Posted by Warrior cats- Broken Pines

The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 14:13:42

Welcome to the Broken Pines! I was a little bored, so I whipped this up.

-No arguing or fighting, hate the character not the other person.
-If there is an actual problem, please contact me or the mods.
-Mates and stuff are allowed, but you need to work it out with me if you want to have kits. Also, fade to black for 18+ stuff, or just avoid it entirely.
-If you are a kit, you can't go out of camp on your own, or go hunt prey, or fight a badger, or any of that. You are a child.
- Please don't write names with an apostrophe in between the prefix and suffix (like this: Fire'star)
-You need to PM me your character sheet, plus a roleplay sample for ANY RANK.

Please Pm me if you have questions.






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[Please get your character sheet approved and posted before replying]

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Edited on 09/05/24 @ 20:25:41 by The best snek (#274274)

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-02-27 18:36:59

He looked up at the sky a unhappy rumble in his chest." I hope so, my fur gets all messy when it rains." he stated as he glanced at Hawktalon for a moment before his eyes flickering towards the sky once more. He had noticed Palewind hurridly basically running past them." You suppose she's okay? Just looking for someone for Owlstar or something?" he asked his eyes narrowing as he looked towards Hawktalon again.

all good it happens to me all the time lol//

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Ivy (#291155)

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Posted on
2024-02-27 18:56:14
Hemlockshade would rather sink into the earth then admit it, but sparring was actually sort of fun; maybe. He hadn't been a fan as an apprentice, but maybe with the lack of a mentor breathing down his neck and criticizing his every move; that made it better.

He sees Owlstar get distracted, and almost rams into him for a sneak attack; but instead his eyes catch on Palewind's figure practically bolting out of the camp. He hadn't heard a thing she'd said, too focused on trying to beat Owlstar. But there she was going, and then she was off. And oh- Hawktalon and Crowflight too. That was three warriors out of camp, gone in an instant.

This was way too similar to yesterday, when Nettlesnap and Palewind had ran off just before the ceremony; prolonging it. Hmm, would that make the training session prolonged too? Maybe not today at all?

"Well, there goes three Pineclan cats. Such a shame, I was looking forward to that sparring thing. Ah, oh well. Guess we might as well just forget it entirely huh?"

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Dragon404 (#461657)

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Posted on
2024-02-27 19:59:10

She noticed the she-cat as well. "Hopefully it isn't bad news." She responded. "I've been so busy, I haven't had much of a chance to see what was actually going on within the camp." Which was true, she's practically been giving all her attention to trying to prove to Owlstar Sootpaw was a good choice. She turned her attention back to Crowflight, "Have you heard of anything happening?" She asked. The thought came to her mind, his pelt looked good in this light. Thinking that alone got a quiet purr from her.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-02-27 20:14:50

“Well while I believe you were with Sootpaw I think? I don’t quite remember. But anyway Owlstar said something to Palewind about how she shouldn’t have gone out to find Gentlebreeze I think? I don’t know that for sure but it was someone. And then he said something to the effect of needlessly mentioning her rouge life before clan life. And then Gentlebreeze before we left came rushing out of camp quite upset it seemed.” He stated. He hadn’t heard much of the full conversation between Owlstar, Palewind and Nettlesnap but had caught bits and pieces of it, enough to sort of understand what was happening, although he must admit that conversation was not easy to ignore since they were quite literally in the middle of camp. His ear twitched, he hadn’t heard the conversation that had occurred in the medicine cats den but had noted a tension between the leader, the medicine cat and Palewind when they had all left the den so something upsetting must have happened between them. He glanced at the she cat, a rather pretty she cat he thought realizing he was staring at her he quickly looked away his pelt heating up with embarrassment.

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Edited on 27/02/24 @ 20:16:17 by Ash167 Queen of Raccoons (#137584)

The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-02-28 00:08:58
His ears flattened as he watched cats leave camp, unconsciously stiffening with annoyance. If the training, which he had spent most of the day trying to organize, had to be postponed just because his full grown warriors couldn't stop running off into the woods- It made him want to growl. Looking back over at Hemlockshade, he noticed that the other tim.had stopped, probably just short of pinning him. Well, at least someone had manners. "Really, though. It wouldn't be such an issue if they didn't always pick the worst possible time to run off." Owlstar's claws unsheathed, digging into the now sun-warmed earth. He'd need to tighten his grip on the clan a little, it seemed. Back in Shadowclan, going put on your own to hunt had become the norm, but the clan had literally been falling apart under their claws. The clearing was more than big enough for a clan double the size of Pineclan to relax comfortably. He understood to the need to wander, but right around the time where he had announced to the entire clan that they would have a training session was far from ideal.


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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-02-28 01:25:33

He pounced up onto a tree, his wounded paw slipping from the bark after a misplaced leap. The tom hissed in frustration and clung onto the branch, just managing to pull himself up and avoid falling down. He was too far from camp for anyone to see him, but it'd still be humiliating. Nettlesnap dragged his paws carefully over the thick wooden branch and sat down in a convenient crevice that looked like two branches joined together.
He could see the camp from here, the clan bloods looked like tiny dots from how high up he was.
The tom pushed a few leaves in front of his face, hiding his form up in the branch. Wouldn't want Owlstar, or worse, Hemlockshade, to find him. He could already hear the annoyed hisses of the higher ranked clan bloods, his fur bristling in bitter resentment.
No matter. He could stay up here, hopefully avoid that pointless training session Owlstar set up.

