunately Hemlockshade was not little, nor would he belittle himself and do something that was morally demeaning. "I mean, ow, I think my paws broken?"

(I'm cool with Owl winning! Prepare for a grumbly Hemlock though)

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Rose-madder (#455183)

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Posted on
2024-04-03 21:12:02
a large skiny tom watched from the bushes

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-04-03 22:05:00
//@Rosemadder Hey, would you mind not posting until I get a look at your character sheet next time?

//@Ivy Owlstar will definitely be pleased lol

I'll reply in a bit, a new clangen update just dropped and I need to check it out

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-04-05 07:13:20
(wait what update?? I checked yesterday but my cats haven't changed, is it that they're all murdering each other now?)


The tom's bushy tail curled around his paws uncomfortably, his tense muscles betraying his unease. The silence in the air was chillingly new, the outside void of the buzz of electricity in his housefolk's nest. 'Maybe I'll avoid introductions for now. Till this place gets more familiar.' The cat mrrows, whiskers twitching as he still stared at the group. He had never known there to be places like this; cats he knew usually stayed inside with no motive to leave the cherished safety of the nest, and he could see why. The nearby barrier of trees that cut the border between forest and the familiar neighbourhood seemed almost menacing, like the darkness the trees provided could be sheltering things fiercer than even the family dog at his housefolk's. It worried him how near those vicious feral cats could be, and how calm these cats were about it.

The tom spared a glance at Toby once again, a questioning look, as if the cat had told a lie and Jay was trying to figure out what it was. He remembered Toby knew one of the feral cats, a frequent visitor, perhaps - he had nothing against it besides his terror at the prospect of one of those felines coming up and stealing herbs from the garden in the house neighbouring him. But it was still strange the cat was so willing to give away their twoleg's herbs and materials to a feral cat.

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Edited on 05/04/24 @ 07:15:25 by 🎩Fancy fork [Cutlery] 🍴 (#427147)

The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-04-05 23:12:36
"I accept your surrender." Owlstar purred, tail held high. He had won! Not that he had ever doubted himself, of course. He released his grip on the other tom, stepping to the side and swiping his tounge down his chest quickly to smooth his ruffled fur down a little! It had been an excellent fight, and a nice way to burn some energy off. Honestly, a little lounging in the sun sounded pretty nice right about now. He glanced back over at Hemlockshade, his heart still racing a little. Perhaps Hemlockshade could skip out on the training, just this once. He smirked slightly at Hemlockshade's mention of a 'broken paw'. "A broken paw must be pretty painful." Owlstar leaned into a stretch, flexing his hind legs, which had been feeling a little rough. "Alright. You can skip out, but just this once."

Owlstar purred once more before striding over to his den, stretching out on one of the sun-warmed rocks, letting the heat relax his muscles and sooth any bruises he had sustained during the spar. All in all, his had been a satisfying fight, one that he ran over in his mind, almost more out of habit than anything else. He had done well during most of it, as had Hemlockshade, but he still couldn't puzzle out quite why he had hesitated so much. His gaze seemed drawn back towards Hemlockshade, and he lowered his head to rest it on the stone below him, letting his thoughts wander as he looked at the other tom through half closed eyes.

"That's alright, I can always take you back another time, if you want." He glanced back at Aureum, who looked like she could use a decent nap in a sunbeam. Of course, she had been out in the rain most of last night. She was probably pretty tired. Jay's inquisitive look made Toby's fur prickle slightly. That tom was huge! Toby felt a little bad about ending the tour so soon, but he couldn't fight the feeling that he needed to head back. Maybe, just maybe, he could find a way to talk with Gentlebreeze. That would certainly be nice. Toby turned, making sure the others were following before setting off back down the hardstone pathc, taking a slightly diffrent, quicker route now that he didn't have to show Jay the sights.

//last post for the night, I was planning to be here for longer but I'm tired so goodnight everyone

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-04-07 13:39:08

'Thank you.' The tom offered a grateful purr, sitting up and padding after Toby. He couldn't place the unease that seemed to linger in the cat's eyes, though decided not to press on the issue. What kind of neighbour would he be if he pried into another's business? Jay almost matched the smaller tom's pace, somehow already weary after the walk from the houses to this park place. Despite the cat's size, he didn't have the best stamina.

'How much do you know about these.. wild cats?' He tilted his head, attempting at conversation. After all; he was curious. Toby had sort of avoided most mention of it, no idea why.

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-04-07 17:35:21
"The forest cats?" Toby flicked his ear slightly, wondering how much he should say. After he had promised to Gentlebreeze that he'd follow her into her clan on e day, she had told him a few things, but their talk had been cut a bit short when she had to return to Pineclan. It shouldn't hurt too much to be honest, right? "I don't know a ton about them, but I know most of them live in this one big group, they all share prey and territory." Toby shivered a little. He and Gentlebreeze had talked before about her job as a healer, and when they had shifted to talking about some of the stories of starclan, and the battles fought over something as simple as territory had made his whiskers curl.

"I avoid them, mostly. They've always made me a bit nervous, but they don't usually come this far out here." Toby raised his head slightly to sniff at the wind, silently cursing his long fur, which had probably picked up a burr or two already. He usually kept to walking along the tops of fences, especially around here, with all of the bushes, but with the two others behind him, he would have to stick to the ground.

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-04-10 05:54:04

He tilts his head, sparing a quick glance back at the park. 'I do hope so. I doubt the housefolk's dog would be any help if there was a change.' The tom mrrows, attempting humor though not quite understanding it. These forest cats sounded odd, he couldn't imagine living in a group in the wild abd hunting for food. The only cats he met that vaguely matched that were the fierce ferals outside his old house, and that scrawny barn cat he saw once who stole the chicken eggs.
He sweeped his tail over the ground, occasionally having to stop just to check if any debris or spiny pinecones that might have caught in the fur that was undeniably similar to a feather duster. It wasn't the most convenient thing and certainly didn't help the cat keep up.

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Edited on 10/04/24 @ 05:54:36 by 🎩Fancy fork [Cutlery] 🍴 (#427147)

The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-04-10 19:03:38

He picked up his pace slightly, casting a glance back at Jay, who seemed to be trying to shake some pieces of debris from his tail. The struggles of having long fur. Toby could definitely sympathize with the other tom on that point. His ears were pricked as he walked, swiveling slightly at the occasional sound of a car driving by, or the distant bark of a dog. They had made it back to Tony's nest. "Sorry I had to cut the tour a little short, but-"

Tony's eyes widened as he noticed a small scrap of fur that had been caught on a small piece of wood that stuck out a little awkwardly from his housefolk's fence, like it had been clawed into place. Forgetting the others behind him, he broke into a run, leaping up atop the fence to check. The small scrap of fur carried that heady scent of herbs that Toby had come to associate with Gentlebreeze. Had she come to his housefolk's nest? What had happened? He lept the fence with a powerful jump, landing in the garden with a slight thud as he looked around for her.

//probably going to be posting more on my side for a bit because I'm tired of feeding all of my lions lol

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Edited on 11/04/24 @ 23:40:05 by Side account to #274274 (#269871)

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