Posted by Warrior cats- Broken Pines

The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 14:13:42

Welcome to the Broken Pines! I was a little bored, so I whipped this up.

-No arguing or fighting, hate the character not the other person.
-If there is an actual problem, please contact me or the mods.
-Mates and stuff are allowed, but you need to work it out with me if you want to have kits. Also, fade to black for 18+ stuff, or just avoid it entirely.
-If you are a kit, you can't go out of camp on your own, or go hunt prey, or fight a badger, or any of that. You are a child.
- Please don't write names with an apostrophe in between the prefix and suffix (like this: Fire'star)
-You need to PM me your character sheet, plus a roleplay sample for ANY RANK.

Please Pm me if you have questions.






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[Please get your character sheet approved and posted before replying]

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Edited on 09/05/24 @ 20:25:41 by The best snek (#274274)

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-03-02 18:43:58

He shook his head.” No no. No rain it makes my fur all messy and icky.” He stated looking up at the sky his eyes beginning to narrow. He absolutely hated the rain it made his thick long fur all damp and like a wet rat is what he compared it too.” We can hunt a little more before any rain comes.” He stated as he looked towards Hawktalon once more. He blinked for a moment catching himself staring he proceeded to look elsewhere now in hopes she didn’t notice him staring at her.

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Dragon404 (#461657)

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Posted on
2024-03-05 18:32:11

She smiled and got up, giving a small chuckle. "Then, we can make this quick." She agreed, not noticing him staring as she was trying her best not to make too much eye contact herself. "What're you best at catching?" She asked, wondering if he found something else easier to catch than moles.


Sootpaw quickly made his way back across the river, and looked around before grooming himself fervently. He wouldn't be able to explain why he looked like he went for a swim when he got back to camp. He sat at the edge of the river for a while, before getting dry enough to be comfortable. He started to make his way back to the camp.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-03-05 18:35:05

The tom shrugged." Mostly birds, it's usually what I catch." he stated honestly as he looked towards the she cat." We can catch more moles if you want." he stated feeling a bit of nervousness as he stared at the she cat before he quickly looked away deeper into the forest. He looked at the mole she was holding, he didn't think to catch them hoe she did. He normally always caught birds, they hardly ever noticed his fluffy fur when he was stalking them, unlike squirrels they would notice him.

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-03-09 10:53:42
//bumping a couple posts so they don't get buried

"I think so? His housefolk are easily worried, and he's had a bit of a cough lately. I'm sure he's fine, though. You should hear him complaining whenever he gets put in his carrier." Toby purred slightly, remembering the first time he had heard the old cat. Toby had been practically scared out his fur, thinking it was a wild cat that had come to eat him. That had been before he'd met Gentlebreeze, of course.

"I mean, it's not like talking worked too well with Gentlebreeze." Owlstar's gaze clouded with anger for a moment, remembering how close he had come to exchanging blows. He needed to find a way to get the clan in line. It had almost been easier in the depths of leafbare, when they all had a common goal. They were all former Shadowclan cats, or at least most of them were. They should know how to work together by now. Eugh. With a slight shake of his coat, he turned back to Hemlockshade. How long should they continue sparring for, he wondered. Didn't want them to be completely spent right before the training session, which, no matter what Hemlockshade thought about it, definitely would be happening.

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Dragon404 (#461657)

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Posted on
2024-03-09 20:20:21

"We can catch birds, no problem." She purred. She wasn't going to admit it was a bit hard for her to grip a bird with her missing claws, but she'd try regardless. "Is there a specific spot you like to go to?" She tried to ignore the distant thunder, more interested in Crowflight.


Sootpaw quickly made his way back towards the camp, trying to avoid any patrols Owlstar may have sent out. He stuck to the taller foliage, luckily he eventually made his way back to the wall of the camp he came from, squeezing through the hole back into the nursery. He groomed himself further, hoping no one noticed his absence.

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Ash167 (side) Queen
of Raccoon (#145972)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2024-03-09 23:25:16

The Tom nodded as he began to trot towards an area he had begun to hunt in more frequently for birds. He glanced at Hawktalon.” They should be coming around soon. Usually if I lie down and just wait for them they start landing on the ground.” He stated, although he noticed a few already chirping around the area so it wouldn’t be long before any of them landed on the ground.

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🌾 Reave (Frozen) (#463770)

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Posted on
2024-03-10 09:00:25

As Mudpaw peacefully slumbered sideways under the shade of a tree, safeguarding his seal pointed fur from the suns rays. His mind was preoccupied with the upcoming training session that Owlstar had recently mentioned earlier. With his eyes beginning to flutter shut, he eventually drifted off into a deep sleep.