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-02-28 01:46:02
(Another post because i was in a rush)

Jay nodded slowly, keeping his gaze on Toby in attempts to seem more friendly. His eyes flicked back to the cats at the park, surprise highlighted by his flicking tail. There were this many cats in the neighbourhood? He'd have to do a lot of introductions.
The large tom curiously stepped forward and opened his maw to meow, hoping atleast one cat approached. He was never good at breaking the ice so he was mostly counting on another cat to start talking or for Toby to introduce them.

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Ivy (#291155)

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Posted on
2024-02-28 05:52:51
It was indeed a pretty bad time to go leaving cat. Cats, it seemed, lacked the ability to know when the right time was, and wasn't. He had chalked it up to the non clan cats being used to doing whatever they wanted. Though for cats who had been in a clan, perhaps being in Shadowclan during its fall had made them feel more inclined to do what they want. Hemlockshade of course, always did what he wanted - within reason of course. He would've never made a ridiculous decision to go running off, probably.

He doesn't point out how it feels like a group of cats living together as opposed to actually being in a clan because Owlstar doesn't look too happy at the moment; and Hemlockshade has enough insight to know that maybe isn't the time.

"It was pretty bad timing." He agrees, that fact couldn't be further from the truth. "You'll have to talk to them, huh? Though I suppose it's not like a talk is going to suddenly instill them with common sense."

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Dragon404 (#461657)

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Posted on
2024-02-28 18:17:15

"I see. Seems like a lot of stress going on in the camp." She smiled, her tail lightly thumping against the ground. "Maybe we should bring some good prey back, just to try and not make it look like we did nothing." She chuckled, leading the way towards a good spot she knows moles usually come out.

Sootpaw had been training with this unknown cat for a while now, claws unsheathed. He growled as he noticed the scratches on his flank. Now how would he explain that? Not to mention he was still wet from crossing the river. He'd have to come up with a good explanation.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-02-28 21:15:40

The Tom nodded offering her a smile.” Indeed I suppose having to train your brother might be a stressful thing for you as well.” He stated his fluffy tail gently brushing her side as he trotted ahead sniffing for prey scent. He hasn’t even noticed that he had accidentally bushed Hawktalons side as his tail swished behind him, that darn thing was always in the way.

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-02-29 18:18:10
"I mean, it's not like talking worked too well with Gentlebreeze." Owlstar's gaze clouded with anger for a moment, remembering how close he had come to exchanging blows. He needed to find a way to get the clan in line. It had almost been easier in the depths of leafbare, when they all had a common goal. They were all former Shadowclan cats, or at least most of them were. They should know how to work together by now. Eugh. With a slight shake of his coat, he turned back to Hemlockshade. How long should they continue sparring for, he wondered. Didn't want them to be completely spent right before the training session, which, no matter what Hemlockshade thought about it, definitely would be happening.

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Dragon404 (#461657)

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Posted on
2024-02-29 21:37:07

She went to her favorite spot, pausing Crowflight with her tail. "Watch this." She was definitely about to try to show off. She went to a part of the ground that the moles tunneled under. Then, she thumped her paws a few times on the ground, forcing the mole to run from its home entrance in fear. Before it could register the presence of a predator, she leapt on it, grabbing it and ending its life swiftly.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-02-29 21:42:17

The Tom purred softly watching Hawktalon.” Well done. That mole will make a nice meal for one of the cats.” He stated watching the she cat with a smile. His tail twitched as he stared at her his eyes narrowing on the mole. He wondered if more had been down there. It was certainly a possibility since he assumed they lived there together.

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Datrandomcat (#166891)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-03-02 05:08:58
Cougarbrambe // Location: Camp

To keep things even, some cats go and some cats come- Cougarbramble being the later.

The ticked tabby face of the geriatric warrior popped up in the camp's entrance, hauling a large rabbit with them- a wild-living specimen from the domestic species that has been set free in the region, to be specific, altough that was not a knowledge aviable for Cougarbramble, or any of the cats for that matter.

Clearly, Cougarbramble was content with himself, humming a tune between the bi-colour fur of his prey as he made his merry way to the fresh kill pile. Because why wouldn't he be content? It was not easy to catch, and it would take care of the appetite of a warrior or two for an entire day. It certainly also made him feel reassured both in his skills and the time he has spent on his hunting trip. Altough, the hope he had in making it the daily meal of someone was not completly self sacrifical- he often found rabbit meat to be a little dry. He used to wonder how Windclan could go about primarly sustaining itself on it without dehydrating on the spot- the lack of large trees to cast shade being all the more damning. Not like the tall pines found in parts of his Shadowclan- Oh Shadowwclan.

The resurging memories hit the old cat hard enough for him to momentarily stumble, then dropped his burden with a weary sigh. Oh well, pines surely were plenty here- to the point the new clan bore it's name- but the wetlands were where it was really at.

Cougarbramble could feel all his energy sap away the more he thought of such sorrowfull matters, and energy so precious at his age he could not spare for memories at the moment. He searched for the sunniest spot in the camp, and procceeded to loaf there, closing his eyes and enjoying the warm blessing his body.

When he opened his eyes again, his gaze fell on the previously wrestling pair, looking at them with a moderately curious expression- but otherwise he stayed quiet.

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Dragon404 (#461657)

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Posted on
2024-03-02 18:40:12

"Surely we can take a good amount back to camp, this is my favorite spot to find them." She trilled, burying the mole for now. A small wind came through, blowing through both their pelts. "As much as the rain is calming, I have a feeling it won't be a light storm."

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