Suddenly, he jolted awake from sudden noises, mudpaws ears perked up and he stayed still with half-opened tired eyes.

(Hey! I'm back guys <3 Mudpaw is open for interaction btw

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Edited on 10/03/24 @ 09:01:32 by Reave (#463770)

Datrandomcat (#166891)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-03-14 07:08:19
Cougarbramble // Location: Camp

The sudden startle of the young doozing apprentince inadvertedly caught Cougarbramble's attention, turning his head from his spot where he was loafing.

" Are the coyotes chasing your sleep?" He asked in an amused if well meaning tone. Cougarbramble did not mean that question literaly- it was a form of saying that likely, possibly, has fallen out of use a long time ago even in Shadowclan, and he had either not gotten or refused to get the memmo. Regardless, it was an invitation to a conversation.

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Dragon404 (#461657)

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Posted on
2024-03-14 16:14:34

Hawktalon sat with Crowflight as they waited. She tried to keep her tail still as they waited, though it was hard. She's never tried to talk to another cat on a deeper level before. As if StarClan heard her prayers, a black bird could be heard chirping in a tree above them. She whispered to him, "That was quick." She purred. Sitting back, Hawktalon wanted to see how Crowflight did his hunting.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-03-14 17:45:57

The Tom perked his ears as he heard the chirping.” Indeed.” He waited until one landed on the ground pecking at the bugs and other things on the ground. He crouched down keeping his tail leveled enough to not be seen by the bird but also to ensure his fluff didn’t brush the ground. He stalked the bird quietly, he was eager to impress Hawktalon, was he sure why? No but he wanted too. He took the bird down before it had a chance to fly away. He carried it happily in his jaws as he trotted over to Hawktalon.

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🌾 Reave (Frozen) (#463770)

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Posted on
2024-03-14 20:43:23

Mudpaw quickly rose at the sound of Cougarbramble's voice and turned to face the older warrior. In a drowsy state, he responded with a mumble, “I guess so.” The noise of cats hissing had startled him awake, and although he wasn't sure of the cause, Cougarbramble's calm demeanor reassured him that it might not be something serious. Or maybe it was.

“Did you hear about Owlstars training, Cougarbramble?” Mudpaw inquired, uncertain if he had seen the senior warrior during Owlstars announcement, but wanting to share the information regardless.

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Edited on 14/03/24 @ 20:43:42 by Reave (#463770)

Dragon404 (#461657)

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Posted on
2024-03-15 17:45:14

She smiled, impressed at Crowflight easily taking down the bird. Whatever he was doing, it worked; she was impressed. "Well, I've never seen any cat take a bird down that fast." She murred with laughter. "Your name definitely suits you." Complimenting the tom, she was making it clear she was enjoying their time together.


Sootpaw slinked from the nursery, acting like he had just woken up from his nap. He hoped the smell of the river the beavers frequented didn't stick to his fur. He padded towards the fresh kill pile, looking for Hawktalon. She wasn't in camp apparently. Sootpaw shrugged and went to grab a mole, eating it as he glanced around the cats left in camp. His golden eyes were as piercing as Hawktalon's amber ones, but for some reason, his gaze was more chilling in a weird way.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-03-15 18:11:26

The Tom giggled a little”. Well thank you. My mentor always said that my fur was too fluffy so I wouldn’t make a good hunter.” He stated sheepishly as he looked towards the she cat dropping the small black bird at her paws.” Did you see Palewind go back to camp yet? I don’t want her to stay out all day looking for I’m assuming Gentlebreeze, Owlstar will be upset if any of us stay out much longer.” He stated shuddering a little at the conversation he had overheard when Nettlesnap and Palewind had left camp looking for Gentlebreeze before. Though the leader didn’t seem terribly upset he knew that he still was.

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Dragon404 (#461657)

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Posted on
2024-03-16 18:58:15

She was too embarrassed to admit that she hadn't been paying much attention to anything besides their outing together. She shook her head. "Unfortunately no. Oddly enough, outside of the prey, I did smell some of the river scent, but we aren't that close to it." She let her tail thump slightly against the ground. "You think she may have went there?" Hawktalon was right, a cat had come from the river, but she just wasn't sure which cat had, yet.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-03-16 19:00:33

The Tom shrugged.” Who knows. It’ll be fine she’ll find her way back. Now Hawktalon how would you say your outing has been today?” He asked with a smile as he moved closer to her his fluffy tail gently brushing hers. He wasn’t even very much concerned about her brother or anyone else at the moment, he felt just so entirely focused on Hawktalon.

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